The X post at the beginning of your essay is from an RFK parody acct, not RFK himself nor any affiliation. Meryl, I’m confused by your essay, much of what was said doesn’t sound like what Bobby would say. Then I read the Fox News report and I’m shocked that Bobby did say those things and is promoting the MMR vaccine for individual and community immunity. And that he thinks this minor outbreak (and death of one child with underlying conditions and other illness) is cause for concern. What about the massive adverse reactions from the MMR including death? This is a case of the “prevention” being worse than the infection. I don’t believe he would have said what he said prior to becoming head of HHS. It’s certainly not what CHD and other folks who have the facts on that vaccine are saying. At least he mentioned natural ways to prevent and treat it, which are age old tried and true.
After he said, "the MMR vaccine is available if people want it". He should have stated also--a version of what you stated--that the MMR vaccine is known to cause adverse reactions in some children. . .
Of course he can't say this: too many people standing with whips, including Jim O'Neill, Senator Bill Cassidy--chairman of the Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) Senate Subcommittee-- who allowed RFK Jr.'s Senate confirmation to go through.
I think the fact he even stated that "it is available if people want it", will have to do for now.
I agree this is being done on purpose to try to eliminate him from the position. All by design. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s false PCR testing. Test test to find false positive garbage.
I found the article very positive in that it 1--said vaccinating was a PERSONAL CHOICE not MANDATORY, 2--hinted that one needn't follow the insane childhood guidelines 3--stated that VITAMIN A and healthy nutritious food was the best tools to fight any infectious outbreak. It read VERY starkly differently to me from the fear porn normally touted by this agency with an urgent need to vaccinate everyone and making it mandatory etc etc. It also never once said vaccines cured measles but that it had already greatly declined and that herd immunity was helpful towards our overall low rates.
You read the entire article. It starts with the Big Pharma Fear Scenario of "A child is dead! We must all tremble in fear!!" Most Americans read only the first part that implicitly confirms the Big Pharma lie that one dead child means "nobody safe if not everyone vaccinated." If all the good stuff about nutrition being the best defense, especially Vitamin A had started it, if it had listed the comorbidities of the single dead child, and emphasized from the start the vast reduction in deaths prior to the vaccine, and then added that people were still free to get a vaccine if they felt like it, all hats would be off.
It acknowledges a truth and provides facts and options not fear and one choice. I can’t help those who can’t help themselves by actually reading stuff. Give the man some time to work, these things take a LONG TIME to correct if your goal is to do it RIGHT.
Sure, he has to mention it, but I felt he was pandering and promoting it…”MMR vaccine is crucial to avoiding potentially deadly disease.” Maybe I’m just hyper-sensitive about it and his previous position on it. I know he has to walk a fine line. But, I felt he didn’t balance promoting the vaccine with needing to weigh the risk of vaccine vs infection harm and to read the insert before deciding. In fact, it’s not even being fully and accurately reported whether those who have contracted it were vaccinated or not, half are of unknown status. Stats are not being reported and those are needed for context.
With the numbers of “newcomers,” I suspect that no one knows those statistics. I appreciated his acknowledgment that some of the infected were vaccinated. A new era of transparency, and I applaud him!
I think concerning the MMR vaccines, for right now, he has to go this route until he gets the investigations done for said vaccine with reports etcetera..
The vaccines are causing an outbreak. Chlorine Dioxide is the anti-inoculation protocol for poisons and biological weapons. The testimonies alone prove it, yet the science is backing chlorine dioxide. We are not deficient on pharmaceutical, that is a fact.
Chlorine dioxide (ClO₂) is emerging as a potent antimicrobial agent, particularly in hospital settings. Recent studies have demonstrated its effectiveness against a variety of pathogens, including viruses responsible for respiratory infections.
For instance, research conducted at the Lebanese American University revealed that ClO₂ can reduce influenza viruses by an impressive 99.9%, showcasing its potential as a disinfectant in healthcare environments.
Moreover, ClO₂ has been evaluated for its antiviral properties against several viruses, including measles and rubella. Its mode of action involves disrupting viral structures, thereby inhibiting their ability to infect host cells.
This characteristic makes chlorine dioxide a valuable tool in combating viral outbreaks, especially in settings where traditional disinfectants may fall short. As the world grapples with the resurgence of vaccine-preventable diseases, the application of chlorine dioxide in disinfection protocols could play a crucial role in enhancing public health safety and preventing the spread of infections.
@David Oates - "the vaccines are causing the outbreak" - "the testimonies" prove nothing, it's just what it is a "testimony" nothing more, nothing less.
Repeatability is science. Just because you have not witnessed the repeatability does not mean it does not exist. You can look at the science and the demonization of chlorine dioxide to come to your own conclusion. If you have not studied it or invested your life into it just maybe you will begin to dig deeper.
How did the testimonies go with experimental bioweapon go?
Do you know what is in the measles vaccine?
I do and I would detox that crap with chlorine dioxide.
I was greatly saddened reading Bobby's opinion piece. It felt like he was being forced to repeat the nonsense of people taking (poison) to 'protect those who can't take poison'. I don't think he can 'end the chronic disease epidemic like he promised if he keeps repeating lies.
Like that matters. Definitely not a brainwashed Doctor. I have no status.
I actually have Doctors now coming to me to learn the proper use of Chlorine Dioxide. Big named Doctors that woke up to the deception. Even one that introduced chlorine dioxide to RFK jr. Did you not hear that announcement? Not to brag on that status as no one is better than another. I just state the truth and can prove it with documentation..
I do have documented testimonies from people that are curing. I just shared the universal antidote.
I also have a group of 30K that has the documented testimonies and you can ask my new friends their testimonies if you find any valuable and curing name dis-ease.
I cured my asthma, acid reflux, arthritis, back pain and more by accident with chlorine dioxide. It was more than for the COVID prevention and the cure.
I have been on several interviews so look me up. I am in the open on the rooftops.
This is common to be nervous. It is important to know what you are doing. This is why I have a Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies Group on telegram and why I have live chats. We can get you started right and without the fear. No worries because together we keep winning!
I agree. The tweet account says: "My pronouns: Prosecute/Fauci. I post commentary, news, and updates on politics and health. Parody account. No affiliation. Follow
He also gave the non MMR vaccine alternative. He also said vaccination is a personal choice. There are still millions who want yo vaccinate. With proper informed consent if they still choose to, let them! We are so quick to overreact because our influencers tell us to. America should be one of choice with full informed consent not radical censorship on either side!
…“massive adverse reactions from the MMR including death”
Risks undeniable. Massive? IDK. WADR, do you have statistics of which I am unaware? Risks from measles, also undeniable, In this post jab era are as yet unknown.
Its as if Fox News is running the RFK Jr parody and the X post is what RFK Jr really believes - as do so many of us. It so often happens that when these people get into power they start parroting the official narrative even though it runs counter to their own beliefs. I wonder why ? Coercion, bribery, indoctrination ? Who knows.
I had hope for RFK but if he really said this he is a tool of the vaccine manufacturers. I am 73. Back when I was a kid in the 1950s every single child in my neighborhood got the measles. So what? Our parents kept us home from school for a few days in bed. Then our immune systems cleared the disease and we were fine. Vaccines can't cure infectious diseases, and RFK knows this very well. I am now beginning to suspect that Trump meant what he said about Stargate, and RFK is with him. That may be premature, but we should all keep a close eye on things.
I’m only 61 and had the same experience. All the kids would get together so we’d all get it over with at the same. It was a right of passage. Same with the chicken pox, and mumps. I had all three. Later I had to be vaccinated for it to attend school. I remember my mom being upset about it.
“So what?” Well yes, everyone got the measles, but some also died or were permanently disabled, especially if they developed encephalitis. The vax is still a “no” for me, but I’m not certain that we know the extent of the jab induced effects on our immune systems.
Hi Fred -- My "So What?" comment wasn't meant to be frivolous. I was just referring to the attitude everyone had back then. Measles, mumps, and chicken pox were things every kid got and nobody got excited over it. If the measles vax actually worked I'd be all for it.
Has anybody stopped to ask about the measles vaccination status of the many millions of migrants who entered the United States in the past few years? Was the child who died a native of Texas or a migrant? How many of the cases are of American-born children, and what was their vaccination status for measles? Do we know how the outbreaks occurred? It seems that these aspect of the situation are never questioned publicly, although I am pretty sure that some of the answers are known.
I read that she was in the hospital with RSV and pneumonia, contracted measles and was GIVEN the measles vaccine! Which is a no/no if there is an active infection (so I understand).
That would be another factor we should be looking at. Why do those with those jabs seem to get sick so much more frequently? This is anecdotal from my experience, but I am amazed at how consistent it seems to be.
"Tens of thousands died with, or of, measles annually in 19th Century America. By 1960 -- before the vaccine’s introduction -- improvements in sanitation and nutrition had eliminated 98% of measles deaths. Good nutrition remains a best defense against most chronic and infectious illnesses. Vitamins A, C, and D, and foods rich in vitamins B12, C, and E should be part of a balanced diet."
He says there was a huge improvement BEFORE the vaccine. He's making the point. What do you expect, especially when the majority are totally credulous of whatever authority figures tell them? The MSM will be onto him for that truth about improved living standards reducing disease before vaccines were introduced, of course.
He can't do studies in days. Studies take years. If he didn't mention vaccines with a death hyped as a measles death, the media would be all over him for "murdering" children - "the heinous anti-vaxxer has already proven he will kill children for his hatred of vaccines," etc.
Yeah, I thought this might be the most likely answer for his official response. The insanity of these ‘haccines’ needs to be unwound logically and methodically as the propaganda surrounding their safety and effectiveness is almost mind bendingly complete! Sadly, it will take time. God help us all to get there in one piece!!!! 😢🙏🏻
No, he doesn't need to do clinical trials. He can study what actually HAPPENED, or 'retrospective' studies. He has a team. He has AI. It doesn't need to take that long. Plus many very good studies have already been done, and some even published in the medical journals.
Still a “no” for me, but the outbreak is now. Can you be certain that the c-shot effect on kids’ immune system is inconsequential? He also said he wouldn’t take away the availability of shots. He must retain his credibility. I know it’s a ridiculous statement, but if you look only at the current facts, we seem to have 1 death in only 146 cases.
Bobby!! Wise up, man. I'm 76. I had measles as a child. My two brothers and one sister had measles, too. All our friends had measles. No one died. We achieved lifetime immunity from the disease for a week of itching and being bellicose with our moms. Stop with the MMR vaccine bullshit. Let the natural immunity human system work.
Nope. Not at all. I speak only for the unvaxxed. The vaxxed will have to chart their own course. If they determine further genetic alteration is their way forward, so be it. The wise ones should already be attempting to detox according to the best information available at this time. They need only follow the many researchers on Substack who are looking at blood samples and how various ingredients or concoctions work to rid those samples of visual nanotechnology. Karl C.'s substack, in particular, has offered many such products.
Would someone please explain to me the difference between measles way back when I was growing up, and measles now?
I remember the days in elementary school when ten or 20 kids would be absent from school, all at once, because they all had 1) measles 1) mumps or 3) chicken pox.
It was no big deal. The kids got it, they got over it. End of story.
Because we are in the middle of an effort by the trillianaires to reduce and enslave the population. And, as Bill Gates pointed out, vaccines will reduce the population.
Not as far as we know. The Maine outbreak was. Does anyone have a link to support or disprove that the vax strain might not be person to person transmissible?
Bobby Kennedy has never been the anti-vaxxer that msm has made him out to be. He is an advocate for safe vaccines. He may have made some "concessions" in order to be affirmed, sure, but I feel confident that he will conduct careful oversight of MMR vaccines to ensure our children's safety. And, of course, all vaccines carry some risk, they always have and always will.
Are the MMR vaccines "safe" and "effective", or are they one of many vaxxes in the Infant Vaccine Schedule that are causing autism ? Why would you trust them, if they haven't been thru the proper vetting process ? What's the acceptable level of risk ? They pushed the COVID vaxxes saying that One Death is not acceptable, and they were lying their asses off ... Now you are saying trust the medical establishment ? How can you ? I wouldn't trust them to vaccinate my dog. Take your some risk and shove it.
Maybe I should have said I'm hoping Kennedy will determine their safety and see that they are thoroughly tested. I'm like you at this point. I don't trust them. If I had children, I would not have them vaccinated with the MMR vaccine. I feel the same way you do. At this point, I don't trust them after what happened with the covid injections, which weren't vaccines at all. I'm with you. Again, what concessions did he make to be affirmed? We don't know. Just wanted to clear that up. Also, I still believe there's a bigger (dark) agenda going on. I didn't at first, but now I do.
Agree, Diane. AFAIK, the MMR poses the most risk to those with certain genetics like MTHFR. Hope that new studies will try to identify those at increased risk. I’m sick of the blanket denials.
I’m specifically concerned about my two young grandsons. The more I dig into viruses and vaccines, the less I know particularly from Sasha Latypova. Who the F is right?! I’m almost at the point that I can’t be helped since my head has already exploded.
We are at one of the great turning points in the on-going development of mankind: We are in the process of learning that so much of what we believe is correct, is not correct, and that so much of what be believe is not correct is, in fact, correct.
Someone I know refers to this as "hyper-novelty", a period during which we will have an extremely difficult time discerning correct thinking. For example, how can I believe the conclusions of past "studies", once I become aware of the corruption of so many of those involved with the creation and publication of those studies?
Given what my -- to use your phrasing -- "digging into" Big Pharma and the gunnermint's pushing of very questionable things, the retractions of published "scientific studies" (mostly from 2020 and 2021) at major medical publications, and comparing and contrasting them with my own experiences with treating disease issues, I no longer trust ANYTHING that comes from The Medical Establishment, which includes any and all official government letter agencies (FDA, USDA, CDC, WHO, etc., etc.). I only slightly trust certain individuals that write on health topics, choosing to watch and read what many say and/or preach, but holding it all in a "wait and see" sort of status.
What do I trust? Personal experience. I used to farm, organically, biodynamically, and pasture-based. Shortly after starting to farm, I learned that following nature's cycles (not kidding lambs and calving out of season, not milking in the dead of winter, leaving calves on their mother's teat longer, etc.) and NOT following "long-established protocols", such as vaccinating, docking tails, feeding "approved" diets (almost ALL of which are too high in protein, designed to maximize short-term production at the expense of long-term health of the animals), and such.
In farming, following stated government and industry (Dept of Ag, Ag college "science", and such) was responsible for far more animal deaths than not following it. If that is true for animals, why would it not be true for the institutions that, supposedly, advise US?
So, don't vaccinate, as it is, at best, "not harming us". Don't panic over silly "pandemic" issues (keep your stress level down!). Feed your family clean, non-industrial food (staying far away from industry- and government-pushed seed oils, in particular). And make sure those grandsons get LOTS of outside play in both the sun and the dirt!
The hyper-novelty will resolve itself, but it could easily take a decade or more to de-corrupt the institutions that most of us want to trust and to learn to sort the good from the evil espoused by them. In the meantime, as the cover of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" advises, "DON'T PANIC".
Sorry for the length of this and the best of wishes for everyone's success in navigating the hyper-novelty, going forward!
How many hundreds of thousands were murdered with Remdesivir like my beautiful wife four years ago?
Unfortunately, millions of people go about their everyday business until they discover that we are being deliberately manipulated by our own government to cull the population. They get all wired about chickens and egg prices while democide is taking place.
Oh Frank…I am so sorry to hear about your wife…I am assuming that she was also a PRISONER in the hospital…and, you, a prisoner on the outside? Please forgive us for for not being stronger for her🙏. So VERY SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS. And really sad , that, as a taxpayer, I PAID FOR THE DYSFUNCTION AND DEATH.
Thank you for your condolences. You are correct on the matter of being prisoners. There are 1,400 or so documented similar cases at including ours. The CHD Bus, FLCCC and other health freedom organizations have done the same. We are the cavalry and aren’t going to stop until there is accountability.
Count me in if possible to help.. we have got to get rid of this corrupt government…I live in the state of wa & am witnessing graft and corruption on a daily basis…I am seriously trying to find a way to funnel my tax dollars away from all of their crt, dei etc waste. (No caps for emphasis)
Few politicians are trustworthy to do anything but line their own pockets. Trump, Musk, RFK, Jr. aren’t perfect but they don’t need the money and are basically OUTSIDERS. I’m supporting them as much as possible unless they do something that is not America first.
At least he's showing that there are other options, and not insisting everyone should take the shot. Legacy media are waiting to pounce on the slightest "controversial" statement. He's walking a minefield, given the corruption of pharma and their foot soldiers in the MSM.
Possible the editors added the "Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity..." part and wouldn't publish the piece unless it was included? Maybe it was a compromise RFK Jr. made to get SOME good info out? When the issue is this polarized, and a leader is under such heated scrutiny, subtle advisement toward personal choice and compromise might be only way to start to achieve long term change (I say might, because I don't claim to know how to fix this! Anyone read the comments on the FOX page? We are so divided!). As much as I don't like to compromise, it has its place in all sorts of battles, whether marital, employment, political, legal or otherwise. IMO, RFK Jr. is a smart and patient leader. I'm gonna see the wins here and, for now, trust that compromises are part of the overall poker game that needs to be played.
It would've helped if they'd had mentioned if this child had a measles vaccine, and also a covid one. There might be factors at play here unbeknownst to us
Basic Science students learn to always go back to basics and question assumptions.
Doctorate level minds seem to have forgotten this fundamental principle.
Cinicians seem to have forgotten this.
Oddly the measles "virus" like other virus has never been isolated and shown to cross infect.
Looking at data jumps over the basic assumption of causation...
Report on the latest "outbreak" leaps over the causation issue.
The discussion is more and more about less and less.
It is actually a brilliant fraud. Columbo would be impressed.
The preponderance of evidence and rational thought suggests recalling basic assumptions
and questioning them...
Due to the USAID expose we have absulute certainty that grifting billions is real almost all on the liberal side of the equation, (we have the receipts), it is not even a stretch to suggest that the virus of the day hoax that forms the world view of good docs everywhere is false.
There are a few MD's who have this certainty, Mike Stone, Mike Yeadon, Andrew Kaufman.
The avalanche has broken off the cliff, Renegade MD's soon a dime a dozen.
RFK crowing about vaccines is actually irrelevant, assuming its true.
His work speaks for itself, and is stellar, as is his collaboration.
The X post at the beginning of your essay is from an RFK parody acct, not RFK himself nor any affiliation. Meryl, I’m confused by your essay, much of what was said doesn’t sound like what Bobby would say. Then I read the Fox News report and I’m shocked that Bobby did say those things and is promoting the MMR vaccine for individual and community immunity. And that he thinks this minor outbreak (and death of one child with underlying conditions and other illness) is cause for concern. What about the massive adverse reactions from the MMR including death? This is a case of the “prevention” being worse than the infection. I don’t believe he would have said what he said prior to becoming head of HHS. It’s certainly not what CHD and other folks who have the facts on that vaccine are saying. At least he mentioned natural ways to prevent and treat it, which are age old tried and true.
Ough, I'm not alone! What is going, Meril?
After he said, "the MMR vaccine is available if people want it". He should have stated also--a version of what you stated--that the MMR vaccine is known to cause adverse reactions in some children. . .
Of course he can't say this: too many people standing with whips, including Jim O'Neill, Senator Bill Cassidy--chairman of the Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) Senate Subcommittee-- who allowed RFK Jr.'s Senate confirmation to go through.
I think the fact he even stated that "it is available if people want it", will have to do for now.
I agree this is being done on purpose to try to eliminate him from the position. All by design. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s false PCR testing. Test test to find false positive garbage.
I found the article very positive in that it 1--said vaccinating was a PERSONAL CHOICE not MANDATORY, 2--hinted that one needn't follow the insane childhood guidelines 3--stated that VITAMIN A and healthy nutritious food was the best tools to fight any infectious outbreak. It read VERY starkly differently to me from the fear porn normally touted by this agency with an urgent need to vaccinate everyone and making it mandatory etc etc. It also never once said vaccines cured measles but that it had already greatly declined and that herd immunity was helpful towards our overall low rates.
You read the entire article. It starts with the Big Pharma Fear Scenario of "A child is dead! We must all tremble in fear!!" Most Americans read only the first part that implicitly confirms the Big Pharma lie that one dead child means "nobody safe if not everyone vaccinated." If all the good stuff about nutrition being the best defense, especially Vitamin A had started it, if it had listed the comorbidities of the single dead child, and emphasized from the start the vast reduction in deaths prior to the vaccine, and then added that people were still free to get a vaccine if they felt like it, all hats would be off.
It acknowledges a truth and provides facts and options not fear and one choice. I can’t help those who can’t help themselves by actually reading stuff. Give the man some time to work, these things take a LONG TIME to correct if your goal is to do it RIGHT.
"Give the man some time to work, these things take a LONG TIME to correct if your goal is to do it RIGHT."
YES!!!! Your post is spot on
I just made the same comment about the parody account but when I saw your comment, I decided to delete it.
I don't see how RFK can avoid mentioning that the MMR vaccine is available if people want it.
Sure, he has to mention it, but I felt he was pandering and promoting it…”MMR vaccine is crucial to avoiding potentially deadly disease.” Maybe I’m just hyper-sensitive about it and his previous position on it. I know he has to walk a fine line. But, I felt he didn’t balance promoting the vaccine with needing to weigh the risk of vaccine vs infection harm and to read the insert before deciding. In fact, it’s not even being fully and accurately reported whether those who have contracted it were vaccinated or not, half are of unknown status. Stats are not being reported and those are needed for context.
I thought he downplayed it quite a bit.
Let's face it, he's stuck between a rock and a hard place no matter what he does. He's going to be more cautious than possibly he even needs to be.
With the numbers of “newcomers,” I suspect that no one knows those statistics. I appreciated his acknowledgment that some of the infected were vaccinated. A new era of transparency, and I applaud him!
I think concerning the MMR vaccines, for right now, he has to go this route until he gets the investigations done for said vaccine with reports etcetera..
I hope so. I felt deflated after reading it. Yeah, the second part was good but in the beginning he is pushing dangerous vaccines.
I second your opinion..............
Not true - it's an official warning
The vaccines are causing an outbreak. Chlorine Dioxide is the anti-inoculation protocol for poisons and biological weapons. The testimonies alone prove it, yet the science is backing chlorine dioxide. We are not deficient on pharmaceutical, that is a fact.
Chlorine dioxide (ClO₂) is emerging as a potent antimicrobial agent, particularly in hospital settings. Recent studies have demonstrated its effectiveness against a variety of pathogens, including viruses responsible for respiratory infections.
For instance, research conducted at the Lebanese American University revealed that ClO₂ can reduce influenza viruses by an impressive 99.9%, showcasing its potential as a disinfectant in healthcare environments.
Moreover, ClO₂ has been evaluated for its antiviral properties against several viruses, including measles and rubella. Its mode of action involves disrupting viral structures, thereby inhibiting their ability to infect host cells.
This characteristic makes chlorine dioxide a valuable tool in combating viral outbreaks, especially in settings where traditional disinfectants may fall short. As the world grapples with the resurgence of vaccine-preventable diseases, the application of chlorine dioxide in disinfection protocols could play a crucial role in enhancing public health safety and preventing the spread of infections.
Learn more: ⬇️
@David Oates - "the vaccines are causing the outbreak" - "the testimonies" prove nothing, it's just what it is a "testimony" nothing more, nothing less.
Repeatability is science. Just because you have not witnessed the repeatability does not mean it does not exist. You can look at the science and the demonization of chlorine dioxide to come to your own conclusion. If you have not studied it or invested your life into it just maybe you will begin to dig deeper.
How did the testimonies go with experimental bioweapon go?
Do you know what is in the measles vaccine?
I do and I would detox that crap with chlorine dioxide.
I was greatly saddened reading Bobby's opinion piece. It felt like he was being forced to repeat the nonsense of people taking (poison) to 'protect those who can't take poison'. I don't think he can 'end the chronic disease epidemic like he promised if he keeps repeating lies.
What is your background, David, if you don't mind me asking?
Like that matters. Definitely not a brainwashed Doctor. I have no status.
I actually have Doctors now coming to me to learn the proper use of Chlorine Dioxide. Big named Doctors that woke up to the deception. Even one that introduced chlorine dioxide to RFK jr. Did you not hear that announcement? Not to brag on that status as no one is better than another. I just state the truth and can prove it with documentation..
I do have documented testimonies from people that are curing. I just shared the universal antidote.
I also have a group of 30K that has the documented testimonies and you can ask my new friends their testimonies if you find any valuable and curing name dis-ease.
I cured my asthma, acid reflux, arthritis, back pain and more by accident with chlorine dioxide. It was more than for the COVID prevention and the cure.
I have been on several interviews so look me up. I am in the open on the rooftops.
Thank you for your post and the link. I have started looking into it, but I have multiple protocols already and have been a bit intimidated by it.
This is common to be nervous. It is important to know what you are doing. This is why I have a Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies Group on telegram and why I have live chats. We can get you started right and without the fear. No worries because together we keep winning!
What's not true??
That the info was from RFK Jr's "parody account." It was from his real account.
Yes, the tweet posted by @RFKJr_Official is from a parody account. Here's the profile. It says "Parody account".
Robert F. Kennedy Jr | MAHA (Commentary only)
My pronouns: Prosecute/Fauci. I post commentary, news, and updates on politics and health. Parody account. No affiliation. Follow
United StatesJoined November 2024
I agree. The tweet account says: "My pronouns: Prosecute/Fauci. I post commentary, news, and updates on politics and health. Parody account. No affiliation. Follow
What are you talking about? It's his official HHS account!
It's really insane that people like you who don't grasp things are buttering in with silly, to say the least "revelations."
The link you posted shows that his official account is @SecKennedy.
Here's the link to the parody account on X:
People like me can grasp things very well.
I'm not sure he even wrote it, look at the original statement on the HHS website. "Content created by Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (ASPA)
Content last reviewed March 3, 2025"
He also gave the non MMR vaccine alternative. He also said vaccination is a personal choice. There are still millions who want yo vaccinate. With proper informed consent if they still choose to, let them! We are so quick to overreact because our influencers tell us to. America should be one of choice with full informed consent not radical censorship on either side!
…“massive adverse reactions from the MMR including death”
Risks undeniable. Massive? IDK. WADR, do you have statistics of which I am unaware? Risks from measles, also undeniable, In this post jab era are as yet unknown.
Its as if Fox News is running the RFK Jr parody and the X post is what RFK Jr really believes - as do so many of us. It so often happens that when these people get into power they start parroting the official narrative even though it runs counter to their own beliefs. I wonder why ? Coercion, bribery, indoctrination ? Who knows.
I had hope for RFK but if he really said this he is a tool of the vaccine manufacturers. I am 73. Back when I was a kid in the 1950s every single child in my neighborhood got the measles. So what? Our parents kept us home from school for a few days in bed. Then our immune systems cleared the disease and we were fine. Vaccines can't cure infectious diseases, and RFK knows this very well. I am now beginning to suspect that Trump meant what he said about Stargate, and RFK is with him. That may be premature, but we should all keep a close eye on things.
I’m only 61 and had the same experience. All the kids would get together so we’d all get it over with at the same. It was a right of passage. Same with the chicken pox, and mumps. I had all three. Later I had to be vaccinated for it to attend school. I remember my mom being upset about it.
Yeah, and some patents intentionally had “chickenpox parties” to expose children so they would get the pox and get over it.
Yes I had measles as did my brother's and sisters and we have lifelong immunity
“So what?” Well yes, everyone got the measles, but some also died or were permanently disabled, especially if they developed encephalitis. The vax is still a “no” for me, but I’m not certain that we know the extent of the jab induced effects on our immune systems.
Hi Fred -- My "So What?" comment wasn't meant to be frivolous. I was just referring to the attitude everyone had back then. Measles, mumps, and chicken pox were things every kid got and nobody got excited over it. If the measles vax actually worked I'd be all for it.
Has anybody stopped to ask about the measles vaccination status of the many millions of migrants who entered the United States in the past few years? Was the child who died a native of Texas or a migrant? How many of the cases are of American-born children, and what was their vaccination status for measles? Do we know how the outbreaks occurred? It seems that these aspect of the situation are never questioned publicly, although I am pretty sure that some of the answers are known.
I read that she was in the hospital with RSV and pneumonia, contracted measles and was GIVEN the measles vaccine! Which is a no/no if there is an active infection (so I understand).
If that is true it makes a huge difference. Weneed all the info, not just a few select stats.
In 1950 there were 0.3 deaths per 100,000 population. I have the Communicable Disease book from 1956 so I know this for fact.
I too have looked up the 1950s stats. I think you mean per 100,000 people, not cases.
Yes per 100,000 population
Yep. But now factor in how many of those children have had the immune destroying C shots. It’s too early to tell.
That would be another factor we should be looking at. Why do those with those jabs seem to get sick so much more frequently? This is anecdotal from my experience, but I am amazed at how consistent it seems to be.
"Tens of thousands died with, or of, measles annually in 19th Century America. By 1960 -- before the vaccine’s introduction -- improvements in sanitation and nutrition had eliminated 98% of measles deaths. Good nutrition remains a best defense against most chronic and infectious illnesses. Vitamins A, C, and D, and foods rich in vitamins B12, C, and E should be part of a balanced diet."
What a load of absolute hogwash and vax propaganda.
Have yet to meet anyone who does not believe their nutrition is "good".
He says there was a huge improvement BEFORE the vaccine. He's making the point. What do you expect, especially when the majority are totally credulous of whatever authority figures tell them? The MSM will be onto him for that truth about improved living standards reducing disease before vaccines were introduced, of course.
Not the people living in squalor during the industrial revolution. They knew their 'nutrition' sucked.
Thats where the epidemics started.
I thought RFK was going to do gold standard vaccine studies to verify their effectiveness before pimping them?
He can't do studies in days. Studies take years. If he didn't mention vaccines with a death hyped as a measles death, the media would be all over him for "murdering" children - "the heinous anti-vaxxer has already proven he will kill children for his hatred of vaccines," etc.
Yeah, I thought this might be the most likely answer for his official response. The insanity of these ‘haccines’ needs to be unwound logically and methodically as the propaganda surrounding their safety and effectiveness is almost mind bendingly complete! Sadly, it will take time. God help us all to get there in one piece!!!! 😢🙏🏻
No, he doesn't need to do clinical trials. He can study what actually HAPPENED, or 'retrospective' studies. He has a team. He has AI. It doesn't need to take that long. Plus many very good studies have already been done, and some even published in the medical journals.
Still a “no” for me, but the outbreak is now. Can you be certain that the c-shot effect on kids’ immune system is inconsequential? He also said he wouldn’t take away the availability of shots. He must retain his credibility. I know it’s a ridiculous statement, but if you look only at the current facts, we seem to have 1 death in only 146 cases.
Bobby!! Wise up, man. I'm 76. I had measles as a child. My two brothers and one sister had measles, too. All our friends had measles. No one died. We achieved lifetime immunity from the disease for a week of itching and being bellicose with our moms. Stop with the MMR vaccine bullshit. Let the natural immunity human system work.
Are you trusting that the c shots didn’t destroy many immune systems?
Nope. Not at all. I speak only for the unvaxxed. The vaxxed will have to chart their own course. If they determine further genetic alteration is their way forward, so be it. The wise ones should already be attempting to detox according to the best information available at this time. They need only follow the many researchers on Substack who are looking at blood samples and how various ingredients or concoctions work to rid those samples of visual nanotechnology. Karl C.'s substack, in particular, has offered many such products.
Only an idiot lines up for Big Pharma poison. They control the narrative and the propaganda.
Would someone please explain to me the difference between measles way back when I was growing up, and measles now?
I remember the days in elementary school when ten or 20 kids would be absent from school, all at once, because they all had 1) measles 1) mumps or 3) chicken pox.
It was no big deal. The kids got it, they got over it. End of story.
Why all the terror now?
Because we are in the middle of an effort by the trillianaires to reduce and enslave the population. And, as Bill Gates pointed out, vaccines will reduce the population.
The difference is the propaganda machine!
Good question. We don’t know yet how the new c jab autoimmune issues will intersect with old diseases.
Pharma moneymaker. Going along as planned.
was this a vaccine strain of Measles?
Not as far as we know. The Maine outbreak was. Does anyone have a link to support or disprove that the vax strain might not be person to person transmissible?
Man I’m so grateful for RFKJ and I’m so glad I’m not in his shoes. He threaded that needle beautifully.
Bobby Kennedy has never been the anti-vaxxer that msm has made him out to be. He is an advocate for safe vaccines. He may have made some "concessions" in order to be affirmed, sure, but I feel confident that he will conduct careful oversight of MMR vaccines to ensure our children's safety. And, of course, all vaccines carry some risk, they always have and always will.
Are the MMR vaccines "safe" and "effective", or are they one of many vaxxes in the Infant Vaccine Schedule that are causing autism ? Why would you trust them, if they haven't been thru the proper vetting process ? What's the acceptable level of risk ? They pushed the COVID vaxxes saying that One Death is not acceptable, and they were lying their asses off ... Now you are saying trust the medical establishment ? How can you ? I wouldn't trust them to vaccinate my dog. Take your some risk and shove it.
Let's talk about adjuvants...
Maybe I should have said I'm hoping Kennedy will determine their safety and see that they are thoroughly tested. I'm like you at this point. I don't trust them. If I had children, I would not have them vaccinated with the MMR vaccine. I feel the same way you do. At this point, I don't trust them after what happened with the covid injections, which weren't vaccines at all. I'm with you. Again, what concessions did he make to be affirmed? We don't know. Just wanted to clear that up. Also, I still believe there's a bigger (dark) agenda going on. I didn't at first, but now I do.
Agree, Diane. AFAIK, the MMR poses the most risk to those with certain genetics like MTHFR. Hope that new studies will try to identify those at increased risk. I’m sick of the blanket denials.
I’m specifically concerned about my two young grandsons. The more I dig into viruses and vaccines, the less I know particularly from Sasha Latypova. Who the F is right?! I’m almost at the point that I can’t be helped since my head has already exploded.
We are at one of the great turning points in the on-going development of mankind: We are in the process of learning that so much of what we believe is correct, is not correct, and that so much of what be believe is not correct is, in fact, correct.
Someone I know refers to this as "hyper-novelty", a period during which we will have an extremely difficult time discerning correct thinking. For example, how can I believe the conclusions of past "studies", once I become aware of the corruption of so many of those involved with the creation and publication of those studies?
Given what my -- to use your phrasing -- "digging into" Big Pharma and the gunnermint's pushing of very questionable things, the retractions of published "scientific studies" (mostly from 2020 and 2021) at major medical publications, and comparing and contrasting them with my own experiences with treating disease issues, I no longer trust ANYTHING that comes from The Medical Establishment, which includes any and all official government letter agencies (FDA, USDA, CDC, WHO, etc., etc.). I only slightly trust certain individuals that write on health topics, choosing to watch and read what many say and/or preach, but holding it all in a "wait and see" sort of status.
What do I trust? Personal experience. I used to farm, organically, biodynamically, and pasture-based. Shortly after starting to farm, I learned that following nature's cycles (not kidding lambs and calving out of season, not milking in the dead of winter, leaving calves on their mother's teat longer, etc.) and NOT following "long-established protocols", such as vaccinating, docking tails, feeding "approved" diets (almost ALL of which are too high in protein, designed to maximize short-term production at the expense of long-term health of the animals), and such.
In farming, following stated government and industry (Dept of Ag, Ag college "science", and such) was responsible for far more animal deaths than not following it. If that is true for animals, why would it not be true for the institutions that, supposedly, advise US?
So, don't vaccinate, as it is, at best, "not harming us". Don't panic over silly "pandemic" issues (keep your stress level down!). Feed your family clean, non-industrial food (staying far away from industry- and government-pushed seed oils, in particular). And make sure those grandsons get LOTS of outside play in both the sun and the dirt!
The hyper-novelty will resolve itself, but it could easily take a decade or more to de-corrupt the institutions that most of us want to trust and to learn to sort the good from the evil espoused by them. In the meantime, as the cover of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" advises, "DON'T PANIC".
Sorry for the length of this and the best of wishes for everyone's success in navigating the hyper-novelty, going forward!
Fringe, please don't apologize. This is the best comment I've read in a long while. So many truths.
You are AWESOME…please post this on X
You describe a phenomena. It is not your head that exploded, it is your false world view.
There is no one you could mention that is not afflicted.
You see, we all have been trained to trust and repeat an assortment of lies.
The list is long.
Protect your grandsons, from needles or other forms of vaccines as best you can.
Unfortunately most of us are way late to the party.
Boy is that true…I apologize to my daughter constantly for all that I trusted. Nd did not understand.
And the big unknown now…how many immune systems were destroyed by the c shots?
Depends on their batch.
How many hundreds of thousands were murdered with Remdesivir like my beautiful wife four years ago?
Unfortunately, millions of people go about their everyday business until they discover that we are being deliberately manipulated by our own government to cull the population. They get all wired about chickens and egg prices while democide is taking place.
Oh Frank…I am so sorry to hear about your wife…I am assuming that she was also a PRISONER in the hospital…and, you, a prisoner on the outside? Please forgive us for for not being stronger for her🙏. So VERY SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS. And really sad , that, as a taxpayer, I PAID FOR THE DYSFUNCTION AND DEATH.
Thank you for your condolences. You are correct on the matter of being prisoners. There are 1,400 or so documented similar cases at including ours. The CHD Bus, FLCCC and other health freedom organizations have done the same. We are the cavalry and aren’t going to stop until there is accountability.
Count me in if possible to help.. we have got to get rid of this corrupt government…I live in the state of wa & am witnessing graft and corruption on a daily basis…I am seriously trying to find a way to funnel my tax dollars away from all of their crt, dei etc waste. (No caps for emphasis)
Few politicians are trustworthy to do anything but line their own pockets. Trump, Musk, RFK, Jr. aren’t perfect but they don’t need the money and are basically OUTSIDERS. I’m supporting them as much as possible unless they do something that is not America first.
At least he's showing that there are other options, and not insisting everyone should take the shot. Legacy media are waiting to pounce on the slightest "controversial" statement. He's walking a minefield, given the corruption of pharma and their foot soldiers in the MSM.
He knows where the mines are..& is intelligent enough to circumnavigate them. GOD BLESS AMERICA, DJT AND FAM, ELON MUSK & RFK JR…etc 🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏
Possible the editors added the "Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity..." part and wouldn't publish the piece unless it was included? Maybe it was a compromise RFK Jr. made to get SOME good info out? When the issue is this polarized, and a leader is under such heated scrutiny, subtle advisement toward personal choice and compromise might be only way to start to achieve long term change (I say might, because I don't claim to know how to fix this! Anyone read the comments on the FOX page? We are so divided!). As much as I don't like to compromise, it has its place in all sorts of battles, whether marital, employment, political, legal or otherwise. IMO, RFK Jr. is a smart and patient leader. I'm gonna see the wins here and, for now, trust that compromises are part of the overall poker game that needs to be played.
It would've helped if they'd had mentioned if this child had a measles vaccine, and also a covid one. There might be factors at play here unbeknownst to us
🎯! My concerns exactly!
Basic Science students learn to always go back to basics and question assumptions.
Doctorate level minds seem to have forgotten this fundamental principle.
Cinicians seem to have forgotten this.
Oddly the measles "virus" like other virus has never been isolated and shown to cross infect.
Looking at data jumps over the basic assumption of causation...
Report on the latest "outbreak" leaps over the causation issue.
The discussion is more and more about less and less.
It is actually a brilliant fraud. Columbo would be impressed.
The preponderance of evidence and rational thought suggests recalling basic assumptions
and questioning them...
Due to the USAID expose we have absulute certainty that grifting billions is real almost all on the liberal side of the equation, (we have the receipts), it is not even a stretch to suggest that the virus of the day hoax that forms the world view of good docs everywhere is false.
There are a few MD's who have this certainty, Mike Stone, Mike Yeadon, Andrew Kaufman.
The avalanche has broken off the cliff, Renegade MD's soon a dime a dozen.
RFK crowing about vaccines is actually irrelevant, assuming its true.
His work speaks for itself, and is stellar, as is his collaboration.