"The decision by a numerically tiny transnational ruling class to use its control over the means of production to wage war against the rest of humanity is as desperate as it is audacious, and can only be understood in the context of 150 + years of transnational class conflict. The rise of inter- national socialism in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was met with ruthless methods of suppression, including world war, paramilitary brutality, fascism, and totalitarianism (van der Pijl, 2015, 2019; Sutton, 2016). After World War II, similarly ruthless methods were used to crush any sign of emergent socialism in “Third World” countries under the pretext of fighting a “Cold War” against the Soviet Union (McCoy, 2015; Ahmed, 2012, pp. 70–1; Hughes, 2022b). Social tensions mounted in the West, and following May 1968, when France was brought to the brink of revolution, low-level counterinsurgency methods came to be deployed against Western populations (Minnicino, 1974; Ganser, 2005; Hughes, 2022b). From that point on, it was clear that an ongoing, transnation- ally coordinated effort to suppress class conflict had to take precedence over rivalries between different ruling classes and that, ultimately, only a global scientific dictatorship can prevent worldwide social revolution. The ARPANET (the military precursor of the internet, created in 1969) has since evolved into a global surveillance dragnet collecting data on


everyone for counter-revolutionary purposes (van der Pijl, 2022, p. 73). The “War on Terror” was used to normalise the invocation of emer- gency powers (Agamben, 2005), militarise the domestic environment (Valentine, 2017), and hollow out liberal democracy.

The transnational ruling class now seeks to replace liberal democ- racy with technocracy. Historically, such fundamental sociopolitical and economic change has only been possible through world war. Thus, the global class war is synonymous with World War III, which, however, looks nothing like the two previous world wars, just as they did not resemble anything seen before (J. Corbett, 2020a). World War III is waged using the novel methods of Omniwar (see below), i.e. war waged across every domain, but clandestinely, so that the public does not recognise it as such. It amounts to a global counterinsurgency campaign, with dissidents replacing “terrorists” as the enemy using the infrastructure established through the “War on Terror” (cf. Valentine, 2017, p. 64). Deception is fundamental: the public must not get wise to what is happening, lest there be a surge in revolutionary activity. So far, physical fighting has not broken out, however, the largest psychological warfare operation in history—the “Covid-19” operation—has been waged against the public, and historically, psychological warfare serves as the prelude to physical war."


David A. Hughes

“Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy, Volume 1

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Unfortunately, we may have no option but to 'REVOLT'! Beware, we know the game they play!

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We have a lot of options if we will only wake up. The non-violent options are the most effective.

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Oh, 0biden has inadvertently admitted to this (and anyone w eyes can see it). He has stated, on video, in front of all of the world "let us het through this w as little pain as possible.." or something very similar.

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I don't know what you're talking about.

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Thanks Meryl. This is a great compilation of the world-class swindle. Of course all these creeps you name are working for people who have A LOT of money. Wonder where these people got it? Well, look at the curious fact that the money going to the Global South will be mostly loans, not grants....So the Mafia shows up at your house and tells you, "Do I have a deal for you. I'm going to give you a big loan so you can protect yourself from all those hazards I've been telling you about." You sense you are being scammed, but what are you going to do about it? And how are you going to pay the loans your are getting from the Mafia sharks? Well obviously, you are going to mortgage the future of your country and all your resources. Get it? And who is the Mafia? It's NOT all these credentialed doctors and scientists. It's the world's trillionaires who own the banking systems, hedge funds, equity funds, etc. Now do you get it?

I recently wrote a book that explains how the Money Mafia took over the US. It's called "Our Country, Then and Now." You can order it here: https://www.amazon.com/Our-Country-Then-Richard-Cook/dp/1949762858

Also see this: Happy Thanksgiving. https://montanarcc.substack.com/p/thanksgiving-reflections/comments

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They "have a lot of money"....I believe we, the useless eaters, ultimately are the ones who provide that money....they steal it from us every day in millions of ways. They are parasitical psychopaths.

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Well done.. good summary,,,,,..

I have been into this thought process… and an advocate against global trade since 2010 and recently wrote a book about the huge mistake/entrapment of global trade … more at www,nigelsouthwayauthor.com

The good news is that the UN and WEF and the world bank and all these other multilateral organizations was once revered by the so called global elite liberal governments that talked about the new world order… But we now have a new brand of government leaders that like us are onto the mistake and will go back to a more nation centric approach to policies on…. Climate change… trade financing ….security etc. . It will mean deglobalization and maybe another cold war, but it will be worth it to stop the global cash flows and UN hands in our pockets that are bleeding us dry.

Some of our global elitist governments (Think Canadas Trudeau and Frances Macron are examples of the ones to soon get the boot… And many global free market economists and finance gurus and all their media machine will get the boot as well.

The votes are lining up to make it happen… but its important we keep spreading the message!

The other enemy to be aware of is the WOKE DEI Post modernist crap that is attacking us from within!

The other enemy is the WOKE DEI attacking us from within!

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Your Top 8 Wildest Claims and Why Your Dangerous Pseudoscience Has No Place in Public Health

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It's been my understanding that the regulation of vaccines is gone. "They" made this clear when the 2023 CONVID vax was "approved" for public consumption after it was tested on just 8 mice.

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Here all this time I thought it was just 6 mice. I feel better now, knowing there were 8. Haha. Sigh.

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It was in the "alternative" news media that the 2023 version of the CONVID "Omnicrom" vax was tested on 8 mice. Someone quipped that there'd been 10, and 2 died...

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Yep. I was joking. Thus the Haha. :-)

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Looks to me as if we have self generating health crisis that just keeps compounding.

I thought this was key!

Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing, 2014: a protocol used as the basis for

establishing a WHO library of biowarfare agents and paying nations for them.

Put in place to have the Covid con go global.

I'll say it again! DOD/CIA and Big Pharma both see

RNA injections as the holy grail for continuing to expand the out of control medical establishment and provide antidotes for the run away bio warfare initiative.

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I saw that the Nagoya staff were complaining that they needed more help; they just had a mtg a few weeks ago and I thought they would bring forth an expansion of the access and benefit-sharing program to include pathogens, and also make it supercede other agreements. That is what the draft was intended to do. But it does not seem to have been adopted.

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I just read that too, and reposted some of their own words. By Meryl Nass. Give her a follow, if you haven't.

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According to President Trump the mRNA and AVV injections saved hundreds of millions of lives so the health crisis you refer to could have been a lot worse if not for the timely actions of the first Trump administration in setting up OWS and getting Emergency Use Authorization fast for these shots.

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Looks like there was a bit more of a backstory too. Regardless, he's got more pros working on it, since he knows he's not the expert. We know globie harris wants to bind us all and hand us over to the tea roar group. What do we do with those?

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Ain't that cute... Even a dead fish can go with the stream...


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I would just like to add that the League of Nations is the former International Opium Commission. Thank you for your diligence!

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My production company, LowWiseZah Studios, is making movies that matter and awakening society with purposeful entertainment:

Follow me on X for uncensored content: https://x.com/thejackedpoet

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Corporations/capitalism are the institutions that have operationalized this life hating agenda. They are the primary tools for concentrating power and corrupting representational governance. Private property is the new monogod. Their resemblance to religious institutions with blind obedience and groupthink required to elicit obedience. Local populations everywhere have the ability to feed themselves if we adhere to Nature's guidelines. Destruction of farm/food sovereignty has always been the first step enslaving populations. Corporate domination of farming became policy in in the US under the Reagan administration. If you have a parcel of ground, consider joining a local food sovereignty group and growing some food.

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Since we unravelled the Covid con and Vax depopulation plan, it's fair to assume that Climate Change is impacted little by human habits and activities. Obviously, the more people who populate the planet, the more impact it has on the planet.

Surely, the solution is to reduce population levels over a period of years, along with sensible less impactful 'carbon producing practices'.

The insane tactics of urgency to outlaw petrol, diesel and Liquid Propane gas-powered vehicles is a hammer to crack a nut. As is the impending ban on coal, wood and other fuels for cooking and home heating. This could all be achieved with common sense over a more comfortable period.

'Panic' is the WEF's New World Order tactic. To use fear porn, as was the covid & Vax scam!

Bill Gates's corrupted "World Health Organization (WHO) says it will keep its alert for mpox at the highest level amid a surge in cases".

The 'pretence' of a resurgent Monkey Pox (probably one of Fauci's concoctions?) was expected.

Because Gates's corrupt World Health Organisation is trying to resurrect monkey Pox as the next 'Scamdemic', I guess this means Pfizer, Moderna J&J etc, must be very busy re-labelling out-of-date, useless, dangerous, surplus mRNA Covid jab crap!

With NO LIABILITY for their useless but dangerous mRNA jabs, the now surplus, 'RUBBISH' VAX continues to cause INJURIES and VAX RELATED DEATHS, but with NO LIABILITY, it matters not!

People are dying from deadly Vax but nobody's checking. FDA & CDC should but there's too much money in the highly profitable 'slush fund' to rock the boat! That's how I see it!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live a lot longer without poisonous jabs from mercenary Big Pharma!

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This is an outstanding document, Meryl - an excellent tool to spread far and wide; broad-based and easy to understand. But, please don't burn yourself out, we need you! My God, you never stop! Do you ever sleep?

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Nov 26Edited

Neil Ferguson is being touted an American/British 'conservative historian' at the University of Austin, isn't he the epidemiologist you’ve discussed? From the Imperial College in London?

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Probably you mean Niall Ferguson

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You are correct, I mixed the two up.

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Too many people who wouldn't know if they had a bus up them until the people started getting out. That's the biggest problem.

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Let's Make America Healthy and share this delicious cooking video!

And Subscribe!


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I enjoyed your video, except you left out the hard work with your blender, pushing down the herbs to get everything to blend. Coming from Joysey it felt like home.

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