fantastic News - Slovakia rejecting WHO Treaty outright.

Lert's start a list of Honest Governments that are not influenced and controlled by the WEF (New World Order).

You'll be waiting a long time before US, Canada and UK puppets can be added to the list.

The pathetic, unprofessional 'easy come, easy go' attitude of Big Pharma reflects the lack of liability they face every time a human dies or is seriously injured by one of their 'quack' medicines = ZERO!

They could put 'urine' in vials and the FDA, CDC or NIH would look the other way. As would those in government, who also take their large slice of the action from every Death Shot administered.

Zero Liability must STOP before another mRNA loaded poisonous injection finds another casualty.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer that those that followed Fauci's (profit making) science!

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A list of honest governments? Ha Ha Ha Ha.

OTOH - there is a small list of political leaders who have opposed the agendas of the global puppeteers. I would suggest Bolsonario, Millei, Christine Anderson, Bridgen, Meloni, Danielle Smith, Kolakusic, Roberts and Rennick, (Aus), Orban, Moskova (Pol).

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“you get to keep the rights you will fight for, and the fight must be early and instant.”


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Very encouraged to see the Globalist mthrfckrz being so publicly outed and their dark doings FOILED!!!

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There are rules about giving benefit of the doubt. One is that there has to BE doubt. Another is that doubt is created by refusing to disclose what an average person would disclose willingly and proactively to maintain trust. Another is that doubt turns into certainty when one lies about things that can cause others to make harmful mistakes in their choices.

The leftists governments in the world, today, deserve every conspiracy theory out there about them due to the above. And they KNOW IT!!! And those who don't believe that are either ignorant or are too riddled with anxiety or fear or else actually like what those governments are doing.

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I agree. Although I say at least a couple of times each week that each person has to research and educate themselves on medical issues especially when related to the government or personal health.

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No doubt. I was weirdly fortunate to have gotten chronic fatigue 26 years ago. Big Pharma has nothing for that. So I had to learn a lot about alternative health therapies, etc to figure out how to keep going with a job and my other responsibilities. In the last several years, it was found that some chronic fatigue is at least partly an auto-immunity disease. Also, it was learned by the alternative folks that eating a non-inflammatory diet helps considerably with the auto-immune diseases.

Now I don't get the crushing fatigue at least. Still low energy and sensitive to heat, but if I had waited on the mainstream cabal, I'd probably have died already (or wished I had LOL).

More to the topic, I learned a lot about immunity and how to boost it.

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is it possible to read about your practices that help you?

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And or paid off

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But they know it by virtue of BEING paid off. That itself means it's a conspiracy.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11

"I have no reason to believe..." are weasel words, as they beg the question "How hard have you been looking?" In 2020 Pat Toomey uttered the very same words on the floor of the U. S. senate when asked about the outrageous shenanigans that had taken place during the alleged "vote counting" at the Philadelphia convention center., but the look on his face gave the impression that his wife and family had been gravely threatened if he dared suggest otherwise.

Indeed, some unseen force appears to be coercing key public officials in other circumstances; federal, state and even local.. The barbarians aren't at the gate, they are inside the gate and walk among us. We need to uncover who is doing it, and PDQ. The future of the American Republic is at stake.

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Jun 11Liked by Meryl Nass

One of the best summaries of what is going on in the World right now is here:

Eddie Hobbes Event: Road to Dystopia - Unless we Stand Up! Ivor Cummins


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Just my guess.

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Malawi VP Saulos Chilima died in a plane crash . Is this also related to pushback of the WHO amendment ?

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Thank you !

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Very welcome... I see that the post is deleted, so not sure what/who that 6th suspected case was, but if that one was legitimate, then yours from Malawi could possibly be a 7th (unless the deleted post was referring to the Malawi case).

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Imagine if we had even a handful of politicians in America that had the courage to be willing to die to protect our liberty, our bodies, and our way of life?? Imagine! But, I'm afraid it's up to us my friends. Since the politicians are cowards we must be the ones who are willing to stand firm until the bitter end. And, somehow, I think that's even more effective than a politician. I promise... we *are* on the right side of history here. And we can be proud of that, no matter what happens in the end.

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Hoping we soon see the last of evil Tedros and his cohorts involved in the depopulation agenda. These maniacal super criminal globalist narcissists in Big Pharma, Big Govt., etc., are so demonically influenced, demented and deluded they think no one knows EXACTLY what they are up to. Nothing like lying so much you can’t even tell when you’re lying to yourself. These haters of humanity ought to be very afraid. Almighty God says, “The face of the Lord is against the wicked to wipe out the remembrance of them from the earth. (Psalm 34:16) and “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Hebrews 10:31)

“ … the Lord laughs at the wicked,

for he knows their day is coming.

The wicked draw the sword

and bend the bow

to bring down the poor and needy,

to slay those whose ways are upright.

But their swords will pierce their own hearts,

… those the Lord blesses will inherit the land,

but those he curses will be destroyed.

(Psalm 37:13-15,22)

No matter what things look like, divine Justice is real and unshakable, and Tedros and co. will have nowhere to hide, and their ill gotten gains will perish with them. (See Revelation 18 about the demise of the corrupt world system: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2018&version=TLB)

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11

Yes! Yes! YES! 🙌

The Lord, God, is on our side! 🙏✝️

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It would be nice for us to be able to view the taking down!

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Purple Heart of Truth Award to Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico.


Thank You, Sir!

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I don’t believe it was a lone gunman either.

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Thanks Dr GU!

A good list to start with.

Hero Andrew Bridgen is now an independent Member of the UK Parliament. He was given the boot because he had the audacity to highlight the truth about MASS MURDER BY COVID INJECTION, which the Conservative Government found embarrassing as it suggested weakness from one of Adolf Schwab's key henchmen = Richi Sunak!

It seems that some of the others are key political figures, albeit leading towards 'right wing' dictatorships. (Bolsonaro?) But they are better people to govern than the alternatives planned by the Slave drivers planned by the WEF's New World Order.

Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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It never ceases to amaze what with the decades upon decades, if not centuries worth of documentable crimes committed upon humanity and the environment by various central bankers and those affiliated with the BIS, elite bankers, elite heads of elite governing bodies like the WEF, WHO, IMF, World Bank, UN, etc., elite oligarchs, elite bureaucrats, elite politicians, and elite policy makers, that common people are never regularly attempting to assassinate them upon understanding just how much they've successfully profited off of mass murder, maiming, enslavement, trafficking, theft, and financial ruin of We the People of the World. They keep demanding 'Do as we say, not as we do' and we, to their benefit, keep complying.

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My fellow free-thinkers,

I need your help to share THE FIRST Narrative Feature Film EXPLOITING THE CORRUPTION OF COVID by me, Michael Angel Loayza Jr. (a Thought-Provoking Filmmaker)


We must all peacefully work together to exploit the corrupt institutions and to no longer be a slave to their toxic, greed-riddled agenda.

Let's heal the world together, one place at a time!

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Since the EU press whores for organizations like the Atlantic Council, we know their language would call Fico authoritarian; his politics nationalistic; and speech "hateful." The WHO-WEF clique has tried so hard to redefine anything outside their stance as hate mongering and subtly...oh so subtly...as the violence exercised toward Fico justified. The initial "press releases" all took this subtle flavor...somehow if you oppose the WHO treaty/IHR regs; if you support negotiations in the Ukraine-Russian War toward peace; and if you demand true rather than pretend sovereignty for your country, violence should be expected because you're the evil and demonic in a world striving for peace. I hope the Atlantic Council and NATO soon become one of those fossils we seem to be finding everywhere today pushing human history back 100,000 years. "Oh, look. This Atlantic Council and some organization called NATO always professed peace but actually built the stage for wars and conquest by elités in the financial-economic system to strip away wealth from countries. What did they expect but their demise?"

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Some might try to claim that there’s nothing “fishy” about that. I say it stinks to high heaven. Very scary times; what a courageous man! I will keep him in my prayers. Thank you for sharing the information.

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WHY OH WHY can we not post memes in these comments? I have a perfect one for this topic - once again.

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