We need a Great Reject!

It is getting so that if you want to hide money from an elected officials the best place to put it is in a copy of the Constitution- because it is very unlikely they will ever read it. The tragedy is that the US is leading this "Reset".

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The Great Reject! I like that!

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One thing they know, at least in Belarus, is how to provide Healthcare.

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That is a very interesting list of countries. Mostly hard core communist. What’s up with that? What do they know we do not?

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I wish I did have contacts to these brave countries. I write to my representatives in the USA government and they send me back for leave a message letters. I am attempting phone calls next week. I wish I could get further.

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Communism, socialism, and (fiat and debt based) big bank capitalism all share in common centralized control, so maybe hard core communists in control don't want to part with their brand of central control.

It appears that they know what they are dealing with.

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I guess they don't want Sec of State Anthony Blinken and his sidekick Victoria Nuland running their lives, or the elites behind them.

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Russia knows that God is alive, whereas in scAmerica we killed that dude

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Perhaps because dictators don't like to surrender their powers, which could, in this case, be a positive attribute. Or, more troubling - they could be holding out for more money.

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You've gone from "Stop the Great Reset" to "Slow Down the Great Reset." Hmmm...

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Exactly. Thank you.

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Is this true? I hope not... (-:

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We stop it and we gain time to do so by slowing it down

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All we need to do is to stop ourselves (from being a member.)

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Are you referring to two different "it"s here? -- Thanks.

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No, they're the same. They think they can stop the WHO from doing these evil things. Our only hope is to Exit.

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Can you define what you mean by "STOP IT" and "SLOWING IT DOWN?"

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Really, people?

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Agree. I believe Meryl takes this position in light of RFK, Jr. having stated, more than once, that rather than Exit the WHO, as President, he wants to "NEGOTIATE WITH THE WHO"


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I think negotiations would fail. At this point we must exit the WHO

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I agree, but I would like to have more information about Meryl's stance in terms of why she believes we could/should negotiate with WHO or consider delaying exiting. I just don't understand why we would do that. I'm not trying to put her down. I'm just trying to understand the why she thinks we should do that. It would be great, also, if RFK, Jr. would further explain his rational on that.

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I’m noticing this is the same vernacular with “stop the spread” which then went to “slow the spread.”

I think Dr. Nass is a wonderfully brilliant lady though. Hopefully, she’ll elucidate her thought process here.

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Yes, she is sharp and smart.

I hadn't thought of the vernacular similarities with stop vs slow the spread. Eerie. I am so worried.

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Thanks. But, what would RFK, Jr. want to negotiate with the WHO? Imo, they are corrupt, with no redeeming value from Tedros on down; and, they are controlled by money from evil people such as Bill Gates. And, it appears that China exerts some control and is reportedly working with the U.S. to develop a depopulation "vaccine" which would decrease fertility. This latter is reportedly written in a CCP document.

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I totally agree. She seems to be changing position a bit and I'm trying to understand why.

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Please let me know if you figure out why. Back in the 2020 primaries, she was my favorite. I actually contributed to her campaign...something I'd never done before for any political candidate (probably because I'm an independent from Maine who does not like Angus King) (-:

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Yes, I understand. I, too, have supported her. How would I reach you to let you know?

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Thank you Dr. Nass. You are a champion of our movement.

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Honestly I don't really care what crappy laws and excuses they pass, I will not be voluntarily using their fake health care nor taking their stupid Harmacide scamdemic hacksxxxxine injextions needlerape depopulation agenda, they will have to kill me first. No bioweapons for me please, no matter if the doctor or shrink or lawfarer says so....

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Unfortunately under treaty law we would have little ability to stop the One Health. They would take OVER OUR COUNTRY DESTROYING OUR SOVEREIGNTY! This is what will happen with the next Pandemic threatened right about election time!

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Then death it is. But who said that you get off that easily? Watch the military take you away and have their way with you. Or maybe a beloved family member if you have any value to harvest. Watch the rape scene in Rob Roy.

Very few understand what true evil exists. What makes you think that you will be left alone?

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Why would someone want to terrify themselves into a corner over something they're adamant about refusing?

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Yes, I don't care WHEN the WHO passes any treaties or regulations. The WHO is dangerous. WE MUST FULLY AND COMPLETELY EXIT THE WHO (AND THE UN) AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE.



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Unfortunately it sounds like a typical Dem approach to this. The WEF has such a tight hold on this as a way to start succeed at a World Govt - I only see EXIT and STOP THR WHO as our alternatives. Although RFKJR has a lot going for him- I think this is a fatal stand.

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I agree. Other possible clues to his stance:

(1) He added to his "Negotiate with the WHO" comment, that the WHO helps poor countries.

(2) RFK, Jr. said clearly on a zoom meeting that he is absolutely sure there is Climate Change and that he's been measuring the height of some water where he grew up since he was a youngster, and that it is definitely getting shallower. Now, the WHO greatly supports Climate Change, so this is probably another reason he doesn't want to exit.

(3) He said that the idea that the WHO would be able to force its Member Nations to lockdown, quarantine, mask, require vaccines, stop businesses, stop travel, etc. "is LUDICROUS." So, I think he is having great difficulty grasping or acknowledging the fact that, yes, the WHO REALLY WOULD do all these horrible things that are in its Treaty and IHR Amendments to all its Member Nations.

(4) Like Trump, RFK, Jr. is stubborn about things that he is determined to do.

Here's what I think from what I know at this point in time:

RFK, Jr. is a fully Democrat environmentalist attorney working at CHD, who has won some of his lawsuits. He said he is not against vaccines, but that he is against vaccines that have not been properly proven safe. There is a lot about the WHO that he likes. He is very pro-abortion and pro-gun control, he's against any drilling for oil and gas in our country, supports EV's, does want the Ukraine War to end, which is good, but he wants to return all troops home and do away with all worldwide U.S. military bases. I don't think his good outweighs his bad. Plus, I am concerned that his running as an Independent will force the Presidential election to be decided by Congress because none of the three candidates will have reached 270 Electoral Votes. When that happens, Congress will select Biden.

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Excellent summary. Thank you.

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Better still, Disband the WHO! Mick.

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#ExitThe WHO

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An illegal and divisive voting procedure. the WHO is now Totally Corrupt and means no god for humanity! Disband the World Health Organisation!

The man-enhanced diseases were created in order to justify enormous profits that can be created with ‘cures’ they purvey for Big Pharma profit seem to be more dangerous than the diseases they have no impact upon!

These injected poisons that were illegitimately permitted an Emergency Use Authorisation by the FDA, because they were complicit in hiding pre-existing SAFE and proven medicines that ‘must not exist’ if an EUA could be awarded. Money talks, join the dots!

No LIABILITY is the most unbelievable entitlement that Big Pharma has conned the world into accepting. No LIABILITY is absolute nonsense!

Fauci made his fortune collaborating with Big Pharma in creating profitable diseases. Not ‘cures’ because in that venture he was abysmal! He falsified information about his ‘Gain of Function’ ‘bio-weapon’ research and experimentation, which he inherited from The US Department of Defense, and created profit-making opportunities.

The US CDC has recently patented Ebola to continue the deadly Big Pharma tradition. We can only assume this is to artificially create more business and profits for their murdering associates. It used to be regarded as illegal and immoral to Patent a living organism. We await the next Business Plan related to the release of Ebola or another COVID Mk 2. Money talks – join the dots.

Big Pharma’s motto = There’s no PROFIT in healthy people!

It’s obviously too late for the poor souls who believed the biggest lie in human history. They’re now either permanently damaged with reduced natural health resistance or have a COMPROMISED LIFE EXPECTANCY!

They are now Genetically Modified!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Why do we have to have the WHO? Why can’t they just be ignored or dissolved?

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They can! Our President at any time can do like Trump did in 2020 -- send the WHO an Exit Letter and then just not participate. We would also have to pay up what we owe them, but at least we would be out. It's very simple.

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Something "very confusing" is automatically capturing you if you do not opt out? I will be sending you a bill for $8,000 for the Ukraine genocide because your "representative" did not object officially. A lien will be put on your house if you do not pay within 30 days.

Any operation that acts this way is nothing more than a Mafia. Who in their right mind would accept such other than one under Mafia pressure which shows you where "We the People" are.

I suggest that you are confused because it is intended to be so just go along. (or else you are obstructing peace and prosperity and they may need you to be eliminated for the betterment of humankind.)

To paraphrase the brilliant Nancy Pelosi: You have to pass it to see how awful it can be.

Or just do nothing.

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With more concern over theWHO’s growing powers we must remind ourselves they have with existing powers brought 154 [?] nations into LOCKSTEP 3 years ago.

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You know, Peter, I agree. it is the WHO that coordinated both the pandemic instructions to countries to lockdown, mask, and vaccinate, as well as what to do, arrests, quarantine, etc., if people in the member countries aren't complying. I first thought, oh, it's Soros and the WEF doing the world-wide coordinating. We all wondered, How could these instructions be spread worldwide so quickly? It was because the WHO was coordinating it all. Now, the WHO is tightening the screws further with this new Treaty and the IHR Amendments.



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I agree. No negotiation

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RFK, Jr. says he will "negotiate with the WHO from within." I just can't understand why he would think this is a good idea. The WHO isn't going to negotiate.

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Because like it or not, RFK is part of the club. Don't know why people are still looking to man for deliverance...

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I know he cares about peoples' health, so I just can't figure out why he is so reluctant to exit, and wants to try to negotiate. Whom does that benefit? Does staying in and, at best, delaying an exit, benefit anyone in particular? He has reiterated that he is a solid believer in Climate Change. The WHO will be able to call for vaccines, quarantines, lockdowns, and travel restrictions, based upon their announcing a "Climate Emergency." It does not have to be a medical Emergency. That is very worrisome. I would like to hear him explain his position in more detail.

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Climate change is a boogeyman tale . This is a stand I can’t vote for.

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Thanks for your continued work

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I just launched a “demonstration project” where, with the support of Substack readers, I hope to make history and show that Substack readers are not amused by the captured MSM … and they can and will support Substack authors. I appreciate all Substack reader who take the time to read my “Open Letter.” We’re all in this together. It’s Substack’s READERS who will ultimately determine how much influence Substack has in our battle against our captured elite institutions.


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Thank You, Meryl.

James Roguski has this similar and overlapping warning, but it is difficult to determine how to plug-in our own efforts. https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/an-open-letter-to-world-leaders

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