Well we should all contact the corrupt OP&S and DEMAND they account for the avalanche of disinformation - LIES - they supported:

« The virus came from nature ».

“Asymptomatic spread is common”.

«Everyone is at risk from a virus (with a 99.7% average natural recovery rate)».

«Lockdowns and social distancing work».

«Masks work».

«There are no early safe effective treatments».

«You won’t get the virus if you get vaccinated».

« Vaccinated people only get rare ‘breakthrough’ infections ».

“The vaccine is better than natural immunity”.

«The LNPs & spike stay in your arm».

«The mRNA degrades within hours».

«There are no serious adverse effects».

«The shots are safe and necessary for pregnant women».

«The shots are safe and necessary for children & babies».

«You’ll only need one shot ».

We need to go on the OFFENSIVE against all these villains.

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Jan 28Liked by Meryl Nass

I wrote two letters of support for Drs. Trozzi, Luchkiw, and Phillips during their persecution by the College or Physcians and Surgeons of Ontario. As one person who followed Dr. Luchkiw's persecution closely put it "they (CPSO) wanted their heads on a pike" (as a warning to others not to question the deadly jabs).

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Jan 28Liked by Meryl Nass

Yet another outrageous attack on courage and truth.

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Jan 28Liked by Meryl Nass

Praying for truth to prevail!

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Kafkaesque of course - liars accusing truth-tellers of lying.....

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Anyone stripped of their license needs to amalgamate with others in this situation and form a proper medical licensing arm that seeks and speaks the truth on all things medicine related. No one needs a licensing organisation that is sponsored by people with psychopathic ideology and nefarious intent.

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When doctors can no longer advocate for patients because of state interference. It is not beneficial for patients or the medical profession. It is also a slippery slope to medical tyranny.

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To me this is a sure sign that, as predicted, the next fake pandemic is around the corner. And this is a threat to every other doctor in Ontario that they will be destroyed if they don't cooperate in killing their patients.

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The CPSO is one of the most utterly corrupt medical institutions ever. From the silencing & persecution of doctors, the gender mutilation of children, to the promotion of MAIDS - now arguably Canada’s organ harvesting operation - their loathsomeness knows no bounds.

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The people who did this are big pharma whores who do care not about the truth or about public health. I hope he wins! Chinada under Trudope is an abomination. For the record, I call my own country the United States of Atrocities. I strive to be an equal country offender.

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... there is no fear in truth - but there is plenty in censorship.

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In Holland dr Elens did win his court (he used ivermectin to cure his patients and they wanted to take away his license) so I think the re is still hope for him

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There never was a Science in regard to the use of vaccines.. If doctors studied the immune system they would know that putting any foreign matter into the bloodstream would cause our natural immune system to produce white corpuscles to get rid of it...it would not create immunity. In 1986, vaccine manufactuers were being hit with multi-million dollar suits for their defecctive products and our own government bailed them out with The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986...giving them no liability for injuring and killing those who used their PRODUCTS. In the 1950s I saw what they did to my first child, because I trusted his doctor. I called the doctor, but he told me to bring the boy into his office in the morning...he said a reaction showed the vaccine was working. My son screamed incessantly for 16 hours; and ran a temperature of 106 degrees. I held him in my arms and walked him all night long praying for him to survive. The Medical community promoting these vaccines should pay dearly for pushing these deadly shots on the human race. How ignorant can supposedly well educated people be?

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Indeed praying for him to prevail, but in the end, massive reform is needed. In US terms we need to start over again with agencies that do what they are supposed to do, i.e. protect the citizens from abuse, instead of protecting the abusers from the citizens. And institutions like the AMA need to be put out of business. The safeguard corruption. If they were safeguarding professionalism in healthcare, they would protect the physicians against the corruption.

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You all need to get together and form seargent peppers disenfranchised doctors broken hearts club band and social club and maybe feeding society and dance hall too

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I am so sorry to see this! Praying he wins his appeal!

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