What is truly odd is RFK, Jr was not just correct, but this has been a longstanding criticism of healthcare by Blacks and Dems. Suddenly they forgot.

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I'm not either of these but I totally agree with RFK Jr. I would go even further and say to get rid of every shot out there. Teach mandatory nutrition in K-University and beyond. Teach mandatory holistic nutrition in every college and graduate school, including medical and dental schools -- an extra two years.

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It's not enough to just teach. Look at the prices - to eat healthy, to eat organic is more expensive than just "eat." I never understood how a salad could cost more than a burger.

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I agree with you on the prices. Hopefully Trump will bring them down a bit. As for organic, you can eat healthy and spend your money that way or you can spend your money or doctor bills, hospital bills, insurance premiums. I'd rather eat organic and so far at 65, it's working pretty well. Look into keto and Carnivore or animal based, which is what I follow.

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/JDSIZEcj4C

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I just posted the same message all over my social media.

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Absolutely fact based. These people have an agenda, and it shows in their ignorant/biased questions. They aren’t *really* trying to understand what Kennedy believes or why he thinks the way he does, or what his action plan would be.

We’re not surprised, are we?

I know God has a plan, and I bet Trump does too, if they don’t confirm RFKjr.

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That is my prayer —- a backup plan to thwart their evil agenda.

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Maybe if he isn't approved, ICAN, CHD, Bobby, and all the warriors like Dr. Nass, Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough, etc will join together and form a bigger movement under leadership that can organize our efforts to specific goals. Hopefully it will scare the democrats into pushing hard for censorship so polarization will bring it to a head.

Playing nice with our enemies is NOT the way to win. This is a bona-fide war for our freedom, lives and health. Our opponents have made it clear that THEY consider it a war.

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if they strike him down he will become more powerful than ever

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Even if it means he becomes part of a coalition of significant numbers, passion and determination.

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Spiritual war

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These are “seriously-sick” mentally disturbed individuals! Each one of them! They’ve completely hijacked the once “democrat party” of yesteryear and have completely committed themselves to the “Communistic-NeoNazi-Marxist” ideological agenda!

They all need to be investigated for many years of crimes they’ve committed and have gotten away with!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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And they sit in our Senate.

How much $$$ does it take to run for Senate?

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Great point Leskunque. So much so, people take for granted that these people are the best society has to offer when in reality, they are the best, the best at deflection, blaming others, lying and cheating and stealing while being banked rolled by individuals such as George Soros, etc. who seek to sit back and watch their protégé’s destroy our Great Nation!

The cowardice Soros or a Klaus Schwab, etc. certainly know how to inflict much pain in the country they’re targeting!

Thanks again Leskunque.


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Not so sure of universal evil with all of those opposing Kennedy AJR. They perhaps simply got caught up in the propaganda, the way TV watching people do.

They jumped on the band wagon and did not realize that they had turned into tools of the devil, (big pharma etc.) until after they'd cashed the check.

They would have certainly found it difficult to find an alternative narrative that was even minimally suicidal to adopt. Funny choices with Covid, do you want to risk losing your life or most assuredly lose your career.

All that to once again pitch amnesty. As it stands now the truly evil will have tons of relatively innocent minions to throw under the bus, while they will, typically, buy their way out and switch to yet another get rich quick, liability free, see we are saving the world after all, scheme.

Got bored with watching the totally loaded yes or no questions, but one fellow went quite on articulately about what a disaster US health care was and then turned on RFK Jr. like that was his fault.

I get bogged down early and not hearing any relevant answer go away with simple powerful conclusions that most conveniently ignore.

They all had years to tear apart and sue RFK Jr. for the over 2000 references sited in The Real Anthony Fauci (full reveal indictment of our system) book. It's a day late and a dollar short to make claims about it now.

Are they under Oath at these Senate hearings. If not then why not?

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Excellent response frankly,

frankly. (Say that that five times fast.)

Yes I should clarify more often and not lump all together. So thank you for your constructive criticism. Something I have learned early on in life is how 1. We become better people and 2. Understand others better too.

Your points are well made and expressed clearly, making perfect sense of how “evil” deceitful while using others.

Thank you again frankly. And frankly I’m having a difficult time frankly, acknowledging your name, frankly.

I love it. I can’t miss “frankly.”

Thank you.


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It's a fun handle AJR frankly. Endless double meanings.

"May God Bless America and The Entire World!"

This is fantastic by the way. I hope it gets popular and the US can start respecting others the way this implies we should! Really! Well Done.

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Thank you frankly. Yes you hit the nail, bullseye, dead center. It is a fun handle and a tricky, thought provoking one too.

I do believe the American people must return to one of, IMO, our founding principles of “In God We Trust.”

When a basic, common sense set of values layout for “good & decent” members of society are lived up too, leading the way as a roadmap leads travel

rock solid, human decency prevails. The list the

“Ten Commandments” provides, helps any society become positive.

This allows a nation flourish ensues, excommunicating

Satan. We’re all better because stewards of our lives and our nation.

Quite frankly, frankly, thank you once again.


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It is both ironic and shocking that the black woman senator from Maryland, Angela Alsobrooks, was so offended when RFK asserted that different races may need different doses of drugs. On one hand, she seemed to assert that ALL people are somehow biochemical the SAME, and yet, in any and every other subject, she will insist that everyone has his/her/they/whatever pronoun idiosyncratic needs that should be honored.

Alsobrooks' over-simplistic thinking about health and medicine is so "woke" that she is asleep to realizing the biological/biochemical/psychosocial idiosyncrasies that make us all individuals. We are NOT all clones of each other! Wake up...without woking up!

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Those who are against the nomination of RFK, Jr. need to be investigated. They obviously have a connection to Big Pharma...and have no concern about the health of Americans. The majority of Americans want RFK, jr. Those who are not adhering to the wishes of the electorate...should be removed from their positions.

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Trump wants to primary all the reps who won't adhere to the wishes of the electorate! I totally agree.

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The 4 major one...Lisa Murkowski (R-AK). Susan Collins (R- ME), Sheldon Whitehouse (D- RI), and Bill Cassidy (R- LA). Its time these four need to either heed the wishes of the people or get booted out!

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McConnell too if he weren't already leaving. Joni Rentz (R-IA) would have been another for giving Hegseth such a hard time.

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Didn't hear that got a link?

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There are a bunch of articles online. Look and go read. I posted my comment in the search and up came some articles!

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Thought it might be handy. Never mind will eventually see it. I like the way Trump thinks. Like getting rid of 10 regulations for every new one adopted.

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Not sure Barbara. Maybe they got pulled in the same way lots of us did and may literally be fighting for their lives. That they go to such extreme would imply they have much to lose.

Fauci's amnesty might keep him from Jail, but he will never be proven innocent. Dangle amnesty in their face and watch them turn fed informer.

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Democrats are the most hateful racists of all... the party of the Klan and Jim Crow, as well as the Democrat Welfare Slave Planation, on which the destruction of the black family unit has been incentivized for generations.

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OH MY GOD! Our very CELLS are RACIST! Cut them out, cut them out! I want only GAY, ESKIMO CELLS!!!!!!!!!

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Taking issues that are gray and trying to convince the world that they're black-and-white and that he (RFKjr) should respond in a black-and-white way, is sneaky. He's probably the cleanest person in that room.

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/JDSIZEcj4C

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When is enough enough? The globalist lackeys (all politicians) are creating folk heroes. It's an old trick for young dogs:


Trump is one of them, but I have a better candidate than RFK, Jr. for his post:


RFK, Jr. has never been against all "vaccines"...

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When you’re as ignorant is those senators are all you’ve got is smoke and mirrors! … Bluster and fireworks for the soundbites.

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Great post Meryl!! Fantastic! Bobby could have enlightened them from any number of perspectives just quoting the Federal code, such as, that all vaccines must be assumed to be unsafe. This is why the manufacturers sought non-liability in the first place.

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Great post Meryl!! Fantastic..

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I would be interested if the greater immune response to a vaccine is related to the number of vaccines a person has had over their life, (more vaxes, less response)...instead of pushing another "race" theory. Just a thought. Thank-you!

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Facts in science, "facts" in law, and "facts" in politics can all be different.


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