When are people going to figure out that "the beatings will continue" until we simply refuse to comply?

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It will never stop. The power once seized or "authorized" does not come back.

This Biomedical Security Disease Model is the ballgame.

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People were foolish and naive enough to 'trust the experts' that it was just "temporary".

Now look.

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"It will never stop" === "I (Sage) don't want it to stop"?

Leslie Manookian stopped it on airplanes. We need to stop it in schools and everywhere.

You can just lay down and die if you want to. Yes, JFK, 9-11, etc all happened. Get up now, and fight. If you're on our side, that is.

“We’re going to do our process with the grand jury. We will have more heft than a congressional committee would anyway, because it’s a criminal process, not just civil.”


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Dec 19, 2022
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Who is this thin-skinned Sage Hana? Why so nasty? Are you the real thing?

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Sorry, Dr. Meryl, you are right. Those comments were out of line. Deleted. Happy holidays. You were great on Housatonic, enjoyed that very much.

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People need to refuse to comply with this foolishness. Absolutely refuse. If mask mandates come back where I live, I do t care if I’m escorted out of a place, I won’t “mask up™️

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ditto here. ain't gonna do it. period. I'm still seeing store employees wearing filthy (visibly filthy!) cloth masks. and folks walking down the street, alone, in masks.

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You had me from entrails…

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The schools are still accessing the federal funding from the American rescue plan. (Esser funds) the schools have to agree to COVID-19 “safety protocols”every six months in order to continue with the funding which goes to September 2024.  the agreements are the same for every state in the US.  Follow CDC the protocols in order to continue to access the money

Basically children are being exploited for federal funding.

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too bad they won't use any of the funding for increasing students HEALTH, like decent food and factual nutrition education. my 16 yr old won't even eat the free (whole district qualifies for completely free breakfast & lunch, for all students, regardless of income) food offered and comes home starving. it is wasteful single package, processed gross junk. prisons likely feed inmates better. yet this whole thing is supposed to be about health? (sorry, rant over)

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Lol we have to rant!! Yes and a mother sent those free lunches to labs where they found glyphosate and other chemicals in the school lunches!

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I know, right!? I read that report from Moms Across America. 95% of samples had glyphosate. over half of bread products had lead and other heavy metals. and on and on...

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Parents should sue! I hope they are suing.

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Did you see what is going on in NZ? The G is asking people to turn in neighbors and family members as potential terrorists for opposing COVID policies. Insane.



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Leave it to Vaccinda Ardern, a young global leader of the WEF who majored in propaganda, to turn the sheeple of NZ into Klaus Schwab's test island

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Long live the Soviet Union!!

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Parents have to put up a fight and stink. We knew they were never going to stop the second people consented to use these amulets. And now petty bureaucrats are just going to abuse the power. Recently, parents in Ottawa (of all places) pushed back on a school council led by a lunatic GP who wants to keep kids in masks forcing them to back down.

We have to beat them back like Zombies.

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“Reading the entrails of goats…”…. 🤣🤣🤣. Thank you! You’ve encapsulated the entire c19 response!!!

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Any excuse to torture helpless animals...

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Masks are punitive measures. All of the mandates are matters of harassment and pressure. None of it is about health.

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The simple answer is that he is a fool and a conceited one at that. By the way, the Midwestern Doctor suggested I subscribe to your Substack. Happy he did! You are a brilliant yet lovely lady.

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Maybe a “student” flu of call in absent every day (only takes 10%) and I say by day 2 - the masks will come off. Winner winner chicken dinner.

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only issue with that is finding enough parents to go along with it. I sure haven't. not even among the special needs school population.

last year, when it became 'optional', I told the teacher (of my teen with autism) he will NOT have a mask put on him. ever. and he said 'yes m'am'. but I had to TELL him, otherwise my son was coming home with one on him (that someone put on him at school)

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At the very end of the NYT article it says ‘higher test positivity rates are a sign that many infections are not reported., even if they are tested for at home. This results in a more severe undercount of cases’.

If they know this to be true then why bother testing, since they seem to have a positivity rate in mind that is appropriate to the situation.

Maybe I am dense but how can you infer anything from the test positivity rate other than that is the percentage of tests with a positive result? The accuracy of the tests is another matter. And would the opposite be true, that a low test positivity rate means that most test results are being reported?

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the 'undercount' justification is ridiculous. if people aren't even bothering to test, they surely couldn't be THAT sick, or even sick at all. I swear, the people reading and buying into this drivel must be so brainwashed that they have no 'b.s. radar' left at all!

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I’ve noticed that all the public health authorities have crystal balls.

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And here I thought that the clicking noise when they walked was that of tap shoes, being ready for their dancing around in avoiding giving any straight answers to questions!

They must have the current talking-point list show up when they shake them, or something...

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yet no ACTUAL 'balls' to follow actual SCIENCE

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how much cares act money did the philly public schools take? all that comes with a compliance pricetag.

that poor city seems to have been selected as the shanghai of the east coast by the wef or jeremy farrar or whoever's running the psy-op. the mayor's office was jerking the public around, day in day out, for much of last winter.

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What is the name of the authority or person advising the Superintendent of Education of the need for the masks, that a dangerous virus will be circulating during these times, the effective of masks for children and overall benefits and harms. The person advising that any measures taken needs to be known. If there is no evidence supporting these measures then the parents should be told that the mask requirement is not based on evidence is purely an arbitrary decision.

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I am in the midst of two lawsuits against retailers for demanding mask wearing during our county's proclaimed health emergency. As a public accommodation, a store is required to abide by the ADA non-discrimination clause, which prohibits discriminating based on "and perceived or imagined medical condition," or perceived relation to another person with said condition." Here in CA my religious freedom to believe in SCIENCE also precludes forced masking. Your school may be a private institution, and have some wiggle room, but it's worth looking into.

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