I realize that RFK running for Prez is a most polarizing topic. Regardless, if for some inexplicable reason this upcoming election isn't completely overrun by widespread fraud and corruption, he should be at the helm of the very highest healthcare oversight post.

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Maybe. But at the same time he has bought into their entire program of Climate Fraud! Obviously he has a serious deficit of good sense and seems incapable of discernment regarding the promotion of huge Globalist lies! So what other B.S. will he be prone to swallowing?

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Not the entire program.

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I stopped looking for perfection in the political arena a LONG time ago. It's like chasing the wind. He understands the monumental load of BS being promulgated by the CDC, FDA, WHO and all the bit players. I trust him on that score.

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Agreed! I like him for that, too. But he has a long history of being too cozy with the Left. And he also has had the postion that some vaccines are beneficial. Perhaps by now he is upgrading his stand on them and realizing that they are almost entirely a useless scam. The ONLY vaccine that I am in wholehearted favor of (from direct experience) is Canine distemper for pet ferrets. And maybe rabies vaccines for dogs. But most vaccines either don't work (or work well) or cause more harm than good.

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He has not chosen "good" and "bad" vaccines--he recognizes that all have serous potential harms and it is the person's right to choose. He is very clear on this.

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Meryl - Do you have evidence that RFKjr has reversed his stance that he is good with forcing people to be vaccinated if the vaccines are shown to be helpful rather than hurtfful? I want to think he said that knowing that will never happen, but who gets to determine if the jabs will "help them rather than hurt them"? He states this in this video from back in 2019 and I've never heard him state his reversal. Exact quote: "I don’t think we should be mandating medical interventions for unwilling Americans UNLESS we know precisely that that vaccine is going to end up helping them rather than hurting them." RFK Jr. Oct. 21, 2019. Go to minute 24:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZMmR0bocmg

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RFK Jr has never been in favor of vaccine mandates--that is an old wives' tale. I know him. he could not possibly have been in favor of mandates in 2019-- he lobbied most states against mandates, and I saw him do so in Maine in around 2014. He is DEFINITELY against ALL medical mandates.

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Exactly. And this needs to be fully CLARIFIED by Kennedy. The 'unless' is a great big red flag.

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This is not true. Stop lying.

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Especially the regular flu vaccine, is practically useless and at the same time, dangerous.

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Yep! Does NOT confer mucosal immunity EVEN IF they got the variant right! BUT, flu Vaxxes "only" have a mortality rate of 0.33 per million doses (not good if YOU are one of the 0.33!), and contrast that with the pneumococcal vaccine at SEVEN TIMES HIGHER, and the COVID bioweapon FAKE "vaccines" that are off the scale! (17 to 20 million deaths and counting!!!!!!!)

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And, as with the Covid vaccine, people get sick and injured, and it’s all assumed to be bad luck, or due to eating too much red meat, or not getting enough exercise. They’ll tell you it’s just bad luck that so and so developed rheumatoid arthritis, or sjogrens disease, or lupus, etc, etc.

You can’t prove that these diseases are or aren’t caused by a regular flu shot.

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I am following Robert F. Kennedy Jr for at least ten years and he did a lot to help children against vaccines. He also has created Children's Health Defense.

He is a very courageous man and a true patriot. He is not hiding his identity and picture like a lot of people are doing with bad comments about him, writting in secret from their basement.

Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy Present Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Shocking Vaccine Cover Up: Apr 25, 2009


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I think we all get stuck thinking in categories online. It seems to me that the problem is safety and risk/benefit analysis. Who would be against a safe immunization or vaccine, that actually conferred benefits? I have shut people up who come at me with the anti-vax label by just saying that. RFK jr might make mistakes, or have errors in his analysis, or have Scientologists breathing down his neck, but I am utterly sure he is not trying to deceive us as most politicians are, and that he wrangles and wrestles honestly with what are deeply entrenched, no doubt over my head, beyond my bandwidth, seemingly intractable problems. Here's the novelist Charles Eisenstein speaking to those points Campaign Advisor Charles Eisenstein On Why He Believes In RFK Jr. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNqC0GFH1Ks&t=2s and here's Russell Brand essentially saying that thinking about left and right diverts us from actually understanding what's going on.


There is such a terrible sense of dread floating around as we don't know what they will aim at us next, but fixing that dread on certain agents doesn't really get rid of it. It reminds me of a sign I saw on Corfu at a grocery store

EGGS VEGETABLES MILK DREAD. We are all sucking on dread as if it was our only sustenance. Somehow we have to trust that there are forces at work in the universe that are not trying to drag us into enslavement, and anyone speaking sincerely (as Mattias Desmet says) doesn't want our enslavement.

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Right on Cynthia. I would like to add this about ¨safe vaccine¨ and of course, my comment is not only for you but for all.

It is impossible to have an interview with the media (CNN etc) if you are anti-vax and this situation is well before the covid era.

If they already know that you have something negative to say about vaccine, you won't get the interview. They will ignore you and crucify you on the side.

So the strategy is to say : No. I am not anti vax. I am for safe vaccine. This a way to push for more question about vaccines. The reply in everybody minds who watch should be : What do you mean by safe vaccines. They are not safe? From there, you can start the discussion and explain what's in vaccines. Full of toxics ingredients that destroy the life of a lot of children. They are no safe vaccines so let's wait for safer one... that will never come.

On the mean time, no more vaccination.

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Yeah, superfluous pet shot pushers are just as bad as CDC, etal. Even for the rabies vax they inject the same amount of goo into a Chihuahua that they do a Saint Bernard. Just dumb as hell.

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No kidding! We can take ONE vial of distemper vaccine and split it up into TEN DOSES for young ferrets!

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Yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda Yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda Yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda... oh, and Merry "Sage Hannah" (or whatever HIS name is...) to you, too!!

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Oh this is so helpful ! (sarcasm)

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....my sentiments, exactly... ! (sarcasm)

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Thank you, Eric. TO EVERYONE HERE: Avail yourselves of Mikki Willis's short video here: https://rumble.com/v3xvm6i-mikki-willis-on-propaganda.html, and resolve to stop the "controlled opposition" and "compromised" divisive bullshit in the new year.

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I believe you need to hear more from him about the climate. I think you’ll find he’s not buying into the hoax.

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Eric, will you explain why you say RFK running is ‘so polarizing’?

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Polarize: To cause to divide into two conflicting or opposing groups.

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Let's go on the offensive, team. Here is the link for those Congressional incumbents who are retiring. Let's find our OWN people to run! The DC oven is getting pretty hot and some want to escape the heat. and perhaps avoid prosecutions.


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According to Wiki RFK is "activist who promotes anti-vaccine misinformation[1][2][3][4] and public health conspiracy theories.".

Yet another "conspiracy theory" that has been turning true...

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Wikipedia is a major source of medical and political misinformation. They call Pierre Kory a misinformer. They appear to run silent about Meryl Nass. I am waiting for them to email me to contribute, so I can discuss where the misinformation is coming from, and why they will never get money from me.

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Good plan to get done.

Our (so called) elected officials don't fear the people, however they do fear losing their titles, benefits, and power. Getting around those that are owned, blackmailed, and compromised is a must. Purge the weak backstabbing idiots and put all candidates through trail by fire.

No vote COUNTING machines! Voter ID always! Election shenanigans equals treason and that sentence.

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There is absolutely no one in DC that care about the people who elected them. All talk and BS then they all turn in us. All of them. There are no solutions coming from DC. Time to face reality.

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Karen I want to work with you and Tenth Amendment group to get the AG to issue an opinion on the WHO power grab. What do you Think?

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I am referring to your state AG. Good person?

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AG Skrmetti has been pretty good so far. He just issued a lawsuit against Black Rock. I would surely welcome a discussion on your idea. We have legislation that would establish 5 pathways in which to invoke Nullification. We don't need the AG to agree to Nullifying unconstitutional EOs, laws, regs, rules, international agreements or treaties. This legislation gives us the process in which to move forward and the WHO crap is on our radar. Of course we do have Constitution illiterates in our Assembly so we have a lot of work to do when the legislative session starts on January 9, 2024. Our TN SEC (State Executive Committee) just passed a resolution supporting HB0726 asking our legislature to pass it. We also have several counties that have passed it too. My group has 5 constitutional experts and a member of the Tenth Amendment Center as our consultants. I would be very interested in discussing your idea. We are also talking to other states. It is our hope to eventually create a compact of states. My personal email is Karen.bracken@reagan.com - 215-692-2147. I have known James Roguski since he first started exposing the Pandemic Treaty/Accord and the original amendments to IHR in 2022.

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Rand Paul and Ron Johnson. Massie, too.

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There is not one elected in DC that is truly on our side. Lots of BS talk but absolutely no action. All 3 of these guys were in office when Trump had both houses for 2 years. What did they do? NOTHING. DC is nothing but Kabuki theater and each one of them has a role to play. There are ZERO solutions coming from DC no matter who wins in November 2024. Time to take charge at the state level. If not TN will be the only state protecting our freedom from the federal government. it is called Nullifcation. HB0726 written and sponsored for 2024 to create 5 different pathways for the state/people to invoke Nullification. TNCSS.SUBSTACK.COM and our website TNCSS.WEEBLY.COM. Follow us and watch how it is done.

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Take many approaches, as with a virus.

Inaction because they didn't have the reins of power. Paul ripped at Fauci and Johnson at the adverse events despite the lack of having power. And remember that in a Republic power is dispersed. And yet in the House McCarthy had an inordinate amount of power--the Speaker decides what's up front and center.

I agree Trump in particular could have done a whole lot more and did not. That is a great reason to take many approaches. I hope your approach bears fruit.

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Fauci committed perjury and Paul said and did nothing. Johnson keeps dragging these people before him and it is all for show to insure he gets elected again. The Speaker decides NOTHING. They give in to him because they want their power and position on committees. ALL BS TALK and ZERO action. Again, they had the House and the Senate for 2 years and bowed down to the Democrats at every turn of the corner. They did the same thing when Obama was President too. Even today........they could cut off ever dime to these criminals and all they do is give more of our money. We are paying for our demise. People better wake up and realize there are no answers coming from DC.

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I do not know enough about the inner workings of Congress to know you are right, but you may be, and I may be wrong. I'm very curious if someone else with an understanding of those inner sanctums has a different opinion.

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And PLEASE, let’s focus on what Dr Nass sees as best options for positive moves we can all do to help. She’s doing all the work and I trust her insight gleaned through her efforts, experience, and using her immense intelligence and wisdom.


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Indeed, Western civilization is undergoing a transformation into something different. Jordan Peterson would certainly argue that "This is not good!"

A more important question now is: Why aren't individuals like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Albert Bourla, Ursula von der Leyen, John Kerry, and Anthony Fauci in prison for the numerous crimes they have committed against humanity? We can't afford to waste any more time being indecisive. - Luc

- Luc

Encl. https://www.bitchute.com/video/h8CuvmHKEtaZ/

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Why haven't these criminals been prosecuted you ask? It's because all waters have been muddied and soiled by a dark infiltration force. We have no justice system that wields a sword of "justice" that can be counted on in any stretch of the moral sense.

That's a horrid condition for any country to find itself in! It is irreparable outside divine workings. How can a fox be trusted to guard the henhouse? It has become blatantly obvious that EVERY country on the face of earth has had their powerful "seats" filled with evil directors: directors who will obey orders no matter what. How in the world could this have been accomplished? One needs only to investigate the "behind the curtain" secret machinations of the "Society of Jesus" aka the dreaded Jesuits' secret society. They control the world, by controlling its high office positions. Someday, they will be forced to PAY for their wicked deeds when Christ Judges it to be so, much of which will be meted out posthumously, i.e. after they're brought up from their dusty beds and their long "dirt nap."

So, it's a futile thing to rant and rave about the lack of justice while this temporal existence remains. We might better spend our energies putting God first in our lives; rightly separating lies from false doctrine. God will sort everything out righteously as we are assured that He will


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The problem with our politicians is they act like they’re still in 7th grade.

It’s a big popularity contest all over again. They think that just shaking hand and slapping backs is progress.

The forget they took an oath, and it didn’t say, “ I do solemnly swear that I will reach across the aisle to my friends on the other side, even though they’re making a jackass of me...”

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Johnson in Wisconsin has been very helpful too.

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Rand Paul never addressed my multiple attempts on the WHO, etc. He now just sends me updates on what he’s supposedly done for us? Same with, Ron Johnson. All others have either responded how they agree with the (messed up) Biden administration, or complete silence.

Peace, Love & Harmony to All 🎁

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Ron Johnson sponsored our WHO breakfast briefing and is definitely on our side on this issue. Rand Paul sent regrets but may have sent an aide. It is now crunch time and we must put feet to fire--they need to be educated, then they will have to come with us...giving away sovereignty is a bridge too far, once they stop reading only the talking points.

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All I know, is no one sent a letter rejecting The WHO’s amendments.

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New Zealand did--we just found out

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Sorry, I meant in America.

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Our Representatives

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The House defunded the WHO for next year--that is huge. We do have support in Congress. It is in the Foreign Operations bill. The WHO funding was changed to ZERO.

Now must go to the Senate.

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I am impressed how you can keep up with everything going on and keeping updates going, then work that needs to be done. Wish I could be of more help.

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I don't have a life. Don't plan to get one till June.

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Ha ha ha. With great love and respect!

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Welp, June it is then.

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Did Rand Paul include in his book that he made a ton of $$ buying Remdesivir (inside information)?

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Michigan is a nest of Pfizer Davos strumpets who absolutely ignore me or put me on their disinformation mailing list when I write to them about anything. I would say I know where they stand, but they aren't standing, they are bent over kissing the buttocks of pharma and China and Davos. There might be a few awakened Republicans, but my reps are robot street walkers, not to put too fine a point on it lol.

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The Rockefeller, Klaus Schwab, George Soros controlled members of the Congress have to be known!

Time to act is now! if not, America with fall into the control of these CONTROLIGARCHS. read the book by Seamus Bruner , "CONTROLIGARCHS"

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There is no point in thinking that governments can impact the World Health Organisation's sinister intentions because Bill Gates is committed to picking up any financial shortfall for this, now CORRUPTED, organisation.

Just as well that we, the people, have declared the WHO obsolete and redundant - as of 30th November 2023.

The WHO is now of no significance and has no impact or influence on World Health matters.

We, the people, have spoken!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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We need to make a ruling or law or amendment that any candidate (on both sides) follows the Constitution to the letter and no RINOs are permitted to run, or at least without announcing it LIVE!

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