Here's a sobering thought:

If the US was being intentionally destroyed, how would it look any different than it does now?

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Bob Moran already told us how to prevent the next pandemic:


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Dec 17, 2022·edited Dec 17, 2022Liked by Meryl Nass

A senior British Conservative politician said to me when I was criticising the swine flu vax operation in 2009 “Well, you can’t do nothing”. As well as corruption and malice I suppose one has to consider the politician’s obsession with having to be seen to act even when it would be far better to do nothing - I suppose that is a kind insidious corruption as well. I guess by the end of 2009 the damage was much less but the moral was much clearer. Unfortunately, for the global health industry the moral was also clear that next time they had to raise the stakes and cause so much confusion and hardship that no one knew what was happening.


But, of course, our politicians are always fearful that they will be blamed for not doing enough, and the more they can point to what they have done even if it is essentially useless or even utterly catastrophic they can say they did their very best. Part of the isolation of those few politicians like Ron Johnson or in the UK Andrew Bridgen is that they are actually asking rational questions rather than “acting”, and that will never do. Of course, politicians love “vaccines” because they are a political “mass” answer to disease - they willed there to be “a vaccine” even though it was hocus pocus, or indeed much worse. I also recall back in 2009 Dr Marc Girard commenting French National TV with heavy irony: “In the Middle Ages they’d burn some Jews, that was doing something!”

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"With rebellion, awareness is born" --Albert Camus

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I sent this e-mail out to my distribution list. This report is unfathomably flawed. It's just incredible. Replace my rep with yours and get your distribution on it. Enough of these people and their BS.

"Please Note:

Be sure to let 5th District US House of Representatives member, Ms. Virginia Foxx know what you think about the US HR producing a report filled with lies and mis-information --> and supporting the removal of your Constitutional rights in some ginned up future for-profit scamdemic created by Anthony Fauci's remaining mafia and it's Big Pharma bosses:


Our Western North Carolina districts are so gerrymandered - that you might have a different representative from the guy across the street. Here's where you can check:


These sad people in our 3rd and failed branch of government - keep showing us that they are either clueless or complicit. Please help them learn what reality looks like - every day if you can stand too.

They need to understand that we know what they are doing and we will not comply. Right now, we are paying for a bunch of people to hurt and/or help kill us, who's election to office might have been engineered.

If you want to let this committee (yet another example of waste, fraud, and abuse if there ever was one), know what you think directly, here is it's contact info:

The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus // https://coronavirus.house.gov/contact

(Notice: They don’t mention on the home screen that they are a “US House of Representatives” Subcommittee, and who knows what “Select” is supposed to mean).

Our Social Media Links (apparently they are blissfully unaware of the rampant unconstitutional big tech censorship, the dopamine issue, etc.?)

Social media is revolutionizing the way we communicate so join the conversation about our country's future and make your voice heard today by connecting with us on:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/COVIDOversight

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/covidoversight/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oversightdems

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/OversightDems/

Call the Subcommittee // (202) 225-4400

The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus

2157 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

* * * * * * SAMPLE E-MAIL * * * * * *

Dear Ms. Foxx:

I sincerely hope you were not a participant in the creation of yet another global democide supporting document produced by our zero to the left, 4% approval rating congress. The senate "covid report" blamed on lame duck Richard Burr was a travesty too. It's like congress is incapable of grasping the reality unfolding around it - or it's sworn oath to protect the US Constitution and citizenry. Slow (and now fast) kill is a sport with you people.

Have you all watched "DIED SUDDENLY" on Rumble.com yet? PLEASE do soonest. What I want to know now is will the hydrogel in the injected folks go airborne and produce those long stringy things in my un-injected body's veins and arteries too??

There are days when I really marvel at the ability of the 535 members of congress and their 37,000 staffers to even go to work in the morning. How can you stand to work in a place where most of the people you are sworn to protect and serve actually HATE you? I couldn't do it.

Please see the latest bought and paid for globalist travesty produced by your mind controlled US House of Representatives below. I suggest that you openly denounce it and move to retract it in your government reform committee. Any member of the House who supports this report needs to be impeached for violating their Oath of Office.

Oh, and just reading the first excerpt there's this: "decades long under-investment" Stop right there. For profit health care has been OVERINVESTED in. What did Obama say, "Healthcare is now a trillion dollar industry.. the third largest in the nation..." Do the members of the US House of Representatives and their staffs really think the American people are that stupid?

The only "underfunding" going on is of the American people who's minimum wage is now 1/3 of what it takes to live a minimum life. Nobody can AFFORD health care - it's NOT underfunded. Go to the University of KY Hospital. Stand in the cavernous lobby with the suspended sculptures and glass mosaics by the elevator. There's no "under-funding." That comment was just teeing up more government pork for greedy for-profit healthcare corporations. See if you can get some face time with former FL governor and now Senator Rick Scott. He can tell you exactly how it is done - after all, his corporation received the largest Medicare fraud judgement in history - and he didn't even go to jail... gotta love the Luciferians. They take care of their own.

Sadly for you all - the real dummies out here who aren't paying attention, are getting the injections and the graphene oxide boosters - and will die suddenly or in 2-3 years (Dr. Judy Mikovits, et al.). They aren't reading in-boxes like mine - day after day. They don't know what has been done to them. And when they are out of the way and no longer voting - it will be game on with those of us who ARE paying attention.

Have a nice day killing kids with your illegal, global depopulation C19 death shot.

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I hardly have words for how this makes me feel...overwhelmed, frustrated.....this level of corruption so openly committed, and more than half the country doesn’t have a clue and doesn’t WANT to have a clue....this is like solving the Rubics Cube from hell.....

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Funny, I read the headline as “Preparing for and Inventing the Next Public Health Care Emergency.”🤣

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All that verbiage while in reality and most recently in NYT's article of federal government bribing hospitals to end in patient care for millions in a payoff to do it was beyond revealing. Hospitals and healthcare gutting, monopolised, consolidating to outrageous levels like never before but believe them when they say they care about our health? Inversion the new norm.

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A disaster and then some. Yikes!

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With friends like these we are all dead

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What can go wrong?

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Meryl, I agree with you, all these recommendations are the exact opposite lessons learned. This committee is clearly shoving nonsense out there because they can. They did all the wrong things in life to get on such a group, so now they can ruin everybody else’s lives with their ideas. I guess it’s my fault for being an honest engineer and staying out of politics for the last 40 years.

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In my opinion, we should pay some attention to a guy by the name of David Jose (current times) and John Locke’s heavy influence on constitutional signer Jefferson. It seems so simple. We the people ARE actually in charge. We either never knew or have forgotten how to keep our rights and simply throw the tyranny out any day of the week, not just every four years!


Also on Rumble

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Can’t get blood out of a turnip. No more money laundering schemes!

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The Government thinks we’re all idiots or domestic terrorists. That’s their fatal flaw.

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How to prepare for the next pandemic - weaponize your immune system

Alternately - have body armor to put on when it arrives

Vitamin D proven to fight agains all human Coronavirus, as well as cold and flu - all variants

Take lots of Vitamin D at first signs of COVID = https://is.gd/dforcovid

(I am in the porocess of making a 30,000 person intervetion trial using high-dose vitamin D)


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