It’s frustrating that no matter what I send my legislators, they choose big pharma.

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I believe that Obama actually banned them 2012? in the USA. However, Phony Tony Fauci simply funded their relocation overseas.

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Jul 28, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

It doesn't matter what the laws/rules/regulations say... if there are no consequences, if no one will uphold the law with punishment as justice.

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Again Dr. Nass, or I'm sure you readily accept Merly due to your seeming absence of the hubris that enslaves so many, thanks for all your effort in keeping us iinfomed.

Again, at the expense of sounding like a broken record, let's also ban the weponization of weather through geoengineering, not legalize it as has been done recently.

Like the ridiculous effort of many congresspeople to attempt to censor Mr. Kennedy's testimony in a congressional hearing on censorship itself, the congress has voted to enact a law calling for a "study" to research the potential use of geoengineering as a means of combating global warming. This sham "feasibity study" should really be replaced with a damage assessment study of destruction that geoengineering has done to our health and the planet during its 70+ Years of use.

Whether you belive in global warming or not, I'm sure that you believe that the illegal spraying of dangerous chemicals on populations without their knowledge or consent is dead wrong. And now our government has made this atrocity legal. I guess they think that should justify it, but let's not!

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The military that took over Japan during World War II also had its doctors research germ warfare. It is certain that the Chinese Communist Party, Russia, and in some cases North Korea are also conducting research on warfare using viruses and bacteria.

There were people like Mao Zedong and Stalin who wanted to have power even if they killed tens of millions of their own people. Persons of their character would be willing to kill hundreds of millions of people from other countries for their benefit.

It is dangerous for the West to unilaterally do nothing in response.

So I think the problem is figuring out how to manage the bio-labs transparently, secretly, and fairly.

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Ooooh didn’t I read somewhere in the near future, nano’s will be capable of producing the medicines that we need, it’s only a matter of time and having the right nano’s? Didn’t I also learn in practice and my own experience that the body is already gifted with producing it’s own medicines? The right and really needed medicine which one to choose?

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I think the term "gain of function" is fairly meaningless when the original pathogen that gain of function done on is lab created, not from nature.

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Sorry Meryl, they might agree to stop the Bio-weapon engineering of viruses but in reality they'll just move the procedure elsewhere and give it another obscure, friendly title!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Not passed in Texas? There are too many libs coming into that state!

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Who will listen in Maine?

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I get what you are saying but RFK on other issues besides the vaccines is a bit too liberal for me.

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Here is a contract for a position in US funded biolab in Ukraind advertising for "Covid" researcher THREE MONTHS BEFORE PANDEMIC:


If this is not "foreknowledge and plandemic planning" what is?

The Bidens and many others apparently were up to their eyeballs in these lab contracts especially Metabiota/Veach. Crowdsource the Truth with either/or John Cullen and Charles Ortel dig deeply into these contracts. Irrefutable evidence of all manner of skullduggery.

Additionally Dilyana the journalist all discovered that labs were seeking subjects and/or blood from Russian vs Slavic (I think ???) individuals suggesting genetic-specific targets of bioweapons research.

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Love a master list of all "known" biolabs in the US (universities, private everywhere). As with US funded Ukrainian biolabs (initially denied by Victoria Nuland) we will never get full disclosure.

This independent Bulgarian journalist has done excellent and courageous work on biolabs in Ukraine (and, I believe, Georgia). She really is phenomenol and did her homework.

Here is link to a video with her:


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The proverbial "Big Club" has been hard at work for a very long time.


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If we sat down and really put together what we need from pharmaceuticals, I think you could count it on one hand. Yet the doctors make us believe life would be like cave-man living. It’s not true. We really don’t need the pills. Getting off prescriptions would take some concentrated effort together however. People are really into these “mood enhancers” psychiatry sells. It’s beyond despicable!! On the drugs people can’t have the clarity of awareness needed to cure themselves.

It’s what is dumbing us down .

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I don’t get the potential value of the localized appeal Dr Nass. There are already more than 100 bio labs in the US per international state reps for anti-proliferation. The last Bush administration sidestepped the key pre-911 biochemical treaty meeting and avoided endorsing our neighbors’ interest in stopping GOF work. And the US government under Fauci set up a mega program to pay off the Chinese to do the work.

Correct me in what I am missing by observing that your suggestion can rally citizens as your troops but ignores our 🇺🇸 policies of exporting and opening purse strings for big-money budgets to do the dirty lab work.

It is much like the great push to step out of the WHO after our crew led with Farrar the capture of leadership there.

As a bioweapons expert, who helped get proper meds to another bioweapons expert, and someone who defends the intent of our State Department, your suggestion raises questions:

Why engage your readers in more 🇺🇸 sidestepping of responsibility for the work that the military-intel-industrial-medical profiteers simply locate elsewhere?

Get out of WHO and get rid of labs in our local state --- so what? So we can ship more cluster bombs and enable another round of plausible deniability for our GOF administration and contractors?

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