Good stuff to know! I will be teaching my students about this tomorrow -- I teach middle school and high school classes in agriculture, and my kids are being educated about globalist plans for food control!

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I became a career tech educator in 2021 for that same reason!

I wanted to reach the students what they weren’t being taught, so we could thrive beyond this crazy domination scheme

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You sound like some kind of great teacher. I wrote up a whole list of great books on nutrition and how the government could be thwarting this. I would also add G Edward Griffin's A World Without Cancer and any books by Burt Berkson and alpha lipoic acid on doctoryourself.com. Let me know if you'd like to see the list.

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Let's publish it here

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Please do!

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YES! Would be great.

Here, Fascinating results reported on by Epoch Times of a meta-analysis of studies on highly processed food link to health issues/ disease.


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I'd love to see the list! The kids are eating it up! (lol)

Here is a recent substack I did in which I detail their learning experience: https://johnklar.substack.com/p/being-mr-greer

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Here's the list and don't forget Burt Berkson and alpha lipoic acid and there will be one more coming but I'm not sure when They need to know as we do that the government is always trying to thwart our health which is why I have Griffin's cancer book and B17 on the list. Andrew Saul's doctoryourself.com web site is ALWAYS my go to when I think of my health and vitamin C has saved me a lot of stress and strife. I don't know what the parents will think. I learned this stuff after college and once I was out of the house. They still laugh at me about it as they do about eating organic.

Fit for Life by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond. Not for the diet exactly, but for the nutrition information in between. The book by Owen Fonorow I mentioned in an earlier comment:

Practicing Medicine Without A License? The Story of the Linus Pauling Therapy for Heart Disease (Pauling Therapy Handbook) by Owen Fonorow and Sally Jewell

Eat Fat, Lose Fat by Mary Enig and Sally Fallon; Know Your Fat Mary Enig and Mary Louise Kelly

Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon Morell; The Contagion Myth by Sally Fallon Morell and Dr. Tom Cowan.

All books by Andrew Saul, Linus Pauling, Abram Hoffer, Tom Levy (If you can't find the individual books, go to doctoryourself.com to at least find an article about each one. There are also a few other old time vitamin C guys that would be great to read about (all mentioned on doctoryourself.com). Brand new 2nd edition Niacin by Abram Hoffer, Andrew Saul and Harold Foster.

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A Price. Also, joining WestonAPrice.org is another great way to learn about healthy eating and only $40/year.

Root Canal Cover-up (not only bad for your teeth and mouth but also can prevent breast cancer by NOT doing them)!

Orthomolecular News (a web site): omns@orthomolecular.org

Two great (and different) books on raw milk and its healthfulness by Dr. Ron Schmid and Dr. William Campbell Douglass II. Books by Shane Ellison and he will talk about things on his web site: thepeopleschemist.com. The Carnivore Code and Carnivore Code Cookbook both by Dr. Paul Saladino.

The World Without Cancer Story of B17 and Laetrile G. Edward Griffin

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LOVE Ed Griffin.

Unrelated to food, hope you can put students onto his “The Creature of Jekyl Island’ on the Fed Reserve, and more. Dense and long but WOW! It’s also on Audible for faster consumption on the go…with hard copy as the reference model.

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I've read this one, but not the other Griffith book referenced. A tad long for my kids, but I definitely teach them about money supply and inflation. (I'm a former tax attorney and have long studied economics, markets, interest rates, and money supply. Now they have too.)

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Amazing. I would love to know more about your school. Had a fascinating conversation today with a farmer leasing some acreage from my family for decades. He’s pretty in the know …let’s say I was surprised.

Says he knows many jab injured who are still not getting better. Sent him this article and recommended both Nass and Wood

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I teach at Vermont's oldest continuously-operating Christian school. There are no fights, the kids are courteous and respectful, and they know they are "privileged" to be shielded from public school -- at about one quarter the per pupil costs for tuition....

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Good for you John. I expect unfortunately that you might be in the minority. Bravo

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Many public school teachers have fled Vermont schools in disgust, and there is a teacher shortage even as schools consolidate and more parents leave the state or withdraw their kids in favor of homeschooling or private schools. There is hope....

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Same thing is happening here in NZ where I am currently residing. Unfortunately our former PM (who shall remain nameless) created a 'very woke' curriculum which leftish universities embraced. Slowing changing with new govt, and dramatic increase in home schooling, private schools have always been well attended. There is hope as people awake to the overall 'leftist' agenda...

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I raised a sad little calf for Ag. class winter 1972-1973.


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I bet it was happy. :) I have too many cows at present, so if you wish to try again.....

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It was lonely. I passed 9th grade Ag. I'm done.

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They are herd animals for sure and need companionship.... You must get at least two next time. :)

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My grandfather's Angus were on the outside of the fence around the area with the shed where I kept the calf, but I had to do everything by the book for Ag. class and keep records. I was supposed to make $50 in profit to pass, which I did not do at all. I made half of that. Earl Butz had just killed the prices in the Ag. markets. Mr. Gallant passed me anyway, because I did everything I was supposed to do.

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Earl Butz.... You made me cringe.

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IT'S HAPPENING: Britain REFUSE to sign WHO pandemic treaty

This is big news for freedom and sovereignty.


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Yes, but the UK govt has also insisted there is no sovereignty grab, so misdirection is their metier.

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Perfidious Albion

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Why am I not surprised? Legislators don't even read all of the bills that they vote on. There can be no democracy worthy of the name when such is the mode of legislating.

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Thank you so much for posting this! Everyone needs to follow Patrick Wood and his excellent work on the globalist technocratic agenda!

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One Health has a commanding presence in virtual reality. However in its implementation, it has a long way to go. No one except for the globalists, who make up 0.0001% of the population at most is enthusiastic about it. Yes, they have the money, but what they are doing by creating all these models amounts to grooming the population for the later planned abuse. They haven't snared us yet, but it does mean we better look where we are going or we will soon find ourselves in a massive trap. The trap has being laid, and we must learn from past mistakes not to be suckered in again. Instead, let us prove them fools for setting it in the first place.

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James Corbett was warning about this as well back in 2009, showing how legislative boilerplates were being rolled out, laws to be enacted locally, everywhere locally: https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-086-medical-martial-law/

Patrick Wood brilliantly explains how back in 1992 the stage was being set for the emergence of Big Pharma power: https://odysee.com/@Corona-Investigative-Committee:5/Patrick-Wood-session-79-en:c

Patrick Wood explains how, at the 1992 Bio-Diversity Convention, it was decided that the mainstake of the convention was as such: "the major concern was protecting the pharmaceutical and emerging bio-technology industries".

Start from 19:19 min., and to 27:50 for the crux of the Agenda 21/2030 info, then listen to the whole thing later for more context, only 8 minutes, or 6 minutes at 1.5x playback speed.

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As I see it, the way forward is getting the masses enraged enough to take action; whether it's flooding our representatives with calls and emails, or taking to the streets. Remember that famous line..."Give me liberty or give me death". We are now at that crucial moment in our history, and it's up to us.

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Well, obviously, our "representatives" don't give a crap about what WE want. This is because they allow themselves to have SO MUCH MORE than their poorest constituents. The obvious beginning to a solution is to get at least as much as they give themselves: https://diy.rootsaction.org/petitions/end-poverty-demand-a-ubi-equal-to-what-congress-pays-itself

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The WHO's One Health concept is not in alignment with what good health is all about! It is not drugs, vaccines or medical treatments. The WHO headed by a man with no background in any aspect of health should be shut down. It's composed of a group of sick old men gathered to establish itself as an authority, by people who know nothing about health. Health is simple; not costly. Their lies are not simple; they are very costly. The WHO should not exist. It wouldn't be in existence, if our government had not violated the Constitution and sent money to support ONE-THIRD of the UN budget, which funneled money to the WHO.

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But "the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants and the wider environment (including ecosystems)" really IS closely linked and interdependent. ALL are under massive, direct assault from wireless radiation, from which the Rockefellers are probably as poised to profit as Bill "vaccines-offer-the-greatest-return-on-investment" Gates & all the usual mega-plutocrat suspects. Pretending that the problem is due to a contagious virus (& that the "solution" is vaccinating & otherwise keeping proles under control--for their own good, of course) is just more gravy (for THEM).

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A modified The Hegelian Dialectic

CREATE Problem > Reaction > Profitable Solution

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Be very suspect of any person or organization promoting the fearmongering of a global climate crisis that will supposedly drive emergence of disease, and a global solution that everyone must follow.

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Don't worry; those fearmongerers will be exempting themselves from any onerous solutions they impose on everyone else.

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Not just the US, but the EU bloc and many other nations are committed to rolling out the insidious One Health agenda, the origins of which date back a long way - as revealed by this extract form a publicly available history of the initiation and development of the plan.

"The One Health Approach is Recommended for Pandemic Preparedness

December 4-6, 2007, representatives of 111 countries and 29 international organizations met in New Delhi India for the International Ministerial Conference on Avian and Pandemic Influenza. During this meeting, governments were encouraged to further develop the One Health concept by building linkages between human and animal health systems for pandemic preparedness and human security".

Despite Brexit, my own homeland, the UK, has been and still is rolling out numerous initiatives in line with this nefarious scheme, which most Brits are not even aware we are party to. We urgently need to get the word out.

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Meryl…..umm, this is what I have been saying…..they are already here, in your backyard. The WHO is the least if your concerns. The whole operation is turnkey at this point.

Time to call a spade a spade. Time to ask the hard questions.

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Rockefeller [Foundation] will get its way. Too many Useless Eaters including pets, y'know. What dazzles me is the selective short memories people have. Maybe it's a side effect of too many Jabs. Former POTUS Trump signed us on for the WHO Covid Scamdemic and got the CARES Act in March 2020 which codified the Lethal Treatment Protocol and the Bribe $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to guarantee compliance. Next time will be a bit different. No one will be able to publicly question the Govt or disobey the Edicts without severe repercussion. The Great Divide is going Deep.

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Don't worry; Those In Charge aren't going to be discommoding Themselves. Either They'll explicitly exempt Themselves, or just have plenty of cash wherewith to avoid the consequences (e.g., private jets to transport Themselves in).

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Why else have that saline syringe handy but for the Showboating!

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It is disingenuous to imply the crossover of viral, animal, human disease has been fully natural when humans have been deeply involved in "scientific (Frankenstein-esque)" experimental and bio-engineered pestilence. Yes, we can help keep our ecosystems clean in many ways...and one of they ways includes that we stop haphazard, and hazardous, meddling in biology and natural evolution.

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Tell the clowns running the show to stop frankensteining the world.

Many are sociopaths hell bent on destruction.

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Now they are right out in the open on their feudalistic model sped up with this rocket fuel con. The only people and organisations that need to be tracked, traced and controlled are the very ones trying to pull this absurd con off.

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May 9Edited

Meryl, look, Belgium:

Department of Health website:

'Belgisch Nationaal Actieplan "One Health" '

(Belgian National Action Plan "One Health")

Look at the date:



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