
"Global leaders can't cope with today's crises"

The ones they created?

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Only "crises" for us, not for them or the owners...

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Sep 18Liked by Meryl Nass

Cracks me up. These globalists say they "want to end world poverty and hunger" yet they've been in process of causing famines for decades (at minimum) and keeping people in poverty to control them and help reduce their life span.

They really are quite rediculous, but that's not to say they aren't incredibly dangerous.

Thank you again Dr. Nass. If not for you, I wouldn't know so much of what these rediculous dangerous people are up to on a daily basis. God bless you.

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Yes absolutely true, Fascism wasn't defeated in WW2 it was repatriated to the US .

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Much to circumspect and polite on the bloated useless bureaucracy of the U.N., so desperate for money they hired sweet Greta to jump onto the climate change scam to get people to give them money to CHANGE THE WEATHER. U.N. looks to be well past their use by relevance date!

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Have they ever been relevant?

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The gates demand is that no one be here by 2030. I am still wondering how these clowns are going to enforce this BS upon us. Where is the US? Tells you all you need to know about the cowardly US and our worthless congress.

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Sep 18Liked by Meryl Nass

Already in 2011 an article appeared how it's done: "legalize corruption!". This great example of legalized enrichment as side-effect of "being in politics" has been copied and improved by the EU as well.


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Yup! We've got a new WEF PUPPET Starmer as Prime Minister. He's stated PUBLICLY "I'd rather be in DAVOS!" Unjabbed Mick (UK)

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He is a Fascist Totalitarian, doesn't have a Socialist Bone in his Body. Jeremy Corban Should be Prime Minister .

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Australia is not the Country I was born in. Their Leaders both sides of the House have sold out ,they are Overpaid order Following Puppets.

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You mean no more useless eaters here by 2030, I'm sure.

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Well us useless Eaters have done our bit for our Countries, the Useless overpaid Eaters are the ones wonting to annihilate us

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By the time the depopulation agenda gets serious, China will officially decouple from "the evil gang", whatever the consequences. This is why (take you pick):


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No guarantee that Gates will be around by 2030. The way he looks these days one can rightfully wonder how muck longer he will last.

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One can only hope........

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Sep 18Liked by Meryl Nass

Glad to see roadblocks hope they become perminant

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I pray that all their moves are full of obstacles at every turn.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

"… The U.N.’s failure to contain wars in Gaza, Ukraine, and Sudan have contributed to the sense of pessimism."

If they had any optimism at first, they're complete idiots. It's no wonder they're destroying the world. They know nothing about human nature. They're a small group of narcissists that have no idea how extreme they are in their neediness and how that causes them to be insane control freaks that destroy everything they touch. All the warnings of the founders' generation (and many others before them) are being proven beyond any reasonable doubt to all but the densest among us.

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Sep 18Liked by Meryl Nass

The article is good by showing that a globalist setup like Devex is worried there are nations with a track record of suffering from globalist imperialism, able to turn the tables on the drive for global ownership and slavery, irreversibly. I think this is a moment for those having been compromised / blackmailed / bribed etc. by "the gang" to confess, accept forgiveness and join the movement for real freedom and progress (or else, face trial).

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

Perhaps Guterres & Co are baffled. Why oh why do the little people object when the enlightened in New York/Geneva/Davos/Brussels upend life as billions of us the peasants knew it, and when representative government is progressively weakened into irrelevance?

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It is all theater, and it could be the well paid actors could be getting bored with the glitz and greed for power, as reality--the wars they ignore--take over their delusions.

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What amazes me about these things... The "UN", "WHO", WEF, etc is that we survived as human beings for millennia *without* them! World problems have only become worse with these monsters "running things". I've paid attention to what these evil organizations have been doing for most of my adult life and from what I have seen, it's mostly a bunch of people who are insecure and need to figure out ways to keep all of the goodies for themselves while appearing to be altruistic.

I heard "Doktor" Bill Gates is releasing a new film on Net Zero. I heard a clip from the trailer (I got physically ill while listening so I had to stop) of him talking about economic "equality" etc. I thought, "how in the world can someone who is like the 3rd of 4th richest person on the planet possibly speak about "economic equality"??? This guy has enough money that if he *truly* cared about equality, he could go to poor neighborhoods world wide and hand out money or build houses, etc without ever noticing a dip in his net worth.

Bill Gates is a perfect example of the monsters who are involved in all of these evil organizations. They DON'T care about any of the things they feign to care about. If they did, they would put their money where there mouths are!

Like always, I don't care what these monsters do, what they implement, what rules they magically make up. I plan to live my own life and say NO to all of it for as long as possible. I may end up in jail, or living in my car because of my principles, but that's what we all need to be willing to do... die standing firm. Imagine how much different the world would be if people would just muster the courage to say, Uhh... No, I won't be doing that. If enough of us did, we would see the end to these evil organizations.

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I’m right there with you. Do not comply.

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That's why I love wearing this "We will NOT comply with tyranny" t-shirt 👇


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Just as predicted, mostly me, the Pact is gonna be rejected by leaders with a working brain.

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Sick of the tyrant parasites

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Has the UN done anything of value in the last.. ten years? Twenty? Thirty???

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They have achieved Just Death and Misery of Women and Children.

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Well at least they’re doing SOMEthing.

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These organisations are overreaching to disturbing levels and will come crashing down when the Revolution kicks-off.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Tell these unelected self imposed tyrants to go forth and multiply!

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