My understanding is that some doctors were hanged after the Nuremberg trial. They were punished even though the Nuremberg code had not yet been written when they carried out their actions. So, I don't think it is necessary for any laws to be backdated to include the actions of those found culpable during the declared covid pandemic.
If experimenters carried out dangerous experiments on those known to be ill-informed, especially on children, on young women, and, unbelievably, on pregnant women, considering also that many were also forced to undergo the experiment due to threats of losing income, then the experimenters should face the appropriate punishment.
I meant backdate the law in the US to include C19. The article that Meryl sent out today said that in the US it was whittled down by Congress and the FDA to ease legal constraints and financial costs for pharma companies conducting research in humans.
Yes I agree and understand. I was just saying that hopefully they will be able to prosecute successfully on the same ethical basis that they prosecuted at Nuremberg, without having to backdate the US law.
Open your eyes. Biden - Trump : ¨Good Cop, Bad Cop!¨ They are both muppets. They have the same handlers working for the cabal.
It is a show display on our face to give us the illusion that we have a choice.
TRUMP "I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August 21st, 2021
"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be getting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021
"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly." — Donald J Trump, March 16th 2021
"We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works." — Donald J Trump, March 17th 2021
"Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020
“I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.” - Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021
"Everybody, go get your shot." — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021
"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J Trump, March 9th 2021
"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe." — Donald J Trump, December 11th 2020
"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews. Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020
"Donald Trump Promoting Big Pharma & COVID Vaccines" - Donald Trump Promoting Big Pharma & COVID Vaccines
THANK YOU for this list with video proof to back it up. Please keep posting this, I will also. I think at this point anyone supporting Kamala Harris is brainwashed beyond comprehension. Trump supporters think he will be a defender of liberty, when it's just a "lesser evil" yet again.
Sure, "I did it, it's good, take the vaccine, but it should be a choice" is far less evil than "jab or job, peasants!".
But we can do so much better. For the first time in my lifetime, it's possible that a truly good, wise person can become president, who is sure he can get past the corruption behind the scenes, and won't sell out.
Kennedy would protect the freedoms most important to thinking people - bodily autonomy, right to bear arms, informed consent
And Kennedy would also protect what connects us - health of soil, agriculture, air, water, healthcare, keeping children safe, respect for ALL people. *And* respect for unborn persons (when they're actually persons, at that point "My Body My Choice" no longer applies). Safe. Legal. Rare. Early.
The media lies so much about Trump, picking any words to blow out of context, people who see through that shit are so tired of the gaslighting, they end up trusting Trump instead of the media, when neither deserve trust.
The actual reasons to not trust Trump the media won't cover, because it's the same reasons to not trust them - beholden to pharma and the surveillance state.
Yes Ellen, I totally agree with you and I try as much as possible for years to promote Robert F. Kennedy Jr. I am following him for at least fourtheen years.
Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy Present Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Shocking Vaccine Cover Up: Apr 25, 2009
¨Environmental lawyer, the son of the late U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy and nephew President John F. Kennedy, and his team have won a historic case claiming the product likely caused the cancer of their client.
Environmental lawyer, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. son of the late U.S. Senator, Robert F. (“Bobby”) Kennedy and nephew of the late President, John F. Kennedy, and his team, have won an historic $290 million landmark case against agricultural giant Monsanto and its glyphosate-based product “Round-up” claiming the product likely caused the cancer of their client, plaintiff Dewayne Johnson a former school groundskeeper.¨Read More
I had excused Trump's support of the vaccine as jgnorance. But this goes beyond ignorance. It promotes the vaccine as though it were God's gift. Even if the support were assumed to be true, it is irresponsible to push it without
proof. So many people are still dying all over the world with the only explanation being the vaccine
Can anyone please explain to me exactly HOW the evils of all vaccines (which we've known cause brain damage since the mid 1960's) would be exposed if not for Warp Speed? You can blame Trump all you want, but if it wasn't for him Americans and the rest of the planet would still be asleep.
What I wrote sounded as if I held Trump responsible for the vaccine & I don't think that at all. All presidents have to rely on advice, especially in areas they aren't familiar with. I see Trump as learning a lot while in office and believe he will be an even better leader than he was before. I see him as almost messianic in desiring to lead our country. Fauci is responsible for the vaccines and I see him directly responsible for many deaths. I am 88 & live have for me.
I have more contact with the Blue Team than Trump supporters, I see how the Trump Train can be cult-like too, but I have some hope that they're not fully brainwashed, at least they see how the media lies.
This New York Magazine cover is a perfect, but awful, cringe, disgusting, yet, in a way, perfect, visual for how Team Blue is a cult. Dancing Democrat cult leaders and pop stars thrilled about their candidate. In a coconut.
Trump is always in the news since 2015, 24/7 ?? How is that possible since the medias are fully controlled by the CIA. Because he is part of the cabal. They want him there. Good Cop - Bad Cop story.
Marianne Williamson was also running for the Presidency but no words on CNN et al.
The same with RFK Jr.
The CIA and the Media
"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." - former CIA Director William Colby.
We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" - William J. Casey
Source of CIA Director William J. Casey's Disinformation Program Quote
Yes the gov controls all the news..all the main media. Advisors in Hollywood made sure movies shaped everyone's opinions/beliefs. Cigarettes and alcohol were prominant in the 30s & 40s & became mainstays in lives. I was surprised when it changed.
Informed consent is required for any participation by anybody in anything not just clinical trials that pose any risk. Does not matter if minor risk or none.
Ok Rob, no problem. Just ask the WEFers and the billionaire Predator Globalists that fry people in their homes because they want the Real Estate to get permission first.
Ça. Col, HI
And those that make the hurricanes etc. to clear out the poor folk. Geoengineering
Medical professionals were put on trial after the war for their participation in war crimes and crimes against humanity during the Holocaust. The trial sparked questions about medical ethics in the aftermath of the brutal experiments on prisoners in the camp system.
On December 9, 1946, an American military tribunal opened criminal proceedings against 23 leading German physicians and administrators for their willing participation in war crimes and crimes against humanity. This case is known as the "Doctors Trial" (USA v. Karl Brandt et. al). On August 19, 1947, the judges of the tribunal delivered their verdict. But before announcing the guilt or innocence of each defendant, they confronted the difficult question of medical experimentation on human beings.
Several German doctors had argued in their own defense that their experiments differed little from those conducted before the war by German and American scientists. Furthermore they showed that no international law or informal statement differentiated between legal and illegal human experimentation. This argument was a great concern to two US doctors who had worked with the prosecution during the trial, Dr. Andrew Ivy and Dr. Leo Alexander.
As a result, on April 17, 1947, Dr. Alexander submitted a memorandum to the United States Counsel for War Crimes. The memo outlined six points that defined legitimate medical research. The trial's verdict of August 19 reiterated almost all of these points in a section entitled "Permissible Medical Experiments." It also revised the original six points into ten, and these ten points became known as the "Nuremberg Code."
In the half century following the trial, the code informed numerous international ethics statements. Its legal force, however, was not well established. Nevertheless, it remains a landmark document on medical ethics and one of the most lasting products of the "Doctors Trial."
Permissible Medical Experiments
From the trial transcript1
The great weight of the evidence before us is to the effect that certain types of medical experiments on human beings, when kept within reasonably well-defined bounds, conform to the ethics of the medical profession generally. The protagonists of the practice of human experimentation justify their views on the basis that such experiments yield results for the good of society that are unprocurable by other methods or means of study. All agree, however, that certain basic principles must be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts:
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.
The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.
2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.
4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.
8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
9. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.
10. During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probably cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.¨
The Nuremberg Trials were famous, but the US used German and Japanese scientists to further their own interests in nefarious experiments and many guilty scientists were never prosecuted. Many scientists were pressed into service and had no choice. HIDDEN NATURE, the story of Dr. Victor Shauberger, is a wonderful book which describes this. Forced to work for NAZIs, post war, he and his son were invited to the US where he was essentially held captive and only allowed to return to his native Austria, after surrendering all his life's research. Heartbroken, he died shortly after his return to his homeland. The US had its own WWII disgrace. HIDDEN NATURE is a great read.
Yes I know. True. OPERATION PAPERCLIP - Operation Nazification – U.S. Military Hired Sixteen Hundred Nazi Scientists and Doctors
Book Review: Annie Jacobsen - Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program That Brought Nazi Scientists to America
¨After World War II, the U.S. military hired sixteen hundred former Nazi scientists and doctors, including some of Adolf Hitler’s closest collaborators, including men responsible for murder, slavery, and human experimentation, including men convicted of war crimes, men acquitted of war crimes, and men who never stood trial. Some of the Nazis tried at Nuremberg had already been working for the U.S. in either Germany or the U.S. prior to the trials. Some were protected from their past by the U.S. government for years, as they lived and worked in Boston Harbor, Long Island, Maryland, Ohio, Texas, Alabama, and elsewhere, or were flown by the U.S. government to Argentina to protect them from prosecution. Some trial transcripts were classified in their entirety to avoid exposing the pasts of important U.S. scientists. Some of the Nazis brought over were frauds who had passed themselves off as scientists, some of whom subsequently learned their fields while working for the U.S. military.
The U.S. occupiers of Germany after World War II declared that all military research in Germany was to cease, as part of the process of denazification. Yet that research went on and expanded in secret, under U.S. authority, both in Germany and in the United States, as part of a process that it’s possible to view as nazification. Not only scientists were hired. Former Nazi spies, most of them former S.S., were hired by the U.S. in post-war Germany to spy on — and torture — Soviets.
We lab rat residents of the US are constantly bombarded by chemicals which I believe explains why we are lower on infant survival & other health indices. We are up for more jabs since the Covid Jabs were successful at creating billionaires while simultaneously killing off people all over the world. US infants are jabbed with needles the day of birth and then 70+ more before H.S. grafuation.
TRUMP?? Are you talking about Jim Jones ( The leader of the Peoples Temple cult who initiated a mass murder-suicide at the Jonestown compound in Guyana ) - Mr. Warp Speed - Take your vaccines, boosters, it's good, I got mine, Trump?
Trump gave few billions $ to the BigPharma to develop this killer shots. He still even bragged saying that if there are 200 millions vaccinated americans, it is because of him.
He knows that vaccines are bad. Kids are not horses do you remember? Robert F. Kennedy Jr met him at the beginning of his mandate as President but he let him down.
His Tramemark - motto is ¨You're fired! Why didn't he fire Dr. Mengel - Fauci?
Yes he is bright. He his a showman. He says what people want to hear. He has a big mouth. He looks tough but is he really? NO! He plays on both side and for his ego.
Robert Kennedy Jr. Blows Whistle On Pfizer Donating $1 Million To Trump Inaugural
JD Vance is nothing but a Deep State agent and the revelations about this just keep coming to light! Read first our article “Patriot” Trump chooses yet…ANOTHER DEEP STATE AGENT for VP! – JD Vance has ties to the CIA (Palantir), Bilderberg Group, an adrenochrome-producing company, Israel and more!
I have a close retired physician friend from Bangladesh who believed in the vaccine and took it.. His wife developed breast cancer. But this friend has a good heart.. Many people believed in the vaccine religion. I dont believe in vaccines, let alone one that is not tested, but the AMA tells its member physicians that vaccines save lives. I don't nmbelieve Trump knew. You can be intelligent & still believe non-truths. The Salk vaccine contained LATENT CANCER VIRUS SV40. SO DID COVID 19 VAX.
It's maddening that the Alz Society (and other illness societies) RARELY, if ever, speak of non-drug free methods. I know they are looking for gov't. money but still they need to consider (at least with Alz) that the drugs they have come up with are mostly BS.
Trump is attempting to play us Christians for being the fools which he believes we are:
In 2017, Trump converted to Orthodox Judaism and pretty much kept that from his followers. Trump will be putting Israel first and America someplace after Israel.
Trump, "I'm not Christian." Trump admits it to a crowd of Christians & they still refuse to believe it!
Listen, very carefully, to the first 26 seconds of the above video where Trump states, "And, again, Christians, get out and vote! Just this time! You won't have to do it any more. In four more years, you know what? It'll be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote any more, my beautiful Christians. I love you Christians. I'm NOT Christian. I love you. Get out; You gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don't have to vote again. WE'll have it fixed so good you're not gonna have to vote."
President Trump Converts to Orthodox Judaism - Moshe Schulman - Medium
An explanation as to why Trump would state that in four years, we Christians would not have to vote again has to do with the Noahide Laws, which, essentially, Jews have for non-Jews. Christians who break the Noahide Laws are put to death via decapitation.
Note in the following article:
Did Trump Admit He is NOT a Christian? Did Trump Just Predict the Fulfillment of the Noahide Laws and Mass Murder of Christians?
under the subheading, Will Trump Invoke the Noahide Laws?
"Trump has done more to promote the Zionist agenda than any other President in U.S. history, and that includes endorsing the Noahide Laws, which makes believing in the New Testament and that Jesus Christ was the historical Jewish Messiah, illegal, and punishable by decapitation.
Could this be the reason why Trump is stating that if he gets back into office this year, that Christians will no longer be able to vote, because they will either be dead or it will be illegal for them to vote anymore due to the Noahide Laws?"
This is a question we should all ask ourselves. To learn more about the Noahide Laws, go to YouTube and search for videos using the search string "Noahide Laws" (without the " marks). The first two videos the search returns should be the following:
If I understand correctly, when the Electoral College cannot elect President by 270 electoral votes, then the House of Representatives has to elect the President among the top three candidates who get at least 1 electoral vote.
The Representatives vote in bloc, by state. So, 26 states are the minimum to elect President in this alternative and unusual method.
If in November 2024 Kennedy gets at least 1 electoral vote, and no other candidate gets 270, there may be a chance the House elects Kennedy as President in January 2025.
Personally, I would like to see all the radical leftists complaining about democracy just because the Media who controls their thoughts tells them to complain about democracy because Trump has to be President because he is the most voted candidate and forget the Constitution. Leftists and Trumpers united at last by their contempt for the Constitution: That would be CHAOS in all caps! sweet mental CHAOS everywhere! bwahahahaha!
Call me crazy if you must, but I would enjoy seeing the fanatics of all parties melting down, curling into a ball and crying for days just because the little godlings on TV and on the internet are angry. Oh, happy day!
With this simple FDA statement, not US Code, the average citizen, who legally refuses a jab of a rush-job, EUAed vaccine, can now be legally restrained by the actions of any government authority acting on the FDA's arbitrary guidances.
Does not leave many 'peaceful' options for gov or Citizens (now turned into subjects) alike.
I agree with RFK Jr. to bring back the Nuremberg Code in the US and hope they will backdate the law and prosecute those like Gates and Fauci, Birx.
My understanding is that some doctors were hanged after the Nuremberg trial. They were punished even though the Nuremberg code had not yet been written when they carried out their actions. So, I don't think it is necessary for any laws to be backdated to include the actions of those found culpable during the declared covid pandemic.
If experimenters carried out dangerous experiments on those known to be ill-informed, especially on children, on young women, and, unbelievably, on pregnant women, considering also that many were also forced to undergo the experiment due to threats of losing income, then the experimenters should face the appropriate punishment.
I meant backdate the law in the US to include C19. The article that Meryl sent out today said that in the US it was whittled down by Congress and the FDA to ease legal constraints and financial costs for pharma companies conducting research in humans.
Yes I agree and understand. I was just saying that hopefully they will be able to prosecute successfully on the same ethical basis that they prosecuted at Nuremberg, without having to backdate the US law.
discriminatory. Siunds familiar!
The Nuremberg was applied discriminately.
Not sure what you are trying to say.
Open your eyes. Biden - Trump : ¨Good Cop, Bad Cop!¨ They are both muppets. They have the same handlers working for the cabal.
It is a show display on our face to give us the illusion that we have a choice.
TRUMP "I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August 21st, 2021
"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be getting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021
"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly." — Donald J Trump, March 16th 2021
"We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works." — Donald J Trump, March 17th 2021
"Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020
“I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.” - Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021
"Everybody, go get your shot." — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021
"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J Trump, March 9th 2021
"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe." — Donald J Trump, December 11th 2020
"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews. Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020
"Donald Trump Promoting Big Pharma & COVID Vaccines" - Donald Trump Promoting Big Pharma & COVID Vaccines
THANK YOU for this list with video proof to back it up. Please keep posting this, I will also. I think at this point anyone supporting Kamala Harris is brainwashed beyond comprehension. Trump supporters think he will be a defender of liberty, when it's just a "lesser evil" yet again.
Sure, "I did it, it's good, take the vaccine, but it should be a choice" is far less evil than "jab or job, peasants!".
But we can do so much better. For the first time in my lifetime, it's possible that a truly good, wise person can become president, who is sure he can get past the corruption behind the scenes, and won't sell out.
Kennedy would protect the freedoms most important to thinking people - bodily autonomy, right to bear arms, informed consent
And Kennedy would also protect what connects us - health of soil, agriculture, air, water, healthcare, keeping children safe, respect for ALL people. *And* respect for unborn persons (when they're actually persons, at that point "My Body My Choice" no longer applies). Safe. Legal. Rare. Early.
The media lies so much about Trump, picking any words to blow out of context, people who see through that shit are so tired of the gaslighting, they end up trusting Trump instead of the media, when neither deserve trust.
The actual reasons to not trust Trump the media won't cover, because it's the same reasons to not trust them - beholden to pharma and the surveillance state.
This is a great list of links about Kennedy, from the Kennedy Beacon, American Values PAC ~
Please share! Thanks!
Yes Ellen, I totally agree with you and I try as much as possible for years to promote Robert F. Kennedy Jr. I am following him for at least fourtheen years.
Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy Present Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Shocking Vaccine Cover Up: Apr 25, 2009
Part 2: Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy Present Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Shocking Vaccine Cover Up Apr 25, 2009
He has created The Defender - Children's Health Defense
He sued Monsanto and won :
¨Environmental lawyer, the son of the late U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy and nephew President John F. Kennedy, and his team have won a historic case claiming the product likely caused the cancer of their client.
Environmental lawyer, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. son of the late U.S. Senator, Robert F. (“Bobby”) Kennedy and nephew of the late President, John F. Kennedy, and his team, have won an historic $290 million landmark case against agricultural giant Monsanto and its glyphosate-based product “Round-up” claiming the product likely caused the cancer of their client, plaintiff Dewayne Johnson a former school groundskeeper.¨Read More
I had excused Trump's support of the vaccine as jgnorance. But this goes beyond ignorance. It promotes the vaccine as though it were God's gift. Even if the support were assumed to be true, it is irresponsible to push it without
proof. So many people are still dying all over the world with the only explanation being the vaccine
Can anyone please explain to me exactly HOW the evils of all vaccines (which we've known cause brain damage since the mid 1960's) would be exposed if not for Warp Speed? You can blame Trump all you want, but if it wasn't for him Americans and the rest of the planet would still be asleep.
What I wrote sounded as if I held Trump responsible for the vaccine & I don't think that at all. All presidents have to rely on advice, especially in areas they aren't familiar with. I see Trump as learning a lot while in office and believe he will be an even better leader than he was before. I see him as almost messianic in desiring to lead our country. Fauci is responsible for the vaccines and I see him directly responsible for many deaths. I am 88 & live have for me.
Great compilation! Let’s not forget.
I also hope but people behave like if they were in a cult movement.
Yes ....
I have more contact with the Blue Team than Trump supporters, I see how the Trump Train can be cult-like too, but I have some hope that they're not fully brainwashed, at least they see how the media lies.
This New York Magazine cover is a perfect, but awful, cringe, disgusting, yet, in a way, perfect, visual for how Team Blue is a cult. Dancing Democrat cult leaders and pop stars thrilled about their candidate. In a coconut.
Trump is always in the news since 2015, 24/7 ?? How is that possible since the medias are fully controlled by the CIA. Because he is part of the cabal. They want him there. Good Cop - Bad Cop story.
Marianne Williamson was also running for the Presidency but no words on CNN et al.
The same with RFK Jr.
The CIA and the Media
"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." - former CIA Director William Colby.
We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" - William J. Casey
Source of CIA Director William J. Casey's Disinformation Program Quote
Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the state - James Angleton, CIA Chief of Counterintelligence, 1954-1974
Operation Mockingbird, CIA Media Control Program
OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD: How The CIA Took Over The Mainstream Media
MOCKINGBIRD: The Subversion Of The Corporate Media By The CIA
as a psychologist, haveworked with somebody who was programmed
Yes the gov controls all the news..all the main media. Advisors in Hollywood made sure movies shaped everyone's opinions/beliefs. Cigarettes and alcohol were prominant in the 30s & 40s & became mainstays in lives. I was surprised when it changed.
Informed consent is required for any participation by anybody in anything not just clinical trials that pose any risk. Does not matter if minor risk or none.
Ok Rob, no problem. Just ask the WEFers and the billionaire Predator Globalists that fry people in their homes because they want the Real Estate to get permission first.
Ça. Col, HI
And those that make the hurricanes etc. to clear out the poor folk. Geoengineering
$700 compensation for Maui fires and over 100 billion $ to Ukraine. Hmmm
SHOULD be required.
Certainly needs to be tightened up. What happened during Covid globally was a disgrace.
As was the Tuskegee experiment,1932-1972. And the early AIDS treatments with AZT under Fauci in the 80's
¨Medical Ethics
Medical professionals were put on trial after the war for their participation in war crimes and crimes against humanity during the Holocaust. The trial sparked questions about medical ethics in the aftermath of the brutal experiments on prisoners in the camp system.
On December 9, 1946, an American military tribunal opened criminal proceedings against 23 leading German physicians and administrators for their willing participation in war crimes and crimes against humanity. This case is known as the "Doctors Trial" (USA v. Karl Brandt et. al). On August 19, 1947, the judges of the tribunal delivered their verdict. But before announcing the guilt or innocence of each defendant, they confronted the difficult question of medical experimentation on human beings.
Several German doctors had argued in their own defense that their experiments differed little from those conducted before the war by German and American scientists. Furthermore they showed that no international law or informal statement differentiated between legal and illegal human experimentation. This argument was a great concern to two US doctors who had worked with the prosecution during the trial, Dr. Andrew Ivy and Dr. Leo Alexander.
As a result, on April 17, 1947, Dr. Alexander submitted a memorandum to the United States Counsel for War Crimes. The memo outlined six points that defined legitimate medical research. The trial's verdict of August 19 reiterated almost all of these points in a section entitled "Permissible Medical Experiments." It also revised the original six points into ten, and these ten points became known as the "Nuremberg Code."
In the half century following the trial, the code informed numerous international ethics statements. Its legal force, however, was not well established. Nevertheless, it remains a landmark document on medical ethics and one of the most lasting products of the "Doctors Trial."
Permissible Medical Experiments
From the trial transcript1
The great weight of the evidence before us is to the effect that certain types of medical experiments on human beings, when kept within reasonably well-defined bounds, conform to the ethics of the medical profession generally. The protagonists of the practice of human experimentation justify their views on the basis that such experiments yield results for the good of society that are unprocurable by other methods or means of study. All agree, however, that certain basic principles must be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts:
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.
The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.
2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.
4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.
8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
9. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.
10. During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probably cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.¨
The Nuremberg Trials were famous, but the US used German and Japanese scientists to further their own interests in nefarious experiments and many guilty scientists were never prosecuted. Many scientists were pressed into service and had no choice. HIDDEN NATURE, the story of Dr. Victor Shauberger, is a wonderful book which describes this. Forced to work for NAZIs, post war, he and his son were invited to the US where he was essentially held captive and only allowed to return to his native Austria, after surrendering all his life's research. Heartbroken, he died shortly after his return to his homeland. The US had its own WWII disgrace. HIDDEN NATURE is a great read.
Yes I know. True. OPERATION PAPERCLIP - Operation Nazification – U.S. Military Hired Sixteen Hundred Nazi Scientists and Doctors
Book Review: Annie Jacobsen - Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program That Brought Nazi Scientists to America
¨After World War II, the U.S. military hired sixteen hundred former Nazi scientists and doctors, including some of Adolf Hitler’s closest collaborators, including men responsible for murder, slavery, and human experimentation, including men convicted of war crimes, men acquitted of war crimes, and men who never stood trial. Some of the Nazis tried at Nuremberg had already been working for the U.S. in either Germany or the U.S. prior to the trials. Some were protected from their past by the U.S. government for years, as they lived and worked in Boston Harbor, Long Island, Maryland, Ohio, Texas, Alabama, and elsewhere, or were flown by the U.S. government to Argentina to protect them from prosecution. Some trial transcripts were classified in their entirety to avoid exposing the pasts of important U.S. scientists. Some of the Nazis brought over were frauds who had passed themselves off as scientists, some of whom subsequently learned their fields while working for the U.S. military.
The U.S. occupiers of Germany after World War II declared that all military research in Germany was to cease, as part of the process of denazification. Yet that research went on and expanded in secret, under U.S. authority, both in Germany and in the United States, as part of a process that it’s possible to view as nazification. Not only scientists were hired. Former Nazi spies, most of them former S.S., were hired by the U.S. in post-war Germany to spy on — and torture — Soviets.
The U.S. military shifted in numerous ways when former Nazis were put into prominent positions.¨ Read More
We lab rat residents of the US are constantly bombarded by chemicals which I believe explains why we are lower on infant survival & other health indices. We are up for more jabs since the Covid Jabs were successful at creating billionaires while simultaneously killing off people all over the world. US infants are jabbed with needles the day of birth and then 70+ more before H.S. grafuation.
RFK really must become part of the republican trump administration, not just for the US, but for the whole gamut of western countries
TRUMP?? Are you talking about Jim Jones ( The leader of the Peoples Temple cult who initiated a mass murder-suicide at the Jonestown compound in Guyana ) - Mr. Warp Speed - Take your vaccines, boosters, it's good, I got mine, Trump?
Trump gave few billions $ to the BigPharma to develop this killer shots. He still even bragged saying that if there are 200 millions vaccinated americans, it is because of him.
He knows that vaccines are bad. Kids are not horses do you remember? Robert F. Kennedy Jr met him at the beginning of his mandate as President but he let him down.
His Tramemark - motto is ¨You're fired! Why didn't he fire Dr. Mengel - Fauci?
Yes he is bright. He his a showman. He says what people want to hear. He has a big mouth. He looks tough but is he really? NO! He plays on both side and for his ego.
Robert Kennedy Jr. Blows Whistle On Pfizer Donating $1 Million To Trump Inaugural
JD Vance’s company Narya Capital is an investor in Amplify Bio which is in partnership with RNAV8 Bio for creating more LETHAL mRNA vaccines!
JD Vance is nothing but a Deep State agent and the revelations about this just keep coming to light! Read first our article “Patriot” Trump chooses yet…ANOTHER DEEP STATE AGENT for VP! – JD Vance has ties to the CIA (Palantir), Bilderberg Group, an adrenochrome-producing company, Israel and more!
Very damning
Anthony Robert Holland
Trump kicked those FDA asses to get this WarpSpeed deadly Bioweapon into yours and your families veins.
17 million dead so far from his deadly Bioweapon, is it time you finally came around to your senses ? 2:16 min
Sayin' a Lie 5:25 Trump at mark 3:43 min ¨Take the vaccine, I did it. It's good...¨
Catherine Austin Fitts – Trump put $10 Billion Dollars into a Program to Depopulate the US
Please share as much as possible.
very convincing
Sayin' a Lie 5:25 Trump at mark 3:43 min ¨Take the vaccine, I did it. It's good...¨
I have a close retired physician friend from Bangladesh who believed in the vaccine and took it.. His wife developed breast cancer. But this friend has a good heart.. Many people believed in the vaccine religion. I dont believe in vaccines, let alone one that is not tested, but the AMA tells its member physicians that vaccines save lives. I don't nmbelieve Trump knew. You can be intelligent & still believe non-truths. The Salk vaccine contained LATENT CANCER VIRUS SV40. SO DID COVID 19 VAX.
RFK, Jr. needs to remember this and stop supporting the Zionists' committing genocide in Palestine!!!
Did Colonists Give Infected Blankets to Native Americans as Biological Warfare?
There’s evidence that British colonists in 18th-century America gave Native Americans smallpox-infected blankets at least once—but did it work?
100% agreement
COVID-19 May Damage the Brain in Older Adults's,related%20brain%20changes%20and%20symptoms.
Different topic, but so can statins and not that many people taking them are aware!
Correct, hub takes 2.
It's maddening that the Alz Society (and other illness societies) RARELY, if ever, speak of non-drug free methods. I know they are looking for gov't. money but still they need to consider (at least with Alz) that the drugs they have come up with are mostly BS.
Trump is attempting to play us Christians for being the fools which he believes we are:
In 2017, Trump converted to Orthodox Judaism and pretty much kept that from his followers. Trump will be putting Israel first and America someplace after Israel.
Trump, "I'm not Christian." Trump admits it to a crowd of Christians & they still refuse to believe it!
Listen, very carefully, to the first 26 seconds of the above video where Trump states, "And, again, Christians, get out and vote! Just this time! You won't have to do it any more. In four more years, you know what? It'll be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote any more, my beautiful Christians. I love you Christians. I'm NOT Christian. I love you. Get out; You gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don't have to vote again. WE'll have it fixed so good you're not gonna have to vote."
President Trump Converts to Orthodox Judaism - Moshe Schulman - Medium
Did Donald Trump Convert to Judaism & become a Jew? - (posted 5 years ago)
An explanation as to why Trump would state that in four years, we Christians would not have to vote again has to do with the Noahide Laws, which, essentially, Jews have for non-Jews. Christians who break the Noahide Laws are put to death via decapitation.
Note in the following article:
Did Trump Admit He is NOT a Christian? Did Trump Just Predict the Fulfillment of the Noahide Laws and Mass Murder of Christians?
under the subheading, Will Trump Invoke the Noahide Laws?
"Trump has done more to promote the Zionist agenda than any other President in U.S. history, and that includes endorsing the Noahide Laws, which makes believing in the New Testament and that Jesus Christ was the historical Jewish Messiah, illegal, and punishable by decapitation.
Could this be the reason why Trump is stating that if he gets back into office this year, that Christians will no longer be able to vote, because they will either be dead or it will be illegal for them to vote anymore due to the Noahide Laws?"
This is a question we should all ask ourselves. To learn more about the Noahide Laws, go to YouTube and search for videos using the search string "Noahide Laws" (without the " marks). The first two videos the search returns should be the following:
1) The Truth About the 7 Noahide Laws
2) Beware of the Nohide Laws
Bigger Picture:
The Covid Vaccines
As Human Trafficking …
Each Shot
A Boarding Pass
‘The Fuck Out Of Here.
The pHARMa vipers are probably laughing at first but are having nightmares after they consider that their cover’s blown.
I doubt it but they may sweat the law suits.
I think RFKJr’s talents and expertise would best serve our country if he could lead the NIH or the CDC.
his degrees aren't in the medical area
Only for this issue it would be okay to have Kennedy as President.
I don't believe any other President wants to dismantle this medical tyranny.
Here's a an interesting video from August 2016:
If I understand correctly, when the Electoral College cannot elect President by 270 electoral votes, then the House of Representatives has to elect the President among the top three candidates who get at least 1 electoral vote.
The Representatives vote in bloc, by state. So, 26 states are the minimum to elect President in this alternative and unusual method.
If in November 2024 Kennedy gets at least 1 electoral vote, and no other candidate gets 270, there may be a chance the House elects Kennedy as President in January 2025.
Personally, I would like to see all the radical leftists complaining about democracy just because the Media who controls their thoughts tells them to complain about democracy because Trump has to be President because he is the most voted candidate and forget the Constitution. Leftists and Trumpers united at last by their contempt for the Constitution: That would be CHAOS in all caps! sweet mental CHAOS everywhere! bwahahahaha!
Call me crazy if you must, but I would enjoy seeing the fanatics of all parties melting down, curling into a ball and crying for days just because the little godlings on TV and on the internet are angry. Oh, happy day!
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With this simple FDA statement, not US Code, the average citizen, who legally refuses a jab of a rush-job, EUAed vaccine, can now be legally restrained by the actions of any government authority acting on the FDA's arbitrary guidances.
Does not leave many 'peaceful' options for gov or Citizens (now turned into subjects) alike.