YES!! This is exactly what I have thought from the start of these mass shootings. I also see how they time them to distract from other news-currently the Hillary Clinton scandal (which we all knew what the result would be anyway.) Thank you so much for speaking out!

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Agree strongly! Always odd timing- distraction

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John Lennon is best example of a programmed hit by MK Ultra/CIA Ops. He had the gift of music and lyrics to open up critical thinking-a threat to the psycopaths who think they own the world as fuedal rulers

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I agree 100% that this is about gun control. As Klaus Schwab pointed out the U.S. is the problem child with non compliance. The U.S.A. is heavily armed.

Unfortunately they will continue this pattern as it takes the attention off of what is really happening in the world.

This being said, my heart breaks for the family and friends of the victims of these horrific attacks. Sacrificing our innocents in this horrible struggle for power.

May these power hungry mass murderers burn in hell.

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Another item regarding gun control that I think needs watching closely is this WHO “pandemic treaty”. If it is enacted here is what I could see happening. No way the citizens of a Constitutional US will give up our guns...Molon labe. But, if the Elite have their way and give away our sovereignty to WHO, guess what potentially gets declared a “pandemic” (after they again rewrite the definition of pandemic)? Gun violence.

One can imagine WHO’s guidelines calling for immediate confiscation of legal firearms and our complicit Federal government shrugging its shoulders and saying “oh well, we gotta do what they say”. And of course the vax passports and social scores follow right along with this all.

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Supreme Court's 1957 Reid v. Covert decision holds that a mere treaty cannot override the US Constitution, especially not the Bill of Rights. Only a constitutional amendment can do that.

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If we the people United. WEF, WHO etc would have zero power

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Many here will likely remember the Aurora, CO theater shooting by the "Joker". Most are unaware that his father was scheduled to testify in court against large financial institutions the next day. Go online and you'll also find documentation of him being prescribed SSRIs. Much like Sirhan Sirhan, he also claimed no memory of the shootings when found outside the theater afterwards. Once you've seen behind the curtain, you can't stop looking, as it's truly terrifying what our country has become.

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Thank you MN for asking these sound questions. To the list I might add: Why were there scant “mass shootings” during the pandemic? Were these same deranged shooters compliant to federal agencies lockdown protocols?

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Election coming up & always seems to occur in sets of 3 .

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Thank you so much for writing this article, Dr. Nass. Again, you have crafted an important, clearly-written, well-considered piece of commentary with allegations and musings that could be facts and evidence if only we would investigate.

I hope you know people who can conduct these critically needed investigations before more innocent people die.

And, no, the answer is NOT more gun control. The second amendment protects all other human rights in the Constitution -- of course, the authoritarians know that and they do not like it one little bit.

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Yes, I agree. Powers that be want to unarm the public. This is their way of moving in that direction. And this adds to the distraction of voter fraud reveal in 2000 Mules, the Durham investigation, Hunter laptop investigation, etc.

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One reason Australians were so easy to control if I understand right. And Canadians too. For those that know more than myself, please correct me if I’m wrong.

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While most Americans would know little about Australia or indeed the rest of the world, I would just make the point, as an Australian that Australians have never cared about owning guns and neither do they believe they protect them.

Handing in guns was easy in Australia because there were so few of them and most inherited from ancestors who used them to hunt. Australia never had the buy a gun at every corner shop mentality and they most certainly would not have had revolvers let alone assault weapons. Rifles in the main and probably old ones.

So it was easy for people to see the logic of getting rid of them and bringing in very strict regulations about how to get a gun and who could own one - pretty much sports, farmers who sometimes need to put down stock, and professional shooters who are employed to cull wild herds of animals. All very sensible.

Most Australians never had a gun and never wanted one. Neither do Australians fear their Governments or believe that some sort of tyranny is about to emerge as do many Americans. All in all, a pretty calm and sensible approach to life and guns.

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Thank you Meryl Nass I agree with your suspicions 😊

Roslyn,With respect, I agree with you regarding guns in beautiful Australia New Zealand and the UK where I live…

BUT since the Covid Plandemic, the tyranny is not about to emerge,it is already in these three countries, RIGHT NOW….

.I had a bad reaction to Pfizer booster, started to investigate all the things I was unhappy about.

1 Why Mask mandates, when they didn’t work

2. Why no early treatment for Covid, Old friends dying, I could see great success from the USA docs.

3.Why no antibody testing of specific groups to get real infection rates.

4. Why the CASE scenario? When even Kary Mullis ( Nobel prize winning Inventor)said PCR test not to be used as diagnostic tool…..

and on and on……..

Have you seen the detention camps in Australia,the persecution of your doctors, threatened with loss of licence, the persecution of peaceful protesters including using high frequency weapons on them, faces with blisters on them…?

I am 71 and am now fully awake to what is going on, in the UK every aspect of our media is controlled,(the BBC is full of lies with their Fact Checkers,) right down to the local neighbourhood Nextdoor website..A neighbour asked me what info.had I found,about my Adverse Event, My reply and links to worldcouncilforhealth.org. All removed before the lady could read them.She asked me,by email what happened ? and couldn’t believe it when I said everything had been removed.

If you really want to know what is going on download telegram app and look at Chanel Robin Monetti +Dr Mike Yeadon+Cory Morningstar.

Good Luck and Very Best Wishes Helen

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p.s. antibody theory which underlies vaccine theory is deeply flawed and antibody testing tells us very little. Those with high Titer levels after vaccination still get sick and die and those with low Titer levels, vaccinated or not, can remain well. So the antibody/Titer measurement means nothing but is an easy way for the vax industry to present what they call proof of efficacy. The immune system is much more complex than mere antibodies.

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I wasn’t talking about the antibodies Pharma talks about! Specifically, more complex broad range epidemiological testing (inc Tcells ,A.B. to nucleocapsid, etc)of control groups.I mentioned antibodies for brevity…

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Fair enough but this medium does not do brevity. Clarity is critical.

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I 100% agree with you and am unsure why you might think I didn’t ? 😊So pleased also that you did not get vaccinated, obviously streets ahead there👏🏻 as explained I have only just woken up.I prev.trusted the UK Gov !

I also do not agree with guns, not sure why you thought I did we have never had a prob in UK with shootings fortunately, because of that.

My answer to you was related to the fact that we are actually being controlled right now.

Jacinda Arden is a WEF young global leader, so is Macron and Trudeau. All in lockstep over this plandemic.

I do not agree with the WEF agenda, of course in open debate others may disagree with me.

Also I have seen people in Australia removed from their homes and taken to the quarantine camps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGFdWcJU7-0 for being suspected of having Covid and punishment for not having a PCR test.In my world that is a step too far.A close friend lives in Australia also so not just media influence.I am sure that different areas interpret the rules differently.Thank You for your perspective I appreciate the dialogue.

Best Wishes Helen

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The medium is cryptic. Misunderstandings are easy and common.

As to the youtube video, why would anyone believe such things? I know how the internment camps worked because I did the research. After decades in journalism I also know how videos and films are made and can recognise propaganda. I also know how the Australian legal system works.

So yes, she would have been interned, no doubt because she flew in from somewhere else and had to go into quarantine, but the rest is her story, her personal opinion, and not necessarily any reality.

One thing I have seen in the time of Covid is that all sides exaggerate and lie. That is unfortunate but it is human nature. Some of the things I have read and some of the videos I have seen being promoted overseas about what was happening in Australia were just ridiculous. But the audience was an ignorant one and most would never have been to Australia let alone know how it works.

And yes, of course there are levels of control right now and I know about the WEF young leaders. However, I find it difficult to embrace theories about cabals looking to run the world because I have found humans are arrogant, ignorant, self-serving, stupid, incompetent enough to create any kind of mess without the slightest plan.

And I have lived in many countries, including India and four African nations as well as the UK, Europe, North America as well as Australia and I simply do not believe it is that easy to control humans, regardless of who or what is trying to do so.

As to your close friend in OZ, it would depend on what he or she watches, reads, believes to be able to assess how accurate their interpretations might be.

All I know is Australia did not have internment camps as the word is most commonly used and many of the videos made, like the one you link, are just propaganda from the other side of the equation.

Thanks also for your time. I am sorry I was not clear enough initially. You appear to have misunderstood and I appear to have done the same. :)

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I forgot to say we have 10 WEF acolytes in the UK Parliament 😳 If Boris had been deposed yesterday another WEF Trained operative would step right up.supported by the others of course..Conspiracy Theorist..Me!

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I am well aware of the Covid tyranny but do not believe being armed would achieve any better outcome than public peaceful protests and exercising our rights as voters. Guns kill and the more guns the more people die.

I know all you cite above and made sure I knew it before I made any kind of decision and so would never have gone near the Jabs anyway and have not; never wore a mask and ignored social distancing where possible.

There are NO detention camps in Australia and there never were. I could explain how that misinformation came to be concocted but do not think it important enough to do so. But if you wish, then ask, and I shall.

One of the unfortunate things is that all sides have exaggerated on this issue. Yes, some doctors have been threatened with loss of licence for speaking out and challenging the rules, but that is not particular to Australia - it has happened in the US, Canada, UK, New Zealand and elsewhere.

As to the high frequency weapons, there was ONE instance where they used these new crowd control mechanisms wrongly but to simply refer to them as high frequency weapons is to distort the situation and ignore context. And yes, I am totally aware of a number of instances of police aggression in other States, but, it was never universal, certainly did not happen in my State and after major public protests the police in general kept a peaceful and civilized distance. Similar instances of police aggression appeared in many countries.

I am 72, a former journalist and have done deep, wide, extensive research from the beginning so I know all those sources you cite. I am wary of any medical treatments, believe all must be researched, have managed to avoid vaccines even while living for decades in India and four African countries, so the genetic treatment called a vaccine for Covid was a red flag from the start. As was the Government fear-mongering.

Having also followed this issue closely, from varied sources, I would humbly suggest that people overseas, particularly in the UK and US, have been given by those opposing the Covid madness a highly exaggerated and distorted account and view of things in Australia.

But thanks for your note and good luck to you also.

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How’d that work out for them?

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Fine. Most would hardly notice since most had no guns and did not care. Suicides and gun crimes, the latter never high, dropped significantly. But then Australia has never had the crime rates the US experiences.

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I’m talking about the tyranny the officials were able to enact due to covid. Which isn’t possible yet in the US

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Spot on. The three letter agencies target the susceptible and psyop them for FF use.

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Wow. That’s a different take! I appreciate the point of view and perspective!

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Great questions! Many I have asked myself. I pray that some answers will come out, but don't believe they will in my lifetime.

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How often do we hear about shooters's use of SSRI drugs that are in common use today? This, too, bears investigating.

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I thought they were all “safe and effective”. Isn’t that it? (Of course I’m being sarc BTW).

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Keep your slaves scared sick and poor and they will never revolt or leave the plantation. Having a large number of psychotic lunatics running around is all part of a strategy to keep the rest of us in line. This evil plan has worked very well in large cities for decades. #democrats

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The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he’s in prison.

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Thank you for your courage in calling out the obvious 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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What I found suspicious about the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan was that there were behind the scenes fights in the GOP party between the Bush's deep state faction and the Reagan's faction during the primaries. Bush was the candidate of the deep state and Reagan was an outsider in D.C. They finally agreed to let Bush be the VP of Reagan. After the coup attempt, it was clear to me that it had something to do with the previous fights in the party.

Similarly, in 2016 the deep state had settled on Killary Clinton and was surprised by the victory of an outsider (Trump) and the same deep state manufactured the Russiagate dossier and we all know that it was based on nothing!!!

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Was Pence the deep state compromise?

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I have no idea on that one.

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