The Rockefeller Foundation can go Rockef*ck itself.

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They can Rockef*ck all the way off. So sick of this garbage. These idiots just keep trying to repeat the same thing over again and somehow think they will pull it off again.

The neighbor down the hall from me in my apartment building has finally figured things out. His arm was damaged from the shots. One of his friends told him that he knows of 2 people who died from the shots. My neighbor swears that he will never take an mRNA vaccine again. Plenty of us won't take any vaccines again. And yet these globalist bozos won't stop.

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It’s a generational curse, because the bloodline families (Rothschilds, Rockefeller’s , etc) continue to rollout cursed calamity of the majority of humanity.

Their blood money has infiltrated every regulatory institution worldwide and they have an army of paid soldiers working for them.

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I still can't find out why Rockefeller Capital Management group moved into our city of

Winter Park, FL. I don't like it. Their office is on the same street as the Police and Fire

Department. When I called them and inquired, they didn't know anything about the


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PLEASE...bring all this up with DeSantis . Read the first part of Jeff Childers Substack post today..it’s not directly related but he’s on the right side.


(I highly recommend subscribing to Coffee & Covid/ Jeff Childers’ Substack . It was recommended to me by my yoga buddy-- liberal university biz ethics professor turned ultra conservative since 2020. His sarcasm you may or may not enjoy...but you will get tons of shocking insight.)

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Citizenry watchdogs are critical at this juncture !

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T.P. the place. Spray graffiti on it: "Rockeffeller Robber Barons: Back Back Then, Worse Now" and "Rockefellers and democracy? W.H.O. are you kidding?"

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Influence - demise of humanity on their chess board.

They are strategic and intentional - determined to win.

It’s hard to comprehend that there are many in the ultra privileged class that want to harm others,

but they have so much money - it’s NOT about money for them but depop and control.

Please warn authorities and watchdog orgs in Florida of their presence, and of course De Santis.

Although it looks like he is close with the Bush’s which isn’t a good sign…

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About a month ago, we get this survey to fill out online. Guess what, it had to do with the Mayor and Commissioners outlining a "Smart City". Great timing, RIGHT.

Well, we told them we aren't playing into their Communist Control. We have a

Leftist Mayor with all Lib Commissioners except one Rhino that was put on for good measure. Then to add we ended up with a Marxist US Congressman, Max Frost. A once Uber Driver college dropout. He beat out a Republican Green Beret. The Republican never conceded. There were voting discrepancies. I know

Rockefeller Capital Management didn't end up in Winter Park, FL unless it

has a mission!

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Our City of Winter Park, FL has contractors installing 5G! You call the engineers at

the City and they really have no concrete response.

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Is it related? Or just using the Rockefeller name?

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You know I will have to check again. I looked them up online. They have many offices. Their main office is in New York. I just checked their website and Winter Park, FL is listed as one

of their offices. I will have to check further with some local people and see what I can find out.

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Aug 11, 2023
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Thanks for all this information. Do you live in Florida?

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Aug 13, 2023
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Thanks for explaining. It's not an endless lecture. We were planning on moving to

Ft. Myers, FL one day. Certainly, won't be now. We live in Winter Park, FL. We went

down about a year ago to visit area. The homes in Ft. Myers and Cape Coral were

way too expensive. You get nothing for your money. Why isn't Governor DeSantis

doing something about all that you explained? We're no better here. We have a

Leftist Mayor who made sure his Commissioners were, too. Just one, a token Rhino.

I have person that explains to me how the Mayor and City aren't doing the right

things, either. Unfortunately, we have 5G now. The City even sent out a survey

for a Smart City. We answered with a STRONG NO! You should have seen all the

layouts. They must have paid someone money to present so nicely :-( When I

talked to the engineers about 5G they didn't seem to be concerned at all. Where

did you move to?

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Aug 13, 2023
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What part of INALIENABLE RIGHTS are the globalists unsure of? No government can rescind the rights that every person has been born with and they can’t legalize crimes against humanity no matter how hard they try.

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But they are trying and we must take the offensive, not merely the defensive.

Bullies must be pushed back.

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Agreed. It is grim to contemplate, but one cannot win a war without inflicting casualties upon the enemy. They are certainly inflicting casualties upon us.

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This is what happens when the COVID criminals are "not" held accountable they double-down and become increasingly brazen, hence much more dangerous.

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What else would we expect from the Rockefeller & Rothschild....etc....etc....etc.....foundations!!?? I was alerted to their "skulduggery" way back in the early '80's [here in Australia] when I read the little book called "None Dare Call it Conspiracy!!" Written by Gary Allen & Larry Abraham. A great, & informative little book, which was derived from LOADS, of Research by the gentleman from the UCLA!! Many of us, who were working in the same very large Private Company Organization here in Australia, purchased the book & have ne'er forgotten the incredibly correct content!! QLD, Aussie.

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Hello Meryl, please read this:

This has probably been going on in many European countries.

From Germany:

26 July 2023

The Federal (German) government supports Gates Foundation projects with 3.8 billion EURO.

The German government is contributing a total of EUR 3.8 billion to 31 projects in which the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation BMGF was or is involved.The following financial contributions support organisations and programmes.

Important: Support contributions are not tied to a specific project, but are nevertheless very high.

Here is an overview of currently funded, ongoing Federal Government programmes with private foundations from Annex 2.

(Here is a visual overview inserted in the German text with amounts the B&MGF and The WHO receives from the German government.I can not copy-paste it. The original text link is below.)

Daten https://dserver.bundestag.de/btd/20/075/2007512.pdf Anlage 1, Tabellarische Aufbereitung Transparenztest.de

The cooperation projects between the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation BMZ and the BMGF amount to almost half a billion - exactly 449,833,105 - EUR. An evaluation is available for only one project.


The funding amounts for BMGF alone are enormous and exceed the billion euro mark. This is particularly problematic since most of the funding is non-project-related support for general "programmes".

Another problem is that no representative of the federal government seems to sit on any of the grantee's committees. There is no question of cooperation, exchange or even control.

Moreover, virtually no project has been evaluated so far.

It is not clear to outsiders what clearly regulated procedures are used to select organisations and programmes for funding and why other organisations and their programmes are left out.

It also remains unclear how the amount of funding is determined.

All of this raises questions about transparent allocation and implementation. It also remains strange why the financially strongest philanthropic foundation receives such large grants.

Hardly any media reports, hardly any MPs ask about it

As far as we know, the ÖRR and mainstream media have not adequately publicised or explained these enormous funding contributions. Even the members of the Bundestag have so far asked only sporadic or limited questions about the cooperation and basic funding of large international foundations.



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Save time, money and lives, oh really now? Isn’t that a hoot!

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Turner Classic Movies, which comprises about 75% of my TV viewing, had the 1973 movie “Executive Action” with Kirk Douglas and Robert Ryan on the other night. It was a movie about how Lee Harvey Oswald, an FBI informer, was set up, unbeknownst to him, to take the fall for the assassination of JFK! During the movie the shadowy “Elite” conspirators behind the murder mentioned that “by the year 2020 there would be 7 Billion people on the Planet and how it was necessary to keep that number under 500 Million for the sake of the Planet”!! Meanwhile, Kennedy’s first nuclear arms treaty with the Soviet Union was denounced as a “sellout” by the warmongers on both sides of the political spectrum but the populace, who had recently been used as gun fodder by the Power Elite in WWII, was wildly enthusiastic about it in order to help stop future nuclear wars..

I couldnt help but realize that our parents and grandparents had seen through the “Lone gunman” fantasy of the President’s assassination to the Elite’s eugenicist subplot which, now having been officially ignored for 50 intervening years, has sprung like an Alien, fully formed from belly of the WEF and come to full fruition and The Public be Damned….!

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The story's not over yet.

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My comment is.

Prediscog 9-11 bldg 7 no aeroplane hit that shit.

Discog one scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions needlerape viruganda bioweapon lockstep bootlick


Discog two American war against Russia in former Ukraine, 2-24-2022.

Season liberally w moneypox, BorisVirus23, elonXfuckerberg24surveillance, lies and outright murder. Depopulation just like ScKamala said, and she did say it, that skanky whore

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Are you selling your 'records'...on 'Discogs' ?


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You got that right on Miss VP.

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You are in the right place to know about Miss VP :-)

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Yup , she put me in jail here when I ran for mayor against scamming Gavin, 2007

She is a horrible woman

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Really? Same strategy they’re using with Trump?

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WOW.....What do you expect from a Marxist. I heard OBAMA wanted her in as Miss VP.

I heard a lot of stories about her escapades in CA. She was one of Montel's girls, too.

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Another branch of the same poisonous tree that began 100 years ago when Rockefeller decided to monopolize medicine to create the International Drug Cartel (pardon, Big Pharma) with their poisonous concoctions, and eliminate the competition, what actually works.


Will the lemmings again line up for their poisonous jabs as dictated by the corrupt World Hypocrisy Organization (WHO)?

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There was no global health emergency until they created one with their bioweapon injections and response to the 'plandemic'. Weather geoengineering continues apace, thousands of food processing and storage facilities burned, millions of food animals killed, millions of acres of crops burned up in drought or drowned in floods, millions of illegal migrants carrying exotic diseases enter western nations, Bill Gates releases malaria ' gene carrying' mosquitoes. More pandemic tabletop exercises. Yes sir, plenty of future health emergencies on tap.

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What I see is that framework and exploration is regulatory bodies as far as oral and dental like Assistants, Hygienists, Denturists, Dentists and technicians as well as specialties have been combining theirs frames now for 25 years and still not complete. As they now are closer it now is easier to hurdle and frame it to what they need to accomplish what is necessary to close the windows and install, adjust the new amendments to fit their objectives all in the name of "{Treaty" which overrides the countries health systems in each UN. With the new TB infections from tainted bone into Dental and Medical and 1 dead already, its not so funny that companies downstream do not get called out. Azyio stock did tank on the news but there are others.. Did not the WHO say TB was on the rise? Now its being pushed from thew dirt bottom up all the way to the supply channel.

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The Rockefeller Foundation is one of THE major globalist groups intent on establishing global feudalistic governance.

They are one of the key players behind falsely inflated covid pandemic, as well as planning future fake pandemics.

They control Pharma, medical schools, medical boards and medical agencies. They push deadly mRNA products.

They're part of the climate crisis fraud.

But to read their website material, one would think they're the most altruistic and beneficial organizations on the planet, whose only mission is to create Shangri-La.

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The Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford Foundation are always at the vanguard of sick eugenicist stuff and depraved cultural stuff. Also, they’re both notorious CIA vehicles. More the same…

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Most recently this "news" have been published - a glimps what is in store for us - Disease X.

Inside vaccine development centre at Porton Down



"UK scientists have begun developing vaccines as an insurance against a new pandemic caused by an unknown "Disease X". The work is being carried out at the government’s high-security Porton Down laboratory complex in Wiltshire by a team of more than 200 scientists."


Immediately research started to see where it came from - here are some traces:



"This NYT OpEd about “Disease X” was written by Dr. Peter Daszak in February 2020.

Daszak’s nonprofit received funding from NIH to study Gain of Function research on coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Let that sink in."

... the article:

We Knew Disease X Was Coming. It’s Here Now.


"We need to stop what drives mass epidemics rather than just respond to individual diseases."

Feb. 27, 2020 - By Peter Daszak

Mr. Daszak is a disease ecologist.


And then this root:

Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI)



A global coalition for a global problem


... and here we find Disease X and the "Moonshot":

Delivering Pandemic Vaccines in 100 Days



This seems to be the script:

Misson Impossible II - Year 2000 - "Chimera" ...


"Chimera was a virus created by Biocyte Pharmaceuticals and its cure is Bellorophon. Biocyte intended to release the virus in the public worldwide so they can get massive profit from monopolizing its cure. The virus and its cure are based off the Greek myth where the hero Bellerophon defeats a monster called the Chimera."


The world is watching now.

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We need a ROCKEFELLER ROUND-UP. Seriously. ROUND 'EM UP. Have RFK Jr. debate/OUT 'EM. Put it on Instagram, Facecrook, TikTok and every other platform. ROUND UP THE ROCKEFELLERS!!! My new T-shirt idea, walking bill boards for free speech, is: ROCKEFELLER ROBBER-BARONS: BAD BACK THEN, WORSE NOW. ROUND 'EM UP!!

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Rather than endless complaints about this particular 'vaccine', nothing will change until the problem is attacked at its source - the fact that viruses and virology are a psuedoscientific scam. If people bothered to do their own research, they'd find dozens of medically- and scientifically-trained 'experts' who can easily demonstrate this.

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