Alex Jones was right...again.

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I want to see the delighted duper himself, Bill Gates, rocking back and forth in the witness stand again. Charged with murder this time.

It will be important to put many others on trial too.

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Let's tie him to a chair and give hime hundreds of vaccines. Let's lock him up in a room with only geoengineered air, no oxygen!

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..and let his engineered mosquitoes loose in the room...Ha ha. Peace.

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Ban the Jab Story Brevard County GOP


Summary of Everything and Quick Links


Quick Index of Key Players


Smashing the Overton window


Organizational Chart, Bank for International Settlements Kill Box


The Dossier acquires confidential Davos attendees list


Laundering With Immunity: The Control Framework – Part 1


The 150 Bilderbergers Who Influenced And Controlled The Response To COVID-19


Six U.S. States have laws allowing Citizen Grand Juries to be formed by groups of citizens: Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota and Oklahoma.

No doubt there are many Frankenshot victims in those states. Murder charges should be brought by Citizen Grand Juries in those states. Even if the ultimate verdict is innocent, the discovery process will uncover essential truth. Also many such cases should be brought, one for each murder. The only way to stop the tyranny is to start at the local level. The Federal government is hopelessly or nearly hopelessly corrupt.


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Wow. Excellent resources. I read Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova. The citizen Grand Jury stuff is excellent. Thank you. Peace.

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Hahahah! Yeah, that scene from The Real Anthony Fauci was priceless!

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That would be very nice to see. Peace.

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These are like the workplace posters companies used to put up in the lunch rooms for any sort of things for employees to do. Today we have better reasons for them.

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And this Scott Ritter documentary explains the connections to Zelensky in: Agent Zelensky


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Great catch! This informative, factual film about Zelenskyy should be required viewing in every classroom in the U.S.

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Thanks for the lead! Did you notice the difference between Zelenskyy's demeanor when confronting the public and when confronting his puppet master? Also, Part 2:


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Hey, a nice handy list of people who need to meet their maker....

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Wow. During the heart of covid I saw many stickers on electrical poles around my neighborhood. They were fascinating. My real fascination was watching them be scraped off. My favorite was a guy flipping the bird and the caption was, vaccinate this.

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It's not the government that rules the media. It's the deep state.

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One of the things I do differently is call it inter-generational organized crime. The DoJ can't do anything about the "Deep State"... I think it is a purposely undescriptive term BUT everyone can understand organized crime...

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Wow!! This is a HUGE help to us! Maybe we can download posters and figure out how to print 'em on huge white T-shirts, front and back, and BE WALKING "SYSTEM"-EXPOSURE POSTERS FOR FREEDOM!!

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Please send me some pics!

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Something poster sized is necessary for all of those faces, companies and connections.

It works!

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Visualization makes what was invisible... now visible... https://artofliberty.org/james-corbett-interviews-etienne-boetie2/

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Thank You Very Kindly for Your Work, Etienne!


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PDF Version

- Named Exclusive Distributor of Second Point-of-Care Antibody Rapid Test

- Participates in White House COVID-19 Supply Chain Task Force

MELVILLE, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apr. 1, 2020-- Henry Schein, Inc. (Nasdaq: HSIC) announced today that it will serve as the exclusive distributor in the United States of a second point-of-care rapid test kit that can detect antibodies associated with COVID-19 in as few as 15 minutes.

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Follow the money $$$

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THANKS a lot!


It is absolutely great to realize - HOW the "American Democracy" falls apart, and reassembles into a STEALTH DICTATORSHIP - once you add HONESTY into the equation.

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looking forward to listening to this corbett interview. is it available on the Corbett Report audio on Spotify, I wonder ?

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Not sure about Spotify but it is on Corbett's backup channel which was deleted from YouTube and then reinstated. It is the only channel he has left on YouTube.

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thank you. I appreciate the reply. I refuse to have anything to do with YouTube so I will follow the other link. (I like to listen to audio while working but will take the time to search it out since it sounds very worthwhile)

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totally agree but when I try explaining stuff like this to people close to me, one of them (my bff of over 45 yrs) invariably replies: its ALWAYS been like that. nothing new here. what's the big deal? its an infuriating cop out; the equivalent of gluing rose colored glasses onto one's face. so frustrating.

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If your "bff of over 45 yrs" invariably replies: its ALWAYS been like that. nothing new here. what's the big deal? - while you "totally agree" - opens up three choices for you:

1.) Learn HOW to teach your "bff of over 45 yrs"

2.) Decide to fall into apathy yourself

3.) Look for brighter friends


I think 99 per cent of We The PEOPLE, TEACHERS, WHISTLEBLOWERS & PARENTS have these same difficulties - to TELL THE TRUTH - while Governments in the criminal & corrupt dying west are upgrading their criminal techniques in SECRET brainwashing, SECRET propaganda & SECRET MILITARY MIND CONTROL as in SECRET MK-ULTRA.



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I certainly don't disagree. no chance of ME falling into apathy myself. but its frustrating. if others just plain don't care, don't feel its worth their trouble to care... not much to do with that.

I got into not-quite an 'argument' with my sister yesterday. she is MSM all the way (covid, hook, line & sinker, yet never judged MY choices). I admit that she 'triggered' me saying she 'liked woke'. I had to eventually clarify with her that there's a difference between Woke (upper case W, the agenda; which I recently heard called Westernized Maoism - made a certain amount of sense) and being 'awake', as in aware of underlying Big Money motivations and the not-so altruistic motives of say, the trans-activist & BLM agitators. she's all sorts of bent out of shape over abortion rights but doesn't seem to have a problem with vax mandates (mostly because they didn't effect her personally). However, she is not into the digital crap (cell phone turned off inside her purse 90% of the time. doesn't even own an ATM card) and I told her that for that reason alone, I see a 'crack in the door' to get her to think beyond the propaganda slogans she spouts (new one re: abortion - 'carry em to bury em' - wtf is THAT? and she doesn't believe for a minute that 'entertainment' has social engineering in it. yikes!) the convo ended with her tell me that she felt 'attacked' (by me) but then we agreed to NOT use the term Woke and instead say, 'aware'.

I told her that I cannot stay silent anymore, especially since I have a disabled young adult son and I'm seriously worried about the future. (since her only son is gay, I see no chance of her ever having grandchildren.) so I am trying very hard to exploit what tiny cracks I see. we are both in our early 60's and I am finding that the vast majority of our peers are NOT okay with say, the targeting of children for anything sexual/gender. but other than that... if someone refuses to be aware that they are being propagandized... so frustrating.

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How might we implement a better resistance?

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Please check out my book "Government" - The Biggest Scam in History... Exposed! https://artofliberty.org/james-corbett-interviews-etienne-boetie2/

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After the 2008 bankster defrauding of tax payers with the mortgage-market collapse, it became necessary to look around. I began to see how simple events had to have been engineered, and the explanations provided by government were as ponderous as they were preposterous .

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Great idea but far too much detail for a poster.

I suggest a good graphics designer to simplify the visuals.

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If it could be simplified...we probably wouldn't be in this mess globally.

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Great idea... I look forward to seeing the posters that you produce...

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The link didn’t work for me (“You don’t have permission to view”): a collection of free downloadable posters called the White Rose MUCHO GRANDE

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Jul 20, 2023
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Thanks mzlizzi!

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Thank you!

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