My daughter is prescribed hydroxychloroquinine for her LUPUS (first diagnosed 3 months after second Pfizer jab).

Hydroxychoroquinine is a medically advised, safe and effective medicine for her condition; she’s had covid since with no ill effects. It’s mentally corrupting to argue its dangerous for covid but safe for other conditions like LUPUS.

I avoid the irony of considering whether if she’d been advised to take hydroxychloroquinine - a safe, old, tested medicine, rather than the novel, exciting, needed for work/travel, experimental and EUA jabs she might have been on a 10 day course of thankfully off patent pills, rather than a life sentence.

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If HCQ and Ivermectin proved to be too effective pharmaceutical companies would not be able to obtain non-indemnity. Mr. Warpspeed pushed for the release of the mRNA toxins, however, that required Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) as gangster pharmaceutical companies refused to release the vaxx unless they were assured that they couldn't be sued. It should be noted, that DARPA, DOD, CIA have spent a ton of tax dollars funding mRNA computer generated toxins and were determined to test it on billions as way of establishing a "central biosecurity database" ultimately leading to digital passports tying together medical records, personal info, and financial accounts. Think how perfect this will work for the Grubbies once central bank digital currency (CBDC) is in full-swing. Under the WHO Pandemic Treaty, if a medical emergency is declared all countries must adminster a new mRNA vaccine to the unwitting population who would be coerced to take it since "noncompliance" would mean being cut-off from the entire digital system. As Chomsky said, during the scamdemic: "Starve the unvaxxed and remove them from civil society."

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It is disgusting! I’ve had it with Dr. Alexander as well. He’s still pimping for Trump and bashing DeSantis. Inexplicable given Trump got us into this, is still boasting of his “ miracle” poison darts, ventilators, Remdiscivir,, travel bans and exceptional handling of COVID saving “ millions and millions of lives”.

Malone was among the first to speak out and. very openly denounced the technology he was involved in advancing.That is hardly the stance of a deceitful person. Quite the opposite. Karen Kingston is a plagiarist and a lunatic . The anti-Malone smearmongers are shameful and shameless.

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unfortunately, trump was the real culprit in this unfortunate story.

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I’ve more than had it with Trump. He is the only person capable of defeating any of his successes. The Waco rally was an absolute abomination and those who continue doggedly supporting him, excusing his constant self-created debacles in their misplaced “ loyalty” are assuring a 2024 Dem sweep and America’s end. Not that they’re a great option.

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A lot I agree with a lot of what you say but Malone was not one of the first to speak out. He was rather late to the cause actually. I’d been listening to other doctors and researchers for a year who were brave, lone voices and I wish Malone had chimed in sooner because his impact might have stopped the run away train before it was unstoppable. That said, the very powerful managed to malign other well credentialed researchers, experts the likes of those behind the Great Barrington Declaration and shut them down so likely Malone would have just been lumped in with them and had limited influence. Perhaps the timing was right after others had been fighting and were being pummeled for Malone to surface to save the day and add a credibility that he was in the very unique position to offer. He broke through by being on Rogan. Before that the wall was not being penetrated and not for a lack of trying. I will always be grateful that he spoke up and did change the trajectory of the response to Covid by doing so. Is he totally innocent? I don’t think so. Enough valid information about his work, ties, and profits have been brought to light that certainly can take away hero status but that still doesn’t mean he hasn’t done good for us at least in the current situation. Dr. Alexander has certainly stirred the pot and he has his loyal followers for being a fighter for truth and more so for freedom. I don’t believe he is going after Malone for political gain but out of frustration. He is a passionate person. Honestly, I think both have their place and for different reasons. As far as Trump goes, he will pay the price for defending these injections and likely his ego ruling over compassion will sink him. Nobody likes his DeSantis bashing which makes him small to everyone especially since DeSantis has done so much compared to all the rest. I think a lot of people privately support DeSantis but won’t publicly say so yet and that Trump knows this so he is preemptively striking. It won’t help him.Alexander even knows Trump needs to change course now on the shots or he’s likely sunk.

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Well, people change their opinions when they change them. I had my eyes opened a long time ago, yet I still told everyone to wash your vegetables in dilated bleach, etc., at the start.

You praise Paul Alexander for doing exactly what Malone did--come late to the party. Why don't you criticize him for not speaking up earlier--he supported trump and the Warp Speed project.

Actually, I don't want you criticizing either one--I want people applying the same yardstick to all before you criticize.

Someone smarter than me said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

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I’ve had it with Dr. Alexander. He has no business throwing stones. He was an insider during the Trump presidency, was privy to the goings on and remained silent until it was too late. Dr. Malone didn’t have the luxury of access to in person reach. Given the depth of his pan- coverage, including the WEF Great Reset, Young Global Leaders, extensive knowledge of the Constitution and outreach/Engagement with Bret Weinstein,Neil Oliver, Rogan, Glen Beck,Mark Stein, Steve Kirsch, Harvey Risch, Kim Iversen, Russell Brand,Laura Ingraham,McCullough, Kuldorff,Ladapo,DeSantis,Cole Hatfill,Posobiec,Jimmy Dore,Levin,Battacharaya, Scott Atlas , Mikovits, Ron Johnson,Ionnides,Steven Hatfill, Oswui,Desmond ,Meryl Mass and so many others left, right, center, independent, globally and his admission of involvement with the technology, his own errors in judgment, decision to offer himself up as a guinea pig and subsequent injury…. I would consider him worthy of immense gratitude.

Dr. Alexander is smearing people who haven’t played any role in actively deceiving anybody or subverting his idol, Trump. Also, from what I’m gleaning from Alexander’s posts, Breggins and his wife both have severe Covid. How is that even possible?

He embarked on a vicious smear campaign against Tucker Carlson, publishing private emails unrelated to Covid. Tucker didn’t do anything that put a target on Trump’s back. He didn’t vote for Trump in 2020, he supported Kanye who hadn’t yet lost his mind, he just liked Kanye’s platform because he was different and aligned with Tucker’s values. He didn’t make it public. Tucker was very much supportive of Trump’s anti-intervention , anti-NATO build up, sovereign borders, return of American manufacturing, supply chain and representative of the forgotten American blue collar workers. Tucker would rightly criticize the snakes he surrounded himself with, lousy Swamp appointments, caving to the Russophobes, striking Syria for the obviously fabricated Syrian use of chemical weapons against his own people attributed to using the old Soviet bioweapon, Novichek… ditto the Skripals and Navalny, which was patently absurd. Tucker was vocally critical of Graham, MCCain, Mitch, Pence, Sessions, Rove, Jerome Powell, Liz Cheney, McConnell, Fauci, Birx, Jerome Adams Bill Gates,Bill Barr, Milley, Esper, BoltonMattis, Rosenstein, Mueller,Wray, Haspel and not standing up for Mike Flynn, McFarland,He did not like Kavanaugh, Conway and was very disappointed that Trump caved on meeting with Binney, Assange- didn’t pardon Assange, Snowden and so many deserving instead , pardoning Lil Wayne and other ludicrous , unworthy miscreants. Tucker said, “ Go big. Be bold and do the right thing”

Tucker also blew up when Fox made the call for Arizona before any other network which set the narrative for every other network and likely cost Fox a large loyal viewership and would be seen as an effort to ensure Trump’s loss. Tucker was not a fan of Sidney Powell’s claims about the voting machines, Mike Lindell and thought it was enough that Trump at that point should have accepted that it was over. To gather a more professional team of legal experts and let them form an ironclad case to take to the court and public without Trump shooting off his mouth and blowing it. After the smoke cleared, Tucker was right. But Dr Alexander is so bonded that he has eliminated Trump’s complete responsibilty for losing Georgia . His public fights with Kemp and Raffensberger. pushing Collins into the race that Kelly Loeffler, a much better candidate with broad appeal, especially with Suburban women, millenials, moderates, centrist Dems, sports enthusiasts, minorities ( particularly Jewish coeds) she really went after Warnock’s virulent antisemitism, tight relationships with Farrakhan Rev Wright, spousal abuse, evicting tenants who rented housing on the church property, stealing from the church and donors to purchase real estate for personal investment. Loeffler had surpasssd the 50% qualification, Warnock was way behind and Trump pushed Collins into the race. Collins was so far Christian fundamentalist right ( he’s an Evangelical preacher) couldn’t gain any moderate voters, reacher 14%, dropped out and destroyed Loeffler’s shoe in win.

Sydney Powell, Lin Wood and Vernon Jones were rallying in Atlanta with bullhorns, telling Republicans to stay home and not vote to protest Kemp and Raffensberger. Purdue, who was Trump’s endorsed candidate, a longtime Georgia favorite and fairly moderate lost his substantial lead, got tripped up and lost to an unknown, inexperience Soros funded trustfund radical progressive, Jon Ossoff who want even a Georgia Resident. Loeffler lost to Warnock by one point. She lost her own Senate seat, Collins forfeited his house seat, the Senate went to the Marxists and Trump lost. Even with the cheating, Loeffler and Purdue would have won. The other stuff could have been handled by the courts later.

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I’m not smarter than you Meryl, I once brought it up as a comment Let hé who is without sin.....just want to add all Saints alsof them had to be great sinners, no other way to show others the right path if you have not travelled all the wrong paths before. Thank you for your honesty and and your courage to step up and keep open your big big mouth screaming the truth from the roofs.

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I agree with you and I don’t let Him off the hook either. I appreciate that he brings so good things to the movement but others things, I am less than happy about including his unwavering support of Trump and the rollout of these horrible injections. I have annoyed him on his Substack for saying I think he should knock it off. I have a lot of respect for you and all you bring for the sake of humanity.

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Just curious why you stated that Karen Kingston is a plagiarist and a lunatic. Please explain and offer details to back up your claim. Thanks.

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She copies the work of others and then twists the “ findings” by making it a “ Jewish Conspiracy” and “ Satanic Cult “ of ritualistic practices”. Evil is a universal characteristic . It transcends any particular sect. Corruption seeps into society and destroys once commonly accepted norms and the original tenets once upheld. If Kingston is so convinced it’s a “ Jewish Conspiracy”, perhaps she can explain the ADL’s unrecognizable stances that are literally promoting antisemitism. Or the ACLU, SPLC , NAACP, Teacher’s Union, Brookings Council, Rockefeller,Ford,Clinton Foundation, Carnegie Institute,all things Soros, EU,UN. WEF and the entire leftist platform. CAIR, Catholic Charities, AARP, Penn-Biden, Red Cross, Greenpeace, Oxfam, Silicon Valley, the entire media, American Bar Association, universities, Kleptocorporate multinational monopolistic technocracy of a one world central government fiefdom ruling over a reduced population of transhuman, fully controlled serfs .

Godlessness is not confined to a scapegoat. It is the lack of conscience. Soullessness.And it appears to be a contagion. The belief that mankind is the top of the food chain and a self appointed cabal of psychopaths are gods. I’m not an organized religion zealot , nor a fan of proselytizing or school prayer. But I do not support removing God from America’s core tenets. “ God” can be interepreted metaphorically. God, regardless of perception is the protection from overreaching government tyranny. We don’t answer to government. Nor should we be lorded over by any religious denomination.

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Thank you for your comment. You've really done your homework.

That's really interesting about Karen Kingston. I've never noticed that in her interviews which I've seen several. She seemed to have been doing her own work. Can you point me to an example?

I've also wondered how all these people who talk out against the globalist (whatever you want to call them) are able to walk around so freely without security and go to conferences, go on planes, etc. They don't seem to be afraid of speaking out against a very powerful, evil force. So much is perplexing. Just trying to make sense out of all of this and all the people at the helm of this so-called "Freedom Movement".

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for one thing she never talks about SPIKE PROTEIN ... i suppose same as malone.

since you are into details and backup evidence here is some ... hope you are real :-)


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Thank you for the link. Just clicked on the link and it says "Page not found".

I am very real. Anyone who makes a comment about someone or something should have evidence so the person reading it understands where the reasoning is coming from. Isn't that what all of this is about? Understanding the details so we can all make informed, rational, and educated decisions.

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HCQ, ivermectin, Vit D, zinc, quercetin - ANY successful and inexpensive treatment protocol for covid has been vilified and falsely discredited, along with those doctors who use them. All for financial gain and political power by any group or individual who benefits from the falsely inflated virus narrative and its deadly products masquerading as "vaccines."

I like and admire all doctors who have the courage and integrity to expose the truth about covid and its products. Doctors like you, McCullough, Malone, Alexander, Cole, Breggin, McDonald, Makis, Risch, Bhattacharya and hundreds of others. It's destructive to have feuds between any of these doctors. My simple-minded view is that we're all on the same side, even if a few details differ. Any feuding weakens the cause.

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Meryl, this is a superb take-down of the medical hierarchy and government. I have one criticism. You wrote, "We are in the midst of a crisis that requires specialized knowledge to understand and respond to." I have no training in statistics, but I had no difficulty in understanding what was going on as early as March, 2020. I read Pepe Escobar's article based on his interview of Dr. Didier Raoult: https://asiatimes.com/2020/03/why-france-is-hiding-a-cheap-and-tested-virus-cure/. Dr. Raoult described his positive results in using hydroxychloroquine for early treatment of Covid-19, during the viral replication phase, and the corruption of the entire medical "industry" resulting from the profit motive. Ie, the non-use of off-patent drugs and constant search for patentable treatments. Toward the end of the article, Dr. Raoult is quoted as saying, "When damage to the lungs is too important, and patients arrive for reanimation, they practically do not harbor viruses in their bodies any more. It's too late to treat them with chloroquine. Are these the only cases – the very serious cases – that will be treated with chloroquine under the new directive by [French Health Minister] Veran? ... then they will be able to say with scientific certainty that chloroquine does not work."

That is precisely one of the rigging methods used for the Solidarity and Recovery trials, which were limited to already hospitalized patients. The other thing those trials did was to use a near-toxic dose of hydroxychloroquine, high enough to prolong the QTc interval in some patients, leading to potentially fatal heart arrhythmias. I recall arguing with the mostly TDS-afflicted members of my peace group, who immediately jerked their knees when Trump made favorable remarks about Dr. Vladimir Zelenko's protocol using HCQ, zinc and azithromycin. They hopped on the narrative of "no evidence" for HCQ's effectiveness when there was in fact some evidence but simply no large RCTs, which are generally financed by Big Pharma. I was accused of being "conservative," though I did not vote for Trump. (He had crossed my red lines during the 2016 Presidential campaign by saying that war was OK if you "take their oil," endorsing torture and punishing the families of suspected terrorists. He had consummated all three by 2020.)

Several other things happened in 2020 after you wrote this article. For example, Rick Bright issued a Trojan horse EUA for hydroxychloroquine, limiting its use to already hospitalized patients. The medical establishment attempted to sabotage Ivermectin, but found it a tougher nut to crack given its beneficial effects at all stages of Covid-19. The government was limited to the self-satire of referring to it as "horse paste," which, together with their "vaccine" coverup, has permanently destroyed the credibility of all HHS agencies. The WHO had to pressure Dr. Andrew Hill to change his findings and support an indefinite delay in approval of Ivermectin, waiting for "additional evidence" from RCTs funded: https://rumble.com/vwnft0-a-letter-to-andrew-hill-please-help-expose-the-corruption-of-science.html

One of the mysteries of 2020 for me is how Trump was co-opted into Warp Speed, why he contracted Covid-19 when he was supposedly taking HCQ as a prophylactic and why he didn't listen to Drs. Paul Alexander and Scott Atlas. Perhaps he didn't take zinc, or received a false positive from PCR, which was still using a high cycle threshold at the time, and never even had Covid-19.

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You were smarter than most, it seems. I missed that interview with Raoult; I would have posted it. He got it exactly right.

Rick Bright conspired with Janet Woodcock when she was acting deputy FDA commissioner as FDA had to issue the EUA and then revoke it. Phil Harper has dug a bit deeper into the Andrew Hill scandal.

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Not smarter, just more willing to question. I was introduced to your blog at about that time as well. You were definitely ahead of the curve. Thank you.

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Raoult published a study of viral load (wrt time) in patients with mild covid, using cell culturing + PCR in Mar 2020. He found that the max occurred at a median of 3 days from symptom onset.

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Malone is the opposite of free speech but he is useful. I like to know who demands control of what I think.

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I wonder if the early studies on HCQ and ivermectin were sloppy in recording how far into the infection patients were upon presentation, perhaps relying on patient testimony. Antivirals are not as effective after the initial period of about a week - if this is unusual for a coronavirus infection the medical community may have been taken by surprise. Many physicians figured out that steroids and antihistamines were needed after the infection phase, to deal with the cytokine storm.

As far as drugs working well goes, that should be put in context of whether they were needed at all. Vast majority just needed healthy immune systems, to get the infection and be done with it.

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Which subjects can our 'experts" or mainstream press be trusted on?

Great question. THE question. My answer: No subjects.

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maybe the weather if it isn't saturated with climate or disaster porn! Otherwise, I agree--a 5th generation cognitive warfare combo of Pravda, The National Enquirer, the cults-posing-as-political-parties infotainment advertising news.

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It's clear by now that this is a well coordinated attack on world populations by the new robber barons intent on imposing their will to have all riches go into their wallets. From Russiagate to Covidgate it's the same lying by people who are empowered and emboldened to do so and use legacy and fantasy media (which they own) as arbiters of what they have defined as "the truth". How " alternative facts" rings true today.

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Pretty divisive isn’t he.

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You know if you think about it maybe they are culling the herd and leaving only people who stopped believing all their nonsense and a bunch of burnt out sturdy sheep, who they will control with wifi, as if they aren't already.

You know Ivermectin and HCQ reached super essential status when big pharma spends Billions to suppress these drugs that cost pennies.

Is there any government authority looking out for people any more?

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With the long established track records of HCQ and Ivermectin, it’s quite something that DOMANE didn’t flag them for study. Or did it? Why would these two be passed over in favor of studying something like famotidine?

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Has Malone lend you his CIA writing team? You are almost as productive as him now

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Most of what I posted I wrote years ago, Mr Troll Jacobsen. Any relation to Kristian Andersen, who does have a CIA writing team?

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I didn't want to offend you. Please excuse me. And I am not a troll. But RM and certain other players get elevated to the detriment of those that have important insights into biology that people need to learn about. I would like to recommend Jonathan Couey's thoughts about RM and the other players at 1h50m https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1774222791

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Excellent review Dr. Nass! This is a wonderful summary. I appreciate your integrity, intellect and leadership. I wish I better understood the George Webb issue against Dr. Malone where he questions who Dr. Malone is really working for. From what you said, he was not allowed into the legal conference this weekend even though he had a press pass. Why wasn’t he allowed? Does he harass people?

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I have no idea, but I will say that several of George's Webb's old partners and buddies have said he burned them. And they took off.

I think George Webb is definitely on our side, but he is rough and he shoots from the hip at times, as with Malone.

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Read this you button kissing Malone Shrill.

Your a fraud Ness. Malone paying you some of his mRNA Royalty payments too ??


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Notice how the rats (dozens of them) show up as soon as Malone is mentioned, generally with nothing edifying to say, sometimes with scurrilous accusations? That is how you know he is a threat to the authorities. The number of so-called people commenting about him is the giveaway. Put on your thinking caps--this should be very obvious.

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