My religious exemption was declined and I got fired for refusing the Covid shot. I work 100 percent outdoors, never have received a flu shot or any other shot. Showed proof that I recovered from Covid and had a doctor write my former employer, telling them the shot wasn’t necessary and could do more harm than good. Didn’t matter. Zero undue hardship, and they said I was an unacceptable risk. 9-0, with this court, gives me and plenty others hope.

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I admire your conviction.

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Thank you

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Terrible. You remained true and steadfast, a true warrior.

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Thank you, I couldn’t lay down for it

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Take those shots and you have a chance to lay down....permanently.

AKA - dirt nap

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Uncommon valor. They’re likely to recall it...over and over.

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Bernard, while I had been able to work remotely since March 2020, I was fired on similar facts. Religious and medical exemption denied. God's will be done. I pray for justice for all of us.

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It’s a disgrace, isn’t it? God speed to you and yours.

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I wear on my wrist a variety of verses, including Jeremiah 29:11. My custom bracelet is "Be strong and courageous. Later you will understand." I do not understand God's plan for me in this, but I believe with all my heart this is His plan for me, and He has been faithful throughout this process, providing clear and unequivocal direction. He had been preparing me in so many ways to have the strength to withstand this battle. As for my legal battle, He is with me in it, and, if I am to have earthly justice, it is His will. God speed and God bless!

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Yes! 100 percent. Thank you for your support. God bless you

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my husband - same

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GOD bless you for remaining true to your convictions - you are on the right side of history.

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Terrible. Can you litigate?

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I am. It’s been nearly a 2 year process to this point.

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Wishing you Success! With back pay as well!

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Thank you

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Hang in there.


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I'm glad you're alive to tell your story :) Did you ever see A Man for All Seasons?

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No, is it a movie?

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I see it was a book made into a play. I should read that.

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Yes. There was a movie. 1966 Academy Award for Best Picture.


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A must-see for all of humanity!

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https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0060665/ it's a fantastic movie. Maybe I should go back and read the book ;)

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Men and woman of conviction are a precious rarity .

Valor and courage are valuable values that must be preserved , and practiced or society will crumble.

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You stood, AMEN!

Whenever Constitutionally adherent, medically orthodox, and scientifically reasonable response is so militantly resisted—as this entire Covid public-policy scheme was—we may soundly deduce that nefarious motives are in play.

If it made only destructive sense, we’ve seen it heartily adopted over these past three years.

Thank you for being a stalwart example to others, and a voice of sanity in your workplace! Truth wins.

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Good for you Bernard because you'll live to tell the tale. As for them, I'd better not say it, all the best.👍🇦🇺

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Thank you

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I hope so. We’re in Maine and I have two and five-year-old grandchildren. That needs to happen now.

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I’m in Maine too. My niece had to undergo a bunch of shots in order to attend the middle school in Camden. I keep pleading with her mom--my sis--to let me homeschool her.

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The transgender rate among home schooled is nada. Zip. Zero. (statistically).

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You're right -- social contagion does not begin at home! And it's so much contagion + grooming.

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I am doing the same in CT - pleading to let me homeschool.

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Where in Maine are you located?

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I’m in Thomaston, just south of Rockland.

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I thought the same and agree wholeheartedly that this should nullify any effort to mandate vaccines despite religious objection, "EUA" or not. (In reality, aren't they ALL "experimental'?)

I'd like to add that neither the government, in any form, nor any employer should be allowed to determine the "sincerity" of religious belief or religious objection.

That said, a firm "NO" to any medical procedure, including vaccines and any medications, should be ENOUGH for any individual to categorically decline without incurring state-sanctioned punishment or banishment.

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Yes. Simple refusal should be enough. We should not need to argue over what is a "religion" and who has one.

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Simple refusal is really the only option, the shot is tantamount to Russian Roulette. everything made by ALL pharma is suspect. Just like my food, of I don't know who made it, I am not using it.

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but at this point, we must fight to keep our children OUT of the indoctrination of public school

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I would.

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If our courts and legal frameworks are really still operating according to constitution, religious rights (including exemptions) should be honored…

And we absolutely still need to cut the chains, and exit the WHO to avoid their backers (“Gates” of Hell) attempting to usurp our laws .

And emergency health laws from Obama’s executive decrees years ago should be eliminated too.

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🎯 Precisely! No further WHO participation whatsoever.

🤔I find it curiously symbiotic that Trump left several pivotal Obama EOs intact, just as Biden left certain Trump EOs functioning. And around what end do those particular Executive Orders appear conveniently to coalesce? International "access" to vaccines and mobilization of UN forces on U.S. streets.

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I am wondering how this might affect the impending WHO power grab in blue states in terms of personal health choice and freedom from the expected WHO push for vax mandates.

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We shall see. However, as we are a sovereign nation despite the Biden Administration's kneeling at the altar of the WHO, it SHOULD nullify any "order" from the WHO.

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I don't know about that. We don't know that. KENNEDY HAS NOT COMMITTED TO EXIT THE WHO YET. WE MUST EXIT THE WHO.

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Not concerned. Kennedy Jr. will not be President.

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No offense, Kathleen, but you often reply to my Comments about something important that "We don't need to worry" about things because "such and such will never happen." I've tried a couple times to explain to you that some things aren't worth leaving to chance. Of course, you can say what you want -- freedom of speech-- but I sure would appreciate it if you would not do that. I'm trying to convince someone about something, and you probably don't realize it, but when you keep commenting that we don't need to worry about what I'm saying, it kind of cuts me down. Thank you for considering what I'm saying.

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Truly sorry. I was completely unaware of that. (I also don't always notice who wrote something when I reply.) I assure you it was not meant personally and I will be more sensitive in the future. I appreciate your letting me know.

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You are sweet. Thank you!

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On what legal basis are you relying in saying that member-nations of the WHO, that happen to also be Sovereign Nations, will never be subject to the WHO Regulations? I'm an attorney, but I wouldn't make that assumption, personally, without research and more information. We cannot AFFORD to assume, presume, or guess, that our WHO membership won't hurt us.

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"shall see"

"should nullify"

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The scientific exemption. I am not a laboratory rat keep that shit away from me my family and my friends.

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I don't know. That ruling by the Supreme Court sounds pretty squishy to me. It said nothing about vaccine mandates, which the employer could always justify in terms of the risk of an unvaccinated individual being an unreasonable burden.

In the case described in the article, they just sent it back to the lower courts to make their same negative ruling under a different rationale. This is a guy who was working for the Post Office part-time. The Post Office traditionally closes on Sundays, but lately made a deal with Amazon that requires them to deliver Amazon packages on Sundays as well. So someone who previously could count on having that day off is now required to work on any day of the week, including Sunday. There's something concerning here about public-private entanglements and letting them cause scope creep against free time reserved for the employee.

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My understanding is that the Supreme Court was taking us back to where we were pre-COVID. The EEOC rules for employers were that they had to offer reasonable accommodations for requests for religious exemptions then. This got disappeared during the pandemic--now it is coming back, as it should. This, coupled with the lack of benefit wrt transmission, ought to stop COVID mandates. But will it?

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Yes, skepticism is necessary.

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I don't see how any employer can make the "undue burden" justification now that it's been firmly established that the "vaccinated" have a greater chance of contracting and spreading covid AND they are the ones now "dying suddenly," having destroyed their immune systems on orders of their employers and Joe Biden.

We have evidence to support this. And 6 of the 9 current Supreme Court Justices are actually capable of reviewing and understanding that evidence.

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I am hoping to qualify for an exemption from being mandated to take substances that are proven poisons.

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it's insane that we should need an "exemption" from a medical procedure that we don't want. All of them involve risk. We must have the right to choose. I tell my elected officials they don't give me my rights, God does. Their sole job is to protect my God given rights. On that basis, many of my elected officials should impeached. Pretty much all of them.

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Never consent to the Devil. He is a liar.

He has no liability - even with informed…consent.

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It's insane that one should have to *qualify* for an exemption to taking something into one's body they don't want!

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Religious &/or medical exemptions were illegal & total BS from day 1. My bodily autonomy & right to decline for lack of informed consent (or more importantly, MY informing myself & refusing consent based on informing myself) should have been the ONLY standards.

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Even for kids?? I would love if religious exemption came back to CT for schools.

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This is going to be challenged soon, I was told

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Medical exemption

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Which requires a doctor to sign off. But to do so may mean their license to practice medicine is threatened. Washington state had a personal/ philosophical exemption as well as a medical exemption and a religious one. Illinois had medical and religious. Only the medical one required someone "expert" to sign off. Religion was seen as personal. All but medical exemptions are workable, at least until doctors can and do practice medicine independent of bureaucrats. Then, possibly, those, too.

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There are still some doctors willing to fight.

We found a few.

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Very few

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Doctor, you are the warrior.

Out of every one-hundred men, ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior and he will bring the others back.

- Heraclitus

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I think RI only allows a religious exemption for HPV (which should be mandated anyway but is here). They need to just allow a choice for every/any vax

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Did you mean "should" or "shouldn't" be mandated?

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It is time that the world realizes that Fauci, Walensky, Collins, the CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID and others committed crimes by weaponizing Covid-19 against the American people and people of Religious beliefs.

Perhaps all those listed above plus more need some vacation time in Club Fed (Fedreral Prison) at a bare minimum!

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Interesting….Religious freedom/ exclusions from injections etc. being “ BROUGHT Back” weren’t they being BLATANTLY ignored? They never went away…

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The EEOC did change their policy after COVID, it is on the website. I have been an expert in EEOC cases so I knew the old policy and probably blogged about the change

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Let the lawsuits begin! All employers that refused religious exemptions should be sued into bankruptcy.

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You make a good point! I hope you’re right. I also think vaccine exemptions should be allowed for any belief, not just religious.

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Better yet, how about banning all government participation in vaccination campaigns? Maybe we should have a complete wall of separation between Medicine and State.

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Certainly worth considering.

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Too late, I think

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a religious belief is simply something personal to you that your practice regularly.

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