Tedros is the misinformation and disinformation

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We have to hold him accountable, using the People’s Courts.

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And looks it.

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"WHO is working with a range of companies and researchers and partners to understand how misinformation and disinformation spreads, who is targeted, how they’re influenced, and what we can do to counter this problem" Hey, Tedros, look in the mirror and then listen to what you just said, and then recognize you are the problem and you should leave your job before someone takes you to Nuremberg 2 with a rope in their hand.

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"In the two years since the failure of the covid pandemic narrative I (Brandon Smith) have argued that globalist organizations are trying to regroup under a new plan. The evidence suggests that these people suffered a shocking revelation after their attempt to implement perpetual medical tyranny. They’ve realized they don’t have as much control over the flow of information and public discourse as they originally assumed.

Even with full-spectrum censorship using algorithms to bury contrary data, even with the full force of the government partnering with social media to silence dissent, even with the threat of economic exile for anyone refusing to take a steady series of mRNA jabs, they still failed. The truth about covid’s minimal Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) still spread, along with data proving the uselessness of the mandates and lockdowns. There was nothing they could do about it."


Globalists Are Taking The Mask Off And That’s A Bad Sign…


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Yet Another Tommy...."They've realized they don't have as much control over the flow of information and public discourse as they originally assumed." Exactly, and I'd like to ad...their agenda 21 bit the dust years ago. Now they are running scared and need to put maximum pressure on before too many wake up. We need to be resolute and ready.

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They know they can't do it Pinochet style anymore, there are too few of them and too many of us. Now they see that the stealth BS combined with censorship and propaganda is not working either. Next step I figure is pure bluff on their part and we must be ready to call it.

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Today's pure bluff is that there has just been a third attempt on Trump's life. This is complete barnyard effluent, injected purely to deflect attention from the fact that Tim Walz (Kamala's VP, in case you don't recognise the name) has just been indicted for major covid-era fraud which was at least covered up by him during his tenure as governor of Minnesota. Called this one. Need another one, Barry ....

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

Not a bad article, but it suggests that the globalist scumbags are going to succeed with censorship next time around. I have my doubts. Censoring people just makes them angry and they will find a way around it even if they have to publish their own newspaper like John Peter Zenger.

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The pathocrats won't succeed.

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That's my point.

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Margaret Ana Alice has coined the term for them "philanthropaths."

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How about a full court press on the lying media? We need our people to gain significant control. Maybe pool resources and buy a TV station?

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start a democracy wall in your town with leaflets

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Del Bigtree has a great broadcasting company already.

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And in NZ we have an online "radio" station called Reality Check Radio (RCR). Check it out ...https://realitycheck.radio/

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Good start, and of course I appreciate Del, and Dore and Rogan, but I am speaking about something even bigger. Like one of the big corporate media outlets.

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The problem is that too many freedom lovers have taken off their holsters.

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Plenty of them have been putting them on.

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Not enough of them to normalize exercise of the Second Amendment as it was in the nation's first century. If I were the king of public education, there would be two electives from which one had to be passed to graduate from high school or get a GED: marksmanship and/or paramedicine. That way everyone could inflict gunshots or treat one.

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Information in school about logic and reasoning are what's needed, not guns and martial arts. The pathocrats would love for you to take up guns, its what they're best at. Non-violence will be the only way to win.


The Forbidden Knowledge of Natural Law

Mark Passio - Lecture 1 of 3


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If the "pathocrats" were good at guns, they wouldn't need to have boot camps in the military.

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Dear Vonu. Remember that "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. " There is always a better way if one treats a threat as a Mission Impossible scenario and comes up with a non-violent workable solution. It takes planning and talented friendlies but I have done some things in the past to get around obstacles and it can work.

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You're obviously just a provocateur.

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A majority of Americans practicing logic and reasoning would be the end of democracy because it isn't logical or reasonable in a free society.

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Logic and reasoning lead to the flourishing of democracy, not its end. Democracies do have limits, though, at the boundaries of the republic.

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Your education in American history must have begun during Lincoln's treason.

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What do you mean? Please be clear.

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What a swell idea!

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IMHO, I would also say besides marksmanship, good martial arts training is equally important. Walker Texas Ranger style in K-12 schools would be good.

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Martial arts proficiency takes way more than a semester.

Very few Texas Rangers have a belt besides their gunbelt.

Just because it is on television is no indicator it is real.

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I know it takes more than a semester, which is why I said K-12. Any child or young person who is good, should be allowed to get out of basketball, baseball, gymnastics. It's much more important to learn than any other sport that PE teaches, IMHO along with the religious aspect. Then more martial arts instructors should be trained in every state.

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

How would you even know how many there are?

There wasn't enough support during the American Revolution until it turned out that there actually was.

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The universal support in the American Revolution came from the British treating armed Americans like the Zionists are treating unarmed victims of genocide.

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How would I know how many of what there are?

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"Not enough of them to normalize exercise of the Second Amendment"

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When the masks come off we'll then know who the targets are! Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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Non-violence is the only way to win this.

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What would have happened if 85 years ago we'd used that tactic on Adolf Hilter? You'd be speaking German today! Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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It would have been far better if they had non-violently laughed him out of the beer halls before they had their unfortunate asses run over with allied tanks.

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I take your point Tommy, but I'm not sure we ever got close to a passive conclusion. There are certain people that only know one sort of resolution. Some only react to physical tactics, not pacifist actions that cause no concern to those who don't G.A F.

I'm not sure pacifists simply don't just get downtrodden because they have no form of meaningful defence! No way of scaring the 'enemy'.

Regards! Mick (My philosophy = retaliate first!)

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"This totalitarian arrangement will constitute a grave and dire and immediate threat to the Sovereignty and Independence of all United Nations Member States. For these reasons, I implore you to vigorously oppose this Pact for the Future."

Demarche against UN Pact for the Future


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Brandon great article!

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John Kerry should be put on a wanted poster for conspiring to overthrow the government.

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Very ominous, not just Tedros but all those who ally themselves with him. They use fake claims of threats of violence to be perpetrated by people who just want to mind their own business and be left alone as an axiom (with no valid evidence to support it) to establish their censorship/tyranny machine, just like they did with the J6 op.

Thanks Meryl for keeping us informed.

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

Who's listening anymore? Hillary and Kerry got ratioed, Ursula is known in many circles as "Von de Lyin'" and how many people thought Tedros was worth paying attention to even during the plandemic. Yeah, you had to concern yourself with what he said, while knowing he was FOS.

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It seems to be like Orwell said that the state depends on propaganda and brute force to keep things going; when propaganda fails (and it has succeeded unfortunately with a lot of people) then they have to go to brute force. Even if we ignore Tedros, the leadership of our own country and the actions they plan to take are far more concerning.

God help us all.

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What actions are those? And what leadership are we talking about? Kamala? Even if they managed to cheat their way in, too many people would figure that out and it wouldn't be pretty for them.

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A lot of people are indeed onto them. I don’t mean to be black pilling, but lots of people have known about the corruption of other tyrants and been unable to stop it (for a significant period of time anyway, perhaps decades or more). This group has made their deal with the devil and plan to use the considerable force of the state to pursue their aims, probably using UN soldiers and illegal “migrants” as well as weaponized federal agencies to do the dirty work. I’m not suggesting giving in, in spite of the above.

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Well they may need un soldiers for when people finally realize millions n millions n millions v@xed have died and really raise cain

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

Yeah, they will try all kinds of things. So far the only thing that has worked was the Covid scam along with that initial censorship but nobody knew what was going on. People know know and they haven't been doing that well.

And why do so many people think the UN blue helmets would be dangerous? I have never understood that. They are nothing.

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Dave Hodges has reported that 7 divisions of Chicom soldiers were in the US, from his sources in immigration/border patrol. That was a couple of months ago. In any event they have let in, housed, fed and financed and likely armed god knows how many military aged illegals. I don’t know what color their helmets will be but their plan seems clear to deploy them against US citizens.

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I’m not the least bit worried about this. They tried. It failed, and in fact, more and more people are waking up. No one talks about getting a Covid booster. The Monkey Pox “emergency” fell flat, even though Governor Hochul called a state of emergency. Newsom tried to ban political memes and a judge filed an injunction based on Freedom of Speech. Witness CBS’s recent mess where they released one video of Kamala’s word salad and then when the interview was aired, the answer was different. They are now facing the fallout. Just like ABC after the debate. Multiple sponsors left, they lost about $51 million in advertising dollars and are now laying off employees. Now Newsom is trying to outlaw I.D.’s; I’m waiting for the backlash. I guess he forgot that this is a Federal election and he can’t change the rules. I saw videos with hundreds of thousands of people protesting in European cities during the lockdown. All these people who attend the annual WEF meeting, eat caviar, and have high class prostitutes are the minority. We are the people and without us they can’t do these things.

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I have some sisters-in-law who still insist on getting the boosters but yeah, most people aren't.

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Then Tedros, and the rest of the scumbags, should stop spreading it.

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It seems to me the only ones giving out missinfo are the very ones that complain about it. The medical community and the globalists are the only ones decrying it. What they are really trying to do is shut anyone up that would question their miss info. That ain’t gonna happen. Truth always prevails against the evil of the lying globalists. The best thing to do is expose them for what they really are, Murderers

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“ During the COVID-19 pandemic, falsehoods about masks, vaccines and “lockdowns” spread as fast as the virus itself, and were almost as deadly.” That’s correct, but he fails to mention by whom they were spread. It was WHO et al.

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Who died and made him boss.🤬

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It is obvious that behind Tedros is Bill Gates, who is skilled in information control.

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"We cannot assume or expect trust; we must earn it. " Damn right! And those who have earned it are the courageous medical professionals and researchers who have demonstrated Defiance, not compliance!

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

Yes, the mantra " mis, dis, mal-information" of WEF, WHO, J KERRY, HRC, UN. Why? because despite the collusion of these agencies and their funded psyop across the planet they failed to take total control due to the free flow of communication, even though they spent 100's of millions attacking free speech. Deplatforming, creating mandates and a blacklist of good Dr's. Patrick Wood did a great article on this on his site CFFS Citizens for Free Speech.

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Teddy and WHO along with the UN are all 110% lies, propaganda, disinformation, misinformation and unlimited corruption and fraud. Shut them down, now.

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If the speech was presented as video cartoon on gocomics, it would be a source of loud laughter.

Because a real scientist has the capability to present difficult issues in a way laymen can grasp immediately and also verify when not fully understanding. Meryl's slides are a great example of that.

IOW the issue of trust would not even arise!

That it has arisen could be interpreted this way: the WHO isn't run by real scientists but by corporations / crooks / villains with a sinister agenda that when fully known, would start a global revolution.

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Not everything is a hill to die on, but free speech is. It is an inalienable right and whichever 'law' they write up cannot change that. All we have to do is to collectively ignore any 'law' that limits speech.

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