Good that the SC is taking the Missouri v Bden case. Bad that only 3 justices believed the Biden admin should be stopped from censoring while the case goes forward. A taste of the ruling to come?
The ruling on this case will carry overwhelming weight. I am hopeful that it will reveal the harm the government has done. An opinion from the Supreme Court cannot be ignored by woke judges. They took the case because of it’s significance. The pause is troubling.
Sometimes I wonder if this pause is just giving a license to lying propagandists IN THE GOV’T.
Information is not important by itself. Information must be honest and accurate and not “filtered out” by denying the FIRST AMENDMENT for people inside AND outside the government to COMPARE contrasting sources as to Truths vs. Inaccurate rumors, lies or propaganda from ANYWHERE. FREEDOM of SPEECH is sacred and IN THE CONSTITUTION FOR SACRED REASONS ! It’s the best defense against tyrannies and oppressions ... like the proposed amendments being railroaded behind the scenes by the W.H.O. in the (dis) United Nations :
Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett were hand-selected by Mitch McConnell and his backers. Trump handed selection of SCOTUS justices off to McConnell based on Federalist Society ratings. The Federalist Society is as captured and corrupted by the authoritarians as any of the liberal justices (D's + Roberts). Notice that this is the same alliances as we saw during the election fraud cases they refused to hear. We only have three justices committed to the preservation of our constitutional republic.
Which means that the fate of our nation rests in our refusal to comply. If we retreat to the safety of our homes and stop engaging with our public speak, defying any and all attempts to silence us then we, this generation, will be the generation that lost it all, just as Ronald Reagan warned. It is up to us to be the Brave who protect the Land of the Free.
The Supreme Court justices have one job. To make sure that the constitution is respected and that it is upheld. They must uphold our inalienable rights. If they rule in favor of Biden’s censorship program then they should be considered illegitimate. Period. Well they should already be considered illegitimate after their citizens united ruling.
👍🏽👍👍🏿👉🏾Dr. Nass’s Newsletter. 🫏Anemic Blue👈🏽🤬🤬🤬👉🏿 Bloody Red 🐘
Am I the only American who understands functionally-human, evolving, REAL “science solutions” that will forever end fascist wars allowing for naturally-occurring peaceful republic democracies?
It has never made any sense to me how intentionally-stupid most Americans really are, particularly those so easily conned into giving up individuality, freedom and real choice as a “moderate independent person” for the fascist Left & Right politically-satanic politicians “invested” in warfare, which their brainwashed constituents trap the majority to pay for with their lives.
Think about it, how easy it has been for psychologists, Lawyers and Judges to trap peoples century after century to generational conflicts & fear over humanity itself (the manufactured fraud of scarcity & overpopulation), all created by the corrupt laws their favorite leaders insist upon, and at a much greater cost (time, property, limb & life) than the workable, fair solutions that would forever end these bullshit wars.
Has it ever occurred to you we could peacefully rise up, form our militias and begin arresting & mentally institutionalizing these criminally-insane money & power-junky politicians, lawyers & judges, as well as their Krooked Korrupt Kops who protect them—which has always been cheaper than killing each-other?
For the love of legitimate liberty, sheeple, you must regain control over your own brains and learn simple, critical thinking skills. I know, “they” told you shit, like words on paper that trap you to fear. Holy Hell. Think, damnit. All wars are now and always have been a FalseFlag created fraud, manufactured by just a few monsters controlling media, our history books, money and trade policy.
They’ve stolen an abundance from humanity, the majority, and then created scarcity, abnormal diseases & war to forever trap people as slaving, warring lab-rats. Why would or should you or I allow the brainwashers to manipulate us to believe these lies, then in reaction to FalseFlag events like 9/11 or Scamdemics that effectively “psychologically-drive” people to hate and kill their neighbors and honest human majority people? The honest, cheaper solution is to simply build student-run university mental sanatoriums for these insane word-manipulating lawyers working for the money & power-junky satanic oligarchs.
I have zero patience for the inhuman divergent-bot-cops & false-pride-warriors who protect these monsters, meanwhile insisting “it’s their blind-faith duty.” I’m ready to revolt, not create another worthless cause—demonstrating & flailing with peace signs—which is also a trap to waste our time.
We MUST peacefully rise up, vote for militia officers, start making arrests of crooked politicians, lawyers & judges on local, state and federal levels (all at the save time) without killing or destroying our cities. But we must act now and stop wasting time fighting about it via the “agent in the crowd misleading us” to kill each-other or do nothing at all but pray for miracles, which will certainly allow the end-of-times fanatics to get their bloody wars killing everybody—except the monsters cowering in luxury bomb shelters who are totally responsible for this horrific mess we’ve been trapped to.
John Roberts the Chief Justice is in the Epstein, Lolita Express, flight logs as a passenger, so we know that Roberts is “owned”, i.e. his vote is controlled; who else?
the author of the article that Dr Nass shared used the term 'misinformation' like it was already decided WHAT 'misinformation' IS. the court needs to clarify WHO gets to decide what misinformation IS. the First Amendment protects incorrect and/or false statements as well as unpopular opinions. so really, NO one gets to suppress any of it. period. full stop.
the founding fathers knew that people were smart enough to make up their own minds. the global oligarchs insist that us plebs are not smart enough. the First Amendment exists to protect us from their tyranny. praying that the court sides with the letter and INTENT of the Bill of Rights and ignores the globalists who wish to weaken our Constitution.
Andrew Bridgen gives an eloquent speech to an empty UK parliament in such a historic moment that it almost feels like a flash forward, to the film a decade or so from now, that will document all that has happened, and cinematize the spineless silence of the absent MPs. Dr. John Campbell's channel publicizing this. (pharma shill at the end)
It feels as if historic moment occur every week, huge rents in the world's West's, Missouri vs. Biden being one.
I hope that we are participating in a crescendo that will throw off the yoke, and not a descent, like Weimar to the Zyklon-B vans to Kristallnacht. Or the French Revolution to the Reign of Terror. Or the Great Leap Forward to the Cultural Revolution. Or Lenin (whom Klaus Schwab has a bust of in his office) on the train to the Finland Station.
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
Not just a taste of a ruling to come. A plate full of the all out attack on any individual thought that is about to be brought. Even Supreme Court justices know not to bite the hand that feeds them. Makes you wonder what is being held over the justices who voted favorably. Antithetical means the opposite so the majority of justices are letting you know that there is a new sheriff in town and the new boss ain't like the old kinder, gentler boss. Get ready. This is really not surprising since contradictions are perfectly acceptable in today's fantasy world. What a waste of time and energy and maybe that is the point. Justice is what their mouthpieces say it is which is what used to be called arbitrary. This is what the US produces today rather than things of value. So sad.
I wish they'd all tell the truth but nobody wants to. The resident is not the real President. The virus was all lies and fraud and they will want to do it again hoping more people take their carp.
The Supreme Court is usually abbreviated SCOTUS rather than SC, as well as by being called the Court instead of the court. Anything that is said about the Court before a decision is low-grade opinioning.
The ruling on this case will carry overwhelming weight. I am hopeful that it will reveal the harm the government has done. An opinion from the Supreme Court cannot be ignored by woke judges. They took the case because of it’s significance. The pause is troubling.
Sometimes I wonder if this pause is just giving a license to lying propagandists IN THE GOV’T.
Information is not important by itself. Information must be honest and accurate and not “filtered out” by denying the FIRST AMENDMENT for people inside AND outside the government to COMPARE contrasting sources as to Truths vs. Inaccurate rumors, lies or propaganda from ANYWHERE. FREEDOM of SPEECH is sacred and IN THE CONSTITUTION FOR SACRED REASONS ! It’s the best defense against tyrannies and oppressions ... like the proposed amendments being railroaded behind the scenes by the W.H.O. in the (dis) United Nations :
Unless it is Dobbsed like Roe was, finally.
What part of "Free Speech" doesn't the court understand?
The part that its decisions defend.
Insane that the justices considered most "liberal" are the ones most positive toward censorship. Upside-down world.
Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett were hand-selected by Mitch McConnell and his backers. Trump handed selection of SCOTUS justices off to McConnell based on Federalist Society ratings. The Federalist Society is as captured and corrupted by the authoritarians as any of the liberal justices (D's + Roberts). Notice that this is the same alliances as we saw during the election fraud cases they refused to hear. We only have three justices committed to the preservation of our constitutional republic.
Which means that the fate of our nation rests in our refusal to comply. If we retreat to the safety of our homes and stop engaging with our public speak, defying any and all attempts to silence us then we, this generation, will be the generation that lost it all, just as Ronald Reagan warned. It is up to us to be the Brave who protect the Land of the Free.
Do not comply.
The Supreme Court justices have one job. To make sure that the constitution is respected and that it is upheld. They must uphold our inalienable rights. If they rule in favor of Biden’s censorship program then they should be considered illegitimate. Period. Well they should already be considered illegitimate after their citizens united ruling.
👍🏽👍👍🏿👉🏾Dr. Nass’s Newsletter. 🫏Anemic Blue👈🏽🤬🤬🤬👉🏿 Bloody Red 🐘
Am I the only American who understands functionally-human, evolving, REAL “science solutions” that will forever end fascist wars allowing for naturally-occurring peaceful republic democracies?
It has never made any sense to me how intentionally-stupid most Americans really are, particularly those so easily conned into giving up individuality, freedom and real choice as a “moderate independent person” for the fascist Left & Right politically-satanic politicians “invested” in warfare, which their brainwashed constituents trap the majority to pay for with their lives.
Think about it, how easy it has been for psychologists, Lawyers and Judges to trap peoples century after century to generational conflicts & fear over humanity itself (the manufactured fraud of scarcity & overpopulation), all created by the corrupt laws their favorite leaders insist upon, and at a much greater cost (time, property, limb & life) than the workable, fair solutions that would forever end these bullshit wars.
Has it ever occurred to you we could peacefully rise up, form our militias and begin arresting & mentally institutionalizing these criminally-insane money & power-junky politicians, lawyers & judges, as well as their Krooked Korrupt Kops who protect them—which has always been cheaper than killing each-other?
For the love of legitimate liberty, sheeple, you must regain control over your own brains and learn simple, critical thinking skills. I know, “they” told you shit, like words on paper that trap you to fear. Holy Hell. Think, damnit. All wars are now and always have been a FalseFlag created fraud, manufactured by just a few monsters controlling media, our history books, money and trade policy.
They’ve stolen an abundance from humanity, the majority, and then created scarcity, abnormal diseases & war to forever trap people as slaving, warring lab-rats. Why would or should you or I allow the brainwashers to manipulate us to believe these lies, then in reaction to FalseFlag events like 9/11 or Scamdemics that effectively “psychologically-drive” people to hate and kill their neighbors and honest human majority people? The honest, cheaper solution is to simply build student-run university mental sanatoriums for these insane word-manipulating lawyers working for the money & power-junky satanic oligarchs.
I have zero patience for the inhuman divergent-bot-cops & false-pride-warriors who protect these monsters, meanwhile insisting “it’s their blind-faith duty.” I’m ready to revolt, not create another worthless cause—demonstrating & flailing with peace signs—which is also a trap to waste our time.
We MUST peacefully rise up, vote for militia officers, start making arrests of crooked politicians, lawyers & judges on local, state and federal levels (all at the save time) without killing or destroying our cities. But we must act now and stop wasting time fighting about it via the “agent in the crowd misleading us” to kill each-other or do nothing at all but pray for miracles, which will certainly allow the end-of-times fanatics to get their bloody wars killing everybody—except the monsters cowering in luxury bomb shelters who are totally responsible for this horrific mess we’ve been trapped to.
John Roberts the Chief Justice is in the Epstein, Lolita Express, flight logs as a passenger, so we know that Roberts is “owned”, i.e. his vote is controlled; who else?
the author of the article that Dr Nass shared used the term 'misinformation' like it was already decided WHAT 'misinformation' IS. the court needs to clarify WHO gets to decide what misinformation IS. the First Amendment protects incorrect and/or false statements as well as unpopular opinions. so really, NO one gets to suppress any of it. period. full stop.
the founding fathers knew that people were smart enough to make up their own minds. the global oligarchs insist that us plebs are not smart enough. the First Amendment exists to protect us from their tyranny. praying that the court sides with the letter and INTENT of the Bill of Rights and ignores the globalists who wish to weaken our Constitution.
Andrew Bridgen gives an eloquent speech to an empty UK parliament in such a historic moment that it almost feels like a flash forward, to the film a decade or so from now, that will document all that has happened, and cinematize the spineless silence of the absent MPs. Dr. John Campbell's channel publicizing this. (pharma shill at the end)
It feels as if historic moment occur every week, huge rents in the world's West's, Missouri vs. Biden being one.
I hope that we are participating in a crescendo that will throw off the yoke, and not a descent, like Weimar to the Zyklon-B vans to Kristallnacht. Or the French Revolution to the Reign of Terror. Or the Great Leap Forward to the Cultural Revolution. Or Lenin (whom Klaus Schwab has a bust of in his office) on the train to the Finland Station.
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
― Winston S. Churchill
Oh, happy day. There goes the first, with the second up to bat.
Not just a taste of a ruling to come. A plate full of the all out attack on any individual thought that is about to be brought. Even Supreme Court justices know not to bite the hand that feeds them. Makes you wonder what is being held over the justices who voted favorably. Antithetical means the opposite so the majority of justices are letting you know that there is a new sheriff in town and the new boss ain't like the old kinder, gentler boss. Get ready. This is really not surprising since contradictions are perfectly acceptable in today's fantasy world. What a waste of time and energy and maybe that is the point. Justice is what their mouthpieces say it is which is what used to be called arbitrary. This is what the US produces today rather than things of value. So sad.
I’m holding my breath!
I wish they'd all tell the truth but nobody wants to. The resident is not the real President. The virus was all lies and fraud and they will want to do it again hoping more people take their carp.
Yes. Here is what the W.H.O. is up to “going down” while the major world sNewZzz outlets distract us with war$ and more bread-and-circus :
Then the Resident gives a stipend (sometimes in place of SSI) of more "bread".
Maybe a petition is in order.
Where are the "girls" on this? No doubt, they've experienced censoring in their own lives on their way up to the peak.
The Supreme Court is usually abbreviated SCOTUS rather than SC, as well as by being called the Court instead of the court. Anything that is said about the Court before a decision is low-grade opinioning.