Just heard a mom complaining in the elevator , about having to give , give her child the third shot, the booster..

She was saying how that virus is so smart...

I wanted to scream, to tell her not to do it

I wanted to warn her. But I've already lost everything speaking out, I am canceled out.

All I could say was,

Going down...

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'having to'? why did she 'have to'? who was forcing her?

that's what I would have said. open with a question and see how it goes but yeah, I get it. I have been in positions like that many times over the years. parents of other kids at various therapies, commenting on how horrible their kids' allergies are, as they give them Skittles and soda and goldfish crackers...

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Yes it was clear to me, and I thought so at the time, that her doc tor was pushing and gonna get a kickback

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sad. my parents' doctor too. but since I got mom to quit the stupid flu shots, years ago, the woman doesn't ask her anymore. I'm sure mom got bullied into the cv jab, between my sister and the doctor. never any other ones. thank goodness.

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Dooming the children...


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Don't regard yourself as 'cancelled' just keep telling the truth - WE WILL WIN! Mick from Hooe (UK) !

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I would have no problem calling her a murderer.🤬🤬🤬

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States should pass laws to hold federal taxes in escrow and only forward that portion of them that fund actual constitutional activities. This is within their power according to the constitution.

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I think it is freaky that we never heard a word about tax revolts. During Vietnam, we withheld telephone taxes as they were levied to support the war. The tea party has already been astroturfed, but we could throw the mrna in the Capital water supply or the reflecting pond.

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Which taxes are you referring to? Federal taxes, so state residents pay federal taxes to the state (if so, by what Constitutional authority are you referring to?) or state taxes (in which case, what have you accomplished?). I'm not saying this is a bad idea, but trying to understand the mechanism.

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Some examples. These failed but times have changed and they would probably pass now.

An initiative (in idaho) restricting the payment of federal tax collections based on state discretion


Washington Sovereignty and Federal Tax Escrow Account Act (2010)


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Thanks for keeping us in the loop on what the HHS is plotting and how they are squandering our tax money in the most far-reaching money laundering scheme of all time.

Quick question re this announcement:

WHY? Covid is OVER. And even if a new variant is "released" for purposes of social control, we KNOW HOW to treat it.

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First the banks rob the poor by raiding the government coffers then the pharmacutical industry steals the rest. Once the government go broke I bet they will resume direct daylight robbery of the poor for your own safety!

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Intriguing. So, nobody has been asked if the money is well spent, suggesting that there is something wrong with the way governmental powers are exercised:


FYI, "monoclonal antibodies" are junk science and such injections are in the same league as the ones for the non-existent illness:


Perhaps that's why DeSantis also made them available:


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Maybe they should work on a vaccine that prevents beaurocratic ineptitude.

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and mandate the mo-fo.

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And this for sars-cov2, a virus that is effectively harmless for the vast majority of people.

Makes you wonder what they would do if a truly dangerous pathogen was around.

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I want to know how to stop my tax dollars going to any of these institutions.

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"medicalcontermeasures.gov"? Wow... speaks volumes that they have adopted the military jargon on this. As for "public/private partnerships"? With public awareness growing on the chicanery behind these weasel words, they're treading on thin ice.

Nuremburg 2.0

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Aren’t we told that the reason why big pharma charges so much for their drugs is because of how much money they spend on R&D? But here is the American government giving them billions to create new drugs.

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All those Principal Investigators must be popping champagne corks at this news. The Gravy Train is pulling out of the station again and good times ahead. Whoopee!

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Whatever happened to the flu? 🤨

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Anybody that gets any vaccine is not capable of critical thinking. To put it bluntly only an idiot would get any vaccination at this point in time.

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the funding the government has designated to go towards a "coronna virus" that we already knowsmutates constantly is just a cover-up... for money laundering ~ i.e., using more of our tax dollars for nefarious useage.

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We won't get caught next time they cry "Covid" and "get vaccinated"! We're ready for the next con!

The NEXT Covid Vax Sales Campaign is being implemented to re-establish the need for jabs. The reverse the flagging Pfizer, Moderna, etc., profits that are now occurring since so many people have sussed what was really went on in 2020 with Covid, the disappearance of Flu and the useless but DEADLY depopulating injections they call "Vaccines".

NO LIABILITY is just one of many Clues that remind you that you were 'had'. "Safe & Effective" was another!

The magical disappearance of the Flu in 2020 demonstrates the farce and coercion that SELLS depopulating injections (Vax?)

Join the dots - it's not that difficult!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Our government must be bred from crossing defective baboons with certified morons.

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