The late Dr. Luc Montagnier said that vaccines are ineffective against RNA viruses.


Even in 2020, when there was no vaccine, the infection mortality rate of Sarscov2 was on par with that of the worst influenza epidemic.

The O strain, which had already mutated when vaccinations began in 2021, and the α, β, and δ strains within the year were on par with ordinary influenza.

After the Omicron strain (BA.1, 2, etc.) in 2022, the infection mortality rate was lower than that of influenza even in unvaccinated people.

Conversely, the infection rate and infection mortality rate of vaccinated people were higher.

Results believed to be figures for 2021 were released as Pfizer documents in April 2022.

{Compared to non-vaccinated people, those vaccinated were three times more likely to become infected, twice as likely to be hospitalized, and three times more likely to die.}

It was also reported that the infection and fatality rate among the Amish was no different from that of regular influenza.

In short, they are operating from a perspective (money) that is completely different from that of medical care.

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“… the infection mortality rate of Sarscov2 was on par with…” Especially when you include motorcycle accidents!

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​ Will Zoll, When Decades Happen​ - Part 1

​ Revolutions destroy nations, including their laws. Post revolution, if these nations could be placed into UN Territory Trusts, their sovereignty and right to govern could be replaced by administrators, whereby international law could be permanently installed.

​ The UN already has the agenda, think tanks, and legislative ability for one-world global governance. The WEF already has the councils ready for a “global future”. The corporate army, we term ReichsWEF, already have a monopoly on most of the world’s supply chains and resources, and the globalist executives to employ and deploy labor around the world.

​ All that is needed is the collapse of nation states around the world, and the “UN Territory Trust” could gobble up most of the Western world, ushering in a New World Order.

For that to happen, there would need to be some kind of worldwide revolution.​..

​..When the French Revolution destroyed the powerful French monarch seemingly overnight, a venomous new set of data points were revealed. If revolutionary theory could explain how a nation’s citizenry could turn on itself and tear down everything in an instant, empires could be destroyed from within.​ Revolution could become the most potent weapon in an army’s arsenal. Harnessing the power of the people to destroy their own culture was a megalomaniac’s utopian fantasy​...

​..There have been many revolutions since the French experiment and 1848. Lenin and the Russian revolution of 1917. The German revolution of 1918. Mao and the birth of the CCP. Castro, Pol Pot, and many more.

​ To borrow another phrase from Kamala, if we “look through the passage of time”, we can see that each revolution becomes more sophisticated. Similar to the evolution of any weapon, the power of Marxist-based revolutions improves with the passage of time.

​ Today, the “woke mind virus” is exceptionally powerful, and it is being deployed all over the world​.​..

..We are entering a period when decades happen. If nation states are going to fall to ​Marxist-style revolutions, they will be without governance, laws, or sovereignty. Like Papua New Guinea after WWII, the UN will be there to guide them into their “mandated Territory Trusts”, and the World Economic Forum will be at the ready to administrate the daylights out of us.​..

​..The primary driver of the Enlightenment was for man to observe the world around him; for him to question and dare to think. Today, around the world, we have two-tiered justice systems, the weaponization of justice, rampant inflation, crime, and a flood of migration that has never been seen before. The globalist media apparatus nonchalantly describe these events as the result of climate change, and our politicians have vowed to eliminate xenophobia and hate speech.

​..If we question ​WTF is going on here, we arrive at a rather uncomfortable hypothesis; that we are on the verge of a globally coordinated Marxist revolution, orchestrated by the UN and administrated by member-corporations of the ReichsWEF. The woke mind-virus has already infected large swathes of Western civilization, and if we do not pay attention to what is transpiring, humanity will surely once again learn from history that which was not learned from history.


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Tired of these heathen demons. They want world domination at all cost.

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They aren’t even hiding it anymore.

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Thank you Dr. Nass for everything you do.

Resilience and sustainability!

Who isn’t tired of hearing these words??

It always felt like a deep big hole to me…like a double edged sword. Like climate change.

I guess I am ok to continue trusting my gut.

Thank you!🤗

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Thanks for telling us what they're (still) up to.

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As Hurricane Helene clearly showed, big government control of emergencies (FEMA) is much worse in response than local group response. Having one world response will be even slower than FEMA. The overhead bureaucracy, meetings, consensus building, approvals ladder, etc will ensure that aid comes long after people have died and black mold has set in. I figure this is a ploy to grift more money to the elite and their supporters as the bribes and "cuts" are easier to hide when large bureaucracies are involved.

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Great point.

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I just read the Canadian liberal government is going to sign contracts for a very rich 25 year cloud services contract. Seems likely they will be out of office in a year, given fair elections. I am wondering if this is another liberal grift scandal to garner kickbacks from the winners of these contracts for the next 25 years much of which hopefully they will not be running (ruining) the country.

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The only way to stop them is to band together, put political differences aside and vote for the

People who know about them (RFKJR AND Trump).

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How does these unelected foreign organizations have so much power?

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our elected officials support them with our tax dollars and support their agenda. Harris (formerly Biden) regime openly support UN's Agenda 2030

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Freakin' frightening. Yes. Based on Schwab's two to three books, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is designed to cause significant harm to the economies of Western countries. More so, even vaccines, in this context, are meant to inflict major damage.

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One of the ploys used by the Vietnamese was to leave a wounded soldier in the field so they might shoot a rescuing soldier as well. I look at it as the Bilderberg Group realized they could destroy America by killing people with the Vax AND bankrupting those who were injured with medical bills. Forget about insurance as the insurance companies have to raise their rates if they have too many claims so it the medical cost doesn't get you the cost of insurance will. Then there is the disabling of American commerce as people leave the workforce because of their vaccine injuries/deaths.

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Thank you Dr Meryl…this information does not get out any other way…we appreciate you! ❤️

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can i please say something rude? 😘can we not all stand up and just tell them to feck off?

In love and light of course (canadian sarcasm…)

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Behold that They Will be also preparing Riot Cops/Police/Military/Private Security/Handlers et al to cope or combat with The People

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Environment / sustainability, another lie that should be enough to prosecute any head of state signing a UN related treaty, for high treason!


U.S. Department of Defense is the world’s largest polluter



Not just that but the IMF is the global version of loan shark already in 2005.


The IMF and Usury: Crime Without Punishment (7/11/05)



Worst, the WHO:


The World Health Organization(WHO) is an evil and corrupt organization. Discover its financial ties to drug companies and vaccine scandals. Find out WHO's connections to the infamous Rockefeller family and why it's a central hub for Big Pharma. Also, discover how we can stop WHO.




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Never let a. Crisis go to waste especially if you created it

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People are dying from ‘natural’ … weather events in the US… and all they can think about is more money for Ukraine and all the different ways to inject you for your ‘safety’. Maybe they’ll be sending a crew to N Carolina to mass vaccinate the ones that survive as they pat themselves on the back and flood the media with reports of their heroic rescue efforts.

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They want to kill more of us.

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This overreach must be stopped now. I haven't heard any politician mention this issue. This issue should be in the forefront of MAHA and we must exit the WHO.

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