Meryl, thank you for posting this. Months ago, I had tried to alerg my Congressional rep and my two Senators about this issue - and they were 100% ignorant about it, and although it was clear to me that this treaty would override US sovereignty, they were like - no, that will never happen, we have a Constitution, and I'm thinking, yup, we have a Constitution but it does not work if you sign away your sovereignty to the WHO. They knew nothing about it and didn't believe it. So I am thankful to have the sample letter. I know an attorney who goes to the UN for meetings, and asked him about it to get more details and help with a letter - he asked a staff member to get back to me, but never happened. So, it really is very important that yoiu have made this letter available. It is good they identified very specifically where the problematic language is and what Congress should be aware of. BUT - I am interested to know if anyone does know - when is the next time that this is going to come up? Now we are one week before Christmas, should letters be sent right at this moment? It's a busy time of year, and in the new year, some Senators and some Congressional reps will be gone, replaced by new ones. What I remember from when this came up in the recent past, there was goign to be a vote on this treaty in Geneva and then some of the Muslim nations said they would not go for this and they needed more time to consider etc. so it was stalled, which is awesome, but the idea was to just vote on it in Geneva at the World Health Assembly, and if all the nations accepted it there, it was a done deal, I thought, because they were "just amendments" to an existing treaty - yes, amendments that let WHO take over, totally, our pandemic supervision which means anything and everything - lock us down for months, cancel elections to keep us safe from a virus, bring in UN troops to supervise and "keep us safe." But - now - does anyone have any idea how soon a vote at the UN might come up, or how soon do we really need to write to our Senators and Congressional rep? Would appreciate any further input related to optimal timing of when we should be communicating on this, thank you.

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May 2023 this will be discussed, and that would be the earliest time when there could be a vote. If they don't have the votes to pass it won't get voted on. The letters should be sent to the members of the Congress that will convene in January, of course, and they will at a minimum have to get someone to write a form letter about the issue.

Then later you try to get a meeting about it, and you bring a copy of the Amendments and the troubling language and force the member of aide to look at it.

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Thanks this is helpful to be aware of this timeline. It is not an emergency at this second, and we do have time to work on it, starting in January. I agree, letter in January then, and a meeting after that.

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Yes and I too have sent letters and I will probably send this one too as it more comprehensive than the first one I sent. I always request a reply too.

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They've already got the support of the corrupt representatives of most countries! Hopefully we'll terminate the WHO and the latest criminals that have been appointed by Bill Gates to complete his latest Vax Marketing Plan? Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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I'm all for getting out WHO and sorry that BIden got us back in, but that is what one would expect from Biden. I was thankful that there were enough middle eastern and African nations who refused to support the WHO treaty amendments when the vote came up not so long ago, I've forgotten now when it was, but I was quite concerned it would pass - and it was stopped by these African and middle eastern nations who would not agree to it. We may not be so lucky another time, and the best solution for the US would be to completely cut ties with the WHO, though there are many in the US who will not have enough sense to see it. It will take some effort to stop this.

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Thanks to Carolyn Betts for the excellent letter template. Done! Done! and Done!

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Meryl thank you so much for posting this. i'm going to cut and paste and start the process and hope to get the letters out in the next few days. i so appreciate the work you do and your tone...i can deal with it somehow. i follow James Roguski but i simply don't have the courage to read his posts all the way down, they scare the crap out of me. this is short and simple, all business, and i can do it.

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Thank you for all your amazing work for truth and freedom and health and transparency. I am unsubscribing b/c I'm going away for a few months where I'll have limited access to internet....a sabbatical, to regroup, and come back fresh to resume this exhausting fight again.

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Great job Meryl! Hopefully you can wake up some that still believe that Vax is safe & effective and that 1000s are NOT DYING after receiving the Cull shot!

The New World Order (WEF) are in control the redundant and now criminally inept World Health Organisation and are preparing the next Viral nightmare to be released upon humanity to sell even more USELESS but DEADLY injections (called 'vaccines'). To be announced by the obsolete and now criminal WHO.

Does anybody really believe any Pfizer 'in house' data? It's all about PROFIT so the Post Vax DEATHS & Injuries are minimised, hidden, mis-appropriated, 'lost', or ignored.

IVERMECTIN works! Decades of stats prove it really is SAFE & EFFECTIVE against Viral diseases.

Covid Vax DOES NOT WORK against Covid and can be DEADLY! It's really just a Cull of humanity!

We must all deny the credibility of the recently restructured World Health Organisation which, since being 'taken over' by Bill Gates (now the biggest benefactor = influencer) has lost its independent Health Mission and status. The WHO is now just a marketing arm of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (although Melinda's has now jumped ship!). Working in unison with the WEF (New World Order).

The WHO now has no credibility and is now a meaningless part of World Health issues.

We, the public, deny all involvement and credibility of the 'expired World Health Organisation' and refuse to acknowledge their 'New World Order' control processes they intend to impose upon humanity - for the purpose of inventing non-existent Scamdemics, the imposition of (deadly) injections called VACCINES and other control methods such as lock-downs and mask-wearing!

'LIABILITY' must be reintroduced as COMMON SENSE for all medicine makers that continue to foist deadly injections into human beings without the consequence of Injuries or DEATHS that follow the process! It's nothing more than a 'LICENCE to KILL'.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I can join dots.

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The Who's International Health Regulation Amendment is forty six pages of bio warfare information instructions. The United States must exit any and all of this evil garbage. The world looks to the United States to stop this tyranny and to stop this INHUMANE technocratic surveillance cage that each and every one of us will live in. It is INHUMANE to monitor and surveil everybody's movements and whereabouts. This is how animals behave before they kill their prey - they stalk their prey and when the timing is right, they go in for the kill.

All the health dangers we face in the world today are the result of scientific innovation, taken too far.

How many people do they intend to harm, maim, and kill in the process of trying to learn the complexities of disease in humans? In reality, this is a financially incentivized murder for data killing spree in the works. Their mRNA harmful inoculations promoted and pushed on the public as vaccines is the most horrible hoax our world has ever known.

What we need are leaders with wisdom and not smooth talking tyrannical dictators monitoring our every move. They should outlaw mRNA technology or gene therapy or whatever word they use to push these shots, and CRISPR Cas9, technology, too. They are dehumanizing the field of medicine and we would be better off if they outlawed these technologies, and shut down their bio labs, and started monitoring and surveilling scientific researchers, and their supply chain, instead.

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Also… here is a great video to share re: the big big picture of tranhumanist agenda in a historical context and of course how it relates to what has transpired over the last three years.

From Vermont Mad River Valley TV… yes there are a few reasonable voices in Vermont


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i'm reading through it and i object to the term 'woke' in the bullets up at the top. i think using that term will cause the recipient to instantly categorize the sender as a biased right winger and make the reader less inclined to take the rest of the letter seriously. not sure if you have the ear of Carolyn Betts Meryl but i think that change should be made to the template.

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Good point… you can change that yourself too in your letter. It is imperative that we don’t appear partisan, but appeal to reason and the quest for protecting humanity.

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Is there anyway to send this in a prepopulated format specific to your state reps, like CHD or Stand For Health Freedom does ?

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Thank you for this, it's a terrific template. I'll use this myself, and post it own social media for others to use.

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i sent to Schumer and Gillibrand. my new rep will be Mike Lawler but he doesn't have an address yet. come January i will send the letter to him. thank you for making this easier.

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This whole covid experience is an egregious abuse of power and concentrating power even more is asking for more trouble.

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I sent the template letter to US Senator. Thank you Meryl.

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Good for you! Keep it up and they will have to concede to reality eventually! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed 'cos I joined the dots from day one!

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All well and good but Treaties are ratified not by the Whole Congress.,,,Just the Democrat controlled Senate.,,

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Our Senators...From the Great States of "Cialis"...By he way... The "Senate" is truly a "Toilet"...

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