Every state is, and should be, a sovereign government. That is where protest should now be directed.

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Amazing just how many people have NO idea that any of this is going on whatsoever. Those are the people that need to be reached. Unfortunately, when you test them (always do before outright telling them what's coming right at them), they don't believe you whatsoever. For these "lotus eaters," it's like the "pandemic" didn't happen. They're "over" it. I felt compelled to share this with my parish priest this morning. Fortunately he listened. The Big Problem is that NOBODY UNDERSTANDS THAT YOU CAN'T MAKE A VACCINE FOR A RESPIRATORY VIRUS, PERIOD. It's never been done and it never will. But they never stop to consider how those viruses infect in the first place.... Duh.

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NO MORE TAX DOLLARS TO SUPPORT THE UN!!! Sending taxpayer money to foreign countries is...unconstitutional. The WHO would not have the power it has now, if our ignorant Congress had not enrolled America in the UN. There would be NO UN, if America had not helped it. If there were NO UN, there would be NO WHO! It is not enough to ignore the dictates, when signing this treaty would override the Constitution. The states should have had the power, but the government has illegally taken it. Withdrawing the U.S. from the UN must be done now! It would totally stop the UN and the WHO from their devious maneuvering to gain global control.

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Given the way the Gates-funded WHO and CDC handled the SARS-2 plan demic (& the declarations of 2009 and 1975, both of which gave vaccine-makers immunity), some pushback is to be expected. Is this a sovereign nation? Are we citizens, forced to undergo unscientific steps, sovereign? (What about “my body, my choice”?

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WHO is part of the UN which needs kicked out of not only NYC but out of the US

WE need them like we need the refuse now demonstrating across America on college/university


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Yeah, it’s incomprehensible that today’s college students are putting all their efforts into defending some vague notion of human rights for cultures that would decimate their’ diversity and inclusion’ in an instant.

At the same time, they’re oblivious about the WHO’s very real threat to their personal autonomy. Is ‘best and brightest’ now a euphemism for ‘woke and controllable “?

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Apr 29·edited Apr 29

and while they are identifying themselves as morons, without capacity to

think, they are doing it wearing the PLO rag and masks

I note that Oct 7 has been all shoved aside in order to push what Hitler was so

successful in doing in the 30s in Germany

WE ALL know where that went

Re: murder of 32K Palestinians

How do THEY know 32K Palestinians have been killed by Israel?

I mean other than HAMAS parroting it?

Do they know that their heroes, HAMAS have regularly used Palestinians in the past

(women and children) as shields after THEY have launched rockets into Israel

and Israel retaliates

I doubt it

They parrot whatever they are taught in colleges and universities which were

centers of learning, but now just indoctrination centers

It was almost as suicidal for 'intellects' during Vietnam when they paraded around

campus carrying signs which were plastered with vulgar, vile and profane language

in opposition to the war

UC Berkeley was celebrated for it

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I could possibly accept the idea and implementation of a WHO-declared and managed pandemic if it was operated by people who were saint-like scientists with no political, biased, profiteering, power-grabbing agendas, solely interested in legit global health. But it's clear to me that those kind of people don't exist on planet earth. Instead, corruption, fraud, and self-serving special interests seem to be the dominant modus operandi of the "elite" cabal.

My larger concern is that as more of us get wise to their playbook and increasingly resist their intentions, they'll become more desperate to enact any/every means at their disposal to punish us--under the guise of "serving" us with more injections--like by intentionally leaking truly deadly strains of "germs" around the globe (to which they've got the antidote for themselves); some enhanced version of a trickle down "fuck you" to resistors.

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You can set off the alarms locally by challenging local governments, school officials and asking them if the money they take from state, federal or other grants diminishes or subverts the voice of local people. You can bet much of the dark money does. It will ask in return that they do what they are told by health or other officials for their safety of course. That is a breach of their allegiance to serve their citizens.

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I would guess that Bill Gates is hard at work, as this is his moment! And no doubt, the emperor of philanthrocapitalism is upping the stakes for all WHO members which make it happen. Every person living in Seattle who is against this coup of our health and health freedom, should protest in front of his house.

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Thanks for liking. We are seeing some of the states taking a stand against the woke federal tyranny. We have NO reason to believe Trump will be any different than Biden.

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Yeh. trump will implement AI surveillance at the borders because “ invasion” and safety will be the issue. But once that is set up at borders- everyone will have to comply with surveillance of outgoing and incoming of the USA citizens and citizens such as Canada and other allies.

Fear of Safety will be used on the Republicans. Then The Globalists Will get what they wanted- total Compliance.

US citizens will be tricked using Boarder Control.

It will be Electronic and AI.

If you were the Globalists that’s how they would do it using safety/fear.

They found that a certain portion of the public would not comply for the Fear/Safety narrative for the clot shots.

So they will do same by appealing to public that wants the borders protected.

It won’t be a physical wall folks.

It’s another way to groom so that the electronic AI wall can be set up. Trump will be that guy?!!!!!

No one is going to save us. We have to save ourselves . Start at the local level.


Whitney Webb is the person that connects many dots.

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Sasha says the same but Whitney's better (no paranoia, and nice about it, too :-)

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Trump IS very different 😁💥☮️

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Unfortunately, I live in Marxist Minnesota outside of Minneapolis.

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Marxist Michigan is almost just as bad.

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Define Marxism, please.

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Many people have been drawn into the virtue signaling and do it to be accepted by society. "We have to wear masks and get vaccinated because otherwise we look like we are not helping humanity" They see the department of public health as an authority and also of course the government has the authority in their eyes. They don't know of their own personal responsibility and power! I know some Christian people who are waiting for Christ and so can't see that humans have to take action based on their faith. They are just waiting. Their faith is so quiet.

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Canada is in deep poop

Look up Godrich and surrounding areas like Wingham Ontario, "MILITARY , WELLNESS CHECKS, TRAINNING

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Stoopid kiddies signing away their souls, they're brainwashing 'em so they'd murder their own mother, these useless pieces of crap!!

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This will go into today's blog post.

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What's your address, you on substack?

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This is that blog post: Dr. Stein Zip Tied And Arrested


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Yes, thank you!

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Troll Hunter, very well said, this has been such a terrible disappointment!! It’s so frustrating how many people refuse to open their eyes, many of us (who know the truth) have family and friends who’ve told us we’re not allowed to talk about this!! After 4 years my patience is wearing thin with them!

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Yeah, well, I make 'em listen to meee-- After all that screaming of pure bullshit in my and others' ears, who KNEW BETTER, for all those years, for Christ's sake, they are going to FORCIBLY HEAR ME from now on!!!

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I fear my state will be opening offices for WHO and it's delirious idiots to gain a foothold here. My "stately" masters are die hard commies to the bone.

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You didn't mention what state you live in; but might you consider moving? We are fortunate enough to be long-time residents of Tennessee which has a super majority of conservative Republicans in the state legislature, but we could always use more like-minded people!

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