Sadly they may leave one location but the government will set up a new one somewhere else.

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The Fabianist Nazi's will identify it with a very EMPATHETIC SOUNDING NAME

while performing the exact opposite behavior.

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Surely there are already several others in operation, to be discovered, if at all, one by one.

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Probably but outing them is faster and easier. Major progress in outing these criminals.

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This is very good news… but my worry is, as is so often the case, that it isn’t shutdown as much as ‘moved’ and will be resurrected under a different name and different leadership.

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Yep-- exactamondo, as with all the biological (weapons) "research" programs. Same crap.

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Until the average person realizes what is going on, these sleaze bags will just show up in another government cut-out.

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There are more of us than them. We need to keep popping up saying the truth where ever we can.

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One wonders, 'shut -down' or Morphed into.....?

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Yes expect to find the op in a different location possibly under new (name only) management.

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It is interesting that not a single person finds this believable. Just a Psyop. Truly, the government and anyone affiliated has lost 100% of its credibility with thinking people. I used to say 95%, but it has clearly reached 100% (and would exceed it if that were mathematically possible).

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If Harvard is the Wicked Witch of the East, then Stanford is the Wicked Witch of the West. "And she's worse than the other one was."

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Stanford isn’t Ivy League. It’s a self-proclaimed elite institution that appeared to produce some interesting research way back when. Much of that was fake as we’re learning now. Now it is a propaganda mill, indoctrination center with nice architecture.

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They may just be shutting it down because they don't need it anymore; they might have found that AI can do a better job, is cheaper, is harder to identify, and is even harder to associate with a person or group.

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And they can pretend Congress wasn't a part of the operation, and universities are a part of the military Industrial perception management complex

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Campuses crawling with criminal operations with fake do goodery. More psychologists and social manipulators are full time than professors it seems. Top heavy admins and clinical, social, emotional diagnosing as our kids struggle fighting off their poisons and manipulations.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

Nobody believes any of the Stanford bullshit, especially since they ran the prison experiment...

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I wish you were right. I would suggest, too many people put trust in the "Stanford" pedigree.

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Well, the ppl that know The History definitely have it right. FYI I was accepted as an undergrad there...

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and that is exactly why outing them is so important

You are making the case that there are stupid people.

There are.

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Wikipedia says the Milgram experiment was at Yale, which I suspect is correct.

The Stanford Prison Experiment was later, tho with kind of similar results.


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Though I wouldn't have referenced anything "wiki," right you are. I stand corrected :-)

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There is still the BBC and it's Trusted News Initiative...

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Hooray! They will just set up somewhere else and continue with a fresh start however.

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Poison Ivy league.

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Fabulous resource - thank you!

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The censorship has moved to the AIs, which is even more pernicious. I asked GPT-4o to summarize my Substack -- which is dedicated to finding support for the proposition that the Great Reset is really WWIII, a war of the Plutocrats on the people, with the plandemic as its first battle, and CCP-style techno slavery as its target end result -- and it produced laughably sanitized pablum.

Substack rocks! No censorship! The AIs are all collaborators with the Plutocrats! Beware!

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