For dissent, now is the time. As world attention to these treaties increases, legitimacy of this tyranny decreases.

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I'm watching and just appreciated Reggie LIttlejohn's prayer appealing to heaven, which I had just looked up last night as one of the Supreme Court justices was said to have been flying the appeal to heaven flag.


The phrase "Appeal to Heaven" is a particular expression of the right of revolution used by British philosopher John Locke in his Second Treatise on Government. The work was published in 1690 and refuted the theory of the divine right of kings. In chapter 14:[8]

And where the body of the people, or any single man, is deprived of their right, or is under the exercise of a power without right, and have no appeal on earth, then they have a liberty to appeal to heaven, whenever they judge the cause of sufficient moment. And therefore, though the people cannot be judge, so as to have, by the constitution of that society, any superior power, to determine and give effective sentence in the case; yet they have, by a law antecedent and paramount to all positive laws of men, reserved that ultimate determination to themselves which belongs to all mankind, where there lies no appeal on earth, viz. to judge, whether they have just cause to make their appeal to heaven.[9]

I think this is apropos since these rich people think they have the divine right of wealth.

The Pine Tree flag https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pine_Tree_Flag

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Thank for the heads up on this one, Dr Nass. Saw the latter part. Will look for replay.

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Good news that only happens once in a lifetime.

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Love you, guys! My friends, I need your help to share THE FIRST Narrative Feature Film EXPLOITING THE CORRUPTION OF COVID by Michael Angel Loayza Jr. (a Conscious Filmmaker)


We must all peacefully work together to exploit the corrupt institutions and to no longer be a slave to their toxic, greed-riddled agenda.

Please, reach out, Like, Subscribe on YouTube and Instagram

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What’s wrong with our highly paid politicians solving our own problems? Are we too stupid? What about our esteemed, highly educated and well remunerated disease control expert physicians? Are doctors from Europe the only ones intelligent enough to solve disease control issues?

Americans fear rigged pandemics after seeing the last rigged pandemic occurring at the same time as the rigged election.

Enough already!

If each country’s scientific experts work hard and honestly, they’re probably smart enough to come up with safe economical remedies that are well tested.

We pay enough taxes already.

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Too simple! If it does not bring in big bucks attached...nobody wants the truth! The truth is simple...Hippocrates was far more knowledgable than any physician today!!!

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It would be better to be shot dead than to live under the WHO, UN and WEF. Without liberty there is no true life. Think of those who created America with Almighty God’s help. They fought tyranny with their lives. A special quote by Patrick Henry, “Give me Liberty or give me death.” We must do all we can to wake up people to this evil trying to destroy us and the world. Read the book Revelation in the Bible about the AntiChrist. This is what it looks like. Fall on your knees today, and call on God with repentance and praise to save us all. We cannot save ourselves against this evil without God . However, most have turned away from God. Without calling out to Him, we may succumb to evil. Humans have a way of being defiant, unappreciative, and often narcissistic. That is against God. Pray today. Share to others about the WHO and its lies.

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Unable too see summit on livestream

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2 orgs not to support per Katherine Watt, and more.


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She unfortunately has no idea what she is talking about. The laws that have been shoehorned into US law to remove our rights and freedoms have also been placed into the law of the EU, WHO, states, etc. All of it overlaps and it all needs to go. I have no idea why KGW sees things in black and white and only cares about US law. She is brilliant but she is a paralegal by training with no training about international law. Some of my friends are leaders in the organizations she mentioned and they are not "agents" or cutouts of the US government. Most are Europeans.

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I watched the entire program today. I am thanking God for this amazing group of human beings who are standing up to save us from tyranny. Pray every day that we will be saved from the Monsters: WHO, WEF, UN

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Call her out Meryl for misleading Substack readers on these points she is making. She is ignorant about it. Write or call her before she continues to spread untruths not meaning to do so.

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I tried and I spoke to her project partner. It just gets worse. Can you spell STUBBORN?

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Does she know WHO YOU ARE? 😬😬. Young and knows everything, I bet. Thank you so much for ALL you have and are giving. Wish I was younger and sharper, so I could do more. Thinking of going to churches in my town and asking them to have a special prayer service about the WHO. Have spoken to my great church. We did that during the pandemic . People don’t know what is occurring. So much ignorance in America and lack of truthful news.

Thank you so much. You taught me on Substack about so much! Fight onward, and I’m right behind you. ❣️

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