Unfortunately RFK Jr seems fully on board with the Climate Change agenda. That will make Covid look like "the good old days."

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We all want to stop pollution. Bobby has a nuanced understanding of environmental issues, which is what is needed--dissect the globalist BS without throwing away the need to protect and preserve our natural heritage. Not that hard to understand.

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Thanks, Doc. And yes, I am deeply against polluting the planet. PFAS, micro-plastics, phthalates, factory farms as opposed to regenerative farming etc etc etc etc. But, with all due respect, the AGW scam - which we KNOW is a scam from the ClimateGate papers - is just that. And there are TRILLIONS involved, which is why it is being flogged.

Founder of Greenpeace, Dr. Patrick Moore, and whose boat I have been on in Vancouver Harbour, said "“I am a skeptic on climate change. I know the climate is changing, and it always has been. I've studied this intensively over many years. I started what I call the Carbon Project here in British Columbia back in 1989 in order to bring everybody together to discuss this subject and figure out the facts behind it. Since then, I have watched as hysteria has grown, as if the whole world is going to come to an end and civilization is going to die because of humans causing this climate change. I don't buy that, and I certainly know we don't have any proof of it. I'm not denying that we might be playing some role, but the natural factors that have always caused climate change have not suddenly disappeared. I'm very skeptical of the alarmist nature of climate campaigning.” – Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, http://www.theenergyreport.com/pub/na/11079. Moore later wrote in his book Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom (WattsUpWithThat summary here or Technocracy News summary here) that “A while back it dawned on me that the great majority of scare stories about the present and future state of the planet, and humanity as a whole, are based on subjects that are either invisible, extremely remote, or both. Thus, the vast majority of people have no way of observing and verifying for themselves the truth of these claims predicting these alleged catastrophes and devastating threats. Instead, they must rely on the activists, the media, the politicians, and the scientists – all of whom have a very large financial and/or political stake in the subject – to tell them the truth. This welcomes the opportunity to simply invent narratives such as the claim that “CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels are causing a climate emergency.”

Dr. Richard Lindzen, prof of atmospheric science, Dr. Wm Gray ,the #1 hurricane forecaster in the world, and the founder of the Weather Channel, the late John Coleman, have all called AGW - their words, not mine - "a scam." The late Dr. Reid Bryson, THE most quoted meteorologist in history at his death, and under whom my brother studied, once quipped "If the climate were a 100 story bldg, man's contribution would be equivalent to the linoleum on the first floor.

Truth is, as the Kegwin study, as well as the Dansgaard and Johnson studies have show, we are indeed above temps a century and two ago. However, ***WE ARE STILL BELOW THE 3,000 YEAR AVERAGE*** and far below the MWP. I have PERSONALLY stood on the Vatnajokull glacier in Iceland, and they KNOW, and have documentation at the park there, Skaftafell, that they KNOW, from preserved documents, that there are 40 Viking era farms currently buried under the glacier that were functioning farms in the MWP. In fact, the lead global warmer that lead global warming university, East Anglia, UK, Phil Jones, was forced to admit to BBC during the Climategate scam, that, yes, the MWP was real.

We definitely need to clean up the pollution. But carbon is not a "pollutant," but the currency of life, and plant fertilizer. We also know from the Vostok ice cores and other studies that temp rises historically PRECEEDED carbon dioxide rises. This is not a question.

Worse, all the money diverted, TRILLIONS, to this fake issue, is taking money from real concerns about real pollution: micro-plastics, mercury, those dioxins they spewed all over E. Palestine, and are one of THE MOST damaging things man makes, etc. Instead they have us focus on a plant fertilizer for a problem that is DEMONSTRABLY NOT a problem.

Kennedy is simply wrong about C02; Trump is simply wrong about the vaxes. But at this point, I will take either. Better, have them run together on one ticket. Heck the fasco-Marxist left would have to print several billions of fake votes to pull that one out (which, following the Katie Hobbs scam, we know they will do)

Love your work. You are a real hero. Keep us updated on that issue where the evil frauds are trying to take your license. Lysenkoism rides again! Next up are Soviet psychiatric prisons for us all, or maybe a Pol Pot-ian execution of real scientists (recall, anyone who even wore glasses was executed.) The Red Guard would be jealous of America's H8TE filled fasco-Marxist wokesters!

And yeah, millionaire Greta. HOW DARE YOU destroy the future for MY family as you suck of adulation and money from deep pocketed banksters. How DARE you, Greta.

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Anyone who thinks that carbon dioxide is a poison lacks the credibility to address meteorology.

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

Living things are made up of carbon and need carbon to survive.

Carbon dioxide is a crucially important gas in our atmosphere.

Plants and trees need it (higher concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere aids photosynthesis, which in turn contributes to increased plant growth)- and we need it for the oxygen they generate And of course the produce they create to consume.

The climate alarmists (Or my preferred term “climate terrorists) have created a fear campaign and they are personally making millions off of it.

Nice marketing campaigns they’ve paid for. And everyone just parrots what they’ve heard without out researching these “claims” for themselves. Intellectual laziness.

Remember this - these globalists never pay for something they don’t expect BIG RETURNS on investment on.

Ask them to stop flying in their private jets to reduce the carbon emissions that they so strongly believe in. yeah right - that won’t happen.

It’s just another revenue stream for them while they build a jail to prevent you from traveling (UN 2030 15 minute cities plan to lock you down), and from using your gas stove and a few other controls they have in mind. Feudal system empire ruler approach really is end game.

planet Earth has experienced periods of lesser and greater warmth,

Changing over many thousands of years, these shifting temperatures have been determined by variations in Earth's orbit around the sun.

While greater distances have resulted in colder cycles, shifts closer to the ball of heat have led to warmer, interglacial periods. This is quite normal cyclic changes.


Newly released weather data shows average climates worldwide have remained unchanged for about nine years.

The data published by the National Space Science and Technology Center shows that there has been zero global warming since July of 2015, eight years and nine months ago.

The finding undermines arguments by the Biden administration and others that rising temperatures, in large part the result of emission from fossil-burning fuels, have become an existential threat and that needs to be stopped.

Steve Milloy, a former EPA transition team member for administration and founder of Junkscience.com, tweeted in response to the new data:

"Just in... no global warming in 8 years and 9 months... despite 500 billion tons of emissions worth 14% of total manmade CO2.

Emissions-driven warming is a hoax."

We should focus on planting more trees - which creates a cooling canopy, looks appealing and cools the planet.


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Grasses absorb more carbon dioxide per biomass than trees.

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Trees create a canopy and humidity to cool.

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Only a tree's canopy absorbs carbon dioxide.

Leaves are the minority of a tree.

Grass is all leaf.

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Caring for the environment is NOT Climate Change. Two different things.

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Really? You want to stop pollution from farting cows? Pls tell me it ain't so...

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Lets no confuse RFK Jr. and Bill Gates. Do some dang research.

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All politicians are the same: they tell people what they want to hear... depending on which way the wind blows. RTF is no different. When environmental issues were hot, RTF was telling people what they wanted to hear on the topic. When covid came, he realized this was his opportunity to tell people what they wanted to hear about vaccines etc. He reluctantly admitted he had formed alliances with many he now exposes. What's next? Anti-war movement?

Don't misunderstand me: I do care about the environment. I'm just realistic about promises politicians make.

Bill Gates - whose vision of the world and its future is different from most peoples' because it is distorted by the god-like-attitude - has read some books and realized he can change the world, as he sees fit. He believes he got the truth and the means to enforce it…

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Oh go ahead destroy the planet by not recycling. How is ten more years of DU pollution not equally, if not more egregious. depleted uranium

I want to see some majority, show any effort to recycle the profits from war, back to the victims and not reinvested into further, ever profitable, maiming, slaughter, of those who could never afford a good lawyer, never mind a fuel efficient vehicle.

I recommended against him running, had my heart broken twice by these bastard's murderous ways, no one man can save us! We all need need to be way more diligent!

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

Anything that is done for the sake of climate change will not be a good thing for the public. The cure will surely be worse than the disease! Right now, farmers are being driven out of business over greenhouse gas emissions. We'll be eating GMO indoor crops and insects instead of organic food, but we'll lower the carbon dioxide levels! We'll have wind farms, solar farms and electric cars that combined will do nothing to lower the use of fossil fuels at all.

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Correct. I think he can't see the forest for the trees with regards to the climate change agenda. Yes, the environment is a mess and streams, rivers, oceans are contaminated causing frogs to change sex [yup, too many estrogen disruptors in those chemicals (xenoestrogens)] and tuna is laden with mercury and the globalists have caused much damage to the climate.

But, also lets remember that RFK, Jr. is not apart of the globalist/progressive/woke agenda and other democrats don't want him in their way - some newcomer. So, it would be a huge surprise if he could possibly win especially because the citizens are not in charge of the government since it's been captured. In addition, RFK, Jr. knows who killed his uncle and father. I think it's quite brave of him to even try. One question: Is this just another distraction for us?

I think we, the citizens of the US, need to stand up and make the changes. We can't rely on a single person to do it for us.

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He is a Globalist pawn

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no he is not. i would take the bullet for him. and i want to live to 100. please learn history. please

do some research.

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Apparently, you’re the one who doesn’t know history why don’t you do some research on him he’s a womanizer and a cheater on his wives, believes in climate change and is too faced about the vaccine

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Ah, c'mon, SUZY honey, we all KNOW what YOU'RE trying to do here, along with your dozen of flea-infested rat friends. Well, I got news for you, kiddo: IT AIN'T WORKING and WE ARE NOT GOING TO GO BACK INTO THE DARK, SO SCRAM!!

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It's not our business if he has an open relationship. How do you know if they have a mutually exclusive agreement? And it's nobody's business. As to being 'two' faced about vaccines....the man has a working history of tireless work to hold the corporate entities to account for the damage that their toxic medication so often promotes. I'm not American, but I will donate to his cause, because it's time we had true leaders with proven integrity. I don't care who he takes to bed. I care that he speaks honestly & upholds civil liberties. I'm ecstatic at this news. Hopeful!

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bye troll have a wonderful life in the bizarro world you inhabit

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Rather than implying why don't YOU cite your sources? Maybe you are right. If so, tell us how and where you have this information. And about being two faced on the vax, please tell us where you get that from, rather than just some putative assertion. We are all ears if you can cite sources.

But yes, this AGW thing is a big black mark

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Uh, Suze-bot, TOO faced? Grammar is important especially when throwing shade. Although given his addiction problems (drugs/sexual) leading to his second wife's suicide - he does make Trump look like a choir boy.

Given that the democrat party is now literally the party of psychopaths, I cannot imagine him carrying that mantle. I believe there is much more to this story.

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He believes in the cleaning up corporations abuse of the ENVIRONMENT (like polluting our waterways) That is not CLIMATE CHANGE. It blows my mind how really uninformed people are. Being an advocate for clean water is not being an advocate for climate change.

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Please go away.

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Will delete your stack

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seriously NO. he most definitely is NOT even remotely a 'globalist pawn'. apparently you don't know enough about him nor have been listening to him for over a decade.

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Why do you say that? Sincerely curious.

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Back up your accusations with facts or don't make accusations. Facts count not opinion or baseless accusations.

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At this point RFK Jr would be a hellava lot better than true globalist and Chinese pawn Biden. Our country cannot withstand another 4 years of Biden or Kamala.

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We have to stop picking the "best of the worst". We need the "best of the best" now more than ever.

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Kennedy is wrong on AGW; Trump is wrong on the vaxxes.

But otherwise, both look decent. NOT perfect.

While everyone is busy trying to find the perfect candidate, I will take a 1/2 a pie for now. We can recover from either a Trump or Kennedy or DeSantis presidency. We will NOT recover from another term of fake president Biden, who only got in with fake votes.

And some of you fight over waiting for a candidate who bats one thousand in the batters box, might I direct you to what the WEF/Soros/banksters etc really want, as illustrated in this 5 min old Twilight Zone piece, The Monsters are Due on Maple Street. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPOoEQ2vx7w Then think about your waiting for the perfect candidate.

Personally, if people could swallow their egos, I would like Trump and Kennedy run together, saying they would split duties. Yes, I get it. Won't happen. But if it did, the fasco-Marxists would have to print billions more fake votes (which they will do, of course... I'm sure fraud Katie Hobbs has a few billion laying around)

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What is AGW?

Trump being "wrong on the vaxxes" is a huge deal especially considering he hasn't apologized or stopped promoting them. They are killing people and disabling people and means he's apart of that.

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"Can't rely on a single person."

Well said. In contrast, talking with one woman about the dangers of the shot and the aborted fetal material used or tested with (I worked at Univ. of Pittsburgh Medical Center, where some of it came from) her response was: "I know. But I just want to go to Cancun next month." Others whined about how they "just wanted to...." (fill in the blank)

If the greatest generation had been as freaking COWARDLY AND SELF ENTITLED as this one, today we'd all be doing the seig heil salute. WE HAVE BECOME A NATION OF MORALLY LAZY, SELF-ENTITLED FREAKING ***COWARDS.**** And THAT is the problem.

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023

Thank you.

People are so lazy and stupid. A colleague is now damaged from a the J&J shot because he wanted to out to dinner at restaurants. I can't feel empathy for that. These people harmed themselves, their children, their parents, their siblings, etc. And, they've harmed those who refused to be taken in by this insanity because they didn't stand up for their constitutional and bodily rights, humanity, the Nuremberg Code, the Declaration of Helsinki, and the Hippocratic Oath. I'm trying to have compassion to try to help them both understand and to offer suggestions for detoxing but most of the time they don't even care.

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

They’ve known about toxicity of adjuvants for a long time.

And New gene modification tech has also shown to harm the tested animals - yet they still proceed with disabling shots as we speak

Squalene adjuvant in covid vaxes damage immune system:

Vaccine toxic adjuvant https://drleonardcoldwell.com/2020/01/06/sqaulene-autoimmune-disease/

Squalene (shark liver) fake but lethal autoimmune response they claim signals success of vax

Squalene peer reviewed doc’s showing disease caused by squalene in flu vax and covid vax https://myhealthoptimizer.com/wp-content/uploads/The_Scary_World_of_Vaccine_Adjuvants.pdf

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Will take a look at the links. Thanks. Crazy, insane stuff.

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The moral laziness of all these shot takers I know is beyond my comprehension. Mind numbing stupidity, moral laziness and sheepishness

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Right you are, Deb We can't put our hopes on a single person - Kennedy or Trump - to get us out of this mess if we don't stand up for ourselves.

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Thank you.

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I really don't understand why so many insist that RFK jr is 'on board with climate change AGENDA'. he firmly DOES NOT endorse any use of this 'agenda' as an excuse to trample the freedoms of individuals.

I have actually LISTENED to him many times and this does not compute. he has been an environmental lawyer for decades and states (rightly!) that we are in an environmental disaster of beyond historic proportions. we are literally awash and bombarded with dangerous toxins non-stop. anything remotely related to 'climate change' is a tiny, tiny fraction of the REAL overreaching problem. and RFK jr knows and acknowledges this. the only AGENDA HE has is to hold greedy polluters accountable and CLEAN THIS MESS UP. climate (regardless of if one 'believes' in the issue or not) will right itself.

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I really like RFK Jr. and subscribe to his Children's Health Defense site, but he definitely appears to be on-board with climate change/carbon agenda. Read his comment, "the carbon which now poses an existential threat to our planet", in his comment on this story:


Seems pretty unambiguous that he is saying that carbon is an existential threat. Like others, I wish he'd get off the climate change train. If he wants to associate oil drilling and petroleum use with pollution, that is scientifically proven. But the assertion that the %0.04 of CO2 in the atmosphere is the cause of affecting weather is not proven, nor is what part of that tiny amount is provably attributable to human activity. Big clue: it is the Sun that controls our weather more than anything else.

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Actually the Governments of the world control our weather now more than anything else. They’ve been doing this for decades. They fight over it constantly. Country A. makes it rain for there and country B complains that country A stole their rain. This happens in the Middle East often enough. China boasts about it as does the USA traitorous Military Industrial Complex. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/28/world/middleeast/cloud-seeding-mideast-water-emirates.html


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He needs to come out early and loud to provide that distinction to the public. His uncle would be a welcome reactionary today.

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Our world, the physical world, is going through changes. There have been years without a summer within the last few hundred years, and there was famine, plague and death.

We discount that such things happen periodically.

We are haveing more volatile and erratic weather, some of which may be man-made, even military-induced, and some may be related to the solar cycles and "space weather" phenomena.

Bobby Jr. is a caring man of integrity. There are people with and without integrity addressing just about anything we can think of.

Bobby Jr. aligns with the work and analysis of Vandana Shiva, who also has integrity. They are both champions of humanity and stewards of life on earth.

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I'm not going to get into this "controlled opposition" kerfuffle but the plain bold fact is that RFK Jr is badly mistaken about the climate issue and won't back down on this; he's firmly entrenched.

There is no catastrophic CO2 warming. https://jimreagen.substack.com/p/global-warming

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Vandana Shiva is also controlled opposition

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No she is not. Where is the proof of that? I am following her for about ten years now. She was fighting like me against Monsanto-GMO. Stop saying stuff like that.

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Research her -I did and don’t tell me what to say. I still have my first amendment, right

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SuzyQ I am not the government and your first amendment rights don't protect your ability to lie in my forum.

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I am not trying to lie I did read some very concerning things about her - if I can find I will share.

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Defamation has nothing to do with the First Amendment!

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It's not defamation if it's true. I'm a contemporary of RFK Jr.'s. It's no secret how he treated his first wife, a local from Bayonne, NJ, Mary Richardson, or about her subsequent suicide. BUT--none of that shit matters to me (unless he beat her up physically, which he didn't), nor is adultery a reason that I wouldn't vote for a qualified candidate, including him. I've stated the reasons I wouldn't vote for RFK Jr. in a separate comment.

I respect his work on exposing Fauci. I respect Naomi Wolf's work, too, and the work of Dr. Nass et alia. We have all come together on that issue, but Bobby and Naomi are still Dems. (I am a Dem gone indy in 2007, when I could no longer take the Dem corruption after Obama was selected by the DNC. Imo, both parties suck it raw. So I took my advice about the duopoly from Washington and Jefferson, and since 2007, my only concerns are truth and constitutional integrity of the nation.)

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Defamation omg grow up

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Oh, effin' F, NO SHE ISN'T. YOU are controlled opposition.

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Someone having information other than what you have might actually be right. And surely it's no reason to immediately label them a troll. I wonder if Dr. Malone discusses people who use monikers such as "Troll Hunter." That'd be interesting.

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023

You are deeply ill informed on this subject. As an example, read about the Anasazi who had to leave their cities because of something called desertification in the American southwest. That was about a thousand years ago, long before combustion engines. Climate change is constant and persistent within the geologic record. Do we affect it? No doubt. Are we causing the weather to be erratic? Not likely.

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Perhaps I ppresented my view poorly. I meant to say that the climate change that extincted the Anasazi, and also showed up globally in tree rings as bad years, was a weather event that happened, and happened without being man made.

My intention was to say that there is a lot going on with weather as far back as we can look, and it is a mistake to point at one thing outside of that context, and say that we must deal with that one thing, like CO2 production, and ignre everything else.

Climate change is not "constant", but perhaps I misread your intended meaning, also. Climate change is inherently variable and hard to predict. "Space weather" may have a lot more to do with it than we have been able to consider until very recently, also.

My personal view, looking at the records of tree rings, written history and geology, is that the ordinary changes in weather and climate that all species have had to surive periodically, dwarf the effects of CO2 production.

The medium-term compensation for increasing CO2 is an increase in forests, which we should help along. Deforetation is a separate bad thing, and one which humans have dealt with before, as in Japan.

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Thanks for the clarification. Sorry if I was crass. If you look deeper in real climate research you'll find odd things such as: 1. Man made CO2 rose long before there was any temperature rise. 2. In the geologic record, ironically, the CO2 trailed behind temperatures; thus apparently a result and not a causative factor. A good watch is Jordan Peterson interviewing Dr. Richard Lindzen.

I agree with you entirely on sun cycles and all the other myriad earth/solar-system cycles. If the sun spot theory is correct, then we may be heading into another ice age. Something none of us will get to know while here. The climate alarmist scientists, similarly to what we see now with the vaccine phenomenon (i.e. recommending Covid vaccines to children who's risk is much higher with the vaccine than the virus), have abandoned logic and science for the all mighty dollar in most cases.

We must be good stewards of this earth, but that's not what the left's knee jerk reactions will bring. Natural resource and economic realities have to be considered. At this moment, we do not have the natural resources to pull off an all battery car fleet (and that's a lot of strip mining in the process). We do have three simple and readily available options as I see it. One is to continue with coal plants which have been fixed to vastly reduce their emissions. Second, is to rely more on nuclear (I tend not to prefer this one after Fukushima...so many risky variables). Third, we have likely well over 100 years of natural gas in America. All power could be generated from that, the cleanest burning of all the fuels. Even cars could be retrofitted.

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We are fundamentaly in agreement. We see what problems need to be worked, and we do not yet have the"solutions" which will have to be managed personally first, then as societies from there. Efficiency and using less will be necessary. I have trekked in the Himalayas (been awhile). Peoplle lived there without the things we assume, as did our great grandparents, before rural electrification. Growing a kitchen garden is more than a hobby.


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His decades long support for action to prevent climate catastrophe is the main reason I do support him.

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There is no such thing as climate change it’s the earths natural rotation of the sun.

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You haven't been following the ocean temps. Or the percentage of ice on the Great Lakes. And a whole lot more. Get informed, visit https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org.

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These things mean nothing. I once watched a lecture by I believe it was a Scripps Institute scientist who stated that ocean temperatures have been rising since well before CO2 passed the supposedly safe 350 ppm mark, and they don't know why.

The pseudoscience of climate catastrophe specializes in false causation. They'll take one effect-- for example, bleaching in the GBR-- and assign the cause to CO2 when in actuality it was lower sea level that caused the 2015-16 bleaching of the GBR.

You read that right: lower sea level. You'll have to read the references to understand. https://jimreagen.substack.com/p/global-warming That is the real science, and "CO2 did it" is 100% pseudoscience.

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You are right on point, Jim. Way ahead of the stray commenters that have no conception of how variable and extreme weather has always been. Even the word climate is ridiculous when talking about more than a finite region. Downstate Illinois vs Chicago have extremely different weather conditions and extremes. Always. Then compare North Carolina mountains to Beaufort South Carolina. Climate is totally different. I’m going to subscribe to your stack. Let the fools keep their climate change caused by man religion.

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Steven Koonin's book might of interest too.

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023

While methane is 100 times worse over a ten year period. So Bill Gates wants to put face diapers on all the cows of the world measuring emissions, as methane release, we know, is driven by CATTLE!! P.S.: And all the toxic metals found in fly ash is now being found in rain water. Grok that, kiddo.

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Weren't the Marshall Islands supposed to be underwater by now? And how about those thriving polar bears? And I distinctly recall Glacier National Park having to replace all their signage telling people that the glaciers would be gone by 2020, when the reality was they increased. What happened with the ozone layer? Too many people have been around for too long. No one is buying it.

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there is the current ice age which leads to

melting of glaciers. the climate is always changing. once again learn something about climatology and the earths rotation. do not be a troll on this thread. you are better than that.

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No such thing as the current ice age where in the world you get these things from CNN? Please learn about DEW AND HAARP

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Glacier National Park had to change their signage, because their glaciers are growing. Am I a troll too?

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All I can say is please take a careful look at who you are following here. Meryl produced excellent inside news about the vaccine and mandates galore. The same left that brought us these government overreaches is the same left that will bring similar overreaches in the name of climate.

Also, please consider that you likely believe now that the government, currently run by the globalist left, intentionally tried to scare the American public into agreeing to social distancing, lockdowns, and mask/vaccine mandates. That same globalist left are behind the unwarranted (in my opinion) warnings about impending climate disaster...something they've been warning against since I was a kid and NONE of their predictions came true.

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I don’t mind debating someone who has a different interpretation of the facts but someone who blatantly falsifies the facts is not someone I care to engage with. The fundamental prediction that climate scientists got right is their prediction several decades ago that average global temperatures would continue to increase as long as fossil fuels were being burnt. https://climate.nasa.gov/news/2943/study-confirms-climate-models-are-getting-future-warming-projections-right/

Where are the climate scientists have been wrong is there predictions about the magnitude of the impacts resulting from the increase temperatures the impacts have been much worse than expected. Extreme temperatures melting of thousands of glaciers, massive, heating up of the oceans, killing billions of fish, trout, and so much more.

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I'm fascinated by people who accuse others and yet provide no examples. Good day...disengaged.

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You might want to read Steven Koonin's book.

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I have read the book. I agree with some of what he’s written, and I respect his effort. He indicates that climate change is real that it’s caused by mankind and that it needs to be addressed.

That perspective is contrary to many of the comments posted here that absurdly deny the reality of climate change, and that it’s man-made origins, and a threat to civilization.

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This is funny! Decades long fight against catastrophe. It’s like a 3 year pandemic “emergency “!

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From what I have seen in his associations via email, RFK Jr is more linked to the pro-environment organic regenerative farming and ranching movement / anti toxic pesticides than the globalist climate change bs. We do need to curb the big ag /food industries as well from destroying our health.

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did you grow up in Hull?


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OK let's just say that the figure "97% of scientists agree with global warming theory" is false. Let's just say it's 50%, to make sure we factor in all the possible reasons for such smart people to be hoodwinked (research money, etc.). So lets say it is 50-50 split among experts that we might be destroying the future livability of the Earth as in the IPCC predictions. What dumbass wants to wager on this bet? How do you sleep knowing that you're possibly putting at risk not some future generation but the next generation your kids or grandkids? - is it really your expertise with the science or just because of your lack of humility and greed? Whether or not climate change is happening, we must reduce our destructive lifestyles and reign in on corporate and military misuse of resources and destruction of environments…. The primary goal towards both ecological stability and climate security has to be reduction in materialism and consumerism, and the most decadent US needs to set the example. The debate over climate change - yes unprovable but also not disprovable - is just allowing the festering of the greed disease - Rome is burning and the world is going down with it.

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His is also an adamant gun grabber.

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RFK Jr.'s years with the River Keepers qualifies him as a true environmentalist. The UN climate change agenda is definitely a terrible hoax and I feel certain that he knows this. If not, as a supporter of his candidacy, you and I must do out best to inform him.

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I won't vote for RFK based on your feeling of certainty. Unfortunately the climate change crisis hoax is even more important that the crimes of Big Pharma.

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Exactly. He seems genuine, honest, and a decent guy, and I like his iconoclastic views on vaccines. But either we address this globalist hegemony, for which environmentalism is front and center, or we continue to slide further into tyranny.

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

RFK Jr should announce that, if elected, he would order the DOJ and CIA to stop all legal and covert operations against Julian Assange and Edward Snowden.

By doing this RFK Jr would draw a stark contrast between himself and globalist puppet Biden and globalist target Trump.

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And now ready yourselves for the worst media smear campaign in history.

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agree. I don't have the stomach for it and I think nothing good will come of it.

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Dr. Nass, agree with you that RFK Jr. is a very good Dem candidate. He’s certainly a force to be reckoned with especially when it comes to truth and facts on COVID and Fauci. He’s certainly a knowledgeable honest and nice man with great integrity, but is he strong and tough enough to take on the battle of an embittered swamp, deal with aggressive, foreign adversaries, the economy and the border?

As Victor Davis Hanson put it in a recent interview, Trump needs to finish what he started, act more dignified by holding back on name-calling (even tho a lot of people love him for it 🤭...such a New Yorker at heart) and basically...don’t get mad...get even. Trump’s got a big score to settle. Who would ever want to miss that skillful rematch 🥊?

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I pretty much respect everything that V H Hanson says. He is a brilliant man. I think he was off the mark on Ukraine, maybe he has come around ... I haven’t heard his current opinions on the corruptions there. But I digress, I agree, let Trump finish his task.

I’m not sure that branch covidians would vote for anti-vax RFK jr.

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RFK won't run as a democrat. That would be aligning himself with the psychopaths he outed.

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He is the best option for our country on so many levels! So many republican friends of mine (and Trump supportes) said that even they would vote for RFK Jr., so he has got a huge shot at getting so many votes that they might really have a hard time fixing that many votes against him!

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I believe that the WEF would love to have RFK Jr in. Why? Because he'd further the global warming pseudoscience, and this pseudoscience is the foundation for the entire Reset: take away global catastrophe and there's no need for a reset.

So they'd use him for a term or two and then tighten the screws, if they don't do it before then (after all, one has to make compromises in politics.)

A planetary biosecurity state! Out of "necessity," of course. What could be more urgent, more important, more necessary for us to pull together for future generations? To make sacrifices? To give up liberties for the greater good?

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Are you believing the fake news? RFK Jr.'s sister runs the org promoting global warming, not RFK Jr. who believes in a clean environment and penalizing companies who ruin it, and is not for the WEF Global Warming bs.

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No, RFK Jr has clearly stated his support for the theory of catastrophic CO2 warming. Look on his CHD website where he chastises commenters for their unbelief.

We can all agree that we don't want polluted air and water. But CO2 isn't a pollutant. RFK Jr believes that CO2 will lead to global catastrophe. This is pure pseudoscience, and it's not that hard to figure out. So why does he still believe it?

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Seen virtually every video on CHD for almost 2 yrs and don't remember anything you say of the sort. Hoping for affordable and safe clean energy and ending subsidies to coal is not the same as the WEF nonsense.

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Like I said, search for CO2 on his website and then read the comments. That's where he defends the pseudoscience. He is firmly entrenched in the CO2 catastrophe theory, and as such he is necessarily supporting the WEF agenda whether he wants to or not.

This is key: the theory of CO2 catastrophe underlies the WEF agenda. This is very clear in Schwab's books.

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By "his website" you mean his sister's? Who he is at odds with on many positions?RFK Human Rights website has no "Jr." in it as it is in memory of his father and run by his sister, not Jr.?? Searching CHD nothing comes up for CO2 at all.

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Dr. Nass, if you have any influence on Robert Kennedy, please let him know the mistake he is about to make. If he runs as a Dem, and on climate change he will lose as the savvy people who know the truth will see him as just another Sanders. they do not want another politician, and if he runs as a Dem he will be viewed as one as well he will be. Independant first, and secondly do not run on climate change because the climate has always changed but pollution is what is poisoning the planet, not carbon dioxide. The planet is greening because of it! Pollution on the other hand is killing the life on it! If he is to have a chance to will, he has to get his message straight, and talk truth, and if not, he will lose many votes from people like me, and there are many of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Who said he is running on climate change? Come on.

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Dr. Nass, I have great respect for you and your efforts to fight the system, but I have to say that this is not an explanation. My main concern is the fact that he is running as a Democrat and not Independent due to the fact that both parties have put us in the position, we are now in. I will give you the argument about climate change as he has not stated this, but he is insistent on running as a Dem. If he is endorsed by them then he has sold out and if he has not sold out, then they will never endorse him in the first place. This is logical with what we know now about both parties. So, explain it to me like I am a six-year-old and in detail please. Jack Williams

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Spot on. Many of us are against pollutants and toxins poured into our environment but recognize that CO2 isn't a pollutant at all, and is necessary for life, and that CO2 catastrophe is the biggest pseudoscience ever to land.

We must also recognize the important fact that CO2 catastrophe is the very foundation of the Great Reset. Take away CO2 catastrophe and there's no need for a Reset. Schwab's last two books are absolutely shot-through with the unquestioned assumption that CO2 catastrophe makes everything necessary.

RFK Jr would be doing Schwab's work, although no doubt unwittingly.

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Climate-change is not working very well as a means to actually deal with the peak-oil issue. It does look like global economy and global oil production (and CO2 emissions, for that matter) peaked in fall 2019, the same time as "Event 201" and the "Repo-crisis", where the biggest banks in the world could not trust each other on overnight loans, backed by T-bills...

The underlying limits of the physical world are making the exponential growth of the financial world break, because it does not represent "reality".

That is the economic crisis we will have to deal with.

Economic growth is over. How will we survive the rest of this century?

Who will be alive in 15 years?

These are the real questions.

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I am fully conservative and voted for Trump TWICE, but I can’t seem to shake the “red flags” I feel about Operation Warp Speed. It was not only on Trumps watch, but it was his baby. I think he still brags on it today!? This would have to mean: A. he was/is ridiculously naive.. B. He knew it was wrong but he was SO prideful that he went along with the plan to kill millions anyways...or C. He was in on the entire plan. Because of this I will have a SUPER hard time voting for him a third time... I will if it comes to Trump vs Newscum or some horrible situation like that. I love RFK, I appreciate him SO much! He’s been one of the “Voices of reason” I’ve followed for the last three years... but I love DeSantis most. I think I’d honestly be happy with DeSantis or RFK.

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Trump left office six weeks after the Pfizer shot was EUA approved. There was no recognition of the danger of COVID-19 vaccines at that time and it is clear that Trump was lied to by Fauci, Birx and the FDA.

Since Jan 2021 Trump CAN be faulted for his prideful refusal to call out the obvious and serious risks of COVID-19 vaccines that have become clear after he left office.

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I agree with everything you intelligently say in your post.

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RFK Jr. and DeSantis are currently the only two candidates ( though DeSantis hasn’t announced) worthy of the Oval Office. Both are honorable, actually love America and have the guts to take on the entire corrupt machine. I’d vote for either.

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The US is way past saving . Rfk wont be able to do anything . Its pure fantasy. Gov cannot fix anything. Gov needs to be scaled back to pre ww one levels . Or the US has to break up

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I adore him ... he is bright light in this dark period of our history.He is brilliant, kind, sensitive, and despite his family's fame ~ he seems to have no ego ... He is completely selfless and puts "doing the right thing" ahead of himself ~ WHEN have we ever had a candidate like this?

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PT 109. RFK Jr is a transcendent soul from a lineage of our last actual president JFK. I’ll leave it at that.

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I would hardly call a man who has been proven to be a womanizer and a cheater on his wives somebody with a good reputation or moral character. He believes in climate change. His wife had a Christmas party two years ago where she required people to be vaccinated or have a Covid test. I asked the California division of the children’s health defense about this and they told me that Bobby he did not send invitations and he believe that his wife had the freedom to do whatever she felt was best 🤦‍♀️

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And his site doesn't go anywhere near the graphene oxide / nanotech in the 'vaccines' leading to the transhumanist agenda. Total whitewashing.

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Anyone who wants to maintain credibility steers clear of those kinds of claims. Saying that the (not a) vax is harmful, is enough.

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Someone like RFK's organization should be well aware of the 150 or so researchers who have found this stuff in the vax. To ignore it is negligent. And we've had our fill of that over 3 years.

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Does anyone who wishes to maintain credibility also steer clear of supporting the bogus ‘climate change’ cult? Seems RFK Jr. doesn’t. That’s a logical inconsistency you could drive a truck through!

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He isn’t part of the Climate Change Cult. RFK Jr. is an environmental conservationist. His concerns lie with toxic waste and pollutants contaminating groundwater and soil,, causing health issues I.e.the East Palestine , Ohio Train derailment, chemicals , metals and additives in products used in pesticides, building materials, fertilizer, etc that are known to cause long term deleterious effects, but hidden from the general public , etc. A recent issue not receiving coverage is a weird fungus destroying trees,vegetation,and causing illness in the small town housing the Jack Daniels distillery. The ventilation/filtering system is inefficient and the output has created a fungal speed. Jack Daniels has done nothing to rectify it because the system protects the interior of the plant . The fungal growth is developing inside the damp, inadequate filtration and expelled into the outer surround . The town is so small, the residents poor and the government is paid off by lobbyists. Ergo, nobody cares. Another example of toxic waste causing illness and environmental damage are the Covid masks and wastewater being pumped into the ocean in California

Count on states with the loudest chest beating about Climate Change to be the largest contributors to actual here and now environmental disasters..

The Climate Change hysteria hoax is a scam to gain more control over the population, create misery and enslave the population in the march toward wealth confiscation, digital currency and a tyrannical global central government of elite psychopaths lording over a transhuman serfdom

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since when is it required for a married couple to agree on EVERYTHING? who cares what his wife believes. it ain't about her.

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Good point. My husband and I disagree on many issues and had a blowout regarding the vaccines. I’m neither an ideologue, anti-vax , hyper-religious, nor am I a “ Rightwing conspiracy theorist”. That said, when everything feels wrong…. When patterns start to appear and cannot be chalked up to random “ coincidence”….. there is something very, very wrong.

My husband was gung Ho about the jabs. My daughter and som-in-law, both radiation oncologists at Miami’s most revered hospital and medical center were gung Ho. He’s the.Chief Of Radiation Oncology and a transplantation surgeon. I was not only skeptical, but terrified.They coerced me to get the damn thing using guilt. I knew about Faustus’ half decade of failure, cover-ups, corruption, sadism, megalomania, mass murder and psychopathy. It didn’t matter, in their minds, I was ( and still am) “ obsessed, paranoid, looking for a conspiracy around every corner, out there, overly eccentric and don’t know what the hell Im talking about”. After the second jab, I had a stroke and every damn autoimmune issue that had either cleared up by my early teens or successfully managed for 30 years came back with a vengeance. My husband waltzed off to get a booster. They’re no longer singing the praises of the vax, but too stubborn to admit they were wrong. We’ve all gotten Covid since. I had it before the jabs, took HCQ, Zithromax, zinc and Vitamin D two days into the initial infection and recovered quickly. Since the jabs, I’ve felt like crap.

Meanwhile, I opened a package from Amazon mistakenly thinking it was mine. It was filled with bottles of zinc and vitamin D. It was my husband’s.😂

The last vaccine worth a shit was for Chicken Pox and likely went through years of rigid research and testing.

But like anything else, particularly related to politics, there is a willful blindness because people. can’t bear to be proven wrong. To accept that their “ heroes” were flawed and in many cases, liars , bigots and celebrated for “ achievements” that created far greater harm than good. The last truly honorable, kind, moral and really wise politician , IMHO, was Daniel Patrick Moynihan. An outside the box stalwart who was uncannily wise, able to admit when he’d erred and had his advice been heeded, we’d be in a far better place. Alas, he was fucked over by the vicious bastard, Leon Panetta.

Bottom line, trust your gut, research everything, make informed decisions and don’t let others beat you down. Even if it’s a souse, family member, friend or adversary.

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023

Does this mean that she and Bobby were also "vaccinated" or tested?

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Idk 🤷‍♀️

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023

Only registered Democrats can vote in Democrat primaries Dr. Nass - for me - while I respect and value his fight against big pharma - I just cannot vote for him for other reasons - I live where he used to live and we'll leave it at that.

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Even though only Democrats can vote in the primaries-I like the strategy. Switch to D, vote for the worst D in the primaries (this has got to be Biden?) then vote for Trump in the general election. Keeps IRS away too.

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Those corner ballot boxes will assure a dem victory yet again. Cell phone pings don’t lie. I don’t believe we will ever have a fair election again.

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The primary problem is that he is running as a Democrat, and this will cost him as the party of his Father is no longer the same animal. He should run as an independent and as far as supporting climate change, well the climate is not the problem it is pollution. What the carbon is doing is greening up the planet as can be seen from space, so climate change is well climate change and has gone on for millions of years as is normal for a planet that is still cooling and with a molten core. Carbon Dioxide is what feeds plant life get it? Pollution on the other hand is poising the planet and the beings that live on it. so why does he not know this? I have great respect for him and the work he has done but he has a blind spot about Democrats as well as climate change. Climate change is as normal as humans changing with age, it is inevitable, pollution on the other hand is the primary problem so let's be honest about the real problem. I hope he sees the difference in both the political side as well as the climate side, and if not, he does not have a chance of getting my vote or that of the many savvy people who know the difference and will not vote at all. People are tired of voting for the one they do not want in favor of a candidate that they hate. please pass this on to him. Jack. ps. the planet is getting greener because of the carbon dioxide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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One of the groups he is associated with is OCA which supports organic regenerative farming and ranching. They are also against toxic pesticides. Not all environmental efforts are bad.

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There is absolutely NO WAY a democrat should ever be in a position of power EVER AGAIN!

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VP with Trump is the better choice

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023

then what ... Operation Warp speed 2.0 next ??

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oh no sorry. that ain't gonna happen. trump threw RFK jr under the bus in a mere heartbeat, right after he was elected. they publicly announced a 'vaccine safety commission' and the backlash was so swift and viscous, trump dropped it (and Bobby) like a hot potato. so no.

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That was Bill Gates’ interference and influence that made that happen, solely because he wants to vaccinate the world to death (literally) while making huge untaxed profits through his ‘foundations’. Unfortunately Trump took the advice of a lot of disingenuous people that influenced him in the wrong direction.

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yeah, trump bolted from the backlash. regardless of whom he was listening to, HE dropped the project.

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Trump could learn a lot from RFK Jr. Times have changed so perhaps his views too.

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Best news. I’m very excited he is running and has my vote. I even volunteered to help! I agree with your commentary. He’s a gem and genuine. He is risking his life with this decision.

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