Here is just one section of the article. Read the rest. The 2013 book "Dissolving Illusions" is a classic on vaccines and infectious diseases. This 600 page update should be extremely interesting.
Long genetic strands that are continuous and do not match the human genome nor bacterial genomes are detectable. Whether a person believes they exist in a particle like a virus, viroid, or obelisk is of secondary importance. What is most important is the fact that you can find the genetic material in people who are symptomatic, and in people who are not symptomatic. The genetic material moves between us all the time. That is nature, and it cannot be stopped any more than you can stop ocean tides. Once man loses the fear of this, stops trying to destroy them, and learns how to come into harmony with them, the way we look at communicable diseases will change forever.
This is so well said. It is why the focus should be on living a healthy life to have a robust immune system. When we go through some inevitable loss
or cannot manage a stressful event ie we are in a state of dis-ease, then our depressed immune system makes us more vulnerable and a bacteria, a fungus or a virus within us or outside of us can cause illness.
We evil germ theory denialists do not believe in genomes. Maybe that's the problem here...
Can you explain how do you know that the unique genome of any virus, the chickenpox-causing virus for example, is unique? And what are the methods to compare it with each and everyone of the unique genomes of all the other non-human genomes present in the human body, in order to determine that it was not present before the disease?
Or, if this is too difficult or too long to answer, please tell me what convinced you personally that the very recent genomics science can prove the pathogenicity of the chickenpox virus when all the other prior methods had failed to prove it, historically.
Why is genetic analysis not a begging the question circularity Flying Circus of scientific ridiculousness?
Well said! The history of medical science has always produced more answers that we haven't yet admitted; what actual research shows is that we have been ruled by the false paradigm of allopathic medicine where bacteria, "viruses" and the need for "vaccines" came to dominate ALL medical thought and pursuits because it was those very lies and deception that could provide money and power; nothing has changed, only that it's much worse today; Pasteur was a charlatan and plagiarist, the Fauci of his time, while few have ever heard of Antoine Bechamp, that true 19th century genius who made remarkable discoveries that have been deliberately denigrated and hidden to this day; Pasteur, in fact, eventually admitted that his germs of the air theory was wrong and could not cause disease directly and that Bechamp was right to point out that it was the body's immune system (terrain or environment) when weakened or compromised that made us susceptible to opportunistic "pathogens" or so-called "viruses" which normally didn't have anything to do with us; "harmony" is the key both within our bodies and nature, as we are all one; that revolutionary of nursing care, Florence Nightingale, was very much aware of this in promoting clean air, water, proper food and personal and environmental hygiene which have saved more lives than any "vaccine" ever has.
In my opinion, exosome cellular waste fragments can not be assembled to match a continuous strand of unique genetic material, identified by electrophoresis, and the long sequence matched and verified by independent laboratories. The cellular waste fragments would be too large. Nucleases could be used to make the fragments smaller, but that would be cheating.
"There are many studies that expose that even the flu “vaccine” is not only unnecessary, but actually dangerous (for e.g. a randomized controlled trial in children done in 2012 showed that flu shots increased fivefold the risk of acute respiratory infections caused by a group of noninfluenza viruses, including coronaviruses.)"
What would be cool is if you could set up a sit down debate with the Baileys and Ms Humphries and feature it here at your substack. They are begging you. So am I.
Sam Bailey, Thomas Cowan and Amandha Vollmer all speak about the Terrain Theory - for me, as a Biodynamic Craniosacral Practitioner find their research fascinating & an amazing break through to consider further investigation and discovery of our human design to be so self righting.
Perhaps the allopathic cure in 'treating symptoms' when working with internal imbalances, has suppressed the biological cleanse so much that we develop a compressed reaction which became know as a 'super bug'!
Isn't ALL Suppression of ALL kinds what drives our systemic imbalances out of whack?
Wouldn’t that be great! However, after reading Doc Malik’s Stack on his emails with Sam Bailey, it seems they would never take the debate. How unfortunate when we’re at the perfect time to have these conversations!
And how great it would be if someone, maybe even Dr Humphries explains why there are no records of proof of virus existence, according to the replies to over 220 FOI requests. That would be very enlightening, too.
Do you have a link. I follow the Baileys and they are trying to get anyone to debate this, especially Nass, Kirsch, and whomever else. If you have a link showing that they refuse, I want to see it and then hold the Bailey's feet to the fire.
Well, this was surely in order, for the "opinionated" souls who think viruses do not exist! HOW anyone can adopt such a stance is beyond me, when the evidence over the decades suggest their presence and diversity. I agree that the vaccines are complicit in the lowered health level across the board, and therefore would actually not doubt such a crazy notion to jump up and surprise everyone by NOT existing at all, but that's just not likely.
What we DO have as examples of far-fetched theories and fanaticism, are ones such as "flat earth" proponents. These prove ANYTHING might be believed if conditions are right.
One that floors me, revolves around UFO's. Thousands of people have witnessed (in groups) these objects of curiosity. Uniformed personnel and highly trained pilots and astronauts, as well as common folk have been reporting these things for who knows how long! So, we don't have a choice as to believing whether or not they exist, if we want to be logical about the situation. But there is a percentage of people who refuse to believe they do! My view is constructed by the process of elimination of idiotic theories, and by allowing common sense to dictate likelihood. FYI: I am convinced they are NOT from another star system. But rather constructs of the master deceiver himself.
Another blatant obviation that is swept under the proverbial rug is the obvious insanity that is exemplified by adopting the debunked and quite obnoxiously retarded theory of evolution. The weight of the matter is so profoundly on the Creation side, it's not even a contest! Yet there is a sizable percent of the planet's population which STILL believe everything changed form from something else, with not a shred of evidence in support of the wild claim.
AS for me and my house, we will serve and trust the Lord (and His Written Word).
I think it’s because we have been lied to about so many important things, intentional manipulation. Once that becomes clear (all the lies), all topics are back on the table as being open for interpretation. I understand the feeling. So we must research and decide the truth for ourselves. The “experts “ have been found to manipulate the truth for their own gain whatever that may be.
Definitely, you don't gotta believe, nor should you believe if you really don't. But you don't have to believe there are no viruses to realize that taking the Covid death jab is a bad idea.
Don't even put my name near the no virus camp. No major player is getting a patent for something that does not even exist.
If those tasked to regulate industries that can potential kill us need to prove they are trustworthy. Paying off judiciary and having a staff of lawyers only prove one thing. A need to avoid responsibility. Not want we want in regulators.
Frankly (no pun intended!) they did just that ! Patents were taken out out on "vaccine" treatments BEFORE any viral pathogen was actually identified; read Dr David Martin's extensive research on this which exposes all of the nefarious actors and their plans.
Only part missing is your reference to that. Martin announced their patent on the Covid virus in the 2nd plandemic movie that has been on my hard drive since it came out.
When the reality comes home to roost that we are in a "spiritual war" and that "deception" is the order of the day, and that the "theatre" is the entire world, and that the "spiritual leaders" like those of ancient Israel, are wicked, just as Jesus accused them of being for preaching lies to the people, and lining their pockets and interests, then....then... if it is not too late, there will be a massive exodus from the dark side to the side of everlasting light and goodness. But it will be all the more difficult to ascertain good from evil, with such deception practiced by the "experts" who are led by Satan's church here on earth, giving direction and power to the planned destruction of God's Creation and beings. Best to bone up now, while there is time to prepare.
As we all know, they lie all the time, even lie about lying, and they know that we know they are lying. Still they just keep lying. But that doesn't mean the Moon is made of green cheese, the Earth is flat or Biden is an alien lizard wearing a human skin suit. Believing such things just discredits all those who believe in "The Truth will Set us Free">
Could you please forward me one study, or as many as you like, which are proof for the virus existence claim? I've searched and searched, because I want to challenge the truth isolate fund for the 1.5 million Euros. Which, oddly enough, no other person has done thus far although there should be thousands of papers to fit the demand. So i'm in a real hurry. That would be a great help.
There are germ-theory deniers who also deny evolution, there are those who take it as "provissionally true" as any other victim of college education, and most people who believe that germ-theory is true are stinking evolutionists through and through.
Instead of writing about the people in so called camps who believe in such and such theories, everyone could talk about the issue itself, back up their claims with substantial proof and silence the debate with facts instead of mocking each other. Which the Institutes of virology Worldwide didn't do yet. That's odd enough.
It would be much more helpful to explain why no records of proof of virus existence are available. Why doesn't virology rescue its reputation? What are their motives in not refuting or debating?
All "scientists" in the plantation accept their role as slave traders. If they refuse to obey the rules of the plantation they are not allowed to play scientist anymore. Truth has nothing to do with it.
These are people defending their world view and their place in that world: there is no convincing or change of opinion. Was blind but now I see is a verse that scientists will never sing.
The reason why we insist so stubbornly in the lack of proof is not to convince them, but to offer a way out to the slaves, who think there is no other world outside the plantation of this bolshevik scheme that is public health. The slaves are to be liberated. Screw the scientists!
Not sure which comment you're referring to. Thank you for the reassuring words of kindness. But in truth, I astound myself with the stupid things I do. Any "wisdom" that might come is a product of faith and requests made to God through His prophetic and Holy Word.
Originally, it was not so. Everything was created to live eternally. Sin entered and knocked the wheels off the apple cart. When the flood destroyed the world, man was given provision to eat flesh-foods since the other was not available, for a spell.
The prophet E.G. White and many, many others have decried that meat consumption, (especially in these days of chemicals injected, and disease due to crowding) contributes substantially to cancers and other health issues.
It goes a bit further, if you will. It is also pointed out that flesh consumption is related to aggressive behavior in certain ways that are not Christian in nature. But it is not specifically condemned that I know of, leading to one's eternal loss. 'Just better to become acquainted with what diet will be consumed in heaven. God DOES restrict eating the "fat" of the animal, and specifically denounces as sin, the consuming of its blood. And we all know that the "industry" uses every ounce in making its products sellable and "juicy."
I hope this will help you in your quest to discover the health message of these last days.
Thank you for bringing this book to everyone’s attention . As a gynecologist, herpes is real and patients want and need treatment. I also tell them foods to avoid , supplements to take and behaviors to avoid .
I thank G-d that I read Suzanne Humphries ten years ago before the covidiot theater hit the stage. She and Mercola were two of the first to wake me up to the whole medical cartel. Fortunately, I had avoided the TV & propaganda my whole adult life, but I was still quite shocked when I found her work. Blessings. 🙏💖
I'd say that for those who believe viruses do exist, they might immediately contact the Drs. Bailey in NZ and rehash this on-again, off again, situation and belief. They've written on the subject of viral existence and it would likely be an interesting and tart debate which could help to defuse this issue.
I completely support Meryl's and Suzanne's work exposing the harm vaccines have caused. However, I respectfully disagree with the manner they handle the question of viral identification and contagion by claiming there is valid scientific proof of viruses. One only needs to examine the methods used to isolate, identify and prove contagion of any virus, or germ for that matter. It was a shocking revelation for me.
Shedding light on this will be quite instructive and stop us from succumbing to the constant fear mongering of pandemics which is just a marketing tool for pharma vaccines. However, as the covid theater demonstrated, it is now being used to enslave humanity. This invisible terrorist can be fabricated at will and pop up everywhere - where's Goldstein? he's here, he's there. Be afraid, the ministry will protect you and keep you safe. etc., etc. Ad hominin attacks do nothing to shed light on this darkness - the demons who want to control us want division and in-fighting. Ultimately we are all on the same side trying to discern the truth for our families health - Let's refuse to participate and agree to have an open and honest discussion to enable us to find the truth. Invite the Baileys, Kaufman, Cowan and others to present their findings.
What if the "no-virus" hypothesis is actually a giant psyop to disorient us from the real task of defeating he international drug pushing Pharma cartels?
1. I see parts of terrain theory as quite compatible with virus theory. Beyond this, folks I tend to trust think they are so I'm listening with a hedge that direction for now. 2. Vaccines are lucrative and simple: get the public afraid, they will comply, and social control mechanisms are inserted. Vaccines are just not in OUR interests. 3. The mRNA jabs may contain something from the original virus (the spike) but the point is to get other substances in us -- social control, population control. 4. "Safe and effective" is a mantra, not a scientific statement, and is of course not backed by studies, fact, or any form of science. 5. Good question! But there are a lot of us, so we definitely need to try while we still can effect any change at all.
It would be helpful to not use the phrase "no virus hypothesis" but rather request the governmental health agencies and virus defenders making claims about viral harm provide the scientific methodolgy and proof of isolation, the specific genomic identification and then contagion caused by the virus. There's little argument that the pandemic responses caused great harm. I fail to understand how asking for proof is a disorientation strategy.
When an issue is in question, it is appropriate to refer to it as a hypothesis. I see the issue as both, not either /or with regard to terrain and infection. People and animals are more likely to get sick in unhealthy environments, e.g exposure to pathogens from unsanitary conditions. I don't care much whether the infection is a bacterium (no debate about that) or a virus. Contagion matters and is real. Obvious examples, malaria and tuberculosis.
I remember distinctly when they gave me the Salk vaccine at the age of five. I could feel that I lost that 100% connection to source. at first it felt a total loss, "scientifically" they injected me with SV40, cytomegalovitus, hepatitis and formaldehyde. It has been a challenge. After I escaped my parents control I have never had a personal allopath. And what is all this craven fear of death? It's the one sure thing.
In addition to the Baileys, Dr Tom Cowan, and others, I would add Dr. William P. Trebing's book, "Good-bye Germ Theory: Ending a Century of Medical Fraud and How to Protect Your Family.
One of the odd things the medical cartel points out continuously is that we 'catch' things from others. That may very well be true, but no one can prove it came from a specific virus. Typical cold symptoms: fever, runny nose, sore throat, cough, etc. are the body's way of detoxing. We are poisoned by our air, water, and food continuously. The body has to detox a lot to keep us healthy. Conveniently, if you don't want your symptoms there are over-the-counter products to suppress them; according to natural healing modalities this lack of detoxification means your body is holding on to all that crap and it causes further problems down the road.
Here's Dr Trebing from a medical freedom rally this year. He talks about the scamdemic and the history of germ theory. It's only an hour, if you're brave, you can watch it on bitchute.
Germ theory places your individual health outside your control - there are evil germs out to get you! When, if you believe in germ theory, it should be obvious that they are everywhere and you don't get sick all the time, even when around "sick" people.
Any idea where the updated book can be purchased? I can only find the 2013 one on Amazon. The link on Dr. Mercola's site is for the original book. The 2013 book is incredible as is the audible.
Until any in the “virus” crowd are willing to have an honest debate with the “no virus” crowd I feel you are no better than those unwilling to have the vaccine debate.
It may be the old book but now I have it in /pdf form so it's searchable on my computer! Thank you! I wish I could buy the .pdf of every book I purchase so I can find things again! This really helps!
I skimmed it and found it a compelling read and easily understood by the layman. It would be an empowering read for anybody to simply browse, and then get drawn in further. 😁
Humphries is wrong. No virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist. After 30 years in the medical field I cannot find one study that succeeds in isolation or proof of transmission using the rigors of the scientific method. It's all gaslighting.
Dr Mark Bailey is a microbiology, medical industry and health researcher who worked in medical practice, including clinical trials, for two decades. He published a 69 page essay called "Farewell to Virology" (PDF)
Dr's. Sam and Mark Bailey have posted more than 200 Videos complete with references. Most of them explain why diseases are not caused by so-called "viruses" -
A core principle of mine, adumbrated by others, is that "Nature is Red in Tooth and Claw." Thus, we can expect each and every living thing to be under attack by other living things and / or not living chemical things. Also, viruses are a theory. No big deal that they can't be successfully isolated. They probably don't exist in isolation! Duh!
Long genetic strands that are continuous and do not match the human genome nor bacterial genomes are detectable. Whether a person believes they exist in a particle like a virus, viroid, or obelisk is of secondary importance. What is most important is the fact that you can find the genetic material in people who are symptomatic, and in people who are not symptomatic. The genetic material moves between us all the time. That is nature, and it cannot be stopped any more than you can stop ocean tides. Once man loses the fear of this, stops trying to destroy them, and learns how to come into harmony with them, the way we look at communicable diseases will change forever.
This is so well said. It is why the focus should be on living a healthy life to have a robust immune system. When we go through some inevitable loss
or cannot manage a stressful event ie we are in a state of dis-ease, then our depressed immune system makes us more vulnerable and a bacteria, a fungus or a virus within us or outside of us can cause illness.
What an eye-opening comment! I totally agree with you.
Very well said sir!! Thank you
We evil germ theory denialists do not believe in genomes. Maybe that's the problem here...
Can you explain how do you know that the unique genome of any virus, the chickenpox-causing virus for example, is unique? And what are the methods to compare it with each and everyone of the unique genomes of all the other non-human genomes present in the human body, in order to determine that it was not present before the disease?
Or, if this is too difficult or too long to answer, please tell me what convinced you personally that the very recent genomics science can prove the pathogenicity of the chickenpox virus when all the other prior methods had failed to prove it, historically.
Why is genetic analysis not a begging the question circularity Flying Circus of scientific ridiculousness?
Am I too harsh in criticizing genomics science?
I believe I answer all of your questions here:
Thank you!
Well said! The history of medical science has always produced more answers that we haven't yet admitted; what actual research shows is that we have been ruled by the false paradigm of allopathic medicine where bacteria, "viruses" and the need for "vaccines" came to dominate ALL medical thought and pursuits because it was those very lies and deception that could provide money and power; nothing has changed, only that it's much worse today; Pasteur was a charlatan and plagiarist, the Fauci of his time, while few have ever heard of Antoine Bechamp, that true 19th century genius who made remarkable discoveries that have been deliberately denigrated and hidden to this day; Pasteur, in fact, eventually admitted that his germs of the air theory was wrong and could not cause disease directly and that Bechamp was right to point out that it was the body's immune system (terrain or environment) when weakened or compromised that made us susceptible to opportunistic "pathogens" or so-called "viruses" which normally didn't have anything to do with us; "harmony" is the key both within our bodies and nature, as we are all one; that revolutionary of nursing care, Florence Nightingale, was very much aware of this in promoting clean air, water, proper food and personal and environmental hygiene which have saved more lives than any "vaccine" ever has.
Exosome cellular waste. That's what Basic Bio taught us. Makes sense to this day when you see them on microscope and analyse their contents.
In my opinion, exosome cellular waste fragments can not be assembled to match a continuous strand of unique genetic material, identified by electrophoresis, and the long sequence matched and verified by independent laboratories. The cellular waste fragments would be too large. Nucleases could be used to make the fragments smaller, but that would be cheating.
"There are many studies that expose that even the flu “vaccine” is not only unnecessary, but actually dangerous (for e.g. a randomized controlled trial in children done in 2012 showed that flu shots increased fivefold the risk of acute respiratory infections caused by a group of noninfluenza viruses, including coronaviruses.)"
What would be cool is if you could set up a sit down debate with the Baileys and Ms Humphries and feature it here at your substack. They are begging you. So am I.
Sam Bailey, Thomas Cowan and Amandha Vollmer all speak about the Terrain Theory - for me, as a Biodynamic Craniosacral Practitioner find their research fascinating & an amazing break through to consider further investigation and discovery of our human design to be so self righting.
Perhaps the allopathic cure in 'treating symptoms' when working with internal imbalances, has suppressed the biological cleanse so much that we develop a compressed reaction which became know as a 'super bug'!
Isn't ALL Suppression of ALL kinds what drives our systemic imbalances out of whack?
Check out this piece on the Dr Jane Ruby show "is it just between the virus or anti-virus" start at 13:20 mark...
great idea, and while we’re on the topic of what’s real…
there was No pandemic, all-cause mortality data analysis.
“Dissolving Illusions” was the idea Roman Bystrianyk and he has a Substack:
Wouldn’t that be great! However, after reading Doc Malik’s Stack on his emails with Sam Bailey, it seems they would never take the debate. How unfortunate when we’re at the perfect time to have these conversations!
And how great it would be if someone, maybe even Dr Humphries explains why there are no records of proof of virus existence, according to the replies to over 220 FOI requests. That would be very enlightening, too.
Do you have a link. I follow the Baileys and they are trying to get anyone to debate this, especially Nass, Kirsch, and whomever else. If you have a link showing that they refuse, I want to see it and then hold the Bailey's feet to the fire.
Sorry!! Should’ve included the link:
Well, this was surely in order, for the "opinionated" souls who think viruses do not exist! HOW anyone can adopt such a stance is beyond me, when the evidence over the decades suggest their presence and diversity. I agree that the vaccines are complicit in the lowered health level across the board, and therefore would actually not doubt such a crazy notion to jump up and surprise everyone by NOT existing at all, but that's just not likely.
What we DO have as examples of far-fetched theories and fanaticism, are ones such as "flat earth" proponents. These prove ANYTHING might be believed if conditions are right.
One that floors me, revolves around UFO's. Thousands of people have witnessed (in groups) these objects of curiosity. Uniformed personnel and highly trained pilots and astronauts, as well as common folk have been reporting these things for who knows how long! So, we don't have a choice as to believing whether or not they exist, if we want to be logical about the situation. But there is a percentage of people who refuse to believe they do! My view is constructed by the process of elimination of idiotic theories, and by allowing common sense to dictate likelihood. FYI: I am convinced they are NOT from another star system. But rather constructs of the master deceiver himself.
Another blatant obviation that is swept under the proverbial rug is the obvious insanity that is exemplified by adopting the debunked and quite obnoxiously retarded theory of evolution. The weight of the matter is so profoundly on the Creation side, it's not even a contest! Yet there is a sizable percent of the planet's population which STILL believe everything changed form from something else, with not a shred of evidence in support of the wild claim.
AS for me and my house, we will serve and trust the Lord (and His Written Word).
I think it’s because we have been lied to about so many important things, intentional manipulation. Once that becomes clear (all the lies), all topics are back on the table as being open for interpretation. I understand the feeling. So we must research and decide the truth for ourselves. The “experts “ have been found to manipulate the truth for their own gain whatever that may be.
Yeah, when confronted with "you gotta believe" my first instinct is why? Saved me from the Covid death jab.
Definitely, you don't gotta believe, nor should you believe if you really don't. But you don't have to believe there are no viruses to realize that taking the Covid death jab is a bad idea.
Don't even put my name near the no virus camp. No major player is getting a patent for something that does not even exist.
If those tasked to regulate industries that can potential kill us need to prove they are trustworthy. Paying off judiciary and having a staff of lawyers only prove one thing. A need to avoid responsibility. Not want we want in regulators.
Frankly (no pun intended!) they did just that ! Patents were taken out out on "vaccine" treatments BEFORE any viral pathogen was actually identified; read Dr David Martin's extensive research on this which exposes all of the nefarious actors and their plans.
Only part missing is your reference to that. Martin announced their patent on the Covid virus in the 2nd plandemic movie that has been on my hard drive since it came out.
When the reality comes home to roost that we are in a "spiritual war" and that "deception" is the order of the day, and that the "theatre" is the entire world, and that the "spiritual leaders" like those of ancient Israel, are wicked, just as Jesus accused them of being for preaching lies to the people, and lining their pockets and interests, then....then... if it is not too late, there will be a massive exodus from the dark side to the side of everlasting light and goodness. But it will be all the more difficult to ascertain good from evil, with such deception practiced by the "experts" who are led by Satan's church here on earth, giving direction and power to the planned destruction of God's Creation and beings. Best to bone up now, while there is time to prepare.
Not all of them, just the corrupt ones. Figure out who they are ( not hard for the majority ) and throw them out.
In the Medical circles most of us know who is good and who is bad. Their actions, history, words and money trail belie them.
Whistle blowers risking a lot have far more credibility than those who conform to the "official" narrative, regardless of evidence.
As we all know, they lie all the time, even lie about lying, and they know that we know they are lying. Still they just keep lying. But that doesn't mean the Moon is made of green cheese, the Earth is flat or Biden is an alien lizard wearing a human skin suit. Believing such things just discredits all those who believe in "The Truth will Set us Free">
Could you please forward me one study, or as many as you like, which are proof for the virus existence claim? I've searched and searched, because I want to challenge the truth isolate fund for the 1.5 million Euros. Which, oddly enough, no other person has done thus far although there should be thousands of papers to fit the demand. So i'm in a real hurry. That would be a great help.
Yes real and yes from far away, not "conjured up."
There are germ-theory deniers who also deny evolution, there are those who take it as "provissionally true" as any other victim of college education, and most people who believe that germ-theory is true are stinking evolutionists through and through.
Please read my earlier comment here
Enjoy it and God bless!
Instead of writing about the people in so called camps who believe in such and such theories, everyone could talk about the issue itself, back up their claims with substantial proof and silence the debate with facts instead of mocking each other. Which the Institutes of virology Worldwide didn't do yet. That's odd enough.
It would be much more helpful to explain why no records of proof of virus existence are available. Why doesn't virology rescue its reputation? What are their motives in not refuting or debating?
They don't need to prove anything.
They own the plantation that is public health.
All licensed docs act as a foreman.
All "scientists" in the plantation accept their role as slave traders. If they refuse to obey the rules of the plantation they are not allowed to play scientist anymore. Truth has nothing to do with it.
These are people defending their world view and their place in that world: there is no convincing or change of opinion. Was blind but now I see is a verse that scientists will never sing.
The reason why we insist so stubbornly in the lack of proof is not to convince them, but to offer a way out to the slaves, who think there is no other world outside the plantation of this bolshevik scheme that is public health. The slaves are to be liberated. Screw the scientists!
You gotta good head on your shoulders Ray.
Thank you for that comment.
Not sure which comment you're referring to. Thank you for the reassuring words of kindness. But in truth, I astound myself with the stupid things I do. Any "wisdom" that might come is a product of faith and requests made to God through His prophetic and Holy Word.
May He bless you richly!
Why did God create carnivores?
Originally, it was not so. Everything was created to live eternally. Sin entered and knocked the wheels off the apple cart. When the flood destroyed the world, man was given provision to eat flesh-foods since the other was not available, for a spell.
The prophet E.G. White and many, many others have decried that meat consumption, (especially in these days of chemicals injected, and disease due to crowding) contributes substantially to cancers and other health issues.
It goes a bit further, if you will. It is also pointed out that flesh consumption is related to aggressive behavior in certain ways that are not Christian in nature. But it is not specifically condemned that I know of, leading to one's eternal loss. 'Just better to become acquainted with what diet will be consumed in heaven. God DOES restrict eating the "fat" of the animal, and specifically denounces as sin, the consuming of its blood. And we all know that the "industry" uses every ounce in making its products sellable and "juicy."
I hope this will help you in your quest to discover the health message of these last days.
This is according to the Bible? Didn’t Jesus say “Not what goes into the mouth that defiles the man, but what comes out of the mouth...”?
Thank you for bringing this book to everyone’s attention . As a gynecologist, herpes is real and patients want and need treatment. I also tell them foods to avoid , supplements to take and behaviors to avoid .
The definition of virus and it virulence as an entity is what people need to discuss .
I thank G-d that I read Suzanne Humphries ten years ago before the covidiot theater hit the stage. She and Mercola were two of the first to wake me up to the whole medical cartel. Fortunately, I had avoided the TV & propaganda my whole adult life, but I was still quite shocked when I found her work. Blessings. 🙏💖
I'd say that for those who believe viruses do exist, they might immediately contact the Drs. Bailey in NZ and rehash this on-again, off again, situation and belief. They've written on the subject of viral existence and it would likely be an interesting and tart debate which could help to defuse this issue.
I completely support Meryl's and Suzanne's work exposing the harm vaccines have caused. However, I respectfully disagree with the manner they handle the question of viral identification and contagion by claiming there is valid scientific proof of viruses. One only needs to examine the methods used to isolate, identify and prove contagion of any virus, or germ for that matter. It was a shocking revelation for me.
Shedding light on this will be quite instructive and stop us from succumbing to the constant fear mongering of pandemics which is just a marketing tool for pharma vaccines. However, as the covid theater demonstrated, it is now being used to enslave humanity. This invisible terrorist can be fabricated at will and pop up everywhere - where's Goldstein? he's here, he's there. Be afraid, the ministry will protect you and keep you safe. etc., etc. Ad hominin attacks do nothing to shed light on this darkness - the demons who want to control us want division and in-fighting. Ultimately we are all on the same side trying to discern the truth for our families health - Let's refuse to participate and agree to have an open and honest discussion to enable us to find the truth. Invite the Baileys, Kaufman, Cowan and others to present their findings.
What if the "no-virus" hypothesis is actually a giant psyop to disorient us from the real task of defeating he international drug pushing Pharma cartels?
I see several issues which are not necessarily connected:
1) are viruses real?
2) why was the govt.’s first reaction to the news about a URI in China later named COVID “we need a vaccine”?
3) given the official story of a URI caused by a virus, why is there no virus material in the vaccine?
4) how do we ensure the vaccine is safe and effective, when the FDA refused to do so?
5) as you say, the real threat is the pharma cartels. How do we block their control of our govt?
1. I see parts of terrain theory as quite compatible with virus theory. Beyond this, folks I tend to trust think they are so I'm listening with a hedge that direction for now. 2. Vaccines are lucrative and simple: get the public afraid, they will comply, and social control mechanisms are inserted. Vaccines are just not in OUR interests. 3. The mRNA jabs may contain something from the original virus (the spike) but the point is to get other substances in us -- social control, population control. 4. "Safe and effective" is a mantra, not a scientific statement, and is of course not backed by studies, fact, or any form of science. 5. Good question! But there are a lot of us, so we definitely need to try while we still can effect any change at all.
Very useful clarifications, Susan. Thanks.
It would be helpful to not use the phrase "no virus hypothesis" but rather request the governmental health agencies and virus defenders making claims about viral harm provide the scientific methodolgy and proof of isolation, the specific genomic identification and then contagion caused by the virus. There's little argument that the pandemic responses caused great harm. I fail to understand how asking for proof is a disorientation strategy.
Christine Massy has sent over 200 FOIs to various agencies and not one has produced a valid evidence of the virus.
When an issue is in question, it is appropriate to refer to it as a hypothesis. I see the issue as both, not either /or with regard to terrain and infection. People and animals are more likely to get sick in unhealthy environments, e.g exposure to pathogens from unsanitary conditions. I don't care much whether the infection is a bacterium (no debate about that) or a virus. Contagion matters and is real. Obvious examples, malaria and tuberculosis.
But the absence of viruses is the opposite of your claim. It's pulling away the rug under the pharma cartells, as there is nothing left to stand on.
I remember distinctly when they gave me the Salk vaccine at the age of five. I could feel that I lost that 100% connection to source. at first it felt a total loss, "scientifically" they injected me with SV40, cytomegalovitus, hepatitis and formaldehyde. It has been a challenge. After I escaped my parents control I have never had a personal allopath. And what is all this craven fear of death? It's the one sure thing.
I think Suzanne is great. Listen to her in this interview by Mercola:
In addition to the Baileys, Dr Tom Cowan, and others, I would add Dr. William P. Trebing's book, "Good-bye Germ Theory: Ending a Century of Medical Fraud and How to Protect Your Family.
One of the odd things the medical cartel points out continuously is that we 'catch' things from others. That may very well be true, but no one can prove it came from a specific virus. Typical cold symptoms: fever, runny nose, sore throat, cough, etc. are the body's way of detoxing. We are poisoned by our air, water, and food continuously. The body has to detox a lot to keep us healthy. Conveniently, if you don't want your symptoms there are over-the-counter products to suppress them; according to natural healing modalities this lack of detoxification means your body is holding on to all that crap and it causes further problems down the road.
Here's Dr Trebing from a medical freedom rally this year. He talks about the scamdemic and the history of germ theory. It's only an hour, if you're brave, you can watch it on bitchute.
Germ theory places your individual health outside your control - there are evil germs out to get you! When, if you believe in germ theory, it should be obvious that they are everywhere and you don't get sick all the time, even when around "sick" people.
And there's a medical product for the protection....
There's no profit to make in telling people to have a healthy lifestyle.
great comment
This was awesome...thanks!!
Any idea where the updated book can be purchased? I can only find the 2013 one on Amazon. The link on Dr. Mercola's site is for the original book. The 2013 book is incredible as is the audible.
She is on telegram so will most probably tell people there when it’s out.
Dr Suzanne Humphries telegram chanel ➡️🟪➡️
Until any in the “virus” crowd are willing to have an honest debate with the “no virus” crowd I feel you are no better than those unwilling to have the vaccine debate.
Fair point: avoid censorship and let it happen.
Excellent articles, both of them, and both books are worth reading.
By the way, I just found this free PDF for the new and second edition of the book:
This is a link to the 2013 book.
Sorry. I didn't realize because the date on the page said it was created in 2022.
It may be the old book but now I have it in /pdf form so it's searchable on my computer! Thank you! I wish I could buy the .pdf of every book I purchase so I can find things again! This really helps!
The new book should come out sometime in March. I wrote to the authors and they responded.
I skimmed it and found it a compelling read and easily understood by the layman. It would be an empowering read for anybody to simply browse, and then get drawn in further. 😁
Humphries is wrong. No virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist. After 30 years in the medical field I cannot find one study that succeeds in isolation or proof of transmission using the rigors of the scientific method. It's all gaslighting.
Dr Mark Bailey is a microbiology, medical industry and health researcher who worked in medical practice, including clinical trials, for two decades. He published a 69 page essay called "Farewell to Virology" (PDF)
Dr's. Sam and Mark Bailey have posted more than 200 Videos complete with references. Most of them explain why diseases are not caused by so-called "viruses" -
A core principle of mine, adumbrated by others, is that "Nature is Red in Tooth and Claw." Thus, we can expect each and every living thing to be under attack by other living things and / or not living chemical things. Also, viruses are a theory. No big deal that they can't be successfully isolated. They probably don't exist in isolation! Duh!