And even if he doesn't win, and he probably will not, his platform can still be implemented if Trump wins. This was discussed when Trump and RFK Jr. met, as recorded by RFK's son. See: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/will-rfk-jr-be-trumps-vaccine-czar

I would also hope that in the name of "food freedom" the FDA will stop dictating what we can and cannot eat, and leave small farms alone, in particular the Amish ones. Not all of us enjoy the products coming from Big Ag, and hope that the FDA will leave us alone and allow us to enjoy our raw milk and dairy products. See Sally Fallon on the healthfulness of raw milk, raw butter, raw cream, etc.

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Also, is it too much to hope that a future president would lead the effort to ABOLISH agencies like the CDC and NIH which do far more harm than good to "public health?"

I know it's been said that once a government agency has been created it can never be abolished, but have any leaders ever really tried very hard to do just this?

It would be a great experiment to try this "solution" and see if the sky doesn't fall.

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Yes. JFK was determined to abolish the CIA. He also was determined to get the US military completely out of Viet Nam, and to do so as quickly as humanly possible. He meant it. Soon after he said these things, he was murdered.

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Yep. I was here then.

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true that

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Three letter agencies have poisoned Americans for many years. I think reducing the amount of pharmas created would deeply help. I also see that the licensing of naturopaths,midwives and other herbalists would enhance our medical field. Licensing means these people could get paid by insurance. Currently, ALL these potential providers are OOP cost. Or it is a favor done for a neighbor etc.

Most drugs come from nature originally. If a complete BAN of current BIGPHARM manufacturing processes could be done… that could be the beginning of something beautiful!

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We'll have to wait for the entire financial system to collapse, then the agencies will be irrelevant. I do fear the collapse, though. That's when the states will assume ascendancy. The Tenth Amendment will come into play.

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Don't worry they won't let it collapse except to implement their World Totalitarian Oligarchy. They just are screwing it up to justify their CBDCs which are their vector to achieve Techo-Feudalism. Money is just a metric, a number system, all that REALLY counts is the productivity of REAL goods & services. The rest can be swept away with the stroke of a pen.

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I agree, Smith. The "end game" is CBDC's, or more specifically, the effort to ban cash transactions.

If and when they get that, it's game-over for real freedom and personal liberties.

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EU has already banned cash sales greater than 1000 euros.

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Thank you for this link! Agree with you re: RFK Jr. I would also add some really good news: the recent Chevron decision by U.S. Supreme Court ruled that none of these 3 letter alphabet agencies can make any laws! We have returned to our original constitution which states that only Congress can create laws!!! Bye-bye to FDA, CDC, ATF, EPA and all other alphabet agencies who think they can create laws!!

I'm in HUGE agreement with you re: raw milk, butter, etc. When I lived in TN for 10 yrs I bought my raw milk (legally) from a local dairyman and was healthier than I'd ever been.

More good news - you can now buy raw milk in the form of kefir from Amazon no matter what state you live in!


Here is a website that lists where you can buy raw milk in every state and also states are slowly enacting raw milk laws to protect sale of raw milk. You can get updates whenever a state makes raw milk legal also from this website:


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Can states override FDA?

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They won't need to, Chevron case takes care of that, read my comment above again. NO entity whatsoever can create laws except Congress which is what our constitution says. ONLY congress can make laws.

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Prob is..Trump still cannot admit the disastrous failure of the covid jab. He also put

Scott Gottleib in charge of FDA. We really need to clean out those agencies.

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Loved your post except (probably will not). Gotta fake it till you make it. God will intervene.

How is it we allow our farms to be toyed with? It's a huge topic.

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IMHO, the Feds are trying to destroy our food and supply chain system so that all is left is Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Banks, and then the government and corporations can form one Big Government entity. It's called Fascism and we are already half way there.

I love Bobby K, I attended a gathering with him several months ago, and he is a lovely, intelligent, highly intellectual, authentic person. But he is still a big government Democrat and thinks that you can solve a problem (like the inner cities) by throwing money at it. That's an old idea that has not worked, we need a more free-enterprise style solution.

He's also unfriendly to the Second Amendment, which is a total deal breaker for me.

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Fascism has been the standard since Lincoln's treason reinstituted it.

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I guess you believe that he belongs on Mount Rushmore.

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Lincoln, absolutely.

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Too many people are fixated on dealbreakers, rather than on progress. 2A is important but Energy is more important. Energy is life or death for everyone. Kennedy is terrible on Energy. But I still wouldn't call it a dealbreaker. Because overall RFKjr would be progress. Energy, 2A will still muddle along even with him as President. The President is not all powerful, in fact somewhat impotent, looking back at Trump's term.

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Nope. The president doesn't have some Magic Wand to do A, B and C ... although we're getting closer to that point with all these presidential "executive orders" or "emergency orders" issued by some obscure director of some bureaucratic agency or department.

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The Second Amendment is second for a reason. It supports the individual rights laid out in the First Amendment. The writers of the Constitution knew that every government tends toward more and more authoritarianism, but is held back by an armed populace. In other words, fear the government that fears its citizens.

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That may be but our overlords in Europe know:

Henry Kissinger, Bankster stooge: "To control the energy supply, is to control the nation, to control the food supply, is to control the people".

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It should be more than clear by now how Absolutists won't accept anything less than their dreamed-of Utopian visions of an imaginary "perfect" society ;-)

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Kindly cite the enforcement clause for the Second Amendment.

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I have no idea what you mean. It is what it is.

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I'm sorry if you are ignorant of the construction of enforceable statutes.

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What a pity that you have chosen to resort to insult instead of having a civilized exchange. Frankly, this provides some insight into your other political leanings.

I follow the scholarship of Stephen Halbrook (among others) who regard the 2nd A as an individual right, and not one written in to make allowance for state militias. Given the first nine amendments, which address individual rights, I think this is a reasonable position.

Common sense will tell you that if guns are outlawed, that only outlaws will have guns.

Another saying I like better and which has a direct bearing on the subject is: Fear the government that fears its citizens. The Founders of this nation knew history, and they understood human nature. Hence the Constitution is about curbing, limiting, the government -- but not the people.

And, oh, Vonu, take care and have a beautiful day. Try to get some rest.

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Cite a single time when God has intervened.

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Well, that's silly. How would we know if God had or had not intervened?

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Not just our farms! They are killing 6 generation farms in the Netherlands who are a huge producer of food for the World! Nitrogen taxes ( cows poop lovely nitrogen:fertilizer) are in effect and reducing cows that small farmsteads normally keep for a economic balance in the farm. They are going bankrupt. Also they use the cow excrement as fertilizer. The rationale comes from the Species Acts that allow countries to do this for ONE plant that doesn’t have a place in a Carbon cycle. These laws are used in California to the extreme. Releasing dams (flooding) supposedly in the name of climate change/climate crisis.

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Let's all ask Bill Gates!

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ha ha! your answer made me laugh, it was so unexpected! There is not much to laught in these days!

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While Kennedy seems to be the most honorably choice, I hope that he doesn't split the vote to allow another four years of the Obama influence and his partnership with the globalists. Another term of a president in bed with the globalist forces woud be disasterous. With Trump, I fear that globalist influence may still be a concern since their banks let him off the hook for his business deals that went sour. And these scoundrels don't do favors from the goodness of their hearts. I pray that his reaching out to Kennedy

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Those charges you refer to were made up. Even liberal lawyers were shocked. One cannot expect a jury with a high school education to understand the complexities of finance. But had there been an actual crime, it would have been stated outright. It was never stated. The courtroom drama that Trump was dragged through was a legal sham and a stain on the New York legal system.

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I was not referring to the recent case against Trump, but his indebtedness that was forgiven by the bankers. What am I missing, are they one and the same?

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Considering medicine is 20% of GDP and big Pharma is 1/2 trillion dollars annually. You may expect that they are not in favor of any of these excellent recommendations that will improve the health of the American public.! With the continued push to inject with RNA they are going to drive the cost of medicine up to 25% a GDP with all the unrecognized harm that they’re going to create with the side effects that they are ignoring!

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We love our raw milk..... pick it up an hour and a half away in a neighboring state when visiting relatives

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Trump prefers big pharma and he already proved that. He had the choice in 2016 to put RFK on the vax committee and trump didnt.

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There was no vax committee in 2016. No one even thought of it back then. Big Pharma has been going after Trump since the beginning, and he mentioned this is many of his speeches. Trump criticized the pharmaceutical industry for charging Americans an outrageous amount for medicines, while they cost next to nothing in Canada, Mexico and India (for example). Pfizer had six lobby firms working on Capitol Hill in 2021, and they weren't supporting Donald Trump.

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actually Trump DID talk about forming a vaccine safety commission in 2016. but he threw RFK jr under that bus as soon as he got push-back from industry. that's the reason for some semi bad blood between them. it absolutely was 'thought of' and talked about. doomed to crash & burn before take off, of course.

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I concur! All will be great!

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There's no guarantee Trump will do anything that is listed at www.KennedyforHealth.com

In fact, what Trump was talking about on the call with Kennedy were the same failed promises he gave in 2017 when he appointed RFK Jr to head a vaccine safety commission. Trump abandoned it, and it never happened.

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oh sorry Michael, I didn't see your answer before I typed mine ;)

the 'commission' to study vax safety was a 'thing' for about 5 minutes, right?!

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Trump didn't keep his 2016 campaign promises and I won't vote for his lies anymore.

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Sadly, Trump was not dictator (some sarcasm here) and could not close the border because he was taken to court. He finally had to use funds from the military to finish the wall. He accomplished everything, almost everything, but he did not have the support of Congress and definitely not the Senate. So he was stopped, but by others. Unlike Joe Biden, who tramples over Supreme Court decisions (as with the student loan forgiveness), Trump did not feel that he was above the law.

So, don't vote for him. Vote for Kamala. Vote for RFK Jr. Vote for.... whoever. No problem. But to all I say: Not voting IS voting. You have just let others decide for you.

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There would have been no need to build a wall if he'd kept his promise to bring our troops home from the 800 foreign bases in 80 countries where they don't belong and put them on the border where they do. The electoral college is based on selecting those who decide for us.

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Great point. Let our troops come home and actually defend our own borders. This would also help our local economies.

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Get rid of 90% of the Republican politicians if you want to achieve that.

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I'll show my Contrarian bonafides. I think we need to get rid of every federal elected politician - Republican and Democrat. This would mean we voted out a few decent and honorable politicians, but so be it.

It would send quite a message. Pick a few random small business owners from every state and let them go to Washington. The litmus test should be future candidates who pledge to abolish about 40 percent of the federal government.

Alas, I don't think this is going to happen.

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Republican? Give me a break. Who got us into WWI? Woodrow Wilson, a progressive Democrat. WWII? FDR, a Stalinist Democrat. Korea? Harry Truman, a Democrat. Vietnam? Johnson, a Democrat. Who got us out of Vietnam? Richard Nixon, a Republican, and who ended the Cold War with Russia? Reagan, a Republican. And now I have to cheat a little, since I do not consider either of the George Bushes as Republicans, but as warmongering Democrats, as George the First was the former head of the CIA. So you have a non-stop stream of wars starting with Clinton, Bush, Bush, Obama, Obama and.... guess when there were no new wars? DONALD J. TRUMP.

The Democrats never met a war they didn't like. Trump was "impeached" for questioning the Ukraine mess.

And before the night is over, we may be in another war in the Middle East thanks to the cabal running the Biden government (Obama, Susan Rice, and the rest of the witches coven surrounding Obama).

We are at the cusp of WWIII, thanks to these warmongering Democrats.

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Sounds easy, except he would be battling 90% of the Republican politicians who are Uniparty, Necons or RINOs. And would happily have Trump assassinated, impeached, lawfared to death or worse. Baby steps, son, baby steps. People have let the system deteriorate now for too long, with apathy & ignorance. Only fool thinks you can reform that quickly. Even violent revolutions usually just change the people at the top, leaving the same corrupt institutions as before.

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America inherited the British Empire, which returned via the Constitution.

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Vonu, that's a really strange comment, bless your heart. The Constitution is basically an anti-government document. Every word of it limits and defines the powers of the federal government. That's it. We do not even have the same type of representative system as the Brits did/or do now.

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That's news to me, that Trump promised to close the 800 bases! Wow. I don't disagree with you about the bases, and I think the troops should be on the border as well. But Trump never said a thing about closing bases, except those in Germany since Germany wasn't paying its way.

Trump became the object of attack the MINUTE he criticized the war in Iraq, during his South Carolina speech. The Deep State went after General Flynn because Flynn knew where the bodies were buried -- Flynn was going to reform the military and get rid of the Marxist generals. More recently, at one of his rallies, Trump praised our military -- then added, on the side, that he meant the rank and file, and not the guys at the top.

Trump does not telegraph what he plans to do because he does not want the military to drop a drone on Mara Lago. But he will take the troops home, guaranteed.

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I'm sorry that you are suffering from amnesia. I don't have that problem.

As the commander in chief, nothing kept him from putting our troops where they belonged, and still do.

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Vonu, have a nice day!

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In the concept of subsidiarity, basically the federal government and its agencies leave the people alone: non-interference. Matters are left to local decision-makers, with ultimate sovereignty residing with and in the people. This is a basic idea in the formation of the US but, as many have noticed, the federal government has grown into an unwieldy, over-bearing bureaucracy.

In the (hypothetical) practice of subsidiarity, the federal government (and even state governments) aren't immediately cut down (as they should be) but more-or-less rendered harmless, until gradually it's recognized that much of the bureaucracy was never needed.

I'd like to see RFK Jr push this idea more.

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"hope that the FDA will leave us alone and "allow" us to enjoy..." we must stop letting these agencies dictate anything to us. I plan to continue to support my local farms and ranches even if we have to go underground. We have to be ungovernable. We must *stop* asking permission to be free in America. I get what you are saying tho. :-)

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While Kennedy appears to be the best choice, I hope he doesn't split the vote and allow another Globalist minion as president. Four more years of this would be disasterous. I believe that Obama is the man behind the curtin running the show from the bed of the globalists. I also fear this same influence from a Trump Presidency because, as was aptly described in a past post on this site, Trump was let off the hook by globalist bankers for his business deals that went sour. And these scoundrels don't do favors from the goodness of their hearts. I pray that Trump reached out to Kennedy for reasons to benefit us rather than for his own self-interest alone. I'm sure that Kennedy is aware of all these issues and hope that he will make the right moves and point us in

the right direction

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Ron Paul was right. We don't need more laws or regulations. Elected leaders need to repeal as many terrible laws and regulations as they can. And get rid of about 40 percent of government agencies and departments - basically all of them that weren't outlined in the Constitution.

Question: Would "education" no longer be possible if we had no Federal Department of Education? I don't think so.

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There is no way ANY POTUS will be allowed to implement any of this. There are too many people, and too much money and greed involved. Look what happened to his uncle when he tried to “make things better”.

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It's probably a long shot, but someone needs to at least try. I really think the voters would respond to a leader who said "I'm going to purge/abolish as many of these entities as I can."

The leader of Argentina just got elected on this campaign pledge and I think he's trying to implement this program.

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leader of Argentina just might get some 'democracy' dropped on his head, by our state dept spooks, of course

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They need to be forced to justify every law and regulation from fundamental principals every 10yrs or so, otherwise it is automatically revoked. As Musk states, they keep adding laws and regulations on top of existing regs, which are never retired, so that some day everything will be illegal.

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And only about 20 people in the whole country actually read the entire bills or regulations ... and they are lobbyists or lawyers for corporate entities who wrote the new rules.

Dr. Nass actually went to the trouble to read those WHO amendments and new treaty proposals. I don't think "they" were expecting that.

(They probably weren't amused and are working on a better work-around right now).

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This has already been taken care of with the recent Chevron ruling from U.S. Supreme Court - they said only Congress can create laws, NOT these alphabet agencies.

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Wait till Trump gets in - and he WILL win, mechanisms have been put in place to catch election cheaters. I"ve watched Trump for 45 yrs, he WILL get it done. Also Supreme Court of U.S. ruled ONLY Congress can enact laws - that's final, and it's in our constitution. No one can transgress on that. Period, end of story. Agencies can sue but they won't win - i'ts in our constitution!

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It is easier said than done. Those agencies and bureaucrats are laws unto themselves. They can lie, stonewall, drag their feet, ignore and sand bag until the next politician gets selected.

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Every thing is pretty much illegal now. Show me the man, I'll show you the crime.

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No the Princeton study confirmed that Politicians ignore the wishes of their constituents and instead support the Big Money, Lobbyists, Corporate Oligarchs, giant Muliti-nationals.

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Taxes are illegal and should be eliminated. Each state should set up its own local system, in my opinion.

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I think the national debt just went over $35 trillion. But all debt in the world, factoring in all future payments and obligations, is more than $250 trillion, I think.

As they say, that's "unsustainable." I don't know how they continue to "kick the can down the road," but somehow they do.

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for now anyway. I don't see how kicking the can down the road will work forever. but then when it collapses they have the CBDC and digital I.D. ready to go. That won't work either.

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There has been a nasty trend for centralization of power, from municipalities to states, from states to federal, and now from federal to UN/Bankster Central in Switzerland. And these centralized bureaucracies are the epitome of corruption, incompetence, waste, extravagance and ineptitude.

Decentralize, neuter the FDA, CDC, FBI, NRC, ATF, IRS, FERC, NIH, DHS, NSA. Completely abolish them or at least strip them to a barebones information hub for state agencies.

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Hear! Hear!

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See my comment above, U.S. Supreme Court ruled a few weeks ago that 3 letter/alphabet agencies can't make laws! As per our constitution, only Congress can make laws - all these agencies are about to go under or at least be HUGELY diminished. Trump did say he wants to make our govt 10% of what it is now, we have way too much govt.

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Me and you could cut the size of government by 25 percent with our hands tied behind our backs.

If I was president, I'd just park Air Force One - unless I was going to an international summit to, say, abolish NATO or the UN.

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60% less!

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from what I see biden ignored that. In fact I just read that biden came up with a new path to cancel college loans.

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Love this, but I think there may be a typo:

"✓ Work with Congress to restore Americans’ Seventh Amendment rights to sue in court and complete the liability shield given to pharmaceutical companies by the 1986 Vaccine Injury Compensation Act."

It seems like the word "complete" should be "end" or "abolish" ?

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Yes, you are correct. Thanks for catching this (we will get this changed on www.KennedyforHealth.com as soon as possible.

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And that's the most important plank/reform.

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Good point

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What? Covid Vaccine Mandate still in place for legal immigrants. Now even mandatory for babys! And no word of this?

In fact, all vaccines which for US citizens are only recommended are mandatory for legal immigrants. This even if they do not give sterilizing immunity!

Not fully vaccinated? No Green Card.

Please take this crime against bodily integrity up in your writing and in the Kennedy campaign. Thank you.

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States decide on vaccines required for school. Up till now no states required covid vaxxes but that could change come September if CDC gives out grants to states that comply.

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Always the money. Always

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They can't have their Replacements croak!! Only American Citizens are targetted for termination. The global elite don't want any Citizens of the WEST to make it. Thats their plan.

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Sorry to learn this. USA cannot mandate any Experimental medication under Nuremberg code, which we signed. If it is under an EUA license=experimental. search the internet, as people state there is NO legal standing to mandate any vaccines for adults, particularly in the absence of a public health emergency which ended for Covid some time ago. Good luck!

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Also, parents have the right to decline vaccines for infants snd toddlers. Mandates come in for Public school entry but religious exemptions apply in many states.

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US seems post law.

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They did it anyway thanks to Operation Paperclip. Did the UN say anything?

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In reality,, we must test ALL vaccines especially for the children ++ - with a placebo in a controlled study. ALL studies must be heavily monitored and investigated. Grants have sent studies into a Bought and Paid for a certain outcome. Journals must be banned and shut down for publishing these kinds of studies. The rules governing pediatricians should be heavier and monitored. VAERS reporting MUST BE monitored,mandated ( with horrific consequences if not done)and reviewed in real time! So many processes around medicine have been made easy for ALL to get around. Nurses and doctors are LEAVING healthcare or they go rural… this is a completely broken system. Medicine was set up by Rockefeller. Women who did herbal remedies, helped births, faith healers and all were ridiculed and “ media blacklisted” so they left. We lost so much really good medicine then. Regulations benefiting doctors provided them with the insurance payments and he grants essentially access to the Money Tree!

We must come back to our roots. All medicine is based on some plant

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Who was the "we" that signed the Nuremberg code?

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USA government plus many other countries, after WWIi.

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If you didn't sign it, it doesn't apply to you, or anyone else that didn't.

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This was signed at the Country level, as is true of international treaties and similar agreements. It is Incorrect that you must personally sign this. The Nuremberg code was signed by countries to PREVENT future medical experimentation on human beings without their consent, as happened under the German Nazi regime during WWII. These are considered crimes against humanity and some German doctors received the death penalty for their actions.

The mRNA Covid19 vaccines all had ONLY an EUA (Experimental Use Authorization) license from FDA and were by definition, experimental. I believe they are STILL under EUA’s with the one exception of Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine which has a full license, BUT it was never used in the USA due to legal issues. Ask for any vaccine proposed to you if it is operating under an EUA license.

Specific language in the code addresses the REQUIREMENT for fully informed consent without any coercion for any medical procedure or intervention or treatment. Threatening loss of a job, or inability to enroll in or attend college, attend events, or participate in society, is illegal COERCION.

If you sign a form stating you consent to an experimental medical procedure, or any procedure, you are basically overturning the protections afforded you by the Nuremberg code.

With the Covid19 injections, in late 2020 and in 2021, the product inserts as shown by many Pharmacists and doctors on the internet or even in news reports, were completely BLANK so the risks, ingredients, adverse events, or warnings on dangers, were never advised to anyone before they received the injection.

If you signed a form consenting to the procedure even with no information, you overturned your own rights without knowing this was the case.

Personally, I would not sign anything consenting to today’s vaccines as mRNA technology is effectively a genetic engineering process in our bodies with unknown long term consequences for our health or DNA. I also do not sign any electronic documents in a hospital or medical office. I ask them to print out the forms and cross out/initial anything I don’t want.

The Pharma companies are said to be using mRNA tech on flu and RSV vaccines, with most others in development. It is a much cheaper and faster manufacturing process regardless of the health damage to people.

I know my rights and I cannot be forced into taking any experimental medical treatment, and arguably even a non-experimental medical treatment. Please learn your rights and exercise them!

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If "(t)he Nuremberg code was signed by countries to PREVENT future medical experimentation on human beings without their consent, as happened under the German Nazi regime during WWII," it has grossly failed in the Covid era of EUAs.

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How about if you cross without getting a visa first, you get deported. Forget Green cards.

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How about the troops guarding the border don't let anyone in except at ports of entry?

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Would have liked to see the right to personal or religious exemption on that list if not the abolition of any and all biological mandates but that's just wishing on a star, isn't it. I well recall the "hill he was prepared to die on" in his rousing end the mandates speech in front of the Lincoln memorial. I have no intention of ever surrendering that hill for myself and my family.

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YES, no medical mandates needs to be there

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That's a platform I can support. Good Luck RFK Jr.

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Not until it includes doing away with all medical mandates.

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"Support prosecution against major medical journals for racketeering with pharmaceutical companies unless they agree to end their fraudulent publication practices (such as retracting valid science, publishing false information, and acting on behalf of pharmaceutical company interests)."

Sorry this seems a little light for people who helped launch this amount of death and mayhem.

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Agree. They commited the crime already. Should be prosecuted.

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Agreed would say at this point immunity for incriminating testimony.

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But very important

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Follow the money and see where it goes...and agree!

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DeeDee: That sounds good in theory, but it won't work. E.g.: The US Department of Defense readily admit that it has "lost" trilions of dollars. All that money is spent on illegal programs, including targeting innocent people with harassment, directed energy weapons, and much more. I am one of the victims of this hidden torture program. There are an estimated 400,000 of us in the US (that's a very conservative estimate) and millions worldwide. Please study this website: TargetedJustice.com/

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complete the liability shield?

What does that mean?

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Understood. Thank you!

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It greatly concerns me when Trump does NOT

Address the Vaccines,Mandates or the burden of the COVID vaccine and all the others.

The MM for some time has NOT reported

The issues around the smallpox,polio the diphtheria,tetanus,CAUSING OUTBREAKS OF the disease it was supposed to prevent! There is documentation about vaccines PRIOR to the 1930s!

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We need to include complete medical freedom with a ban on all medical mandates: overturn the Jacobson decision. Beyond that, Kennedy's stance on the pseudoscience of global warming is very disturbing as this is a key feature of the build back better doctrine and the Great Reset.

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Most Americans can't listen intelligently enough to understand intelligent talk.

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He forgot to bar advertising for drugs on tv & radio.

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good one

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Controls main media. I see a significant difference of investigative journalism since BigPharm began TV advertising.

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What about the other things that Americans have been dumbed down about?

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Need to rescind the PREP Act and clamp down on CIA/BARDA biowarfare development.

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Yes, but probably need Congress to repeal PREP since they enacted it.

He has said he will clamp down on the biowar research on day 1

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I’m on board and he certainly has my vote.

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This is a great platform, but of course RFK Jr. is not going to be elected president in 2024. The best thing he could do is make a deal with Trump to endorse him and then get a job in the Trump administration implementing this Health freedom platform. I hear they’ve been talking so it could happen!

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You are wrong. He absolutely can win.

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Well, it's good as far as it goes. But since everyone we have running for President is a Zionist, I don't know if any of it will matter. Trump never even mentions all the deaths and injuries from the mRNA platform shots.....I think they are all working together. Trump, Kennedy, and all the rest. Their plan by 2050 is to reduce the population by 7.5 bilion humans. They are just pretending to be running against each other, really they are 100% with each other on the ONE WORLD ORDER plan.

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I think most of them are puppets. I think Kennedy is different. And taking theses issues one at a time is moving in the right direction. People will have a hissy fit when they realize that all the vaccinations they’ve given their children have caused harm. All vaccines cause harm. Dr. Moulden said that and he was killed, of course. But people are awake to the fact that the Covid so-called vaccine caused harm. One step at a time. How do you eat an elephant? I’m totally behind Bobby.

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I think you nailed it! It does not matter who gets in there but I for one just don’t want it to be Kamala!! I could not stomach seeing her face on Tv for 4 years laughing like a cow! Kennedy would at least be easier to take

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besides the fact that her candidacy is 100% illegitimate, per FEC rules (see recent essay by Naomi Wolf - she has the receipts on that)

our electoral process is not 'plug & play'!

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My fear is that we really don’t know! I have grave concerns around the lack of discussion about the COVID TRAVESTY. We can’t be careful about our demands.

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Vaccines are certainly a major ongoing threat, but the bigger threat is the Medical Industrial Complex itself. The heart of the beast clearly beats in the Department of Health and Human Services and in the Congressional Legislation and Federal Register which enables the parasite unfettered access to our very souls. The corruption within the Congress has metastasized to such an extent that hospice care is a reasonable choice for the republic. I've taken to many trips around the sun and can accurately predict that most pre-election platform promised mysteriously vanish the morning after final results are tallied. If RFK Jr. represented a real threat to the status quo, he wouldn't be sharing air with us here and now. If in reality, he is a real threat, then his victory would signal the beginning of a new type of government based upon a beneficent authoritarian dictatorship. I remain firmly in the camp which believes that best way forward is declare bankruptcy then dissolve the union and reform into at least 4-6 new regions trading a common currency that is not based upon debt. Need a biologically harmonious monetary system with anti-parasitic properties.

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The heart, mind and black soul is all pharma, the agencies are merely middle management.

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I would be thrilled if Kennedy could win. He has been frozen out. Next best option is a Trump win, with Kennedy in the cabinet (my preference is AG, like his father, with Carson completing an overhaul of HHS).

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Curious, why do you think Kennedy would be able to do anything? Do you want your country run by executive order? Are you getting used to that? That's dictator stuff.

Congress/Senate is inundated with the enemy, you can't change anything until you remove of all of them.

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Yes, you need to do that too. You need to do everything you can, everywhere you can, every time you can. We might only bring the system down by the "death by a thousand cuts". Don't be so negative, work the problem, progress is not likely to be in leaps and bounds, but instead baby steps.

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Realist = Negative, I see the problem and how entrenched it is, but you do your thousand cuts and go vote, it will be the same after that.

And if it isn't, I will be overjoyed at being wrong.

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What have you been living under a rock? It ain't going to be the same. It's going to get much worse. Watch & learn, and quit doing the CIA's bidding:

This Pivotal Moment - Episode 2 - Part 3 - CBDCs and Universal Basic Income:


This Pivotal Moment - Episode 2 - Part 5 - The Real Great Reset


"...The World Economic Forum's much publicised Great Reset heralds the end of human freedom for all but those at the pinnacle of the new social hierarchy that is emerging with billionaires and technocrats at the top, as the new techno-feudal lords, and everyone else as a surveilled and controlled neo-serf class. This is not the type of world you want live in...."

This Pivotal Moment - Episode 2 - Part 6 - The Time to Choose


"...For hundreds of thousands of years humanity has strived against adversity, overcome incredible odds, grown and flourished on this planet. We have not come this far to become mere cybernetic nodes in some soulless AI-driven digital prison. It's time to wake up, to stand together and reject the dystopian Great Reset agenda and then start building a more beautiful world in which human freedom is not sacrificed on the altar of the technocratic state...."

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LOL at "CIA bidding" man you need to touch some grass.

You're just repeating what I already said.


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You are jumping to wild conclusions regarding my opinions. Please read all of this before making any more assumptions, ok?

First, on the AG job --It seems that Garland has done a lot of mischief as AG, so of course that officer can achieve something. Many of us would like to see the FBI and CIA dismantled, and maybe the SS as well. Kennedy would do that (if he could avoid being murdered).

While I deplore the Congress (esp. lack of term limits), the fundamental problem is the unconstitutional and ahistoric view that states must surrender their 10th amendment rights to the feds, and worse, may not secede. Lincoln, like most people with power, did not want to give up a single morsel. Thus he made two vast errors -- one on insisting that the Union was sacred, but more importantly, not finding a practical, financial solution to slavery, which was in decline. He could have bought slaves, compensated the owners, offered slaves their own territory or a ride back to Africa, or other options that would have taken into account the opinions of the slave owners (who amounted to only 5% of the CSA population). (Yes, yes, I know modern views mean slave owners were destined for the lowest levels of the Inferno, but that's an ahistoric perspective. ) Instead, Lincoln opted to waste both money, lives, goodwill, and the Constitution. We live with his mistakes.

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First, Garland gets away with what he does because the system is so corrupt it allows it, put an honest AG in there and watch how little they could accomplish.

Second, sure dismantle those agencies, and what will you do to replace them? And how long until those too become corrupt?

Third, I'm all for reparations if it means the recipients are deported, give up their citizenship, and never ever come back.

Fourth, we live with our own mistakes, blaming the past is futile as it can't be changed.

The country is run by corporate interest, the corporate interest are primarily controlled by one group, this is why your voting will do no good, the only people running are part of that system.

I understand no one wants to hear what I have to say, but I've grown weary of the "this time it will be different" BS, it won't be different, it will only get worse.

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#2. Their functions belong with the states. Amendment 10.

#3. Fully agree, but think the reparations should mean their SS benefits, which in Africa would mean vast wealth. And think of it! Joy Reid won't have to look at any Real Blondes ever again!

#4. The part we can benefit from is -- a peaceful solution is better than war; and we must remember that nobody ever wants to give up power (Orwell made a great comment on that).

#5. Actually I think they fight among themselves, and we hope it keeps 'em busy so they'll stay out of our hair. But there have been very few examples in history where a contented and productive people were not eventually attacked by lazier rivals.

No 'important' person wants to hear from any of us. You're in good company.

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OK you make them state agencies, then how do they pursue interstate crimes? And it doesn't make them any less likely to becoming corrupt.

For your #5 there are "factions" with slightly different agendas, but as far as we are concerned they all agree.

Check out Whitney Webb, https://unlimitedhangout.com/

One of the most informative videos I've seen.


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