afd party censored mike yeadon https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/afd-censors-dr-yeadon-for-being-too

res ipsa loquitur

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Yes. I came to say the same!

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It looks as if this I'd a letter from AfD to Health Minister Lauterbach, asking HIM to write to WHO by 30 November. Which is the last thing Lauterbach of all people would do.

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Germany added to the sceptical Nations that 'smell a rat' in the WHO Treaty which would give Gates's CORRPTED WHO, total control of EVERY NATION'S Health decisions - INCLUDING WHO then falsely declaring Diseases that would supposedly need NEW DEADLY (but highly profitable) 'Vaccines'. These poisons would be MANDATED and would, no doubt, include Genetic Modification of ALL HUMANS!

Our local Member of Parliament (Battle, East Sussex) is so incompetent, that he's even barred me from being able to email him.

His name is Huw ('Chocolate teapot') Merriman!

Not much chance of our UK's pussies even noticing there's a sinister issue afoot! Incompetent fools!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Yes! I ussed to live in Germany and still have Normie friends there.

Dr. Baum wants Lauterbach, with the other people listed (und ich means and I), to write to the WHO to explain why they are taking away rights (Selbbestimmungsrecht) and she's saying the short time period doesn't let the citizens know about this.

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I'll translate it for ya...Treacherous Teddy and his merry band of terrorists are now Kaputsky.

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I can read German 😁

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No hope that the pathetic puppets in the UK government will even realise that Bill Gates's CORRUPT World Health Organisation intends to take over the world's freedoms with their bogus Treaty!

How can so many humans be so dumb for so long without noticing the man-made Medical Catastrophe that they call Covid, along with the deadly injections they call a VACCINE?

Some of us with a brain didn't believe any of the lies about Fauci's man-modified Covid, its lethality, the sudden and mysterious disappearance of pre-existing SAFE anti-viral medicines like ivermectin, the useless injections they call VACCINES, the Lock-down nonsense, the 'excess deaths' and the increasing human illnesses caused by the depopulating injection CULL. All of the aforementioned stupidity collectively crippled every nation financially, and has permanently impacted us all = perhaps forever.

Those who believed and participated in the biggest medical travesty in history, may regret their naivety and consequential submissions forever?

We will never forget!

Never again with they be able to instigate the biggest and deadliest Medical Crime in history.

We now know the World Health Organisation has been CORRUPTED beyond credibility by finances donated by 'crackpot' benefactor, Bill Gates with his enormous 'contributions' which entitles him to 'call all the shots' and, create reasons to enforce more controls and mandates that will make his dominance over the population.

Gates has said recently;

"The most lucrative investments I ever made were in VACCINES" and

"The next one will really get their attention".

Join the dots and you'll realise he's 'invested' in total control of those left alive following his involvement in the creation of Covid and the (useless and DEADLY) depopulating injections (they pretend are 'VACCINES').

ZERO LIABILITY is the biggest clue that skulduggery is behind the adverse events - post-Covid.

We the people hereby declare the (Gates-corrupted) World Health Organisation is no longer relevant and ceases to have any authority to dictate any 'rules, laws, mandates or instructions to mankind!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots to live longer!

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Mike's talk was censored by the AfD.

This is his TD channel Dr Mike Yeadon solo channel


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Sehr Gut! Alles im Ortnung!


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