Problem-Reaction-Solution. Yeah...that dog will hunt.
A theory postulated by David Icke in which the government (or self-appointed higher power) manipulates the population by introducing a problem and then using their own means to solve that problem.
True that. I believe he was one of the first to coin the phrase. We can safely dispense of the word "theory." Of course, he's just another nut job. (wink, wink).
The idea of Problem-Reaction-Solution did not originate with David Icke. Antony Sutton was writing about this idea in his 1983 book "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones" and probably earlier. The roots of the idea can be traced back to Chalybäus who was interpreting Hegel's dialectics in the early 1800s. It's possible Icke coined the term "PRS" but the idea itself was already around.
I give WHO the CHUTZPAH award for claiming that "others" are providing "misinformation," not them! This is just another case of "projection," that is, they claim that "others" are doing something that THEY ARE DOING! "How convenient," said the Church Lady...
What is the point of such images? There is not a single positive word on it. Instead, there are 19 messages of fear and terror. I would call it an altar for worshipping the oppression. No fun.
"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas." - Brock Chisholm (1st director General of the World Health Organization. 1948-1953)
Watching the noon "news" on WABI today, what's-her-name said "janitor," looked bewildered, then continued on with "mills"!!! I could only picture Janet Mills pushing a 55-gallon drum full of MAINE to the dumpster!
Dear Dr. Nass. Greetings from Lima, Peru. Just to express my gratitude for all the work that you are doing. América, The Americas (North Central South) the planet are rotating contradictorily between to major ego-mind forces: Re-Westernization and De-Westernization. We know who are the lead countries for each block. Despite the rich heritage and patrimony of the world: the millenary spiritual traditions represented by Non Duality. The majority of people in the planet are immersed in Duality or Dualism. The latter keeps us stuck to the Violence-Survival mode. This sort of mind-ego swamp keeps us trapped in a false identity: We/I/You/They/Me are separated from each other and the world. The whole societal building. Its foundations lay even today, despite that as a whole we are not any more in a primitive survival mode. Our genotype, our physical appearance is taking distance from that of the monkey (if we descend from such animal). Anyways, less monkey appearance, more suit and tie. We do not use sticks and rocks anymore. Now the almighty great super powers use nuclear and biological weapons. The human subconscious of the majority, if not all our leaders, still is in the ego-mind mode of hitting the chest and throwing lethal weapons. Weapons that have a price. Not only greedy money but a perverse degrading low logic and cero ethics. The shallow waters of the egotistic mind are preventing in each of us to transcend and reside in the Consciousness mode. Consciousness is egoless, mindless. It transcends the ego-mind-individual. It is the source from which springs naturally Cooperation and Co-Existence. The Consciousness Only Model is the temporary missing, marginalized Science of the Absolute or Consciousness. Once all the false comes down, we will see our real and only one eternal identity. Due apologies for my rusty non native English. Blessings. Tirso G.
Problem-Reaction-Solution. Yeah...that dog will hunt.
A theory postulated by David Icke in which the government (or self-appointed higher power) manipulates the population by introducing a problem and then using their own means to solve that problem.
More than David think that. I think it way past theory with a preponderance of evidence supporting that as fact.
True that. I believe he was one of the first to coin the phrase. We can safely dispense of the word "theory." Of course, he's just another nut job. (wink, wink).
The idea of Problem-Reaction-Solution did not originate with David Icke. Antony Sutton was writing about this idea in his 1983 book "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones" and probably earlier. The roots of the idea can be traced back to Chalybäus who was interpreting Hegel's dialectics in the early 1800s. It's possible Icke coined the term "PRS" but the idea itself was already around.
Isn't that essentially the Hegelian Dialectic? (Not to split hairs...)
How about a "Kill the snake" cartoon next please? Set the child free.
EXIT THE WHO...the U.S. should have pulled out years ago. The second letter should stand for Helll ....not Health. Anne's cartoon was 'right on'!
President Trump withdrew the U.S. from the WHO in 2020. It was Biden who rejoined the WHO.
World Hypocrisy Organization! Brilliant!
I give WHO the CHUTZPAH award for claiming that "others" are providing "misinformation," not them! This is just another case of "projection," that is, they claim that "others" are doing something that THEY ARE DOING! "How convenient," said the Church Lady...
How about a different mindset a multi generational family stomping the stuffings out of the snake.
Good cartoon.
That's it in a nutshell.
I put this on my wall.
Throw darts at it.
What is the point of such images? There is not a single positive word on it. Instead, there are 19 messages of fear and terror. I would call it an altar for worshipping the oppression. No fun.
As long as it's all equal!
Equal my a$$. Those that produce reap the rewards totally.
Awesome! I hope she’s ok with me posting it!!
YES she is; please do link to her substack. She will appreciate it!
Will do!!
"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas." - Brock Chisholm (1st director General of the World Health Organization. 1948-1953)
Governments appear to be so stupid they don't do the research on what is planned, I fear for the future.
A picture is worth a thousand words
I hope someone finds this as funny as I did:
Watching the noon "news" on WABI today, what's-her-name said "janitor," looked bewildered, then continued on with "mills"!!! I could only picture Janet Mills pushing a 55-gallon drum full of MAINE to the dumpster!
Thank you so much, Meryl!
Set My People Free
Bring the WHO to its knees
Rejoice, for we are already FREE.
Dear Dr. Nass. Greetings from Lima, Peru. Just to express my gratitude for all the work that you are doing. América, The Americas (North Central South) the planet are rotating contradictorily between to major ego-mind forces: Re-Westernization and De-Westernization. We know who are the lead countries for each block. Despite the rich heritage and patrimony of the world: the millenary spiritual traditions represented by Non Duality. The majority of people in the planet are immersed in Duality or Dualism. The latter keeps us stuck to the Violence-Survival mode. This sort of mind-ego swamp keeps us trapped in a false identity: We/I/You/They/Me are separated from each other and the world. The whole societal building. Its foundations lay even today, despite that as a whole we are not any more in a primitive survival mode. Our genotype, our physical appearance is taking distance from that of the monkey (if we descend from such animal). Anyways, less monkey appearance, more suit and tie. We do not use sticks and rocks anymore. Now the almighty great super powers use nuclear and biological weapons. The human subconscious of the majority, if not all our leaders, still is in the ego-mind mode of hitting the chest and throwing lethal weapons. Weapons that have a price. Not only greedy money but a perverse degrading low logic and cero ethics. The shallow waters of the egotistic mind are preventing in each of us to transcend and reside in the Consciousness mode. Consciousness is egoless, mindless. It transcends the ego-mind-individual. It is the source from which springs naturally Cooperation and Co-Existence. The Consciousness Only Model is the temporary missing, marginalized Science of the Absolute or Consciousness. Once all the false comes down, we will see our real and only one eternal identity. Due apologies for my rusty non native English. Blessings. Tirso G.