Jeffrey Tucker has great insight from this comment and some of the things I have thought about in the past 45 of my 64 years. What he didn't mention was a "map" to actually get back to freedom in every area. I think first we need to get out of the UN and get the UN out of the US and get every other country to do the same. Make laws that are actually followed. Bring back an unbiased FBI, SCOTUS i.e. no more kickbacks to do the Globalists' bidding.

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No global government. Local government. Local control. No one needs the WHO, and if we'd get the warmongers out of office and the peacemakers in, then no one would need the UN, either. JFK famously wanted to smash the CIA into a thousand pieces; not a bad sentiment.

The major moral justification for global government is the completely false theory of CO2 catastrophe. Staged pseudoscience is being used to scare people and manipulate them.

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Exactly! Also Finally END THE FED which Ron Paul has been trying to do all of his years in gov't. I was hoping Rand P. would want to follow in his dad's footsteps on this notion, but not so far.

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Yes, messing with our money is definitely part of how they manipulate us.

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And clearly why JFK was murdered.

Completely with you on the driving mechanism. The originally altruistic and benevolent Green idea (70s,80s and on) of caring for and cleaning up pollution of our environment, closing the hole in the ozone layer, trying to stopping deforestation, of helping low-lying countries survive the gradual rise in sea level (a normal event in an ever-changing climate) has been completely perverted by the elite who would be in control.

Green has almost become a dirty word! Climate data has been "misinterpreted" and bad models used - both either by accident or design - and fearful children used as weapons in the push to force submission on the people of the world. It's a brilliant tactic, and it has happened almost under our noses , and Covid fed into it perfectly allowing the further deployment of 5G to surveil us continued in closed schools/offices during lockdown.

And we will probably never know what harms the illicit "geo-engineering" has been doing for the past 50 years or so. When Biden declared recently that he was going to fund geo-engineering I laughed out loud. What better way to cover up the illicit version, than to start doing it openly!

I think the US is in a better position than say Canada, UK or the EU to reject the global and use local government, because of the State laws which can often overrule the national law; like Florida is doing. This gives people more power. The EU now has essentially accepted the digital ID, and all countries must conform - or leave - and we know how hard THAT can be! The Digital ID - although it doesn't sound too bad - is a lot more than just an ID and, with the coming CBDCs, is the first step on the slippery slope.

Then there's the WHO Treaty /IHR amendments etc and all this going on at the same time - all by design. All while so many are still sleeping.

I think it is actually useful that we have China to point to as an example of the end result! To hopefully help wake more people up. But yes, we all need to try to become self-sufficient and help build our local communities. As a Techy and an Introvert, I am not very good at that, but I am going to have to learn.

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Agreed - though, being an environmentalist probably since I saw the original Lorax cartoon at age 8, I was drawn into the climate narrative for quite along time before realizing the power play behind it. Now, the tricky question is, how to we get ourselves out from under this whole disastrous mess?!

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Maintain our goodwill to others, keep educating ourselves, do what we can. Restore freedom of doctors to be doctors and scientists to be scientists,

without censorship.

The censorship issue is huge because this is how totalitarianism begins-- by censoring opposition thought-- and this is the only purpose behind any disinformation board. Many Americans may not be able to understand how corrupt the CDC and WHO are, but they can understand that censorship has no place in a free society.

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TacticalCivics.com is the “map” I think.

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Time to create an alternative to the UN, but using its noble founding principles. The first fundamental flaws is the veto power that prevent responses to genocides and the like. The other flaw is that the "important" decisions are by the selected "Security Council" instead of in the General Assembly. Abolish that category and make decisions democratically, perhaps weighted by population. Make this corrupt UN irrelevant with a a new vibrant version that inspires people.

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Bias, greed, corruption @ every level are the feature not the bug

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We the people will save us.

I'm not on board with those who see the people as dumb idiots who deserve this because they're so stupid. I see we, the people, as having fallen for the lies because of the massive, 24/7 propaganda thrown our way during Covid.

I fear it's worse than that. I fear that reality is being manufactured for us, to convince us that we're all bad people and it's a scary world out there, and we need the government-- or those standing in the shadows behind the government-- to save us. Most of us already understand that Covid fear porn was manufactured, but more than that, it was staged. Most of us understand that the theory of CO2 disaster is pseudoscience, but more than that, nearly every day we're presented with "staged" facts-- facts that may be true (or not) but that are warped to fit the causation narrative.

But more than that, beyond the staging of Covid or CO2 disaster or the JFK assassination or any number of things we can see once we look, it's gotten to the point where we're inside a real-life Truman Show, and we're both the Trumans and the audience. https://jimreagen.substack.com/p/the-truman-show

The solution? Recognize the show, and tell them that we're no longer interested. Work to preserve freedom and the abuse of technology as it's used to surveil and manipulate and harm people.

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Good points; thanks for the astute observation, Jim. In the movie we are given the essence of the problem by Christof, who says "People will accept the world that is presented to them." And we are ultimately given the solution by Truman, who in the end simply leaves the fake world of Seahaven. It is time for the sovereign states to leave the fake world that has been presented to them.


Best of luck ~~ j ~~


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Yes if we'd be left alone, which is a big if.

I'd like to read your substack but it's behind a paywall ....

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That's weird since I haven't set up a paywall ...

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I get: "keep reading with a 7-day free trial"??

This is where your link takes me: https://doc115.substack.com/p/even-king-kong-curly-and-moe?r=18tk5o

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Yeah, that's the essay, but I don't see the paywall when I click it

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All my content is free, so let me know if you can't access it

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Excellent points.

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Your one statement really hit home for me.

There is only us.

What a profound statement!!!

So glad Meryl you are on that team.

Good luck in all your meetings.

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Legalize freedom and free speech

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Meryl -

You know I'm 100% behind your campaign to restore medical freedom. Important as this is, it's not the only thing that we need. I'm writing to remind you of other campaigns that you've valued all your life.

One way to look at how we got to this place is that a few people and corporations were allowed to accumulate so much money that they could buy the politicians and buy the media that report on them and buy the regulators of their products. Of course, the more they were able to buy the politicians who make the rules and the media that shape public opinion, the more wealth they were able to accumulate.

Restoring individual freedoms, restoring democracy, restoring bodily autonomy and local control are all essential goals, but in the long run we will need to do more.

It's easy to see that we'd be better off with no FDA at all rather than the FDA we have now. But in the long run, "no FDA" is a pretty bad option. We need an honest FDA, because individually we don't have the resources to determine which medications work. Environmental regulation is almost as bad -- they're applying the wrong metrics and regulating the wrong things. But "no EPA" isn't an option either. Just remember when the Monongahela River caught fire every summer and jogging outdoors in LA could give you black lung.

Part of how we got here is that the Cato Institute and the Austrian Economists and Ronald Reagan convinced us that government regulation was a bad thing, and if we could just drown Big Government in a bathtub, everything would be hunky dory. So "freedom" isn't the whole answer.

What we really need is more regulation for corporations and less regulation for individual people. The reason we have the opposite is that the corporations are organized and motivated to get the legislation they want, while the people are divided and bickering among ourselves. And the reason we're divided and bickering among themselves is the Kabuki theater of two-party politics and the Roman Circus of corporate media -- all bought and paid for by the corporations and billionaires that benefit from our confusion.

There are a lot more of us, and in principle we could control the democracy -- even the hobbled democracy such as we have in the US. But it will be difficult to organize to accomplish this in the face of the fear, the delusion, and the division created by corporate/government propaganda.

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Unfortunately Josh, it's not even a hobbled democracy anymore, but rather a coup d'etat with a side of democide. The whole thing created for us is fake and like Truman Burbank showed us in 1998, the only solution is to leave "Seahaven".


Best of luck, friend ~~ j ~~

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Yes you are blessed! And at the same time you are such a blessing to each and every one of us.

Enjoy your glorious audience this evening.

With love.

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I just joined my local grange. (Last new member signed up in 1964.) Granges could be the vehicle for local people to gather together, support one another, take an inventory of local strengths and weaknesses, and like the "Committees of Safety" (Revolutionay times), be prepared to assist one another in times of need, which may be rapidly approaching us all. Bring back the granges !

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TacticalCivic.com may interest you.

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Yes! You have just describe the essence and beauty of The Good Help Network:


Best of luck! ~~ j ~~

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Moral determinism to restore our rights and freedoms.

What about the rights and freedoms, of the innocent little ones, we continue to kill in their mothers' wombs?

Infanticide is OK, because it is convenient, for us.

Genocide is not OK, because it is not convenient, for us.

I do not want to live in a world, where infanticide is legally practiced, without responsibility or accountability.

I want to live in a new world, where the lives of precious, innocent little ones are protected, from conception to birth.

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There is no mention of a “world health organization” in God’s plan for us. It is a failed humanist concept that abandons the most critical part of His creation and that is the soul, a critically important part of all humans. As unpopular as this statement may be, it is the worst of all to realize posthumously. We will never change these people’s minds, but we can show them what caring for the whole human can do, sans the scourge of humanism which does absolutely nothing to prevent the fear of death or sickness, key to stress, the removal of which is key to health! If you put the concept of medicine ahead of a belief in God, you open the door for self-aggrandizing organizations such as the aforementioned. What we know of medical treatment is of little consequence if we don’t treat our bodies as temples to Him. I don’t particularly like quite a few of the things that I eat or do, but I know what my body was made for, because of His Word, and act accordingly. I’m going to be ill at times because the rain falls on the just and the unjust, and will die at some point, because I’m built with an expiration date, and have no use whatsoever for the w.h.o. to extend the date (as they lay claim to) or to hasten my demise (as they are apt to), while making my life a misery in the interim of either eventuality.

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The evil became obvious early on when the lockstep “measures” went global immediately (“2 weeks to flatten the curve”) & then when the “vaccines” rolled out w/ the exact same messaging (“safe & effective”, etc). I could not believe that from Day 1, in all the west, not 1 country except Sweden bucked all of the malevolent nonsense.

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I couldn’t agree more as this is exactly what I thought too, but like you too have learned that this was all intentional: I’m no longer naive enough to believe it was all a mistake. I’m now much more inclined to believe that it was all deliberate. The whole point was to keep us from finding each other, sharing ideas, and developing communities of resistance. But you have to admit that this is a scary thought. Are there really some people in a position of power so malicious as to concoct such a disaster regardless of the devastation it inflicted on the population?

As far as solutions: we all must say no, to any more of the removal of individual liberties, not matter what the consequences. If Doctor Nass can do it, so can we. Doctor Nass has paid a great professional price but has used that to forge ahead in fighting for the preservation of our liberties. We must all act local to form communities of resistance to all the globalists want be it One Health and all it entails to amoral behavior of the global elite whose only interest is putting all of us plebes “back in our place” and reduce us to dependent serfs/slaves. Community can be anything. It can be your church ( we probably all need to seriously consider beefing up our morals and living it more thoroughly, it can something like your Azure Standard Drop Group ( I say this because I am drop coordinator and most of those on my drop are home schooling conservatives, preppers, and suspicious of the government - all good things).

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You will do magnificent wherever you are.

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Hillsdale is awesome!

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1st !

Good read.


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Hillsdale would be better without being federalist like both of the major political parties.

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