The WHO WEF CIA Federal Reserve Pharma Military Industrial Complex is now the worlds biggest and best funded terrorist organisation ever. Did I miss any one out. Those psychopaths have very frail egos so I wouldn't want to miss anyone out!

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Just for fun Dr. Nass, here is an excerpt from a 'Casey at the Bat Parody' called 'Fauci at the Mic'. In this segment it's terrorist Tedros's turn to stand and deliver:

With a smile of Christian charity great Fauci's visage shone;

He stilled the rising tumult; he bade the fraud go on;

He signaled for the president, and once more the pedo came

But drooling at the microphone he forgot great Fauci's name

"Let's hear it for ... this man", said he, he's gonna save us all

For there is no price too great to pay to save just one grandma

"Agreed!" cried the maddened millions, and the echo answered "Greed"

Gates snickers, smirks, & sneers as they chant his apex creed

Walenski laughs hysterically with her predatory grin

While Tedros phones some terrorists and says, "my boys, we're in"

Klaus summons Bobby McFerrin, and tells him, "son be snappy"

And has him play his favorite hymn: "own nothing and be happy"

Short excerpt from: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/fauci-at-the-mic-parody-of-casey

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"He signaled for the president, and once more the pedo came" lol

Biden sniffed a crisis to exploit....

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Someone please tell sweet uncle Teddy that I’m all good. I will be doing the polar opposite of whatever his organization recommends. Also, brilliant plan- force vaccines on the people who did far better without them. Why didn’t I think of that?

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.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9052247/WHO-chief-Tedros-Ghebreyseus-accused-aiding-genocide-Ethiopia-nobel-peace-prize-nominee.htmlRaised in Tigray, he also served as Ethiopia's health minister from 2005 to 2012 before being elected WHO director-general in 2017, the first African to take the role.

Mr Steinman, who was nominated for the 2019 Nobel peace prize, lodged the complaint calling for Tedros to be prosecuted for genocide at the International Criminal Court in the Hague.

He claimed that Tedros 'was a crucial decision maker in relation to security service actions that included killing, arbitrarily detaining and torturing Ethopians,' according to The Times.

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Translation: "We manufactured a Plandemic and bioweapon injection to sicken and control the world. It didn't go as well as we planned. Time for Round 2."

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Exactly this.

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Your text is not eccentrik but entirely concentric !!

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The biggest message in this Time Magazine piece on Tedros is that Time magazine is bought (big surprise!) by special interest groups favorable to globalism. That is the only relevant message to draw from the drivel.

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Time Life, isn't it? Voice of America in magazine form. The Zapruder film showing JFK being shot from the front was bought by the proprietor (whose name escapes me..) in November 1963 in order to prevent the public from seeing it.

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Tedros is a criminal psychopath and does what’s he’s told by his handlers..

Look at his closing remark “we are one species” talking like we are non essential animals.

He is an habitual liar and he lied on many occasions during the Scamdemic and how about his grotesque remark in 2020 trying to counter Trump on lockdowns by saying if you don’t you’ll be bringing your loved ones home in body bags. What an outrageous and insensitive comment by an alleged criminal of genocide in his home country.

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For sure....his criminal record is there for all to see. It's gotten to be a total joke. "They" really do think we are stupid. Are we?

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The One Health agenda refers to animals as “non-human animals”.

The distinction in their heads is between ‘human animals’ & ´non-human animals’.

As we know, the angry little guy Harari simply refers to humans as ´animals.’ And he’s their intellectual guru....

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ha ha...quite right. Harari tries to put an intelligent face on "murder"....but he's a poor actor...and his real opinions about how worthless other human animals are does shine through the thin veneer.

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Better title for techno-fascist Tedros’s propaganda piece is this: “COVID-19 Shows Why the World Needs…Me and Billy in Prison”!

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Well said.

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If Tedros wrote that or ever read Camus, I will eat a field of wind turbines, one by one. I think there's a Mckinsey or Blackrock liberal propaganda team that peppers articles with supposedly erudite references (e.g. The First Amendment being the "Achilles Heel" of democracy, by someone in the NYT). Here's the interesting phrase in this one: "The agreement is being written by countries, for countries...", which is a subliminal reference to "Government for the people, by the people, shall not perish from the earth" These are BIG LIES, and we know they're so practiced at disseminating this schist that they probably have a template, i.e. always make an ego-stroking educated reference.

Here's a little Camus for Tedros the Cholera Lord, may he find the road to Damascus

"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion."

"The evil in the world comes almost always from ignorance, and goodwill can cause as much damage as ill-will if it is not enlightened. People are more often good than bad, though in fact that is not the question. But they are more or less ignorant and this is what one calls vice or virtue, the most appalling vice being the ignorance that thinks it knows everything and which consequently authorizes itself to kill. The murderer’s soul is blind, and there is no true goodness or fine love without the greatest possible degree of clear-sightedness"

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I haven't trusted anything written in any liberal publication and ever anyone who is a part of the Globalist fiasco.

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@Robert: But you Can "Trust" that the serpents' constantly lie, can't you?

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Anything to kill off all the useless eaters.

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With "Death being the wages of sin", expect to see a lot of Death!

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For them, it's the idea!

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The WHO is part of a criminal Cabal whose purpose is clear.. push vaccines on everyone everywhere as the population is culled and sterilized. Their charter releaves them of all liability or culpability for anything they do. THeir charter is a violation of many USA laws but alas... we are living at a time of inverted realities and lawlessness.... EXPOSE, EXPOSE, and EXPOSE them and their malintent.... it is oiur best hope.

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Actually WHO stands for WORLD HELL ORGANIZATION....they hope to create a hell on earth and have us begging for even more "vaccines" and or them to "save" NO ONE IS COMING TO OUR RESCUE

.....As Dr. Mike Yeadon so cogently said recently "Your government wants you dead"....and "vaccines" are just one vector of lethality they will use...wars, famines, weather "control", 5G RADIATION what haven't these fiends thought of?

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He's a war criminal.

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Once a war criminal, always a war criminal. That must be his sole credential. Who is pulling his strings? Who is the WHO's biggest funder? BMGF. The "home team" that is doing so much to trash American democracy and health. Have I got a drug for you!

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The 2 big obstacles to the WEF billionaires imposing global fascism are the US & Russia.

Well - Xi & the CCP are also obstacles! But the foolish billionaires think they can manage the Chinese. My bet is the CCP will use the WEF & get them to destroy freedoms across the world then summarily get rid of them. Xi wants global communism &, as ever with communists, Useful Idiots are employed till no longer useful.

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I agree...the CCP is not now and never was our "friend"....CCP is STILL harvesting organs from political prisoners and marketing them via an unnamed country in the middle east....This is well documented. They arrest "political dissidents" on trumped up charges and then use their organs to sell through middlemen.....cool business model overall...don't you agree?....guy named Gutmann (I think) documented this ongoing horror...The Slaughter: Mass Killings, Organ Harvesting, and China's Secret ...

Following David Kilgour and David Matas' seminal 2006 report, Bloody Harvest, Gutmann began an independent investigation into Chinese state-sponsored organ harvesting of Falun Gong, interviewing over 100 refugees, doctors, and law enforcement personnel over a six-year period.

Anyway...."Organ harvesting" is not decreasing any time soon as it is a lucrative way to get rid of dissidents in a fascist regime...

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A landmark bill taking action against the perpetrators of forced organ harvesting in China has passed the U.S. House of Representatives and was referred to the Senate on March 29, 2023.

The Stop Forced Organ Harvesting Act of 2023 “imposes sanctions on individuals and entities involved in forced organ trafficking and authorizes the Department of State to revoke the passports of individuals convicted of certain crimes related to organ trafficking,” the bill states. Civil penalties include a fine of up to $250,000; and criminal penalties include a fine of up to $1 million dollars and imprisonment up to 20 years.

Forced organ harvesting is primarily perpetuated against spiritual groups in communist China, who are targeted by official police for kidnapping, brainwashing, forced labor, and torture. Members of the Falun Gong meditation practice are the largest population of spiritual adherents subject to persecution. Since 1999, Falun Gong members have been victims of systematic crackdown, with the earliest report of forced organ harvesting in the early 2000s, brought to light through the investigative work of David Matas and David Kilgour.

Survivors who were imprisoned for practicing Falun Gong reported being blood-typed while in prison and being subjected to other physical exams not part of a routine checkup, suggesting that the prison hospitals were checking their suitability as unwilling donors. Since forced organ harvesting fueled the transplant tourism trade in China, other religious and minority groups have also fallen under the knife. The China Tribunal, which took place in 2019-2020, heard the testimonies of many such survivors, and concluded beyond reasonable doubt that forced organ harvesting is a widespread problem in Mainland China.

According to researcher Ethan Gutmann, to maximize the viability of the organs, they are harvested when the victim is still alive. Multiple Chinese surgeons have come forward to testify that they have been ordered to perform extractions on living “donors.” Chinese communist officials are often the recipients of such transplants.

H.R.1154’s language specifically calls out the Chinese Communist Party for these abuses. In its Statement of Policy, the bill reads: “(4) to hold accountable persons implicated, including members of the Chinese Communist Party, in forced organ harvesting and trafficking in persons for purposes of the removal of organs.”

This bill is the strongest piece of legislation taken against forced organ harvesting to date. Introduced by Rep. Christopher Smith of New Jersey in February, it gained bipartisan support in the House, and has 12 cosponsors.

Watch the House session here.

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Their marketing propaganda effort is in full force because they are panicked.

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WuFlu did not cost millions of lives or ruin & decimate societies on every level, but the WHO & all of the other government & “public health” entities & their policies, procedures, recommendations & MANDATES sure as hell did

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Well said!

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TU Astra!

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Since no one can have a pandemic without a pathogen and since no pathogen has ever been isolated and found to cause any disease, I guess we’ll just have to all read The Final Pandemic by Dr. Mark Bailey and Dr. Samantha Bailey.

You might want to ask yourself: what toxin was prevalent in all the ‘hot spots of the Covid outbreak?’ And also, how many excessive deaths have there been since the rollout of the Covid vaccine? Check out Ed Dowd, who has all the stats on the excess deaths and has written a book about them.

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ditto--It's a great book and Ed Dowd is no conspiracy theorist....he is a Wall Street financier and investment specialist who made a living advising on the stock market. He knows his statistics very well and the covid death scam is rather obvious seen in the light of graphs and numbers. "They" really do think we are stupid.

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I and my colleagues have recently founded an institution running out of Washington, D.C., called the America Geopolitical Institute. Our publication outlet may be found at VTforeignpolicy.com.

We want to commend Dr. Nass for her invaluable work, including keeping a watchful eye on the machinations of the WHO. We can only hope that the US will withdraw from this disastrous cabal ASAP.

Thanks again.

Here is our latest article:


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Meryl, I suggest that you draft and then get signed by multiple experts a rebuttal and submit it to Time as an "open letter," which will add additional pressure for them to print it.

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