Despite all the evidence , These evil folks , just get away with it & repeat it . They get rewarded for it . Titles ( knighthood) & huge funds laundered back into their own pockets . Private & hired jet flights , 5 star hotels & they must just laugh at us. They are now so comfortable about how easy it was & now is to try even more bizarre & outrageous plans knowing that nothing with happen to them . Nothing . Was Fauci or anyone else ever charged or imprisoned for AIDS? For anything ? Anyone ? It’s a business model . Make billions even if you kill people , pay , in some cases , a few millions in damages & your home free and on with the next killing fields scam . So how’s it going to end ? Will it end ever ? Who’s appeared in from of a judge who’s not been paid off to face charges ! No one . How on earth are we going to banish them ? What are we waiting for ?

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What are we waiting for? I yell that question to the stars almost every night. How do we start a counter offensive? Peaceful protests? Forget it. Violent assaults? They’ll shoot us down like cattle. The only thing that makes sense to me is parallel societies. Remove yourself from the grid, society as we know it. This is hard if you make a living within the present structure but I just can’t see any other way. One thing is certain looking to the government or any entity like the WHO to change is like wearing cement shoes underwater thinking they’re flippers.

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I agree to all the points . Getting totally off the grid is a hard one . Short of going to live in a cabin in the woods , to live in any society , village , country etc one is still in need to dentists , doctors , groceries etc etc … cashless will accelerate it . Blocking credit card etc can paralyse most people . I don’t know really ! I sold my business & tried to get off it but with a family & stuff , ain’t easy .

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Kudos to you for doing what you did. If I didn’t have kids I’d be up North in a heartbeat but I have to stay and fight for their future. I just can’t leave them in a world like this. Do you sometimes think “what in the literal f is going on!? Why can’t they leave us alone?” I’ve worked so hard all my life for THIS?! I’m afraid I’m going to have to die on this hill because the alternative is unacceptable. Sorry for being such a downer🙁

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Sirka: I admire your fighting spirit and share your concerns. I won't give up, either, but I refuse to allow the monstrous people who caused this societal breakdown to interfere with my day-to-day happiness in the warmth of my family. I hope you won't either. Sending support and understanding.

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I know & agree . I sometimes despair but for the sake of my daughter from my last marriage who’s 16 , I need & must fight for her . Luckily I’ve managed to wake her up on many issues like vaccine , cash , matrix media etc but yes “what the hell is going on “ is something that I also say to myself . I keep looking at woodlands but what kind of life is that for a 16 year old ! So yes , I’m on the same Hill as you are

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Stand patiently and speak the truth Refuse Consent.

Do your best to avoid feeding the machine, but maintain your needs and prepare for when austerity and blackoutss are imposed.

Patience and persistence...

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Wonderful points and questions.

I am starting to think there are to many who are being bribed, bullied and blackmailed that are in positions of authority. Plus we have all the lies and misdirection from MSM that keep the majority of the people who are not paying attention looking at the shinny objects.

Unfortunately the one’s that could stop this and don’t should realize they are coming for us all.

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They’ll wake up when tyranny is on their doorstep . When credit cards stop . When kids get more sick & ekdery don’t get attention and die. Then they might just have had enough and take to the streets . My guess is , if we don’t stop them , if high powered Rich whistle blowers don’t come forward & they just carry on , it’ll all end up on the streets and it won’t look pretty .

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I’m afraid you might be right on all accounts.

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I hope a miracle happens

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SPOOK is right, not to mention ALL the people involved are SPOOKY because they're born without compassion for other human beings.

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First we loose compassion these killers don't even want us alive.

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Farrar is a liar and an incompetent. I don't believe his precious apocryphal story about the girl and the duck either.

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He's been in Vietnam and has been knighted by the royal family they all support the weffers.

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Wow. Utter foolishness to the extreme.

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Can we compile an international list of those wanted for these crimes against humans to immortalize them before they are memory holed??? I for one would like to use said list for"certain" rituals.

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What I really think these criminals deserve can not be written here.

Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn wrote in the Gulag Archipelago :

"Here is a riddle not for us contemporaries to figure out: Why is Germany allowed to punish the evildoers and Russia is not? What kind of disastrous path lies ahead of us if we do not have the chance to purge ourselves of the putrefaction rotting inside our body? What, then can Russia teach the World?

By an unexpected turn of our history, a bit of the truth, an insignificant part of the whole, was allowed out in the open. But those same hands which once screwed tight our handcuffs now hold their palms out for reconciliation: "No, Don't dig up the past! Dwell on the past and you'll loose an eye" But the proverb goes on to say: 'Forget the past any you'll lose both eyes'"

It would seem that our inability/failure to hold government employees, the military, scientist, members of the Public Health, influencers NGO, NPO and others for their Covid crimes - stems in part from our failure to hold them and others for past crimes. Such a list would include HIV, Lyme Disease, sterility programs, childhood vaccines, corruption of the education system, instigation of Ukraine wars, 9-11, numerous false flags and so on. Our country is almost completely Blind

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Excellent points and well said. Can’t add or argue with that. Just perfect.

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Unimpressed- One of the many evil despots who uncloaked themselves to wield their delusions of grandeur upon the masses through fear and coercion. Nothing short of hanging from the gallows will suffice for him and his ilk, I am afraid.

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Love the apt 'uncloaking' image.

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Never gonna happen.

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Nice article, Meryl! Interestingly, I first encountered this same evidence in May of 2020 from Chris Martenson at Peak Prosperity. It was censored and disappeared shortly thereafter, except on his private website. Even before we saw the first round of redacted Fauci emails careful detective already knew that Jeremy Farrar was behind the Proximal Origins coverup. His fingerprints were all over it.

Thanks for bringing this to a bigger audience, and with more powerful and recent evidence!

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The first to talk to fauci

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A woman scorned…I’m loving all your articles! If you find yourself up in the Orono area, I’d love to thank you personally, for your dedication and hard work.

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The World Health Organisation has been totally CORRUPTED by criminal contributions from those with ulterior motives. Bill Gates is the biggest contributor (53% of their financing at last reckoning) which means he's the WHO's biggest INFLUENCER!

Gates makes a fortune from VACCINES. Gates thinks the world is vastly overpopulated. Join the dots!

Why are Doctors pretending to be puzzled about the mounting numbers of mysterious 'Sudden Deaths' that have become prevalent and are increasing exponentially since Covid was created, then released in order to justify a dangerous (DEADLY) injection, bizarrely called "Covid VACCINE"?

It's a 'no-brainer'! It's exactly why the WEF (New World Order) Plan was determined to achieve!

This incessant avalanche of deceit and multi-level skulduggery just gets worse the longer the Covid Vax DEATH PLAN carries on - with 'Vax' makers still enjoying IMMUNITY from any/all LIABILITY for the thousands of VAX induced INJURIES and DEATHS! How can this be justified?

It's tantamount to a 'Licence to Kill' the world's population, given to Big Pharma by friends and accomplices at the FDA.

The next stage is to obtain another backdoor method to taking total control of humanity by using the, once honest and trusted World Health Organisation, to remove every nation's sovereignty in the guise of the WHO TREATY. This will automatically enable the WHO to declare false illnesses and Scamdemics that will entitle the WEF (in the guise of WHO) to lock down the planet and impose unreasonable restrictions like house arrest and restrictions of our ability to use 'money' as we chose. We will have to comply with their thought processes or suffer the consequences! Freedom of speech, Freedom of movement, independence and decision-making, will all suddenly disappear!

This series of sinister consequences suggests that all levels of the Elite's powerhouse have a stake in the overall WEF (New World Order) Depopulation program. And to think we were called Conspiracy Theorists is understating the reality of the nightmare world which we are about to enter.

Thanks for your impressive and tireless and enthusiastic efforts. Keep, it up!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer - armed and ready!

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Toward the end of Soviet times in the USSR, folks said, "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work." It's reaching that point here in the West, while in Russia Putin has effectively driven the oligarchs out of politics and prosecuting Mickail Khodorkovsky to drive the point home. We need the equivalent here. The first step is to reverse or weaken Citizens United by whatever means is available.

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I have it on good intelligence, and it was indeed in Aardvark that had been buried alive in Indonesia, caused the whole damn mess

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Perchance he met a certain pangolin in his travels...

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When I was in high school, a friend of mine said he had some game that I said I liked. So I went over his house, said let's go play the game, and he said he didn't have any such game. He denied having ever said so. Over the next few years I noticed that he would occasionally blatantly lie, and fabricate stories, very convincingly, for no apparent reason. Many years later after reading and studying psychology, social sciences and biology, I learned about pathological liars. My "friend" was a pathological liar, but I didn't understand how such people could exist, because I was not one and could not comprehend how they think. I also now believe from my studies that pathological liars are a subtype of psychopath. There are more of these psychopathic people around than most regular people realize, and the smart ones rise to phenomenal levels of wealth, power and influence, because they are not hindered by morality, ethics or empathy.

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These people are so creepy. They radiate a chilling hunger.

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Duly added to our list of undesirables that need to be dealt with! Evil to the core! Too many of us know who they are!

The World Health Organisation has been totally CORRUPTED by criminal contributions from those with ulterior motives. Bill Gates is the biggest contributor (53% of their financing at last reckoning) which means he's the WHO's biggest INFLUENCER!

Gates makes a fortune from VACCINES. Gates thinks the world is vastly overpopulated. Join the dots!

Why are Doctors pretending to be puzzled about the mounting numbers of mysterious 'Sudden Deaths' that have become prevalent and are increasing exponentially since Covid was created, then released in order to justify a dangerous (DEADLY) injection, bizarrely called "Covid VACCINE"?

It's a 'no-brainer'! It's exactly why the WEF (New World Order) Plan was determined to achieve!

This incessant avalanche of deceit and multi-level skulduggery just gets worse the longer the Covid Vax DEATH PLAN carries on - with 'Vax' makers still enjoying IMMUNITY from any/all LIABILITY for the thousands of VAX induced INJURIES and DEATHS! How can this be justified?

It's tantamount to a 'Licence to Kill' the world's population, given to Big Pharma by friends and accomplices at the FDA.

The next stage is to obtain another backdoor method to taking total control of humanity by using the, once honest and trusted World Health Organisation, to remove every nation's sovereignty in the guise of the WHO TREATY. This will automatically enable the WHO to declare false illnesses and Scamdemics that will entitle the WEF (in the guise of WHO) to lock down the planet and impose unreasonable restrictions like house arrest and restrictions of our ability to use 'money' as we chose. We will have to comply with their thought processes or suffer the consequences! Freedom of speech, Freedom of movement, independence and decision-making, will all suddenly disappear!

This series of sinister consequences suggests that all levels of the Elite's powerhouse have a stake in the overall WEF (New World Order) Depopulation program. And to think we were called Conspiracy Theorists is understating the reality of the nightmare world which we are about to enter.

Thanks for your impressive and tireless and enthusiastic efforts. Keep, it up!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer - armed and ready!

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"Please show me your papers!"

i.e. - the etiology, the specific epidemiology, the means of dispersal, in other words-

'the proof' !

of anything other than a spell...


(cast, by the criminal class...)

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What a convoluted mess.

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