"This is astonishing. Imagine the reality these 33% of people inhabit (those who believe Biden won.) Imagine what they would have to believe to come to this conclusion. And even more remarkable is that these 33% live in the same society we do. They live among us."
I have family in that 33% literally believing Trump will usher in fascism. These are not uneducated people. They are former academics. Maybe that is the problem. We've educated people to the point where they only believe rhetoric and not their other senses - most notably their eyes and their ears.
If you listen to NPR then you know full well how 33% of Americans can believe Trump will usher in fascism. It's an article of faith for them: NPR told them so, and NPR is carrying water for the globalists.
PEW research reports that NPR receives only about 8 million listeners weekly - so that is less than 3% of the population roughly speaking. What is influencing the others? Is it FB? I don't do FB. My friend, who has lots of entertainment connections on it, says the rhetoric is vitriolic. It is all Trump is a fascist.
I think the rhetoric of Trump the fascist is all over the leftist media. I just pick on NPR because I was a former listener and know how biased they are.
Well? You think Trump isn't fascist? His kind is just to most obvious. But the fascism of the Biden team--well that's another league, the deep State CIA style with layers instead of blatant kind.
What do you mean when you say "His kind is just to most obvious "?
A Fascist is someone who believes that the state should control the means of production through the owners of the means of production. Trump is not and never has been a Fascist. Websters defines “fascism” as “a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.”
Trump puts Americans first as any national leader should put their own country first, but he is not a racist and never has been one despite the LSM misquotes and lies. He has never shown the slightest indication that he wants to control the means of production, which really means controlling every aspect of the lives of every American. It is the left and always the left that wants to control the means of production, and Fascists are just as leftist as communists and socialists.
OK, Al, Fair questions. I think of fascism as more of a methodology than an ideology; centralized in the executive office and with a punitive state of mind toward those who fail to obey its commands. In that regard, I think Stalin had evolved into a fascist, along with Pol Pot in Cambodia, while using the "left' cover. But you have some good points about the official formal definition. I use in more of the informal sense, and in that context he fits the bill. Fascism is also (formally) the merger of the huge capitalist interests, especially banking and heavy industry, with government. BOTH parties fit that description, don't you agree?
If one compares individuals we would find that far more Democrats are a threat to freedom and privacy than Republicans. There are a number of Rs like Tom Emmer in the House and Mike Lee in the Senate who, for example, have introduced and/or sponsored legislation to block the use of CBDCs for individuals (HR 5403 118th Congress - passed the House and is now in the Senate). Not one Democrat wanted to co-sponsor, vs. 165 Republican co-sponsors. The house vote was 213 Rs and 3 Ds in favor and 192 Ds opposed. The 3 Ds who voted Aye are probably in tight races for re-election and got permission to lie from Party Central. If a CBDC is implemented that forces people to participate, it is going to enslave every citizen or make us outlaws. https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/5403
Unfortunately there are a number of RINOs in the House and Senate who do fit the description you cited, but not all of them. Besides, in a system where the country is supposed to be of, by and for the people, isn't that the fault of the people who either made bad voting choices or failed to vote? Isn't that a result of having a lousy education system that turns out illiterates and ignoramuses who think that voting is a right and not a privilege because we the people allowed voting to become a right? As far as the definitions got, I was "raised" on F.A. Hayek's "The Road To Serfdom), where he clearly showed that there are no significant differences between communists, and fascists. They put the state ahead of the individual; they do not tolerate dissent; they seek to control the means of production, which results in total power, and the ends always justify the means, no matter how many people they murder or how much destruction they cause. I actually prefer the term "totalitarian" as it describes all the leftist ideologies and variations like socialism.
The book, Dumbing Us Down best explains how the evil globalists own the media & education, so as to create Godless, mindless "Cogs" to support the industrial complex!
Yes, NPR said so, so it must be true. Trump was already president. He did Not usher in fascism. That was more closely done through the vaccine mandate under Biden. But also, Trump did not "drain the swamp" either.
Kennedy is the candidate who can actually, deeply, wisely, heal this mess.
How the hell do you resuscitate an unwanted over ripe turnip? "Damage control" is the understatement of the century. They need to clip his marionette strings and lead him out to pasture. Enter the next Establishment puppet.
"Some attendees blamed Mr. Biden’s aides for the debacle, arguing they should have never agreed to the format or to such a late start time."
I see this as proof of their awareness that they have seen him "Sundowning." People with dementia are known to get worse when the sun goes down. In medicine and nursing it is called SUNDOWNING. And it is just more evidence of dementia. Fluctuating dementia is still dementia.
Regarding the argument that this was just a bad night or he had a cold, this too is another reason that he should not be POTUS BECAUSE even if this was just a fluke we don't know when he will be off center again or for how long. Any unpredictable and or intermittent lapse in cognition is unacceptable for someone who holds responsibility for the lives of others. People with seizure disorders cannot drive cars or pilot airplaanes because the unpredictable temporary loss of cognition and logical thinking is a hazard. The same holds for this. Even if temporary, no matter how normal he is at other times he is still unable to do a job that requires him to be with it 100% of the time.
I wouldn’t say Jill thirsts for power so much as she fears having to become a 24 hr nurse for a feeble old POS who took showers with her daughter. Plus once he leaves office, it’s open season to litigate and go after his crimes.
I do too. I would never allow my husband to be in a position that I know would have embarrassed him when he was of sound body and mind. As a mother and wife I feel that Jill is a disgrace.
He took showers with her daughter… start from there and you would totally allow a POS be in a position to shame and embarrass exploit and anything else you can think of.
I just read a column by some so-called insider who is a Trump supporter about the possibility of Biden stepping down. He claims there is a strategy that was already planned months ago to wait until the Democratic Convention when Biden has accumulated enough vote pledges to win, and then have him resign, probably for health reasons, and transfer all his votes to governor Gruesome. This would, in effect, be a coup since there would have been zero input from the electorate.
People in Deep-blue California who have their heads screwed on straight and their memory intact (the unvaxxed) understand just how badly Gruesome ruined the California economy. Gruesome also told us all we could mix 'n match different Convid shots, they were all good so go ahead. He went missing in action after his second shot in October, 2021 (I think it was that year, COVID anxiety has messed up my memory) and attacked the press for saying he was hiding away from the public eye due to the fact that he had Bell's palsy or Guillain-Barre syndrome after the second shot. A good source has it that this is true (Steve Kirsch reported this in his substack and he knows people close to the governor who confirmed this story of his vax injury). Word also has it that Gruesome wouldn't vax his kids...
jon stewart said biden had resting 25th amendment face. he looks as if he'll be lucky to last a few more months. i know friends and family who will still vote for him if he manages to make it to the election and am amazed that they are not insulted by the choice they are being offered and what it says about the democratic party. i will not vote for him or any democrat this time because they supported mandates instead of standing behind bodily autonomy, informed consent, they supported propaganda and censorship. no one coercing you into medical treatment and keeping information from you and discouraging honest debate has your best interests at heart
The world can't afford another World War. Jibberish Joe seems to not care and supports US policy that is moving us in that direction. No hard ball questions on the escalation of war policies! It was a Mud slinging contest! Voters want to hear rational discussions on negative Biden policies that are interfering with their family lives. Nothing more important than knowing how we will avoid WWIII that will consume their sons and daughters! Biden is bringing back the draft in preparation for the war effort! M/I-CIA pulling Biden’s strings? Biden from day one in public service was self centered and unprincipled! WWIII may be the apocalypse that terminates life on earth. My view.
Yep. Instead of debating food prices almost doubling in 4 years, home prices up 40% in 4 years (pricing people out of the market and raising property taxes like crazy), censorship, chopping children's genitals off in the name of "equality", mandated experimental "medicine", the degradation of health care in general, the insane wars with countries we should be trading and getting along with, and numerous other insane issues plaguing America...we get to hear these guys argue about who's a better golf player. Despicable. Disgusting. Disappointing. Our only real hope is staring back at us in the mirror.
By now, it should be clear to everyone who still has two active and connected brain-cells, that whoever sits in the oval office in the WH is just a spineless puppet fully controlled by the real masters at the helm of the USA.
That office specifically and the whole building should be turned into a history museum; only then it would serve a purpose for the public's benefit.
I just wonder how long the real masters are waiting until they pull a more suitable candidate from their sleeves ...🤔🤔🤔
"The effort to stop Democrats from fleeing the campaign started before Mr. Biden had even finished his performance on the debate stage on Thursday night. Campaign war rooms established in Wilmington and Atlanta began pushing messages to reporters and surrogates, including that Mr. Biden had no intention of leaving the race.
"The next morning, Ms. O’Malley Dillon, the campaign chair, marched through the lobby of the Ritz-Carlton in Atlanta, flanked by Mr. Fulks and the campaign manager, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, to debrief some of the campaign’s most loyal donors."
Debrief. You keep using that word. I dunno think it means what you think it means. Because I'm thinking we're now seeing an "em-bare-assed" pantsing going on here for anybody who continues to donate.
Now we know why the Biden's attorney general stepped in and defied congress by refusing to release Biden's audiotaped interview with a federal prosecutor regarding the classified documents Biden kept illegally. Biden's department of justice decided not to prosecute Biden, but they could have. Some think the transcript of that taped interview with Biden was altered to make Biden look good.
After the debate Biden made a fiery speech the next day - with a teleprompter of course. As long as he has a teleprompter, he can talk coherently.
But Biden will not be abandoned by the leading Democrats. So far none of them I'm aware of have called for him to step down. None of the potential replacements, not Obama, not any congressional leaders. It would be hard for them to now change the rules and dump Biden, as he already has enough pledged delegates for the convention.
Peter Boghossian sums it up for me:
"This is astonishing. Imagine the reality these 33% of people inhabit (those who believe Biden won.) Imagine what they would have to believe to come to this conclusion. And even more remarkable is that these 33% live in the same society we do. They live among us."
I have family in that 33% literally believing Trump will usher in fascism. These are not uneducated people. They are former academics. Maybe that is the problem. We've educated people to the point where they only believe rhetoric and not their other senses - most notably their eyes and their ears.
If you listen to NPR then you know full well how 33% of Americans can believe Trump will usher in fascism. It's an article of faith for them: NPR told them so, and NPR is carrying water for the globalists.
PEW research reports that NPR receives only about 8 million listeners weekly - so that is less than 3% of the population roughly speaking. What is influencing the others? Is it FB? I don't do FB. My friend, who has lots of entertainment connections on it, says the rhetoric is vitriolic. It is all Trump is a fascist.
I think the rhetoric of Trump the fascist is all over the leftist media. I just pick on NPR because I was a former listener and know how biased they are.
Well? You think Trump isn't fascist? His kind is just to most obvious. But the fascism of the Biden team--well that's another league, the deep State CIA style with layers instead of blatant kind.
What do you mean when you say "His kind is just to most obvious "?
A Fascist is someone who believes that the state should control the means of production through the owners of the means of production. Trump is not and never has been a Fascist. Websters defines “fascism” as “a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.”
Trump puts Americans first as any national leader should put their own country first, but he is not a racist and never has been one despite the LSM misquotes and lies. He has never shown the slightest indication that he wants to control the means of production, which really means controlling every aspect of the lives of every American. It is the left and always the left that wants to control the means of production, and Fascists are just as leftist as communists and socialists.
OK, Al, Fair questions. I think of fascism as more of a methodology than an ideology; centralized in the executive office and with a punitive state of mind toward those who fail to obey its commands. In that regard, I think Stalin had evolved into a fascist, along with Pol Pot in Cambodia, while using the "left' cover. But you have some good points about the official formal definition. I use in more of the informal sense, and in that context he fits the bill. Fascism is also (formally) the merger of the huge capitalist interests, especially banking and heavy industry, with government. BOTH parties fit that description, don't you agree?
If one compares individuals we would find that far more Democrats are a threat to freedom and privacy than Republicans. There are a number of Rs like Tom Emmer in the House and Mike Lee in the Senate who, for example, have introduced and/or sponsored legislation to block the use of CBDCs for individuals (HR 5403 118th Congress - passed the House and is now in the Senate). Not one Democrat wanted to co-sponsor, vs. 165 Republican co-sponsors. The house vote was 213 Rs and 3 Ds in favor and 192 Ds opposed. The 3 Ds who voted Aye are probably in tight races for re-election and got permission to lie from Party Central. If a CBDC is implemented that forces people to participate, it is going to enslave every citizen or make us outlaws. https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/5403
Unfortunately there are a number of RINOs in the House and Senate who do fit the description you cited, but not all of them. Besides, in a system where the country is supposed to be of, by and for the people, isn't that the fault of the people who either made bad voting choices or failed to vote? Isn't that a result of having a lousy education system that turns out illiterates and ignoramuses who think that voting is a right and not a privilege because we the people allowed voting to become a right? As far as the definitions got, I was "raised" on F.A. Hayek's "The Road To Serfdom), where he clearly showed that there are no significant differences between communists, and fascists. They put the state ahead of the individual; they do not tolerate dissent; they seek to control the means of production, which results in total power, and the ends always justify the means, no matter how many people they murder or how much destruction they cause. I actually prefer the term "totalitarian" as it describes all the leftist ideologies and variations like socialism.
The book, Dumbing Us Down best explains how the evil globalists own the media & education, so as to create Godless, mindless "Cogs" to support the industrial complex!
Decentralization! Subsidiarity is the political solution to globalism. My substack will explain in future essays.
Yes, NPR said so, so it must be true. Trump was already president. He did Not usher in fascism. That was more closely done through the vaccine mandate under Biden. But also, Trump did not "drain the swamp" either.
Kennedy is the candidate who can actually, deeply, wisely, heal this mess.
Question: If you asked those former academics in your family if a Fascist is on the left or the right, what do you think they would say?
How the hell do you resuscitate an unwanted over ripe turnip? "Damage control" is the understatement of the century. They need to clip his marionette strings and lead him out to pasture. Enter the next Establishment puppet.
The best description of this debate that I have seen yet: "This was a 90-minute Zapruder film."
"Some attendees blamed Mr. Biden’s aides for the debacle, arguing they should have never agreed to the format or to such a late start time."
I see this as proof of their awareness that they have seen him "Sundowning." People with dementia are known to get worse when the sun goes down. In medicine and nursing it is called SUNDOWNING. And it is just more evidence of dementia. Fluctuating dementia is still dementia.
Regarding the argument that this was just a bad night or he had a cold, this too is another reason that he should not be POTUS BECAUSE even if this was just a fluke we don't know when he will be off center again or for how long. Any unpredictable and or intermittent lapse in cognition is unacceptable for someone who holds responsibility for the lives of others. People with seizure disorders cannot drive cars or pilot airplaanes because the unpredictable temporary loss of cognition and logical thinking is a hazard. The same holds for this. Even if temporary, no matter how normal he is at other times he is still unable to do a job that requires him to be with it 100% of the time.
I totally blame Jill for allowing him to be in this position as he was pretty much disabled the whole time.
Obama needed a controllable puppet for a 3rd term. There's a famous video out there with Obama saying that.
Maybe doc tor Jill Biden will pretend she is doctor Jill Stein ha ha
OK I just referenced that above myself.
Her thirst for power knows no bounds.
I wouldn’t say Jill thirsts for power so much as she fears having to become a 24 hr nurse for a feeble old POS who took showers with her daughter. Plus once he leaves office, it’s open season to litigate and go after his crimes.
I do too. I would never allow my husband to be in a position that I know would have embarrassed him when he was of sound body and mind. As a mother and wife I feel that Jill is a disgrace.
So glad a lot of us are saying this! I wish it could have changed the outcome.
He took showers with her daughter… start from there and you would totally allow a POS be in a position to shame and embarrass exploit and anything else you can think of.
He reaped what he showed. I just wish we didn’t have to look at them. The whole family is rotten to the core.
Consider the OTHER Jill (Stein) who is weak on covid but denounces emphatically the ongoing genocide that is just as obvious as geriatric Joe.
Another Jill who should be prosecuted for elder abuse. I just heard an incident a fairly young mom that is still ongoing and will be for her life:
One more example of these ghastly injections. Devastating case.
I just read a column by some so-called insider who is a Trump supporter about the possibility of Biden stepping down. He claims there is a strategy that was already planned months ago to wait until the Democratic Convention when Biden has accumulated enough vote pledges to win, and then have him resign, probably for health reasons, and transfer all his votes to governor Gruesome. This would, in effect, be a coup since there would have been zero input from the electorate.
Gruesome has single-handedly made U-Haul a Fortune 25 Company.
Good one!
Yes and Gruesome Gavin Gruesome sic is ready to jabberprick your kiddies, but not his own
People in Deep-blue California who have their heads screwed on straight and their memory intact (the unvaxxed) understand just how badly Gruesome ruined the California economy. Gruesome also told us all we could mix 'n match different Convid shots, they were all good so go ahead. He went missing in action after his second shot in October, 2021 (I think it was that year, COVID anxiety has messed up my memory) and attacked the press for saying he was hiding away from the public eye due to the fact that he had Bell's palsy or Guillain-Barre syndrome after the second shot. A good source has it that this is true (Steve Kirsch reported this in his substack and he knows people close to the governor who confirmed this story of his vax injury). Word also has it that Gruesome wouldn't vax his kids...
Just the kind of scenario I expect.
Campaign sign spotted along a roadside in western Pennsylvania: "Dignity Decency Democrats 2024".
Great. When will they start the 'Dignity' and 'Decency' parts?
DemoRats will be decent and use a knife and fork to eat your children.
Liberals Are Destroying Themselves
And One Another.
Why ?
Because They Are Each
Their Own Answer.
Living In A World
Where The Right Questions
Are Never Asked.
jon stewart said biden had resting 25th amendment face. he looks as if he'll be lucky to last a few more months. i know friends and family who will still vote for him if he manages to make it to the election and am amazed that they are not insulted by the choice they are being offered and what it says about the democratic party. i will not vote for him or any democrat this time because they supported mandates instead of standing behind bodily autonomy, informed consent, they supported propaganda and censorship. no one coercing you into medical treatment and keeping information from you and discouraging honest debate has your best interests at heart
The world can't afford another World War. Jibberish Joe seems to not care and supports US policy that is moving us in that direction. No hard ball questions on the escalation of war policies! It was a Mud slinging contest! Voters want to hear rational discussions on negative Biden policies that are interfering with their family lives. Nothing more important than knowing how we will avoid WWIII that will consume their sons and daughters! Biden is bringing back the draft in preparation for the war effort! M/I-CIA pulling Biden’s strings? Biden from day one in public service was self centered and unprincipled! WWIII may be the apocalypse that terminates life on earth. My view.
Yep. Instead of debating food prices almost doubling in 4 years, home prices up 40% in 4 years (pricing people out of the market and raising property taxes like crazy), censorship, chopping children's genitals off in the name of "equality", mandated experimental "medicine", the degradation of health care in general, the insane wars with countries we should be trading and getting along with, and numerous other insane issues plaguing America...we get to hear these guys argue about who's a better golf player. Despicable. Disgusting. Disappointing. Our only real hope is staring back at us in the mirror.
Great comment, the whole world needs America to be healthy. Millionaire's - Billionaire's are not the answer. I wish you well.👍🇦🇺
Biden is doing nothing
of the sort. Now Obama? Yep he is doing lots of things!!!
First, get rid of Obama! He and Hillary, along with the communist left group Chuck and Nancy and maybe the country could be save!
Yes. We don’t need Obama’s 4th term, do we?
The Assassins Club works only for the Democrat-Dictatorship.
By now, it should be clear to everyone who still has two active and connected brain-cells, that whoever sits in the oval office in the WH is just a spineless puppet fully controlled by the real masters at the helm of the USA.
That office specifically and the whole building should be turned into a history museum; only then it would serve a purpose for the public's benefit.
I just wonder how long the real masters are waiting until they pull a more suitable candidate from their sleeves ...🤔🤔🤔
Don't you mean out their @?
Yes Judith Miller says, please vote for the dead dude....pretend he is still living....
Finally our first "Weekend at Bernie's" president. Historic!
They're just now figuring this out? Really?
"The effort to stop Democrats from fleeing the campaign started before Mr. Biden had even finished his performance on the debate stage on Thursday night. Campaign war rooms established in Wilmington and Atlanta began pushing messages to reporters and surrogates, including that Mr. Biden had no intention of leaving the race.
"The next morning, Ms. O’Malley Dillon, the campaign chair, marched through the lobby of the Ritz-Carlton in Atlanta, flanked by Mr. Fulks and the campaign manager, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, to debrief some of the campaign’s most loyal donors."
Debrief. You keep using that word. I dunno think it means what you think it means. Because I'm thinking we're now seeing an "em-bare-assed" pantsing going on here for anybody who continues to donate.
Liberals = Morons
Now we know why the Biden's attorney general stepped in and defied congress by refusing to release Biden's audiotaped interview with a federal prosecutor regarding the classified documents Biden kept illegally. Biden's department of justice decided not to prosecute Biden, but they could have. Some think the transcript of that taped interview with Biden was altered to make Biden look good.
After the debate Biden made a fiery speech the next day - with a teleprompter of course. As long as he has a teleprompter, he can talk coherently.
But Biden will not be abandoned by the leading Democrats. So far none of them I'm aware of have called for him to step down. None of the potential replacements, not Obama, not any congressional leaders. It would be hard for them to now change the rules and dump Biden, as he already has enough pledged delegates for the convention.
I had a tiny breakthrough with a vaxxed loved one who very stubbornly clings to the establishment narratives about the "vaccines".
After seeing "The Zone of Interest", which I thought for sure they would hate, they said it was "thought provoking".