The only thing continually on the rise is the measure of horseshit being promulgated by the Establishment circus freaks.

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How embarrassing it is when reality defies dogma.

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The only things surprising here are that the study was published and the NYT covered it.

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Scam, the entire fraud of climate change and bogus science is rightfully being debunked and dismantled…. Yep… and it ain’t no conspiracy theory… 😂😂😂😂

Real scientific analysis and study underpins this real and true science a far cry from the grift and sham science eagerly seized upon by Al Gore and types like him, those truly weak of constitution who seize upon any excuse to rationalise the indefensible … a real ka Ching moment me thinks, overdue but better late than never.. at least your gas stoves and cooking with gas is still good to go… Charlatans and wishful think control freaks and frauds, the detritus and truly loathsome amongst us, flew their flag upon this unstable mast, that many of us decried years ago, predicate established science and the patently flawed and selective science promulgated by these frauds… caught out well and truly… pray it never happens again.

I hope like me you are tiring of our science being usurped, manipulated and compromised by these people, in doing so they discredit what has been embraced, since the times of Aristotle and Galileo, that took a huge fight and human intervention to rise to being accepted and embraced, especially given the papal dogma antithetical to anything related or that smacked of science.

Proponents of science put to death for heresy and or for being heretics, yet humanity won that debate with… you guessed it, science, credibly proving what had been discovered…

That is not to say Faith, Religion and Science cannot co exist, quite the contrary, much of what science proves is nothing more than proving unequivocally that which was given unto humanity by our creator in the first instance…. as it should be

This reveal thanks to those who undertook the studies needed to debunk the climate hoax deserve our collective gratitude… Politicians will be miffed at another tax revenue portal being thrown back in their faces… thank goodness for that… like I said hang onto your gas stove…

Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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Well, Obama is going to be SOOOO relieved to hear about this. I mean, buying his home so close to the coast and all. (wretch).

This sarcasm brought to you by the letters C, O and the number 2.

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Two oceanfront homes. Or 3 really since he had to build 2 structures in Hawaii, since the island imposes a 7500 sq ft limit. How can a fervent Marxist be expected to survive in a mere 7500 sq ft!!!!!

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Touché… mate :)

Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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It’s not being dismantled. They’re going at a frantic pace to install offshore wind turbines as fast as they can. If Trump doesn’t get elected it will complete. He has promised to stop it.

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Yet they are still applying or trying to apply taxes all over the world for something that isnt even happening. 80-85 all week this week in Cincinnati and its July. No hotter 40 years ago when I was a kid. Maybe even cooler. What a farce.

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Wow this is really interesting! Thank you for sharing this.

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I went to Fiji a few years ago and I met a local guy who told me that his people know global warming, climate change is a hoax, he showed me a huge rock where his ancestors have logged the highest and lowest level the water has been for the year, and the change year to year is minuscule.

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God bless you Meryl for keeping us all informed on so many different subjects! You are a gem! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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there's a reason behind the phrase " the shifting sands of time"...

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Seas are rising ONLY where Democrats do not buy properties.

Back in the day when Al Gore gave us 5 years to evacuate, I was watching. Exactly five years later, Al bought his ocean from property. That’s when I knew for sure that Al was selling us snake oil.

So, buy where Al and Barack are buying and you’ll be safe 💪💪💪

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I wonder? Why should the Gores/Obamas care if the properties are wiped out? After all, it propagates their lies when a beach front home gets destroyed by a weather event like a hurricane. Government insurance covers their losses, and they can blame it on on their phony climate change baloney. That might also be the reason they bought a beach front home, not to live there, but in hopes it wil be washed away by a weather event.

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The opposite of what the experts say will happen ... will happen.

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Looks like the Climate Change cult was spreading misinformation about the Maldives disappearing. Will these disinformation spreaders be canceled or at least mocked? I am pretty sure anyone disagreeing with cult would be burned at the stake.

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My brother and his wife spent a year teaching on Grand Cayman Island. As I recall, he said the whole island was barely above sea level, and the highest point was not much higher, yet people have lived there for many, many years.

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And another one's gone and another one’s gone, another Theory bites the dust! (Queen)

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Anyone who has spent significant time at the beach will recognize that some waves remove sediment and other waves bring in the sediment. It isn't rocket science but apparently it is too much for a lot of people to grasp, particularly those in government. Years ago there was a storm that visited my section of the coast and stripped away a lot of sand. The local, state and federal government decided they had to spend millions to replace the sand and they started a year long project to do so. Was a big deal, took them 2 years to replace the sand. Meanwhile the beach they weren't replacing the sand on was back to normal in about 6 months. And shortly after they "finished the job" a year late and a bazillion over budget, there was another storm which stripped all the sand they "replaced" away and deposited it in the inlet which they had to go in a dredge out.

They spent enough money to end homelessness forever in that county and ended up with nothing to show for it.

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