Lawmakers Briefed on Weather Modification Tech, Conclude Hurricane Helene Was DOD-Linked Weather Weapon Deployed https://basedunderground.com/2024/10/09/breaking-lawmakers-briefed-on-weather-modification-tech-conclude-hurricane-helene-was-dod-linked-weather-weapon-deployed-against-american-people/

State representatives and senators in the Carolinas were briefed on weather modification technology and have come to the conclusion that Hurricane Helene was a weather weapon deployed against the American people, according to a geoengineering expert.

Dane Wigington joined Ret. Col. Douglas MacGregor’s podcast on Monday to reveal that he briefed numerous lawmakers about patented Defense Department-linked technology used to control major weather events like hurricanes

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Way to go Dr. John. If the public finds out what's really going on they will, according to Dane wigington of Geoengineeringwatch.org, be in the streets with pitchforks and tourches.

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Their hubris will be the downfall of us all. Between monkeying with weather, and genetically modifying food and viruses, these idiots will open Pandora's box one day and wipe out all life. We need scientists with humility and integrity. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD.

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I am totally sure the US honours all treaties and fake rules it creates itself, imposes upon others, and shines a light for the world to obey , while we destroy it

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There is no shortage of Dr. Strangeloves in the world.

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Thank you so very much, Dr. Meryl--having a difficult time getting my research physicist husband to accept this possibility--he has long seen the climate thing as hoax, but chemtrails he disbelieves. I, on the other hand, watch the sky several times a week, 12 months a year, when hanging out the wash. Contrails they ain't.

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In order to amplify the destructive power of a hurricane, you need to decrease the pressure at the center (the eye) and then, "nature does the rest". One of the possible tools for that are thermobaric bombs. Apart from patriotic veterans and CIA agents "with connections" it would be hard to get evidence for that. One way would be refractive index photography (modernized version of Schlieren method) because the sudden drop in refraction index leaves an unmistakable signature.

My suspicion that "something unusual" was happening started 2016, with 9 tropical storm systems on the global map, but not one peep from the climate change folks. Just look at the pic (from my Fb page): https://tinyurl.com/4fr68djw

It's from the era when Dr. Jeff Masters and Bob Henson had a column called "Category Six" on the Wunderground site. As expected, "big tech" member IBM closed it.

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Since when has any treaty stopped anyone, especially the American medical, military and globalist mad men, to carry out precisely what is forbidden? Did the moratorium on gain of function research stopped Fauci and Co? I think if we - normal, decent people - knew what’s going on in all the dark projects and corners of the CIA, the DOD and their cohorts, we would literally die from shock. I read the American military already has faster than light technology. They do all kinds of hair-raising research and experiments in Antartica. Don’t be fooled by a coming alien invasion (from the sky, not from over the Rio Grande) … It’s just your own friendly globalists wanting to scare you into submitting to their one world government for your own safety and convenience.

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Thank you for this history! It is interesting how we lose awareness of what humans have done, even when it's in the public record.

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There's much good documentation on these events, but as effects Helene or Milton, I can't find any proof that weather manipulation was involved. There is warranted suspicion, a degree of capability, but no proof.

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There is proof, but you don't want learn it.

Dane Wigington already provided it to our lawmakers.


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Hi Grazyna, I watched several of Dan's video's and he and I are in complete agreement. Here's the one I saw on Helene. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rekx6Oa6Liw&t=105s

He provides powerful evidence of what hopefully most know, that our government can and has manipulated weather. Knowing our government is capable of horrendous acts, altering weather, mandating unproven injections, manipulating evidence, lying to the public, censoring info contradictory to their narrative, and so forth, we would all be fools not to assume the worst from these people and prepare for it.

Nowhere in Mr. Wiginton's video linked above does he say that government manipulated Helene. Wisely he leaves it up to the viewer.

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Do you mean geoengineeringwatch.org since that's where the link goes?

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Yes, but the word is spreading. Many other people are trying to expose this nightmare. I wish they cold somehow all work together.

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Of course I want to learn truth. How silly. Would love to check the site you posted.

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I'd love to check it too, but YouTube has decided I have to disable my ad blocker before they will let me see any of the videos posted by them. Since ad blockers also block cyber-scams, I decline to do that, Mr Zuckerberg.

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Clever aren't they?

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OPPERATION POPYEE: With Operation Popeye, the U.S. government made weather an instrument of war

As geo-engineering projects soar, the declassified project is newly relevant.


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Oh, dear; what an hilariously ironic name for a military operation: Popeye, of "I am what I am" fame.

"I am what I am" could not be further from the truth for a technocrat. :-)

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Wow, this is the best, most succinct summary about this topic I’ve ever seen. Thank you!

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So is this what we are witnessing in Florida, North Carolina and Maui?

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Maui fire used some DEW, remember the melted engine blocks in 911 as well as Lahaina? More deep state tricks. Paradise, California used DEW for the disastrous fire. Houses burned, trees green and growing. I didn't hear about any melted engine blocks in North Carolina, did you? Soooo coincidental that Asheville's name was on a 15 minute city list......what's next? New Orleans, Houston oil refineries and their ports? Why are there not all points bulletins out for some of these well known gangsters? Congress has done nothing but talk. Bye bye, American pie........

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" I didn't hear about any melted engine bloc!" - Maybe weather conditions were not suitable for such extravaganza?

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Grate info. Thanks.

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There have been reports of cloud seeding just prior to both hurricane and events. I'm often asked why anyone would carry out this devastation. I saw a recent report on substack that public records confirm that geoengineering piolets earn $750hrs. Again, the old mighty buck is a favorite recipe for greed over morality.

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Yes, the US keeps all its treaties look at what they’re doing in the Ukraine and look at what they’re doing in Israel. We have troops on the ground there and we’re firing on Moscow and firing on innocent children in the Gozza. I’m sure we’ve kept up with everything that the Geneva Convention says. What a phony article why should I believe anything that you write.

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It killed me to watch so many of "us" jump on the govt sent hurricane to florida to stop the vote (desantis would have never let that happen plus half of floridas is D so they'd be wiping out their electorate too ), or NC lithium mines without testing the theory with our own skepticism first. Its like we have PTSD from covid and everything from blue roofs in hawaii to to Palenstine tanker are all lumped into the "they did it on purpose" theorems. Or the dog who has been kicked by his owner, gets a new home and now distrusts all male figures because of the previous abuse. Just like in covid we needed solid, trustworthy experts like Dr Nass to do the sophisticated homework so we could sort out the facts. In this govt made hurricane theory follow Joe Bastardi's work. He is one of us, against big govt, and exposing climate change hypocrisies for over 40 years and a storm historian/meteorologist. He debunked this, with reciepts via twitte early on. Yes, the govt has been TRYING and PLANNING ala John Brennan video but can't do it. If anyone would love to expose them it would be Joe Bastardi since he's been railing and exposing their lies for years. This was a reverse psy op and this rampant rumor mongering lured us in and gave them ammo to say "see they are nutty, govt conspiracy, trump supporting wack jobs so they could hit us over the head with our own clubs." You lll see them start to use us in video and MSM, to paint us with broad brush which is why we need to slow down on things like this and get our facts in line, and scientifically be skeptical to the narrative and poke holes in our own theories before we go public. Follow Joe Bastardi's twitter and just critically think it thru and I hope this helps as I saw too many of our friends jump on this narrative way too fast and it degrades our previous, substantiated positions.

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PS I forgot to mention Bastardi showed evidence of previous hurricanes moving from the west, rare but not out of norm, and another historical event where 2 hurricanes hit same day in New England...highly unusual but it happened. Sometimes, like in NC, the FEMA response just sucks because they suck at their job, are ill prepared, inefficient, have their core missions undefined and were worried about being DEI compliant instead of doing their damn jobs. Bad leadership kills an organization as evidenced in past 2 weeks

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What about John Day MD's link? I.e. "State representatives and senators in the Carolinas were briefed on weather modification technology and have come to the conclusion that Hurricane Helene was a weather weapon deployed against the American people, according to a geoengineering expert."????


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If Macgregor has the receipts showing we deployed cloud seeding, audio waves, or other directional manipulation it should be easy to discover as its a large operation. Manipulating the weather takes a lot of moving parts/people/ and situational alignments prior to the event. 1 person can't just shoot a lazer into sky and boom it happens out of nowhere. Physics demands certain things to happen and its not like a long shooter on a water tower 250ft in the air can make a difference. Hurricane "steering" is a major ask and then you hope it hits the target. I fear we are becoming them ala if you believe racism is the predominant factor and rampant everywhere and around every corner, or that cops kill black people more than whites (easily disproved by data points BTW), or George Bush hates black people just look at Katrina videos than every interaction you see or hear will automatically be viewed thru that light with just enough circumstantial evidence but doesn't support the full out conviction. If govt could control hurricanes/weather (they tried) I can think of many evil things they would be doing to gain more power, more money in order to keep us as serfs. Don't forget, for our 3 letter agencies to do this, its an even smaller subset of deep staters who would have had to work on this for years unbeknownst to the agency heads because our elections go R and D so frequently. Do you think they could master this under 8 years of Obama, wait, go dormant/undiscovered during Trump years and then deploy it this year not knowing Joe would collapse and its needed for Kamala? They ain't that smart...and way too many variables. Manipulating the weather patterns is a whole lot harder than people & other countries elections. Besides if they could this would be a better plan. They could get a bigger budget from Congress in order make more wind so their windmills were not such a disaster, or use weather manipulation to prove all of their other green energy disasters which would be a much bigger feather in their cap, nobel peace prizes, proving their climate change policies were right, and always vote D because we saved the planet etc etc.

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I hear you don’t want our government to be able to modify weather in order to cause storms to travel or be manufactured or whatever. No one does. We didn’t think genetic manipulation in order to kill vast numbers of people could be done. It has been. Gates’ and others’ efforts to dim the sun with particulates is happening. Their chosen particulates are things not normally found unbound - aluminum - and is also toxic to biological life. Chemtrails that we’ve poo poo’d as tin foil hat theories appear to be a real “thing.” Transhumanism was once in the realm of SciFi but not so much anymore and that bit is truly scary. It seems pushing a hurricane around to be an extremely difficult thing but technologies have advanced in many areas of science so why not weather and directed energy to cause specific fire destruction. That was once SciFi, too. Maybe not so much anymore. Skepticism is good. I have a strong sense of that but once enough data starts showing up to begin to break that down then I have to stop disbelieving and considering the possibilities instead. One can be set in cement skeptics just as much as one can believe everything they hear. Both extremes serve no purpose.

I have a problem with Wigington. He never answers a question directly in interviews. He does not specifically outline the machinery and mechanistics involved in turning and directing a hurricane. His purple dots on his brief video supposedly exposing the energy bursts correlate to radar usage in populated areas that are normally seen as green dots on a weather map. A simple weather map app showed those locations in actions as green dots during Milton and my AF Col husband pointed out they looked like typical radar useage appropriate for local weather observation. This does not preclude our being wrong on our observations. Those dots could also be bursts of controlling energy. Some had the typical radar rotation but many did not. So we don’t have good answers.

However, unlike Helene, we watched Milton from Gulf growth through its movement. It was not a normal storm. It looked like there were two storms. It had winds going west instead of being in the counter clockwise circular pattern for a long time although the main storm was cc. The eye wasn’t visible for a long time because it was very tight and tiny with unusually high pressures. And it fell apart as it hit FL, moved quickly and if you look out in the Atlantic it is very dispersed but maintains some of its oddities. Including a dual nature. As compared to a more normal hurricane that is out in the Atlantic swirling around quite happily as a normal hurricane should.

Sometimes we see what we are told to see. Sometimes we believe stuff maybe we shouldn’t. Sometimes we ignore things right in front of our noses and don’t pursue those oddities. Anomalies can be normal. They can also be artificial. We ought to look at all possibilities, given our insane technological advances in our world today.

The bottom line in the human psyche continues to be “if we can, we will.” Vs the more prudent “just because we can doesn’t mean we should.”

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Very astutely stated!

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These thins are obtainable, and some people are digging them up as we blog. For example, the $750/hr. Pay for a geoengineering pilot.

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Meryl, you've finally taken the bull by the horns in this extreamly important subject. You mentioned before that you didn't have enough experience to speak to this nightmare. But you have done as great a job of objectively discussing this issue as others you have tackled. No one wants to believe that our govern

government would purposely participate in the destruction of our planet. But as minions of the globalist conspiracy (not theory), we have seen the many ways that greed and lack of morality has attacked our population. No one with any knowledge or reason believes that we are still at the top of health and longevity list rather than at the bottom. It's way past time that there becomes more widespread acknowledgement of this planetary destroyer and major contributer to our health issues.

Thanks, as usual for your hard work in the deseminination of truth and morality and for all you do for society.

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If you ain't a demoRat, the weather gonna get your ass

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It’s always an “attempt”. Actually success is very difficult to find.

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So basically, it all hangs on the definitions of the words "peaceful" and "hostile".

Does the desire to achieve total control of humanity count as "peaceful"? Or does it count as "hostile". Not being a supporter of the currently existing, ill-defined but definitely non-democratic entity that openly desires a "Great Reset", I would define anything done in the name of that desire as "hostile". What do others think?

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There is a reason this document contains no "definitions" section.

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