What a logical, simple idea! Let’s get back to basics...

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Meryl and others have been saying this for going on four years and will continue to say it, if we we even have an election in 2024.

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I know… it’s insane how people don’t see the fraud potential with the way votes are currently counted.

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not a fraud potential, definitely a fraud!

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(imo) part of the fraud lies within the candidates 'selected'- don't you know...


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yes, that's true!

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If they can put a serial number on every dollar bill, they can put them on every ballot. This will stop the production of fraudulent ballots. Then match every serial number to the voter's ID. Secret ballots invite fraud.

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It is not the secret ballot that is the threat, and it would be a big mistake to trade this away in the name of eliminating fraud.

Serializing ballots might be a a good start, as long as the numbers were not tied to a particular voter's ID. We simply need to require that each voter present a valid ID and sign the precinct book to acknowledge receipt of a ballot. After that, we ensure just a few things: 1) The number of ballots issued equals the number of voters who have signed, 2) There are no duplicate ballot serial numbers, and 3) No ballot has a higher serial number than the last one issued.

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This and the total destruction of ERIC.

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brilliant! the answer!!

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Most of the world still uses paper and hand counts. It is the only thing you can truly recount.

And they are not in court suing each other for fraudulent conduct in their elections.

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In Canada the results are almost all in, enough to decide the election within one hour of polls closing. Hand counted paper ballots.

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Many countries require voters to return to the country and vote personally--no absentee ballots permitted.

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People in both parties at the federal level routinely vote this down. It's almost as if they like the idea of being able to jigger elections. [I like to remind people that VENEZUELA has this voting system, and that they always invite international monitors to make sure nothing sleazy goes on.] We adamantly refuse election monitors here. But we love to tell other countries they are not "democratic," especially Venezuela.

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International election monitoring agencies have refused to look at US elections because they have declared that they are impossible to verify.

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Our election totals are like VAERS reports.

Unverifiable, but just fine for those running the show.

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Hand counting, which requires paper ballots at least for backup, allows for the reconciliation of problems. What it does is put the control back in the hands of humans, not machines. What it requires to work is to have all Parties equally participate together while reviewing all the ballots. Problems need to be resolved and this needs to have a set of mutually agreed standards for making judgements and process for reconciliation. This does take lots of time especially in larger communities, something Americans are very poor at tolerating.

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The key is have many voting locations, even in large cities, so each center only deals with a fairly small number of ballots. That granular data can be immediately posted on a webpage for everyone to see and totalize/analyze, not having to rely on corrupt big central locations.

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Exactly! The original intent was to keep the precincts small enough to easily count.

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Of course. In middle class, white neighborhoods there is never a waiting line and lots of voting machines that are well maintained. The biiggest problems that you are addressing are in poorer neighborhoods and areas of concentrated people of color. Investigation shows that this is done intentionally to discourage voting and screw things up especially when the machined get full or run amuck. I don't know that big central locations are the problem. It is always who controls them and what their honesty and ethics are. We can have the same rotten experiences in smaller areas for that reason. I don't agree with the use adding more technology that can be hacked and uncontrolled. This runs counter to the very idea of distancing us from computers and high tech equipment that can be manipulated from afar. it would also require a whole new level of technocracy to run and maintain that kind of system especially hacking.

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The vote is already been counted. The Dummy in a landslide in 2024.

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I don't think Trump won in 2020, but I would never say I'm sure because its too easy to rig the machines. I assume Bobby's campaign is developing a plan to address the fact that DNC admitted they stole the election from Bernie.

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I saw the exit polling and it was off the charts evidence that there was rigging happening. Nothing like these horrific numbers ever.

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"I assume Bobby's campaign is developing a plan to address the fact that DNC admitted they stole the election from Bernie."

Stole it?

(I think they just wrote Bernie a check.)

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Someone took the DNC to court where they admitted the primary process was rigged. Was that after 2016 or after 2020?

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This is how it is done in Canada, everywhere, for every election. Paper ballots counted by humans. There are observers from all registered parties on the ballot (they’re called scrutineers) to ensure no cheating by counters. This is so straight forward, it boggles the mind that it isn’t the default everywhere.

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Agreed(; however, you still managed to elect ... we all have our crosses to bear. May we all do better the next time around!

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Oh yea, everything EXCEPT the paper balloting is messed right up! First past the post means the winning party can form a majority with 39% of the vote, or even less. Not remotely fair, and elections can still be rigged via big spending.

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Absolutely, we must have hand counting. I worked a Canadian Federal Election. There was training ahead of election day. We were in pairs for the voting station/table we were assigned to. Every hour we had to reconcile ballots and voter numbers. If there was a mistake we had to find it before we could continue. Another ballot station/table got so messed up, the pair running it were removed and new people were brought in. At the end of the day we hand counted the ballots with representatives present from each political party. It was like counting money into piles of 5 or 10 ballots per pile. Then we recounted again, to make sure. In my opinion, voting machines CAN NOT be trusted. It seems too easy for a machine to be programmed for a certain outcome. Without a hand count there is no verification of the total numbers of votes to voters checked off. There were numerous checks and balances and for absolute integrity, there must be hand counting. Also, in my opinion,

verified legitimate photo ID is imperative for every person voting. Also, no mail in votes EVER!

There is much more I could say about the process. Ultimately you must have people in charge and all people involved in an election, to live by honesty and accountability. The last Canadian federal election was a sham. There were not enough voting stations and people waited for hours and left before voting. Also, Elections Canada and Canada Post admitted that about 200,000 mail in votes didn’t make it to Elections Canada in time to be counted. Those mail in votes could have easily changed the outcomes of some outcomes that were close in numbers. Did anyone ever get fired for that huge mistake. ?

We need a massive overhaul of the Canadian electoral system.

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Yes, ma'am!

Should've happened decades ago across the entire country. Would've put at least a pause to a lot of the shenanigans we've all been dealing with. (You can't have so-called "representation" when your so-called "representatives" aren't your representatives.)

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Need more detail here. Is this over all count, or count for individual candidates? Or both?

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I hope it's for both.

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Hallelujah! Thanks be to God! I wonder if we can get this done in my county too. All the volunteering on campaigns, all of the phone calling, lit drops, door to door, fundraising emails and texts and mailings .... and then come to find out our elections are super sloppy at best and total cheating at worst. No one I ever met in 19 years of PTA volunteering in the so called blue state of Maryland was ever for election cheating in my opinion. Finally we can have our elected officials working for regular people's interests because we regular people will control elections again.

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Yes yes yes And completely transparent vote count!

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What a concept!

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Oh, and by the way, hand-counting paper ballots is so healthy and GREEN. Paper is so recylable and you plant trees etc.

But those machines ... all the plastic, metals and weird chemicals and the electricity ... however it is generated.

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You know there's nothing more simple than counting votes, you easily do it by hand or with a $10 counting calculator. It may take one 1-2hrs for one person to cast ballot and have that processed. It takes ONE SECOND to count that vote. Counting is a triviality, a pencil & paper works great.

The key to hand counted paper ballots is to have many voting stations, usually located in local churches or schools. This makes for low or no line-ups, quick voting, quick counting. The local station counts their votes, posts them on a webpage, where everyone can read the granular vote count data and tally that themselves for instant vote verification. It is obvious why the corrupt, evil authorities are trying to centralize voting as much as possible. It makes cheating far easier and easier to hide.

ANY PROPER ELECTION, as is done all over the world, you have paper ballots, a rep of each party approves them, and it's stored and recorded as a legit vote. Counting is trivially easy, a ten year old could do it. And these countries all get results same day, usually within 2 hours of polls closing, doesn't take 2 weeks. Rarely disputed results and those are quickly sorted out with a 100% documented paper trail and a judicial recount. So why the fancy 100's $millions on these corrupt, obsolete Dominion Voting machines, that they can't even virus check.

-- You need Vote Caps or Limits -WTF?

-- Ability to move folders of votes from one candidate to another-WTF?

-- Ability to delete folders of votes-WTF?

-- Ability to use Sharpie markers (as done in some counties) that confuse the scanner sending the votes to an Adjudication Folder where a supervisor can simply delete them, 68% of votes in one Michigan district - WTF? Or move them to a candidate of their own choice - WTF?

-- Use fractional votes that are mathematically converted into points-WTF?

-- Have direct internet connections to Germany & elsewhere-WTF?

-- Open USB ports that any Tom, Dick or Harry can assert control over the machine and completely change blocks of votes-WTF?

-- Machines proven to be so easy to hack even by high school kids - in minutes-WTF?

-- The software is declared proprietary and nobody is allowed to examine it in order to verify its function, check for viruses etc-WTF?

This is pure craziness, no sane person who ACTUALLY believes in Democracy would tolerate that nonsense. This whole electronic voting system reeks of a pay-for-play system, used by both establishment Republicans and Democrats to buy elections. They probably lay down the cash and get a multiplier for their candidate of say 1.15 and their opponent will get a multiplier of 0.85 so the total vote counts balances out.

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