Alex Newman is an amazing man. I have been watching his videos and reading his articles and books for years. What a true journalist! Thank you for sharing. I hope everybody who sees this post signs up to watch.

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Thank you! I am most acquainted with Alex Neuman, I saw him in 2020 and he knows his stuff. I am signed up for this event.

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They have a really good book - easy “how to” tell your story book. Short, thorough, to the point, make effective points! Citizen Ninja, I think is the title.

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Will the summit be recorded and available to watch later? 8pm EST is 2am my time.

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Thanks so much for everything that you are doing. Thanks for the interview with Russell and Andrew. We agree about Ardern. We are also suspicious of the connection with Helen Clark (ex pm and now UN) and CCP/China connections. Please contact Michael Schellenberger and Alex Gutantag. I have sent them links to joint research etc . Ardern has been appointed to Hamas/Harvard involved in censorship etc and is back in NZ attempting to do more here, using her ridiculous invention, 'The Christchurch call' as a vehicle to make any criticisms of 'gender' ideology, Islam, etc labelled as 'hate speech' and meddling to undermine our new govt'. The mainstream media seem to be still working for her and her regime and it would be good to have more exposure on what she and her fellow puppets are up to and who the funders are. Many thanks keep in touch. xxx

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Thank you. We need more brave courageous souls to stand up - true journalists.

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Meryl, could you please watch the part of the video starting at 6:01:30 min. This man, Cal Washington explains how to win this war. Thank you.

Clear Skies Conference - Day 2

Cal Washington at mark 6:01:30 min


Cal Washington's website.


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Love Patrick’s book. He is an eloquent expert on this topic.

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I signed up and the time was said to be 6 to 8 p.m. ??? The little notice said location: and then was blank. ???

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Thank You Dr. Nass I will be on it shared with a bunch of friends. Just recently read Patrick Woods Book The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism, EXCELLENT BOOK.

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Yes, it will be in two weeks on Tuesday, looks like.....thank you!

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Thanks for this.

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What is True Freedom?

11:23 video runtime

Sensus Fidelium


Galatians 5:22

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.


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We need to get behind this, no one else will.

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Thanks for the link

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