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I say the same. Thank you!!

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Ditto! Deeply appreciated!! 💖👍🙏

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/75arsmNJWt

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I so agree! The breadth of news -critical issues - and sources you survey are so impressive. Your posts are such a valuable source of information and encouragement.

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I wish he wasn't so hot on AI. Brown-nosing works.

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I agree, but better Trump does it than the communists. Know thy enemy.

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It is the medical piece that bothers me. Medical records and the little speech from Larry Ellison I shared is the real truth behind this. They are going to replace doctors with AI. What is to stop AI from misdiagnosing on purpose. Oh sorry you have cancer but AI has a vaccine for that.......ooooopppsie AI made a mistake. Make no mistake this is all about control, money, depopulation, surveillance

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Tell me what's the difference between a pharma-trained/ pharma-pimping, brain-washed, "doctor" and a well-programmed/ brain-washed Al system pushing for profit patent "medicines."???

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no difference; that's easy

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Probably the main difference is that the flatulent one characteristically has an unwarranted and unshakable attitude of superiority while the other may not.

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One has a pulse

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I would try AI Naturopath. A regular hospital, I pray not.

I would also like to see an AI Supreme Court defend its rulings against our Supreme Court, in front of Congress.

I like the idea of trying out AI in all the get rich, power positions before they disassemble us/US. How does one Bribe or blackmail AI?

Oh I know the Zionists would figure out a way.

Maybe if we'd had AI leading our foreign policy the world wouldn't be laughing at us now. Ha ha, they think they are winning, the ultimate loss.

Oh yeah we can get the holes in Nordstream fixed, but how easy to get the Russians to turn the gas back on, inquiring minds would like to know!

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I abhor the concepts and implications of "AI," but (apologies to the fine Dr Nass, a very rare exception), the medical "profession" could be replaced by trained baboons with about no decrease in the quality of medical delivery, so I'd probably welcome the idea of being attended to by something that's somewhat intelligent and even able to learn instead of the usual proud, imperious, airheaded, arrogant ignoramus, who thinks (s)he knows it all already and who has about zero ability to reason or even question the perverted quo.

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Most doctors are just as brainwashed as their patients (of course, Dr. Nass is not part of that group). However, as of this writing, I can say No to a live human if I don't want to take a particular drug or treatment. With AI, we will be forced to submit to however they want to kill us. They plan to control us by pinning access to our money to our "social credit score," as the Chinese do.

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I'd settle for something with the ethics of Genghis Khan as apposed to Fauci.

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AI can do no better than what is in its training data, with all the nonsense spouted by humanity comprising that data. So no, it will not be better. I work with it daily. It is so bad on any number of issues.

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"AI can do no better than what is in its training data..."

That applies to the vast majority of dokterz as well and I'm in a position to know just as you are!

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@Mike, Karen & Mimi ~

Agree 100%. The feasibility of applying AI to the field of medicine is HUGELY overblown. AI hallucination alone should be proof that this sort of application is risky at best.

Learn more

> Medical Applications of AI: https://bra.in/3pDPXn

> AI Dangers & Warnings: https://bra.in/4qeAdy

> AI Overview: https://bra.in/4jb7NB

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Unfortunately there is a lot of truth in your statement.

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Yes, this concerns me too but, if Trump administration ignores it others take charge. It is better for good people to be in charge however; I am very concerned about forced digital ID.

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Seems that AI idea was the same one used for accepting trump’s “beautiful shots” and that has not worked out well.

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Yeah, I think he was schooled on that but, I would like to see more medical freedom people advising him.

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With big bucks lobbyist Susie Wiles hangin’ around I won’t hold my breath. RFK has already been put in a box. Have to wonder the jabber at the Dec maraloargo chow down with Wiles, count Albert Bourla and RFK. Would not be surprised if rfk was handed an agenda.

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They better not try that with chiropractors and acupuncturists! Could you imagine getting cracked and having acupuncture by AI? No thanks!

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u betcha !

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I'm not worried about the communists. I'm worried about the globalist billionaires (ex. Gates, Soros, Thiel--i.e. monopoly Capitalists) who want to control us in totalitarian fashion with AI data centers and CBDCs. There are no communists in this country who have any power. You're confusing communists/socialist with the left-sounding RHETORIC of center-right, corporate shill democrats and the lying MSM, all of whom pretend to be on the left but are actually fascist if you go with Mussolini's def. of fascism, i.e. the merging of the state and big corporations. By their ACTIONS shall you know them.

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Breezie, there are No communists, just Dictators.

Communism is where

- the state Owns everything

- people are paid ~the same salary

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“Trust the plan”😖

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"Trust, but verify! I.e. an evil word for Big "It's safe & effective" Pharma!

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Copy, personally I would rather “verify” and then “trust”.

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As long as I am not paying for it. No doubt AI wants big government contracts. Just say no.

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My favorite part was when Trump called out the CEO of Bank of America for debanking conservatives. When the Q & A ended, it was apparent how much they despised Trump's answers since most in the audience didn't clap.

I guess they would have rather been told what they wanted to hear.

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No doubt, they didn't like it! He basically said America is going to not only survive, but thrive! A slap in the face to the depopulationists! I pray that Kennedy will be confirmed, & can make sure that DJT understands how evil & diabolical Gates & pals are. Concerns me that Susie Wiles controls who gets to DJT -- she was very connected with the WEF & other bad people/groups in the past.

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"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." Not everyone who goes to Davos align with the WEF agenda.

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I breathed a sigh of relief the day President Trump was sworn in just as I had the first time he was our president and was sworn in. 🥰

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Oh good grief, oh my. Trump the most almighty savior. We are so screwed.

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Yeah -- you actually preferred Harris? Trump isn't perfect but he has something called integrity. You should go back and assess how much you have been brainwashed by the MSM controlled by Big Pharma! :)

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Wait, the alternative to One Really Bad Political Party is not The Other Really Bad Political Party! (I voted for Kennedy because he is someone I could get behind, I say as a formerly-lifelong Dem.)

All women are people -- and are female!, all Black men and others of Color are people, the working class works, elitism hurts us all, there is no Planet B (but corporate carbon $chemes don't help), and mantras are not actual science.

We're divided enough; be awesome if we could find ways to work together -- even across some of our disagreements. We all want basically the same things in life, and both major parties miss FEMALE bodily autonomy, so they are not useful, imo.

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They will NEVER get it, so much easier to stay duped.

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Agree Mr. Klar. We need to get involved, voting is not enough. Accountability must reign, not the mega-wealthy.

Ah a little change in his rhetoric. "Far more people have died(in Ukraine) than is being reported."

Widely propagandized Western numbers defy logic. If the Russians are losing why all the desperate terrorist moves by NATO? Everyone clamoring for a ceasefire, but the Russians.

The stories announcing Nato failings are just recently seeing the MSM light of day, the handwriting on the wall, was there from the very start! Just now it's leaking to us.

Just to be clear Nato is fighting Russia. Russia is defending itself. Oh for me that is a defendable position, so chose your words carefully please. No MSNBC is not a reputable source.

By the way the same, far more people have died, is true in Gaza, where a scorched earth genocide is the order of the day.

How many journalists have been targeted there? Do we care? Must we pity the IDF troops committing suicide? Only if we have a place in our hearts for their innocent victims.

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A man who has been proven to have lied over 30,000 times in this first term has integrity?

A man who has been found guilty by his peers of sexually assaulting a woman has integrity ?

A man who voluntarily gave $25 million to settle a lawsuit with Trump University because he was screwing poor people over and exploiting them has integrity ?

I could give 25 more examples and it wouldn’t make the slightest bit of difference to you all

you are truly cult followers and have been brainwashed to believe the nonsense he puts out .

Every medical professional should be mortified by the fact that he wants to increase fossil fuels which have been shown to kill almost 10,000,000 people a year. Their fumes are like breathing in cigarettes

I had dealings with Trump many years ago one on one and the first thing he he told me was how to cheat one of my suppliers and was mortified when I said that I would refuse to do so.

The man has never changed but what has changed is the willingness of so many Americans to believe this utter garbage.

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Wow, this comment is just another baseless and ignorant assessment. Thank goodness I dumped the propaganda box years ago. And of all things I avoid is big pharma. Ro consider Trump having one ounce of integrity is a huge joke. Enjoy trump delusion. And of course if someone does not trust or support trump keep your only one other choice delusion. Trump was Selected for a reason, keep the trump duped duped.

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Oh it's good to be cynical Baseless, but can you give them a week?

#1 He will get rid of 10 regulations for each new regulation

We need a secure new way to vote, more finger on the pulse. Just ideas. How about a charitable website. You must register only one bank account and you get one vote. A small debit say 1$ this will be a quick way to measure our pulse. Oh the banks will hate it, but maybe just once helping build our democracy, instead of destroying it, will be good for them.

Here is a possible target. Put up a list of 100 things to eliminate, pick your favorite top 10.

Sure it's hackable, what isn't. We need more involvement. Less red tape.

Heard this suggestion about new regs in the past, only it was get rid of two for every one new. Fantastic. Key to productivity? Less paperwork.

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Round one trump had four years and I saw what that did, for me that is all I need for my views. But I am seeing only one view allowed here. Support the creature trump who betrayed and destroyed millions of american lives or shut up or get banned.

Thank you for having some suggestions, that is good. Not everything works out but thinking outside of just one lane is great.

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To me one of the hardest things for most people to do is admit they are wrong and change paths. I have grave misgivings about our system and the chances of the US reinventing itself.

"#1 He will get rid of 10 regulations for each new regulation" is from the list Dr. Nass presented of Trump's speech to the Davos WEF collective earlier today. Was his speech warmly received in Switzerland? Decidedly NOT!

Trump's addition of RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard to his team, is either shrewd political maneuvering or or an intelligent switch from his first term. Both? It is a refreshing change from his warp speed days.

So have not followed your posts here very closely but would be shocked to hear Dr. Nass has threatened to ban you! After a long list of lunacies, she has tolerated, in her well established claim to protecting freedom of speech. I've been unceremoniously dumped a couple of times, but not here. .

It's a kind of old school dogma, sticking to our guns, but people do change. As many here seem to say, we hope you are wrong. Perhaps those in the spotlight will draw true inspiration from the input of those who speak to truth.

In a world of smoke and mirrors truth is a tough commodity to verify. Most of us are doing well to be on the right track even sometimes.

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Thank God, you people were blown away in the last record-breaking election! You silly people should see the Red Vs. Blue election map, to see how out of touch you are! [see @] https://theconversation.com/americas-counties-are-less-purple-than-they-used-to-be-243543

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Lol “you people”. As an outside observer it has been interesting to watching jumping from the Obama cult to the Trump cult.

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Agreed. Trump is far from perfect, but so am I, & so is every single person on this planet. He wants America to succeed, to be strong & secure -- that, I'm in agreement with. That may be what ultimately helps America -- his desire & need to succeed, to make better.

Concerns me, some of those he chose to surround himself with -- especially Susie Wiles, Larry Ellison, & even Elon to a large extent due to the AI push.

However -- the only viable alternative was Harris, since Kennedy didn't stand a good chance -- & we were declining so rapidly under Biden/Harris & the deep state behind them.

At least Trump has created a stop-gap for much of what has happened, & shouldn't have, including the borders!

I hope & pray that Kennedy will get confirmed, & will make sure that Trump understands how evil Gates is, & how evil his intentions are. Also, that they will stop the chemtrails & climate engineering!

For such a time as this, I believe DJT is the best option. God apparently agrees. I pray that Trump will listen, & allow God to guide him going forward. If it does this, we will have dodged a bullet, at least for the time being.

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Thank you for distilling his presentation to Davos

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Take THAT, globalists!

What a breath of fresh air after years of mumbo jumbo from our leaders.

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Most of it is air alright. The hot stuff.

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But nothing about covid vaccines. :(

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He is proposing the use of AI to make more mRNA technology based medicine. He isn't slowing it's use, he's increasing it.

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One is hoping that RFK Jr will wise him up on that subject ASAP!

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RFK has about a snowball's chance in Heck of getting confirmed. I hope I'm wrong and he lives.

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Because of the concept of LOBBYING, you may be right. LOBBYING is nothing more than LEGALIZED BRIBERY.

LOBBYING should be considered ILLEGAL!

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Hope is not a plan. I found that RFK Jr and Dr Nass petitioned for the FDA to remove the covid vaccines. But Trump recently stated his handling of the situation was great and getting the vaccine out in the short amount of time it took was a huge success.

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He didn't propose that. One of the A.I. salesman did. Just listen to all the total B.S. all the wind & solar salesmen have been telling us for the past 30yrs. All lies, every bit of it. A total flop.

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But he brought them there because of the projects they are currently working on... Just like Obama did with the wind and solar liers.

He stood next to him and of course reviewed what Ellison, Altman and Son were going to talk about before it happened.

I haven't seen anything Trump has done so far that I'm not behind... except this.

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He brought them there because they are uber-wealthy and A.I. is booming worldwide, so it is a serious issue how the USA will compete. It has nothing to do with what some salesman states could maybe, possibly, someday do with it. That will be past Trump's term, and likely after he is dead and buried.

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Breezie, the SARS2-COVID vaccines did Not work. They were Nearcines. (Is it true that MNRA vaccines hadn't passed animal trials in 10+years?)

Governments had to be seen to do Something, and gave green lights to big pharma to test their products on people.

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He also said he was ending the green new deal.

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The Gaza carnage is not mentioned, sadly....could it be that he is "owned" by Israel.

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"Beware the Military-Industrial Complex"

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Ike was right!

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Neither was the much, much larger carnage in Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq and Sudan.

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Or the war on America conveniently blamed on "climate change."

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The "War" on "Climate Change", led by Davos, will kill far more people than all other wars in human history, if we don't stop it.

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We can be thankful that mass murdering, toxic smog-belching, commie China isn't blamed for the silly "climate change." hoax!

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Hmm. I was wondering about that too. Time will tell

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I wonder if any of you " Gaza carnage" mongers saw or care about what we/ the U.S.A. did to Japan for killing a few sailors & sinking a few old-fashioned ships at Pearl Harbor???

I.e. a question not one of you caring souls can answer, Right?

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Of course Trump is owned by Israel, just as most all of CONgress is! And they don’t even have to register with FARA.

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Easy thing, making concessions on what has been deliberately stolen and trampled, especially over the past 5 yrs. Withhold water and return water to hydrants. People rejoice and gush over some semblance of their former lives while the carnival misses the heavy silence and gate keeping obliterating the true course. Nope, America does not have everything it needs, as it has commandeered the dams and rivers in Canada for decades, and which have been supplied at discount. Was it on his list? Self sufficiency must clearly be the priority for every healthy nation, while the weaponization of lifesaving resources belongs in the crimes on humanity drawer.

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I am opposed to any and all vaccines. There are no safe vaccines. You don't have to be a scientist to understand that injecting aluminum mercury MSG formaldehyde polyethylene glycol fetal cells and other harmful ingredients does not support the health of the living human body. Now they are going to create a custom made vaccine for cancer patients? Generated by AI? I don't trust any of this. While the Rockefeller medical model is in play, I expect that all medicine is being used for the globalist New World Order Madness genocidal agenda.

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Be very, very skeptical of what some A.I. salesman tells you. The guy knows zip about MRNA tech or vaccine tech, he's just listing a bunch of talking points to sell his product. Just listen to all the B.S. the Wind & Solar sales grifters have been touting the past 30yrs. All lies.

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More on the limitations of "medical" AI:

> https://bra.in/3pDPXn

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I actually watched it. Trump called out Bank Of America CEO for cancelling conservatives.

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This is just a minor point to help clarify on clean coal technology. Modern coal-fired generating stations have been - or can be - retrofitted with activated carbon injection into the flue gas, which absorbs the mercury, and is then trapped in the scrubber bag house. Also the "huge amount of mercury" that used to go up the stack amounted to around one ppb of the flue gas.

Thanks for all the great work you do and everything that you write.

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Thank you! Huge I think is correct, however, because it is such a powerful neurotoxin.

Glad to hear that the same activated charcoal used in my water purifier can be used to purify the flue gas!!!

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I was just thinking, our grade school science teacher used to actually let us play with mercury back in the fifties. You can spread a small drop of it into a thin film on a penny and make it look like a dime. Crazy.

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Yeah, my buddy Marty used to bring it to school and we'd play with it in class. No one told us to stop or even to wash our hands afterward.

Between that and the mercury containing thimerosal in vaccines back then it's no wonder that I'm more than half half cracked now!

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High School Biology ~ I sat behind Barry, and I remember him rolling the mercury around on his desk with his fingers.

I was horrified, and our teacher didn't even notice.

(I've often wondered how Barry is doing now . . . .)

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Thank you for posting this comment. Most of my 30 year career in mining was coal. The lies told by the media about coal fired power plants is despicable! It's the safest, cheapest, and most abundant (up to 1000 years) energy source we have. Why is it that China and India can use it *without* scrubbers on their plants, but Americans have to go to expensive, unreliable wind and solar while shutting down coal fired power plants that are some of the cleanest on the planet? Media always shows pictures of dense clouds of white "smoke" coming from a coal fired power plant. Um... this is STEAM and is only visible when the temperatures are ideal. Otherwise, most American coal fired power plants have little to nothing visible coming out of the stacks.

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THANK YOU for this important correction.

Do you have any thoughts on most chemtrails being caused by coal fly ash?

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There is no longer any flyash in the flue gas going up the stack. Between precipitators and scrubbers all of it is captured. Much of it is used as a cement additive, and the rest is landfilled.

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Can you see the insanity of worrying about Co2 & fly ash in a nation that accepts a 50 billion in fraud fines, & leader in the cause of millions of deaths, [I.e. our medical & political cartels] to "save" us from pollution?

We need to be Saved, from the people "saving" us!I.e. Something only God Jesus can do!

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Here's a little insight into the chemtrails, Meryl:

> https://rumble.com/v69b5fa-this-is-what-the-planes-doing-the-spraying-look-like-inside.-.html

Still more on chemtrails, for those who are interested:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/09e1abde76fd

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Far more Ukranians have died than Russians. Most credible sources put the ralation at 10:1. Trump is aware of this perfectly and not the b/s indoctrination of MSM.

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It's likely this way :

- Russia has lost more soldiers to cannon fodder, which has been their way to fight for >100years, and explains why they asked NorthKorea for more soldiers.

- Ukraine has lost more civilians because Russia is deliberately targeting civilian targets (just as Israel does).

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Ignorant post by either an outright anti semite or a propagandized air head. More truthful statement: Cowardly Hamas hides behind human shields, either fixed or mobile and enlists stupid MSM viewers or purple haired queers for Palestine spread their propaganda for them, such as you.

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Even Wikipedia knows that the accusation is not a one way street.

"The accusation of the use of human shields is a common theme in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) [1] has used civilians as human shields multiple times to discourage Palestinian combatants from attacking and to perform life-threatening tasks.[2][3] "


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You say: ‘even Wikipedia…’ like it is some kind of objective authority!😂😝😂🤪😂😝.

You have to be kidding, but unfortunately, you are not.

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I pray President Trump will be able to reinstate your medical license, Dr. Nass, as well as all the other wonderful healthcare workers who were forced out of their jobs for refusing to take the Covid injection. You are truly amazing in every sense of the word and in everything you do! You are loved by so many of us!

God Bless you! 💖💫

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Thank you for taking notes and sharing this list! Very interesting. It adds information and context to his inauguration speech.

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Wow…you are on it👏👏👏

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