The states need to get some backbone.

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Yes, i want killafornia to stop this shit of killing folks , Gavin said care not cash, h e meant kill and crash

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The public needs to put undo pressure on their legislators. Believe me it does work. Especially due to the fact that we are in an election year. MASSIVE public pressure. Get organized. When they come at your with the Supremacy Clause hand them this: https://tennesseeconservativenews.com/the-constitutionally-illiterate-and-the-supremacy-clause-of-the-us-constitution/

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These monsters have no authority, *at all*.

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Thank you Meryl! In addition, the peoples’ rights are above the State. Beyond that, there is no authority greater than the one who gave us life 🙏🏻

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Thank you Dr. Nash for all the comprehensive information that you have provided to give people the ammunition they need to get their legislators to move on this issue...not go along with any of the WHO's proposals. Exit the UN and the WHO must occur. These criminal enterprises take our money but have no regard for America.

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Something to ponder: According to the approximately 500 (out of about one million licensed medical doctors in the U.S.) ethical doctors who offered early out-patient treatment for covid, 75-90% of those who died from covid, did not need to die. They died because they were denied such treatment. That means that if one million died from covid, then between 750,000 - 900,000 did not need to die. Where the "vaccines" are concerned, the CDC acknowledges that 18,500 people have died from the "vaccine" in this country. Using an under-reporting factor of 30, that translates to 550,000 people having died from these products. An under-reporting factor of 30, is a conservative number. It could easily be much higher. When you add these two figures together, it amounts to more than 1.5 million dead by either omission or by commission at the hands of our government/federal health agencies. The very last thing we need is for an unregulated ,supra-national organization of unelected officials to take charge of our health. Enough damage has already occurred.

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In my feeble non- injexted mind I like to think the 14th amend protects my bodily sovereignty, but sadly, truth be told , it does not protect me from lawfare viruganda scamdemics, sadly, in reality. Ought not the 14th amend have prevented all this dammm mess were it not mere words....¿¿??¿?

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Dr. Nass, I wish our dear state of Maine would understand the enormity of being brave to do what is right.

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Someone is trying

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I'm Also a Mainer. Note that states and corporations do not have emotions and do not need clean air and water, but PEOPLE DO. In Maine a good many people "get it," and ARE doing right. Look into Maine Stands Up.

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UNITE PRAY AND PREP -- IT IS UP TO US, WE THE PEOPLE 🇺🇸 AND IT SAYS SO...“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, – That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government …” UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS TO PREVAIL IN GOD WE TRUST, NOT GOVT. ONE NATION UNDER GOD.

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It's going to come down to article VI:

"...and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”



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The problem for them is the Senate never ratified the WHO Constitution, IHR or amendments--so they may not be treaties--according to the AGs. Who owns the Supremes?

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I thought Motown owned the Supremes -just kidding. Well they're so dirty and underhanded they may do it after the fact; back date it..who knows. Thanks for everything you're doing you're doing a heck of a lot more than the average person, that's for sure.

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Obama on the last day on the job, what was he thinking?

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He was thinking of his own agenda

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Yes of course he was

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I am greatful to learn that states have rights that supercede the federal govt. And that health care is one such right. Why then did no one point this out in 2020 when the feds were on OT imposing their control over us?

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They did it through the governors and almost all went along. Not Noem and then not DeSantis

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If national sovereignty is ceded, state authority goes with it.

Constitutional authority can be cited, but generally state law bows to federal law.

A solid constitutional case can be struck down in court.

Reportedly the Florida law even states, that it only prevails if not inconsistent with federal law.

In the global arena, federal law bows to international law.

Constitutionally backed coinage is useless, if the store rejects its transactional value.

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Someone wrote the other day that if Lincoln was summoned now from Hell by the witch of Endor, he would advise everyone in D.C. to defend States Rights in this 3rd world war.

I responded with loving kindness to this commenter that he should clean the bong at least once a day, and maybe go out to get some air and sunlight.

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Thank you!

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Sigh. I live in California.

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I am a San Francisco native. Left in 1996 and now reside full time in South Florida. There are many things about my home state and city that I dearly miss, the majestic Mountains, the beautiful and dramatic coastline, the redwood forests, the deserts and farmlands, the wine country, the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, San Francisco’s food and fabulous vistas of the bay from every hilltop, the ocean, the people from just about every state and many countries of the world, the energy and dynamism of a thriving economy and fabulous education system.

Alas, a high crime, high tax, filthy unaffordable hell hole in SF and other cities, with Nancy’s nephew as the Governor, now commie-fornia, with education now concerned with ‘equality’ of the lowest common denominator rather than achievement, particularly in the public schools, and streets that cannot be cleaned except for the ‘acclaimed’ Chinese Communist Party leader with China’s National flags waiving on the streets of my home town. Disgusting...those who hope to maintain freedom of choice about their lives, safety from crime, a decent lifestyle, a good education for their kids, respect for the supremacy of the US a constitution, and much more...it is beyond time to go...!

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There was a time I would have given ANYTHING to live in CA. Today, I wouldn't even visit let alone live there.

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What a lovely description, and so totally true. The beautiful San Francisco, gone, lost. I imagine many people feel that away about the destruction of the cities they loved. I am in the WEF cult and pharma cult hellhole of Michigan, trying to figure out where to get beamed up to (without too much humidity like Florida, sadly), and I always think if I have to live in a zombified totalitarian delusional nightmare, I'd rather live in California, where at least it is beautiful and warm and the pollution is less, at least in the North. A small sorrow compared to the losses, and deaths, and injuries, but a sorrow nonetheless.

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Michigan is terrible, but if you spend time around Traverse City it is quite a bit nicer. Those freaks -Michael Moore and kid Rock unfortunately own primo real estate on Torch Lake. I spent the Summers between 1969 and 1979 quite often on Torch Lake & Lake Bellaire.. it's a very beautiful place up there.

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I feel your pain I spent my first 23 Winters I should say or the first 23 years of my life in a suburb of Detroit. I've been in California ever since, I spent most of those years 30 of 36 in the San Francisco Bay area; now I'm in a secret location in the northeast corner -don't tell anyone. And if it helps, you can watch some of my videos in San Mateo Santa Cruz county etc


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Thanks for biking videos! Takes me back to my hiking days on many trails...

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Sure. I hike a lot too isn't it great? YouTube doesn't like my comments even though I don't have anything controversial on my channel they scrub my views so that many of them just show 'no views.' They're just so childish, so very very childish.

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You need mountains? Virginia has some awesome ones that aren't too far from South Florida. Or Georgia, the Carolinas...

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No offense, but it's just not the same; we've got 10,000-year-old trees-white bristlecone pine trees that is, the redwood trees are fantastic and sequoia trees near Fresno. I just wish we could get rid of all the horrible people ...this is far too nice of a place for bad people, let's not negate nature here ..even if it was made by the devil according the Nag Hammadi.

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I get ya and all over we have have bad people. I'd rather be one of the deplorables.

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If I had to choose the between anywhere else in the states or where you are... I would choose where you are- no doubt about it (including Arizona Nevada Utah New Mexico and Washington State even Oregon) The Appalachian mountains have some fantastic history too.

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I'm in Florida near Tampa. I only mentioned Virginia because you are in South Florida. It's a great place to get away to especially outside the cities.

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I remember that in Oroville there was no enforced vaccination, nor in Yuba City. Those are nice little towns to go to, even in Calirornia, where I used to live!

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Places like San Mateo county California crack me up they vote like communists but if you took away their 5 million home they would go ballistic. It's like they're Fabians. Everything for them and nothing for anyone else

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You mean the People's Republic of California where people willingly vote communist. Yet they like their nice things that they want to keep, they desperately want to keep those things.

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I think I said this awhile back.

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