Sorting out the cabal's intentions and translating PR jargon to "what that really means for targeted populations" is much appreciated.

Has someone already experimented with DMSO for treatment of mpox? That is cheap and works for (copied) SKIN DISEASES, ULCERATIONS, AND HERPES. Chapter 4 of this book:


For a 2nd opinion, chapter 33 of this book:


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I also experiment with several kinds of essential oils. A few drops every morning mixed with coco-fat and taken orally. My God, it works wonders. To heal Lyme as well. Aren't we ALL getting so clever in the shadow of these low people. Thank you M.Nass!!!

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DMSO is a rather unique substance: it can be used as solvent for hydrophilic and lipophilic compounds and can also pass the blood-brain barrier, carrying along healing compounds.

Hence the possibility of extraterrestrial lifeforms where it fulfills the same role role as water on earth.

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Risk factor avoidance is big. Don't have casual-sex. Keep your vitamin-D level up. It's fall. Take 5000 units D3 per day and check a level in January, if you are not supplementing. (In the southern hemisphere, too, but you can start sunbathing now).

We are the "carbon" they need to reduce...

Stranded people, suffering and about to die are the driver for exclusive powers and profits: Celia Farber:

"I Am Literally Flying Around In A Civilian Helicopter Looking For SOS Messages Carved In The Mud."

Reports Pour In From Rescue Volunteers Thwarted and Even Threatened With Arrest If They Set Out To Save Desperate People With Hours To Live, or Less: Mass Media Underplaying The Death Toll https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/i-am-literally-flying-around-in-a

Where did "Alexa" get THIS IDEA? Alexa Calmly Tells Stunned Americans Hurricane Helene Was Artificially Created, By Cloud Seeding, Celia Farber

"It Was Also The First Manmade Hurricane In History." —ALEXA https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/alexa-calmly-tells-stunned-americans

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What a great [psycopathic] idea, overlook our 50 billion in fraud fines medical cartel killing *40 million people [using iatrogenic "medicine"] and then even more with heavy metal laced [and forest at gunpoint] MMR jabs! Who says "Death is the wages of sin."?

(*12.5 million "medicine" caused deaths in the last 50 years, according to the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study or 40 million [in the last 50 years] according to Dr. Nulls book, Death By Medicine! [that's only 2191.78 a day!] Can you see the difference between God's gift to us vs. our, for-profit patent medicine industrial complex's gift?

I can, I lost my Dad Wife and best frient to iatrogeic medicine! (I bet you have also lost a few, they just don't advertize it much!)

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It is one way our apex-predator owners cut down our human herd size. We are burning their jet fuel, and things like that.


We need to institute a better system than theirs.

Prayer and following Divine Guidance is all that I can come up with.

Do grow vegetables, ride a bike, save water and some staples & salt/oil, though...

Be a friend.

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Too obvious that the cabal is executing plans to eliminate everyone and everything that doesn't contribute to an increase of wealth for its members. When that's achieved, those members will start wars among themselves, just as was the case during European medieval feudalism: even relatives fought each other as greed is one of the most damaging mental diseases (human lives,environment) on the planet.

Presently the issue is to grab as much lithium as possible, not for environmental reasons but because nonrenewable resources are running out and cabal members want to increase their standard of living despite that.

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Celia Farber, Catherine Austin Fitts On Helene: "It's Not A Natural Event." Says It Is A Giant Taking, Land Grab, WH Leveraging Disaster Recovery Against Election: "Assertion Of Top Down Control Of Counties"

"The goal of this operation and [Hurricane Helene] is an operation, it's not a natural event...[it] got steered in my opinion," Fitts says. "The goal of this operation is to take assets and...it's basically a giant taking...to grab land."

The investment banker says:

"We're having lots of reports of land grab tactics being applied" and adds that the operation "relates to the [U.S. presidential] election."

"I suspect we're seeing the White House basically—and, again, this is conjecture—negotiate terms. You know, you'll get disaster recovery if, you know, you do this, this, and this for the election," Fitts says.

"The president is saying he's gonna call back Congress, that there's not enough money at FEMA to go through the hurricane season, and so they're strong-arming Congress to come back and basically give the administration what they want on the continuing appropriations process."

Furthermore, Fitts says this is also an instance of central bankers attempting to wrangle more control for themselves. "This is all part of installing the digital ID and financial transaction infrastructure you need to assert absolute control," Fitts says. "And if you look at the patterns, whether it's the taking or the land grab or other other reports we're getting out of that area, it looks to me like a lot of assertion of top-down control of counties." https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/catherine-austin-fitts-on-helene

Dane Wigington, in 90 second time lapse video with artificial color for ground-based radio-frequency transmissions, proportional to output-power, shows that these steering transmissions were everywhere that the Hurricane Helene was not, leaving an open channel of travel. It had been heavily seeded with charged nanoparticles while it was forming, which makes it more subject to radio-frequency steering. Hurricane Helene And Frequency Transmissions, 90 Second Alert https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/hurricane-helene-and-frequency-transmissions-90-second-alert/

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The will find a way to increase its severity through gain of function they are desperate for another crisis

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I had expected a pandemic and lockdown to be declared by now so hopefully none will interfere with the US election. So what other disasters await America between now and January 20th next year or are the democrats confident through some scheme they will get the presidency? There is still 3 months to go.

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32 days

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After the election Trump has to make it to January 20th before he can make executive orders.

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"There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip..."

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Well they're already offering mail-in ballots ahead of every video on YouTube. "US citizen?" they innocently ask.... "Get your mail-in ballot by clicking here" .... So I'm guessing they don't feel they need any new disaster. The media propaganda have claimed that the Harris/Walz ticket is a good 'un. Enough of the sheeple believe that so nobody will think it's a fraud if they"win". Seems an awful shame, given how much effort the good guys have put in to this and how much better off the world would be if they won. But as David Hughes says, it took years and years and YEARS of patient work to get Hitler's campaign to do as it did in Germany back in the 30s and there's plenty of time before 2030 ....

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

Whomever gets anymore poison from these criminals is crazy..

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In the following video which became available for viewing online this evening, the statement is made that none of the vaxxes of the Childhood Immunization Schedule has ever been tested appropriately for safety. You can bet that's also true of Mpox, bird flu, and the new Covid vaxxes.



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The anti-christ will probobly come from WEF, WHO or the UN.

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who is who

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Tu whit tu WHOOO

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What a load of utter bollocks. Surely nobody will actually BELIEVE any of their nonsense this time round??

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My friends,

YouTube has Shadow-Banned my content and I need your help to keep us going! So then I can bring my following to Rumble

My production company LowWiseZah Studios creates purposeful entertainment to awaken society. I would greatly appreciate your support so that I can produce more eye-opening movies!


We need to put an end to the current tyranical Leftist puppets of the Globalists!

Please, reach out, Like, Subscribe on YouTube and Instagram so I can continue to create this content:

Awakening Society With Purposeful Entertainment


Your love is much appreciated.

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Everyone needs to just shut up and take their shot. ;-) God help us.

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Nobody listens to the defunct corrupt World Health Organisation any more! They lie to create opportunities for lunatic Gates to further profit from pretend health emergencies.

Sometimes, even the most ludicrous nonsensical suspicions come to be reality. I suspected the dangerous injections they 'knocked up' "at the speed of science", were at best USELESS, Now it seems they were even more dangerous than we could have imagined. Useless AND deadly!

This could have been predicted as soon as we learned that BIG PHARMA (Pfizer, Moderna, etc,) demanded NO LIABILITY came with EVERY DEATH SHOT! Such a ridiculous condition should have alerted everyone of the potential dangers of these magically quick cures being created within just months of the release of Fauci's Coronavirus Scamdemic!

'Excess Deaths' are part of their mercenary business plan!

Unjabbed mick (UK) We live longer without dangerous intervention by corrupt (just for profit) medical companies.

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Why play along with the madness and call it mpox? The real name is moneypox.

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