The purpose of releasing the JFK / RFK / MLK files now is to create an awakening and to protect RFK Jr at the same time. The hit pieces are out and Bill Gates is scrambling to get ahead of the Epstein story whilst attacking Bobby. Why did Trump meet Gates and why has he said little? But Gates is mouthing off about HIV cures?
Why did Trump tease about rejoining WHO and then Sunday the CDC orders staffers to cut off contact with the WHO?
Bobby is the keystone and cornerstone. He must be confirmed and allowed to get to work and work he will do. And in the meantime, everyone has forgotten about Trump's NIH nominee, one staunch opponent of Fauci and Francis Collins, one Dr Jay Bhattacharya.
I just have to keep saying it, I can't help myself. These agencies, doctors, "intellectuals", etc who are all screaming that RFK Jr shouldn't be confirmed should take the same advice that all of us are given every time they impose new tyranny upon us: "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about!"
What is true is the list of detractors is FAKE, anyone could sign, no vetting, and sign as often as they wanted. What is also true is that yesterday an enormous group of vetted docs endorsed RFK in a timely fashion. Fireworks begin on the morrow, RFK will make the banshees look unprepared and stupid. Pollies and RINO's fear getting primaried so he will be confirmed. Thank DJT the visionary.
Wasn't HIV invented by pharma doing Polio research on monkeys in Africa? How can a 50 billion in fraud fines industry that kills more than all our wars get away with mass murder? That's a question no one can or will ask! Right?
he must leave Trump world as soon as confirmed, he is more potent on his own and will win 2028...most of them played a vaccine game, even Jay...Bobby Jr. is the most clear and firm, he is the one...the rest are waffly and IMO not the optimal picks. good piece
Messing with mass death Big Pharm's fraudulent money machine is the best way to bring out the, "TARGET RFK Jr." or "TAKE DOWN RFK Jr" advertizing or just pay professionals to have it done like with JFK, or all the people who were going to testify against the Gov. Clinton crime cartel, but sadly died just before testifying!
Dr Jay says the Covid vaccine saved countless lives but shouldn’t have been given to children and those with low risk from Covid illness. He is a fan of it though. Rfk same thing. They aren’t going to stop big Pharma. On the contrary, they are planning on using taxpayer funds to help develop AI to formulate personalized mRNA vaccines within 48 hours of diagnosis. These aren’t the good guys. They are the better than the worst guys.
“Saving Israel for last for a specific reason not mentioned once here…?”
We know Trump is outspoken on 9/11 and never bought the narrative.
JFK, 9/11, Epstein, Covid. No specific order. But we are now living through the pre-ascension moment in human history. Not exactly as we had hoped or expected but advancement of our species nonetheless. What do you think?
I have never experienced anyone as resolute about exposing factual truth as RFK Jr. I am unaware of him being publicly confronted or sued over incorrect information in his books. He has been criticized with ad hominem diatribes which have not referenced legitimate scientific research. I feel his authenticity and passion in dedicating his life to ending environmental pollution, confronting and repairing the USA sick care system and toxic food production, and prioritizing medical and psychiatric health in the United States. I believe that he has been denounced by those whose cognitive dissonance precludes recognition of compliance with harmful protocols.
Lawsuits would only have made the facts a matter of public record -and he would have had the opportunity for discovery- to get documents from those who sued him.
Obviously, no one wanted RFKjr to be proven correct in court. Nor to be further exposed for the wrongs they have done.
I pray RFK Jr gets in and helps the children. My granddaughter is autistic and my daughter gave her the covid jab at 7 and next she stopped eating. So she is 9 now non verbal with g tube. Please save the children 🙏 😢
It used to be 1 in 30,000 kids with ASD! Now through the miracle of forced at gunpoint MMR's and massive amounts of other jabs, our 50 billion in fraud fines Big Pharma "medicine" is pushing 1 in 30 kids with ASD (All needing expensive patent medicines!)
The People want Robert Kennedy Jr. The representatives in Congress must adhere to the will of the people. They must learn that the people are the government. if they don't vote the way people want... They must be REMOVED. They have no right to let their personal. or benefactors agendas influence decisions.
makes you wonder what/how/why, we have members of Congress that have been there for 40 years! THEY became multimillionaires, for sure. but what did they do for their voters? its a head scratcher for me.
Was it apathy or trust that the ones we elected would think like we do? I saw a video from years ago of Biden saying: "Don't think your representatives are going to vote the way you want...There are lots of temptations."
Some of the poorest people are in dem represented states run by dem governors and dem congress. John Lewis, Jim Clyburn and others have been in congress for decades and they did nothing for their constituents.
I say this as someone who has been a dem most of my life.
Now I just don’t bother to vote because how can I make a choice between the uniparty? Both sides serve the same donors.
(me as well - Dem most of my life, knowing no better :( )
oh god could have thrown up seeing fat F*** Pritzker, multibillionaire governor of Illinois (even though he grew up in Cali!) moaning about all the 'most vulnerable people' being harmed by that evil Trump, freezing Fed spending on 'programs'. oh really, dude? then why don't YOU fund those programs? wouldn't even put a dent into YOUR wealth. fracking hypocrites, one and all. ugh.
Once elected the clowns begin admiring themselves overmuch and puff up with the notion they are "Leaders", but totally forget anything so lowly sounding as being "Servants" of the public.
Well, if fluoride lowers IQ, at least kids will have dazzling smiles, priorities be damned. My dentist said eliminating fluoride will result in more cavities, after I plugged for Bobby Kennedy and sought feedback. It is all sooooooooo.......predictable, the shallow understanding, the dance of deflection, and shifting gears to ensure self-preservation, certainly not for the preservation of kids' health.
I quit fluoride for my kids about 12 yrs ago, at first out of concern because my son with autism doesn't understand how to spit the toothpaste out.
my younger son has had ONE cavity. my older (w/ autism), now 20 yrs old has NEVER had one! so wow, yeah, it sooooo NOT necessary for oral/tooth health.
Ingested fluoride does nothing to strengthen teeth, nor to prevent cavities. That was always a lie.
Fluoride was reportedly added to water supplies in some countries in Europe in the early part of the 20th century to help keep the population calmer, more docile, and to reduce their I.Q.
@Goeff; Can you realize we live in a world where big pharma medicine has had to pay 50 Billion in fraud fines? [I.e. frauds that kill ?] I.e. where "The science is settled. The vast majority of scientists agree with whomever is funding them?" So you can get your "science" from fraudulent pharma [I.e. that 50 Billion in fraud fines source] that claims Fluoride is a wonderful "Safe & Effective" dentifrice! I.e. just like their dangerous & ineffective clot shots? Well can you put the real in realize, & realize you've been defrauded?
The information about the use of fluoride to lower I.Q and make populations docile and easier to control was something I learned decades ago, from multiple sources that I don't have at hand. In particular, this was said to have been done in Nazi concentration and work camps.
At 4:44 Dr. Bryan Ardis mentions this, and cites a book as his source.
Nazi treatment of prisoners, not just Jews, but many Soviets, people of several ethnic groups, and other "undesirables" whom they regarded as "subhuman", has become a highly politicized issue, making it a little challenging to find info on the Internet on this practice.
Though documentation of force human experimentation in the camps is abundant, the defense of some put on trial at Nuremberg was embarrassing to some: 'The U.S. conducts experiments on it citizens', which was - and is - true.
Evidence includes the Tuskagee experiment, among many others, and the action of federal officials in 2020 to present under the excuse of the allege release of an artificially altered virus.
well , if the kids are taught to not eat so much sugar, to eat healthier, and to brush after eating the cavities would not be so prevalent imo So that is what the dentist should be teaching the children
Sugar has, in some studies, been shown to be more addictive than cocaine.
In addition to cavities, we know it leads to overweight / obesity, diabetes, and other health issues, including making it difficult for many children to sit still and a attention in school - leading to over-diagnosis and over-prescribing of brain-altering medications.
That’s absurd; if you’d kid’s teeth are so important as to needing fluoride, you can get it in the form of toothpastes and mouthwashes. Putting it in drinking water, where it is difficult and expensive to remove, and will course through your system in places where it is hazardous, is at best, ignorant.
Just like Jan 20, 2025 was a monumental day in our history, this week will also be remembered. It will be remembered either as the dawn of a new era of health in the US, the righting of so many wrongs and the recognition of an individual who has devoted his life to all those causes or as a dark and black reminder that our elected "representatives" would rather bend the knee to the golden calf of money in their roles and further prove to the public how needless and disconnected they are from us, the people. I am hoping and praying that God's grace will give the Senate the strength to do the right thing for us and for our children and decline the offers they are certainly getting to reject Mr. Kennedy and what he represents but I am also realistic enough to be prepared for disappointment. Even then, I am fully aware that although "our plan" is for Mr. Kennedy to be confirmed, God's plan may not be. I hope you are too.
Aiyiyi! I am not prepared for him to NOT be confirmed, even as I know how very possible that scenario is. And although I am celebrating the many victories that have occurred since January 20, I would not have voted for Trump if it were not for Bobby’s endorsement. I would have voted for Bobby. Looking at what’s happening now, I have to say that I feel cautiously optimistic about DJT. There is no caution in what I think about Bobby. That man is one of a kind. He’s a true hero. He’s a real person. He’s one of us. And his strength, brains and stamina are formidable.
Wow! You covered a lot of ground! I am so happy those two leaders found common ground from which to lead. Just trying to save this country from greedy evil forces.
Longtime supporter of RFK Jr. Happy when he backed away from his own run for President, as it never appeared that a true path to victory existed - happier still when he joined forces with Trump, because Kennedy's messages HAD to be heard. Fingers crossed as we learn his fate this week.
Great piece, you tell his story briefly and concisely - ppl from both sides of the aisle need to hear it.
Dr Teacher Meryl Nass they will not apologize in 4 years because these people are to foregone and EVIL to ever apologize for putting it in the water in the first place.. Just like big pHARMA knew and planned what they did, the people who made money from their industrial waste fluoride in the water causing all the medical issues you mentioned made big time money from those diseases, same group of people.. So people just will not let themselves believe that people do these things on purpose, not by accident.. So they will not apologize to RFK jr for doing something right for all the people that is wrong for a few of the EVIL ELITE because they lose money..
About a year ago, I read an article which quoted a Rothschild as stating that he and his associates were able to gain global control of people, in part, by putting fluoride in the water to calcify people's pineal glands, and by dumbing down primary and secondary education of the masses.
There you go...Both are correct... The other thing about that was did you notice during the scamdemic, gatekeepers were reading people temperatures by pointing a laser temp reader at their Forehead( Pineal Gland), people just were not aware.. They tried to do that to my granddaughter at her day care and I told them to read her temp at the inside of the bend in her elbow and to not point that laser at my granddaughters forehead again.. I told her mother to make sure they did not do it again.. People are so use to following orders, they can no longer think for themselves..
not to mention getting kids to 'allow' someone to point something at their heads and consider it normal & acceptable. (sorry the image is just too creepy!)
funny story: in '21, a restaurant 'host' literally chased me to the table where I was meeting friends, trying to point one of those damned things at my head. when he 'caught' me, I immediately put my wrist up, saying 'this is more accurate'. and then asked the man: "so just out of curiosity, how many people with fevers have you busted trying to get in?" after then man sputtered and stuttered, I said loudly to my friends: "gee if I was ill enough to have a fever, the LAST thing I would want to do would be go out to eat." what an effing joke it all was!!
Yep that was the other place I told them to read it from.. Also had issues with people LOL, because I would not do the 6 feet Satan worship ritual or the mask deal LOL..People are sheep a lot of times and they want everyone else to be sheep like them or they get mad and attack you LOL..
Bill, very interesting about the laser pointing at the Pineal gland. Can u give me more info on that. I find that very interesting and distressing that they have been doing that to all of us since the Pineal gland is the 'seat of the soul', center of higher conciousness.
A few years ago you could Google; Amalie Rothschild's quote, "If my boys don't want war we wouldn't have one.".It's been scrubbed so now it's, "No results found for Amalie Rothschild quote "if my boys don't want war we wouldn't have one.".
@Bill; The Godless Leftists have never, and will never Apologize! No matter how many are harmed & killed! I.e. why mass death Marxism has tried over & over again, I.e. to demonstrate insanity!
People concerned about a negative effect on their children's teeth from having the fluoride remove from their water can always use a toothpaste with fluoride, if the child is old enough to pit it out without swallowing.
Better yet, get a copy of Weston A. Price's book, 'Nutrition an Physical Degeneration'.
Price was a dentist who observed that the children of his patients had teeth much worse than their parents and and grandparents. He began traveling during his vacations each year to remote areas of the world where people were still eating their traditional foods. He documented their faces and teeth with photographs - strong jaws and beautiful straight teeth.
As 'the foods of modern commerce' became available in these areas, he showed how the physical development, faces, and teeth of the people degenerated. The children and grandchildren raised on commercial foods were significantly less well developed physically, with the poorly developed bone structure of the face and bad teeth especially noticeable.
Note also that bone is ~40% protein by dry weight Bone is a protein matrix mineralized with calcium, phosphorus, and some trace minerals. Due to propaganda, and rising prices, many American don't get enough high quality protein- protein from animal sources.
Dr. Weston A. Price and Hippocrates knew about God's food for medicine, Now big pharma is our god using petrochemicals for "medicine!", (That has killed [through iatrogenic medicine] 12.5 to 40 million in the last 50 years, I.e. more than the All the wars USA has ever been in! According to Dr. Gary Null's facts & book, Death by Medicine.
Is it true, Dr. Nass, that Trump can push Kennedy into position with "recessed appointment"? If Kennedy is stonewalled as the HHS nominee, then Trump can still put him in place, from what I understand. So .....if Trump wants to make this happen - he can, correct?
Everything is connected, and owing RFK Jr an apology is the least of concerns in this matter.
Political medicine is most damaging to children’s developing brains. Fluoride, food dyes, hormone disrupting chemicals like glyphosate,etc., etc., have all been known to be destructive to children’s brains for decades, yet they continue. This is comparable to the dumbing-down destruction of children’s minds resulting from the continued teaching of reading with sight words rather than phonics. You do not have to be Albert Einstein to understand that when the known consequences of any policy are destructive and the policy is intentionally continued, the policy is intentionally destructive. American education and American medicine are two of the most destructive American industries for children in America. If the warriors in the Trump admministration are unable to reverse this course, we will lose the country because the dumbed-down, unhealthy, confused, indoctrinated children already in the pipeline, will surrender the country at the voting booth when they turn 18. Children are the future of every society on earth, and we are no exception.
Educator John Gatto's book Dumbing Us Down dovetails with what you say! "It's a Cook Book" [joke] Dr. Gatto put it, the mission statement of forced Gov. education is to "Make Cogs to support the industrial complex!" How right he is!
Brilliant Meryl.
The purpose of releasing the JFK / RFK / MLK files now is to create an awakening and to protect RFK Jr at the same time. The hit pieces are out and Bill Gates is scrambling to get ahead of the Epstein story whilst attacking Bobby. Why did Trump meet Gates and why has he said little? But Gates is mouthing off about HIV cures?
Why did Trump tease about rejoining WHO and then Sunday the CDC orders staffers to cut off contact with the WHO?
Bobby is the keystone and cornerstone. He must be confirmed and allowed to get to work and work he will do. And in the meantime, everyone has forgotten about Trump's NIH nominee, one staunch opponent of Fauci and Francis Collins, one Dr Jay Bhattacharya.
I just have to keep saying it, I can't help myself. These agencies, doctors, "intellectuals", etc who are all screaming that RFK Jr shouldn't be confirmed should take the same advice that all of us are given every time they impose new tyranny upon us: "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about!"
What is true is the list of detractors is FAKE, anyone could sign, no vetting, and sign as often as they wanted. What is also true is that yesterday an enormous group of vetted docs endorsed RFK in a timely fashion. Fireworks begin on the morrow, RFK will make the banshees look unprepared and stupid. Pollies and RINO's fear getting primaried so he will be confirmed. Thank DJT the visionary.
Wasn't HIV invented by pharma doing Polio research on monkeys in Africa? How can a 50 billion in fraud fines industry that kills more than all our wars get away with mass murder? That's a question no one can or will ask! Right?
he must leave Trump world as soon as confirmed, he is more potent on his own and will win 2028...most of them played a vaccine game, even Jay...Bobby Jr. is the most clear and firm, he is the one...the rest are waffly and IMO not the optimal picks. good piece
Messing with mass death Big Pharm's fraudulent money machine is the best way to bring out the, "TARGET RFK Jr." or "TAKE DOWN RFK Jr" advertizing or just pay professionals to have it done like with JFK, or all the people who were going to testify against the Gov. Clinton crime cartel, but sadly died just before testifying!
Dr Jay says the Covid vaccine saved countless lives but shouldn’t have been given to children and those with low risk from Covid illness. He is a fan of it though. Rfk same thing. They aren’t going to stop big Pharma. On the contrary, they are planning on using taxpayer funds to help develop AI to formulate personalized mRNA vaccines within 48 hours of diagnosis. These aren’t the good guys. They are the better than the worst guys.
36 people are as confused as you, "brilliant"
RFK is important, however is most definitely not the visionary, that would be DJT.
I you do not comprehend the manuvers ask better questions until you do.
Start with the Art of War, Sun Tzu
I agree …..and Jason, what about 911 ????????
Somebody has to have the backbone to make sure every detail is revealed.
“Saving Israel for last for a specific reason not mentioned once here…?”
We know Trump is outspoken on 9/11 and never bought the narrative.
JFK, 9/11, Epstein, Covid. No specific order. But we are now living through the pre-ascension moment in human history. Not exactly as we had hoped or expected but advancement of our species nonetheless. What do you think?
I have never experienced anyone as resolute about exposing factual truth as RFK Jr. I am unaware of him being publicly confronted or sued over incorrect information in his books. He has been criticized with ad hominem diatribes which have not referenced legitimate scientific research. I feel his authenticity and passion in dedicating his life to ending environmental pollution, confronting and repairing the USA sick care system and toxic food production, and prioritizing medical and psychiatric health in the United States. I believe that he has been denounced by those whose cognitive dissonance precludes recognition of compliance with harmful protocols.
100% ^^ Lots of gnashing of the teeth and rending of garments but nope, no legal action against him ;) zip, zero, nada.
Lawsuits would only have made the facts a matter of public record -and he would have had the opportunity for discovery- to get documents from those who sued him.
Obviously, no one wanted RFKjr to be proven correct in court. Nor to be further exposed for the wrongs they have done.
Anything but vaccines, in other words.
He is another hero doing everything good for children and to mankind — God bless him!!!
I pray RFK Jr gets in and helps the children. My granddaughter is autistic and my daughter gave her the covid jab at 7 and next she stopped eating. So she is 9 now non verbal with g tube. Please save the children 🙏 😢
Praying for you and your family, Freedomforever58! ✝️🙏🏼💟
It used to be 1 in 30,000 kids with ASD! Now through the miracle of forced at gunpoint MMR's and massive amounts of other jabs, our 50 billion in fraud fines Big Pharma "medicine" is pushing 1 in 30 kids with ASD (All needing expensive patent medicines!)
How sick is that?
Do we really think Rfk is going to fix that? I don’t. He is pro vax. Said so himself many times.
I don’t think you are very schooled on RFK Jr.
Just going by what he says. What do you know that he doesn’t say?
Well I’ve followed his career for 25 years, Bobby actually cares.ever been a proper study done on vaccines.
The People want Robert Kennedy Jr. The representatives in Congress must adhere to the will of the people. They must learn that the people are the government. if they don't vote the way people want... They must be REMOVED. They have no right to let their personal. or benefactors agendas influence decisions.
makes you wonder what/how/why, we have members of Congress that have been there for 40 years! THEY became multimillionaires, for sure. but what did they do for their voters? its a head scratcher for me.
Was it apathy or trust that the ones we elected would think like we do? I saw a video from years ago of Biden saying: "Don't think your representatives are going to vote the way you want...There are lots of temptations."
wow. stunning amount of clarity on the part of his younger-self.
Some of the poorest people are in dem represented states run by dem governors and dem congress. John Lewis, Jim Clyburn and others have been in congress for decades and they did nothing for their constituents.
I say this as someone who has been a dem most of my life.
Now I just don’t bother to vote because how can I make a choice between the uniparty? Both sides serve the same donors.
(me as well - Dem most of my life, knowing no better :( )
oh god could have thrown up seeing fat F*** Pritzker, multibillionaire governor of Illinois (even though he grew up in Cali!) moaning about all the 'most vulnerable people' being harmed by that evil Trump, freezing Fed spending on 'programs'. oh really, dude? then why don't YOU fund those programs? wouldn't even put a dent into YOUR wealth. fracking hypocrites, one and all. ugh.
Once elected the clowns begin admiring themselves overmuch and puff up with the notion they are "Leaders", but totally forget anything so lowly sounding as being "Servants" of the public.
Well, if fluoride lowers IQ, at least kids will have dazzling smiles, priorities be damned. My dentist said eliminating fluoride will result in more cavities, after I plugged for Bobby Kennedy and sought feedback. It is all sooooooooo.......predictable, the shallow understanding, the dance of deflection, and shifting gears to ensure self-preservation, certainly not for the preservation of kids' health.
Most dentists are brainwashed by the American Dental Association and don't bother to check for themselves. Just like doctors with the A.M.A.
Just like docs.
I quit fluoride for my kids about 12 yrs ago, at first out of concern because my son with autism doesn't understand how to spit the toothpaste out.
my younger son has had ONE cavity. my older (w/ autism), now 20 yrs old has NEVER had one! so wow, yeah, it sooooo NOT necessary for oral/tooth health.
Ingested fluoride does nothing to strengthen teeth, nor to prevent cavities. That was always a lie.
Fluoride was reportedly added to water supplies in some countries in Europe in the early part of the 20th century to help keep the population calmer, more docile, and to reduce their I.Q.
I'd be most interested in any credible sources for your last claim.
@Goeff; Can you realize we live in a world where big pharma medicine has had to pay 50 Billion in fraud fines? [I.e. frauds that kill ?] I.e. where "The science is settled. The vast majority of scientists agree with whomever is funding them?" So you can get your "science" from fraudulent pharma [I.e. that 50 Billion in fraud fines source] that claims Fluoride is a wonderful "Safe & Effective" dentifrice! I.e. just like their dangerous & ineffective clot shots? Well can you put the real in realize, & realize you've been defrauded?
The information about the use of fluoride to lower I.Q and make populations docile and easier to control was something I learned decades ago, from multiple sources that I don't have at hand. In particular, this was said to have been done in Nazi concentration and work camps.
At 4:44 Dr. Bryan Ardis mentions this, and cites a book as his source.
This article from NZ talks about the practice, and includes sources:
Nazi treatment of prisoners, not just Jews, but many Soviets, people of several ethnic groups, and other "undesirables" whom they regarded as "subhuman", has become a highly politicized issue, making it a little challenging to find info on the Internet on this practice.
Though documentation of force human experimentation in the camps is abundant, the defense of some put on trial at Nuremberg was embarrassing to some: 'The U.S. conducts experiments on it citizens', which was - and is - true.
Evidence includes the Tuskagee experiment, among many others, and the action of federal officials in 2020 to present under the excuse of the allege release of an artificially altered virus.
well , if the kids are taught to not eat so much sugar, to eat healthier, and to brush after eating the cavities would not be so prevalent imo So that is what the dentist should be teaching the children
Sugar has, in some studies, been shown to be more addictive than cocaine.
In addition to cavities, we know it leads to overweight / obesity, diabetes, and other health issues, including making it difficult for many children to sit still and a attention in school - leading to over-diagnosis and over-prescribing of brain-altering medications.
Why do we give sugar to children?
That’s absurd; if you’d kid’s teeth are so important as to needing fluoride, you can get it in the form of toothpastes and mouthwashes. Putting it in drinking water, where it is difficult and expensive to remove, and will course through your system in places where it is hazardous, is at best, ignorant.
Fluoride is in most toothpaste, so saying fluoride is needed in the water to prevent cavities is a moot point.
Just like Jan 20, 2025 was a monumental day in our history, this week will also be remembered. It will be remembered either as the dawn of a new era of health in the US, the righting of so many wrongs and the recognition of an individual who has devoted his life to all those causes or as a dark and black reminder that our elected "representatives" would rather bend the knee to the golden calf of money in their roles and further prove to the public how needless and disconnected they are from us, the people. I am hoping and praying that God's grace will give the Senate the strength to do the right thing for us and for our children and decline the offers they are certainly getting to reject Mr. Kennedy and what he represents but I am also realistic enough to be prepared for disappointment. Even then, I am fully aware that although "our plan" is for Mr. Kennedy to be confirmed, God's plan may not be. I hope you are too.
Aiyiyi! I am not prepared for him to NOT be confirmed, even as I know how very possible that scenario is. And although I am celebrating the many victories that have occurred since January 20, I would not have voted for Trump if it were not for Bobby’s endorsement. I would have voted for Bobby. Looking at what’s happening now, I have to say that I feel cautiously optimistic about DJT. There is no caution in what I think about Bobby. That man is one of a kind. He’s a true hero. He’s a real person. He’s one of us. And his strength, brains and stamina are formidable.
RFK Jr is right about fluoride, vaccines, autism and the pharma conspiracy in general
I agree with u totally, from a Polish American here!
Wow! You covered a lot of ground! I am so happy those two leaders found common ground from which to lead. Just trying to save this country from greedy evil forces.
Longtime supporter of RFK Jr. Happy when he backed away from his own run for President, as it never appeared that a true path to victory existed - happier still when he joined forces with Trump, because Kennedy's messages HAD to be heard. Fingers crossed as we learn his fate this week.
Great piece, you tell his story briefly and concisely - ppl from both sides of the aisle need to hear it.
Dr Teacher Meryl Nass they will not apologize in 4 years because these people are to foregone and EVIL to ever apologize for putting it in the water in the first place.. Just like big pHARMA knew and planned what they did, the people who made money from their industrial waste fluoride in the water causing all the medical issues you mentioned made big time money from those diseases, same group of people.. So people just will not let themselves believe that people do these things on purpose, not by accident.. So they will not apologize to RFK jr for doing something right for all the people that is wrong for a few of the EVIL ELITE because they lose money..
About a year ago, I read an article which quoted a Rothschild as stating that he and his associates were able to gain global control of people, in part, by putting fluoride in the water to calcify people's pineal glands, and by dumbing down primary and secondary education of the masses.
There you go...Both are correct... The other thing about that was did you notice during the scamdemic, gatekeepers were reading people temperatures by pointing a laser temp reader at their Forehead( Pineal Gland), people just were not aware.. They tried to do that to my granddaughter at her day care and I told them to read her temp at the inside of the bend in her elbow and to not point that laser at my granddaughters forehead again.. I told her mother to make sure they did not do it again.. People are so use to following orders, they can no longer think for themselves..
not to mention getting kids to 'allow' someone to point something at their heads and consider it normal & acceptable. (sorry the image is just too creepy!)
funny story: in '21, a restaurant 'host' literally chased me to the table where I was meeting friends, trying to point one of those damned things at my head. when he 'caught' me, I immediately put my wrist up, saying 'this is more accurate'. and then asked the man: "so just out of curiosity, how many people with fevers have you busted trying to get in?" after then man sputtered and stuttered, I said loudly to my friends: "gee if I was ill enough to have a fever, the LAST thing I would want to do would be go out to eat." what an effing joke it all was!!
Yep that was the other place I told them to read it from.. Also had issues with people LOL, because I would not do the 6 feet Satan worship ritual or the mask deal LOL..People are sheep a lot of times and they want everyone else to be sheep like them or they get mad and attack you LOL..
Bill, very interesting about the laser pointing at the Pineal gland. Can u give me more info on that. I find that very interesting and distressing that they have been doing that to all of us since the Pineal gland is the 'seat of the soul', center of higher conciousness.
A few years ago you could Google; Amalie Rothschild's quote, "If my boys don't want war we wouldn't have one.".It's been scrubbed so now it's, "No results found for Amalie Rothschild quote "if my boys don't want war we wouldn't have one.".
Thank Satan for censorship!
@Bill; The Godless Leftists have never, and will never Apologize! No matter how many are harmed & killed! I.e. why mass death Marxism has tried over & over again, I.e. to demonstrate insanity!
People concerned about a negative effect on their children's teeth from having the fluoride remove from their water can always use a toothpaste with fluoride, if the child is old enough to pit it out without swallowing.
Better yet, get a copy of Weston A. Price's book, 'Nutrition an Physical Degeneration'.
Price was a dentist who observed that the children of his patients had teeth much worse than their parents and and grandparents. He began traveling during his vacations each year to remote areas of the world where people were still eating their traditional foods. He documented their faces and teeth with photographs - strong jaws and beautiful straight teeth.
As 'the foods of modern commerce' became available in these areas, he showed how the physical development, faces, and teeth of the people degenerated. The children and grandchildren raised on commercial foods were significantly less well developed physically, with the poorly developed bone structure of the face and bad teeth especially noticeable.
Note also that bone is ~40% protein by dry weight Bone is a protein matrix mineralized with calcium, phosphorus, and some trace minerals. Due to propaganda, and rising prices, many American don't get enough high quality protein- protein from animal sources.
Dr. Weston A. Price and Hippocrates knew about God's food for medicine, Now big pharma is our god using petrochemicals for "medicine!", (That has killed [through iatrogenic medicine] 12.5 to 40 million in the last 50 years, I.e. more than the All the wars USA has ever been in! According to Dr. Gary Null's facts & book, Death by Medicine.
Is it true, Dr. Nass, that Trump can push Kennedy into position with "recessed appointment"? If Kennedy is stonewalled as the HHS nominee, then Trump can still put him in place, from what I understand. So .....if Trump wants to make this happen - he can, correct?
If Thune gives him a 10 day or longer recess. That would give RFK 2 years, then he would need to be confirmed or leave.
Thank you very much much!
Everything is connected, and owing RFK Jr an apology is the least of concerns in this matter.
Political medicine is most damaging to children’s developing brains. Fluoride, food dyes, hormone disrupting chemicals like glyphosate,etc., etc., have all been known to be destructive to children’s brains for decades, yet they continue. This is comparable to the dumbing-down destruction of children’s minds resulting from the continued teaching of reading with sight words rather than phonics. You do not have to be Albert Einstein to understand that when the known consequences of any policy are destructive and the policy is intentionally continued, the policy is intentionally destructive. American education and American medicine are two of the most destructive American industries for children in America. If the warriors in the Trump admministration are unable to reverse this course, we will lose the country because the dumbed-down, unhealthy, confused, indoctrinated children already in the pipeline, will surrender the country at the voting booth when they turn 18. Children are the future of every society on earth, and we are no exception.
Educator John Gatto's book Dumbing Us Down dovetails with what you say! "It's a Cook Book" [joke] Dr. Gatto put it, the mission statement of forced Gov. education is to "Make Cogs to support the industrial complex!" How right he is!