Let's look a little closer at this part-time ER doctor, who is being paid $500/hr by the Maine medical board to give them a reason to revoke my license. Hired gun or hired clown?
It's bad enough you and other doctors have been investigated and threatened for the sole crime of saving lives. But for the Maine board kangaroo court to continue this Stalinist witch-hunt against you in the face of overwhelming and irrefutable evidence in your favor - well, that shows how thoroughly corrupt and destructive these board members are. What's happening to you and other doctors makes my blood boil. I despise all medical boards anywhere in the world that have taken similar actions against good doctors with integrity.
I think maybe corruption takes a back seat to ego in scenarios like these. Doctors who see themselves as smarter than everyone else are not going to look at evidence that doesn’t support their view of themselves.
This goes beyond ego. It might have started out that way, but can't be rationalized as just ego any longer. Medical boards in the US and Canada are doubling and tripling down on their efforts to silence doctors like Dr. Nass, AFTER it has been proven conclusively these doctors are right. There's corruption in play. And people can be corrupted by something other than money - position, status, political power, reputation.
I completely agree that the corruption is deep. But I think each situation is different and that there are unique factors driving different actions by different people. I’m just looking at this particular person and perceiving an arrogance that surpasses all reason or logic.
I personally know several people who work in the medical field who are most definitely not intentionally acting in a corrupt manner but they are so full of their own intellect and superiority that they can’t see what is obvious to so many. They have been brainwashed into trusting a corrupt and psychopathic industry.
But I agree that some (many) people are acting from a knowledgeable place because of corruption. It’s hard to know on a case by case basis.
I think there are A LOT of useful idiots out there.
Yep, fired my AMA doc of 20 years in June 2021. Decent enough man and actually smart....but...I told him he has nothing to offer me of any interest whatsoever. Adios pharma controlled AMA.
The vaunted elected representatives ( representing who and what?) jockeying for the spotlight bloviating about the threat posed by Tik Tok and China harvesting data, harming our children is laughable. China has nothing on our government. Spying, manipulating, censoring and collecting data on ordinary American citizens and weaponizing the surveillance to target any dissent.Essentially, banning Tik Tok consolidates the power of our Police State, furthering the China model.
Laura Ingraham is exhibiting her superior intellect, replete with the patronizing fake staccato snarky laughter, completely missing the message.
The battling duopoly of the MSM and Fox corporate media.Each taking jabs at the other while simultaneously running Pfizer, BlackRock and Vanguard ads.
Also, they want us to think China is an enemy, however, China is actually an ally to them. They worship the Chinese model of totalitarianism and seek to implement it soon enough in the West. All one has to do is study Fidel Castro Jr., (Justin Turd-eau) for a little while to see that he is quickly implementing Chinese style traits into the Canadian government. He has even publicly stated that he adores their methods of leadership.
Take heart, Dr Nass. Dr Scott Jensen was brought before the Minnesota Medical Board for the fifth (!) time recently and was cleared of all charges. You know, for treating patients as individuals and showing skepticism of the party line on Covid. Things like that. If it can happen in Minnefornia, it can happen anywhere.
Amazing, "Dr Faust" is almost right out of a movie. What a great name for the DEVIL himself!
Just two days ago, I made a very innoculous comment that questioned vaccine safety at an article at MedpageToday.com....and the next day I discovered that I was BLOCKED from ever making a comment at that website! What a clever way to give people an impression that "everyone agrees that vaccines are completely safe" than to simply censore ANYONE and EVERYONE who simply asks quesitons about vaccine safety.
And yet, when scientific debate is stifled ir censored, this is no longer SCIENCE!
Interestingly, he evaded saying he was the Editor in Chief of Med Page Today when asked about his jobs. Instead he claimed he worked for the owner of the rag. He is a slippery character but is about to slip up as well as fail up.
Meryl, my dear, you can eat asshats like that for breakfast! when people like that tell us who they are (on social media, etc), we need to believe them. the Maine board choose the wrong person to make an example of. I can't believe this kangaroo court is still dragging out.
p.s. does the gal who's obviously dozing off even know that many thousands of YOUR supporters are watching?? it would be comical if it wasn't so infuriating.
Here's the totally innocous comment that I made at MedPageToday's article entitled, "Hospital's Board Meetings Still Barraged With COVID Accusations." The author claimed that people who were questioning the mainstream Covid narrative are "right-wing extremists." I disagreed.
"It is NOT just "right-wing" group who are concerned about the influence that Big Pharma has had on the mainstream narrative...it is many of us who are on the progressive Left too. The bottomline is that Big Pharma concentrates a lot of its advertising dollars on TV news as a clever way to influence how news is reported. There has been a lot of good research recently that has shown that much of the "misinformation" that people have received have come from mainstream sources. The MSM are not reporting good research unless it supports the narrative.
I hope this website doesn't censor this comment. I am not an extremist...and my training in public health was from good ole UC Berkeley."
Believe it or not, I was BLOCKED from the MedPageToday for the above comment!
They HAD to block it; that was a GREAT comment with too many uncomfortably solid points reasonably made that spoiled their kindergarten name-calling strategy. What else do they really have?
They don’t need facts when they have the media and their censorship tools. Sadly we are very much in the minority, without the ability to communicate collectively.
Unfortunately true, but whenever facts do slip in, the propaganda can't hold up, and the odd fact does appear, here and there. Enough to make some think - and maybe look a little more into things.
I don't think that we can assume that we are in the minority. After all, why do they cheat in the 2020 and 2022 elections unless they fear that they cannot win honestly?
I think any intellectually honest person who engages in a little research realizes that the 2020 election was "fortified" (their words for corruption of the vote)
I think that people with a least a LITTLE bit of common sense are in the MAJORITY of voters, but like Stalin said, he didn't care about voters, but about people who COUNTED the vote.
I saw - and loved - that! '... I made a very innoculous comment that questioned vaccine safety...' Beautiful!
When you can so cleverly mock that panicky level of frantic censorship, even while pointing to their anti-scientific response to instantly cover their fraud from any daylight shining in - that's impressive!
Hopefully, more and more people will continue to learn that such sites are not worth the data-dots used for their propaganda.
That must have been an excellently reasoned comment, one that they couldn't otherwise deal with without looking very silly indeed.
Thanks Dr. Nass. Wow - connections to Rick Bright! I recall Dr. Zelenko calling him out for stopping HCQ. Faust appears to be a complete idiot who will say anything if you pay him enough. The stuff about masks is amazing. In April 2020, I had read Dr. Denis Rancourt's paper "Masks Don't Work" - the only paper one needs to read to understand that they are mind control and have nothing to do with health. I was living in Hawaii at the time - I flew from Kauai to Boston on my way to Maine. The flight was overnight. There were people on that plane with masks, shields and real respirators. The flight attendants just staying in the back - no services were provided. Me? I read all night long with no mask. Covid is a DOD run depopulation program. Peace. :-)
what I remember, around EMMC were many retired nurses, whom I worked OR with, began sewing pretty little masks. I was shocked that they would actually believe this would protect them from anything. I often heard, something is better than nothing. I laughed as I asked how long do you think this will be worn and better yet how often cleaned, yuccckkkky. I still today, see cars with them as well as 'surgical' masks hanging off their mirrors or laying on dashes as if the sun would cleanse them. When will they finally awake to being lied to? Anyway, Dr. Nass, I know it has been a difficult 18 months for you, but I am so proud of you and your strength and commitment to us.
Today, 3/28/23, in my local library, I was assisted by a young man wearing a shield over goggles over his glasses, and doubled masked, one of which was an N195. I wanted to ask about his health and honestly hoped it was not some form of anxiety. There was another person working today double masked. I declined going to a public event that required vax card + neg C test within 48 hours of in-person...I could have bought an on-line ticket.
Wow. Very sad. That mask will hurt their health in a big way. Judy Mikovits wrote a great book early on, " The Case Against Masks" - excellent read. I don't think there is a way to change a person's mind that is deep in the mass formation - it's basically hypnosis. ( Matias Desmet, PhD ) Peace. :-)
How in the world can you even stomach interacting with someone (in the library) like that?
At any place of business I refuse to interact with a person who is masked. If attempting to purchase some thing, and there’s no unmasked option, I just put the items down and walk out.
Option? ...I wait to check out with someone not masked, saying how much I appreciate seeing their face and speaking with them.
when my local library opened back up (after 18 months!!) they had installed a self-check out kiosk. fine by me as I too am avoiding masked (shielded, behind a plastic wall...) workers, (mostly because I am hard of hearing and CANNOT understand a word they may need to say!) but then a few months later, they closed AGAIN, to do a deep cleaning because they suspected a patron with an infection was in the building. took them 2 weeks to do THAT. what was/is up with the libraries?
mine has been closed yet again, for the past 3 months, because of a supposed sprinkler system leak. curious...
Praying for you Dr Nass. I sincerely mean that. Not just a flippant comment. I don’t know what you believe about God but it’s time to cling tooth and nail to Him. Grab hold. We lose otherwise. At least short term. Certainly we lose our collective and individual souls. Evil is on the loose. That one Dr Faust? Name fits right?
Dr. Faust, is he in the same opera as that other Faust TikTok singer and minister of truth Jankovich? Both voices responsible for so many suffering tinnitus.
LOL. Thanks. It gets too serious sometimes. Yes I know, it IS serious but we all need to help one another laugh. Nina and this dude, match made in (opposite of) heaven.
This is unbelievable stuff for some one in India, where IVM was prescribed to millions of COVID patients with almost all fully recovering.
I myself , despite being an interventional cardiologist, managed to successfully treat more than 350 patients of C19 using IVM, with not a single one going to hospital.
I wonder what would Franz Kafka have written about present America, which certainly has degenerated into a Gestapo “Geheime Staatspolizei” land.
I know this will rankle American readers but the truth is that ,currently, there is more persecution in the US than any other nation on the planet; you treat your own well-meaning physicians in this manner.
This Faust chap is a monstrosity by any standards. He can be bought for less than one piece of silver, forget 30 pieces.
The more I write, the more incensed I become, so I should stop at this point. I hope and pray such a sordid trial never takes place in my country.
those of us who are aware of this travesty will not be rankled by your comment, because we see it as the truth. the sad, sad truth. the honest doctors, like Dr Nass, are persecuted. the greedy freaks and liars are held in high esteem.
we cannot trust the mainstream medical establishment and literally the ONLY upside is that many who previously didn't realize that, now do.
I don't think they actually want ANYONE practising medicine - just selling Official Stories and jabs. And let's face it - threatening and harassing a respected pro like Dr. Nass makes them look really bad. (Not that they seem to need help in doing that all by themselves.) An outrage, indeed!
(Odd, this posted very slowly, with two repeats which I deleted, but which eliminated all 3, so I'm repeating this post... not sure if it's my end or the site, so, just mentioning, in case it's the latter.)
Oh how I love you, Dr. Nass! The diminutive demonic demigod of death is indeed Faust incarnate. I’ve referred to him as Faustus dating back to the eighties. He is the elfin embodiment of evil. Malthusian, Mengelian, Moreauvian, Mephistphelesian, Machiavellian… his pursuit is life eternal. With his morbid band of megalomaniacal psychopaths- Schwab, Soros, Gates, Fink,Bloomberg, Buffett, Kissinger, Collins, Bright, Xi, Harari, Bezos, Kerry, Gutierrez, Bancel, Bourla, Haines, Kadlec, Farrar, Hotez, Band,Steyer,Prince Charles,… Biden is their guinea pig, decomposing in plain sight, kept alive by experimental gene therapy and technology. AR contact lenses. Deus ex machina.
Humans are useless eaters, but transhumans are necessary. Slaves.For my life, no pun intended, I cannot wrap my head around the silence. We’re a literal underground army of former contradictory propagandized “ enemies”. Manipulated to take positions assuring hatred and carefully crafted divide. I’ve had a forty plus year Huxley fixation. “ Brave New World” was required reading in the high school curriculum and I lucked out .The teacher was a retired literature professor.He hated retirement and agreed to teaching a high school course pro-bono. I was madly in lust with the ghost of Jim Morrison. Obviously he was a Huxley enthusiast. The Doors.
Huxley’s “ Brave New World” was a work of fiction. Until it wasn’t. He became frantic. Terrified of what he saw coming down the pike. He was eerily prophetic. If anybody is so inclined, search “ Mike Wallace - Aldous Huxley Interview 1958” Bone chilling prescience. Mike Wallace obviously thought he was nuts. Anybody of that era would have. But better still is a short video of Huxley explaining the symbolism of the Hindu deity “ Dancing Shiva”. Mind blowing. Shiva appears to be dancing within a Covid Corona, the arms moving in relative positions with one foot on the back of the evil dwarf ( I wonder who comes to mind)?) restraining him
From unleashing evil. It’s too fabulous. Huxley is so engrossed in thought, he appears unaware of the camera. He’s shaking his head in awe and describes his fascination, talking to himself, eventually asking ,” Why don’t we( presuming he’s referencing Christianity) have anything like this?”😂Huxley was his Malthusian brother’s nemesis.
I have watched this at least 15 x and have sent it to countless people during the past 3 years. Very few seem to realize the gravity of Huxley’s bizarrely prophetic warning. This was just the beginning. He became increasingly obsessed and all he got in return was either Wallace’s condescension , acorn or bemusement . Just like Drs Nass, Malone, Risch, Kory, Battacharaya,McCollough, Ladapo,Montagnier, Atlas, Kuldorff, Hatfill , Cole, Oswui,Smith,Yeadon,Zelenko,Mikovits,Mullis,Gold,Makary, Shiva, Ruby,Jackson,Levitt, Ionnides,Wolf. Mercola… activists Charles Ortleb, RFK Jr., Bret Weinstein, Steve Kirsch, Brave personalities Glenn Beck, Mark Steyn, Joe Rogan, Mike Flynn,Russell Brand, Kim Iversen, Jimmy Dore, Neil Oliver, Alex Berenson, Nicholas Wade, Kevin Shipp, Mehmet, HeatherHeyer,,Bill Maher, Elon Musk, Matt Taibbi, Robert Epstein, Shellenberger, Ian Miles Cheong, Tucker,Binney, PoSo,Margaret Anna Alice, Tessa Lena, Binney, Pollock, O’Keefe, Lara Logan, DeSantis, Phil Haney, Peter Pry, David Horowitz, Hoft, Greenwald, Jeffrey Tucker, Lee Smith, Stu Sheller, Sharyl Atkisson, Chris Farrell, John Solomon, Ron Johnson, Tim Canova,Steve Wozniak, David Horowitz,Dan Greenfield,Tulsi Gabbard, Eric Clapton,Ben Shapiro, Jim Kallstrom, the founder of Greenpeace, Raheem Kassam, Maajid Nawaz, Igor , Energy activist Epstein, Nigel Farage… others… Hardly a panoply of Trumpists or “ fringe conspiracy theorists”. They have either been smeared, ostracized, ruined, banned, threatened, physically injured , disappeared or met with oddly timed deaths.
Huxley, Orwell, Bradbury , Mathieson , Rand,Asimov ,Burgess,Conrad,Pasternak, Pavlov,Bonhoeffer, Hesse, Vonnegut, The Rise and Fall Of The Third Reich, Styron, Robin Cook, Marshal McLuhan,Jung, The Diary of Anne Frank, Dean Koontz,Robert Crichton removed from school libraries and many bookstores. Oh yeah! When was the last time you were able to watch reruns of The Twilight Zone, X-Files,60 Minutes episodes interviewing Soros, covering vaccine and Pharma exposé’s, Benghazi,Ukrainian Nazis,Fast and Furious, Iran Contra, Hostage Crisis, or movies- Marathon Man, The Third Man, AI, Minority Report, Network, Wag The Dog, Raid On Entebbe, Coma, Omega Man,Soylent Green, Boys From Brazil, 1984, Ship Of Fools, Gentleman’s Agreement,Jurassic Park,V Is For Vendetta,A Clockwork Orange ,Patriot Games, Stepford Wives, Manchurian Candidate, Judgement At Nuremberg, Cabaret, The Last King Of Scotland, Brave New World, Sound Of Thunder, The Time Of Our Lives, Stepford Wives, 2001 Space Odyssey, Dr Strangelove, Island Of Dr Moreau, Robocop, Waterworld , Sophie’s Choice, Outbreak, Patriot Games, Limitless, The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged… Nothing unusual, right?
GOD lives in the TRUTH - I pray you will be guided & protected from the evil cabal. Thank you for your dedication & commitment to speaking TRUTH to Medical tyranny ...
Agree with Susan in prayer. We pray in Jesus mighty name that He would protect Dr Nass in the midst of evil. Shield her and guide her words and those of her attorney. Amen.
I keep asking God to help us because it seems these people murder and destroy with no consequences - my daughter was one of the ones needing to fill an HCQ prescription given to her by a renowned NYC neurologist - somehow we got it filled in Pa when the physician literally got on the phone to the pharmacist - when she picked it up the pharmacist warned her it could kill her - Bright was responsible for thousands of deaths by defying President Trump's order to send supplies of HCQ to NY since we had the highest death rate in the world - what they did was make it only legal when you were hospitalized which was TOO LATE. Why aren't these creeps held responsible for horrific deaths? BTW. Trump fired him for that but cockroaches always find another place to live.
Doctor Faustus, in full The Tragicall History of D. Faustus, tragedy in five acts by Christopher Marlowe, published in 1604 but first performed a decade or so earlier. Marlowe’s play followed by only a few years the first translation into English of the medieval legend on which the play is based. In Doctor Faustus Marlowe retells the story of Faust, the doctor-turned-necromancer, who makes a pact with the devil in order to obtain knowledge and power. Both Doctor Faustus and Mephistopheles, who is the devil’s intermediary in the play, are subtly and powerfully portrayed. Marlowe examines Faustus’s grandiose intellectual ambitions, revealing them as futile, self-destructive, and absurd.
It's bad enough you and other doctors have been investigated and threatened for the sole crime of saving lives. But for the Maine board kangaroo court to continue this Stalinist witch-hunt against you in the face of overwhelming and irrefutable evidence in your favor - well, that shows how thoroughly corrupt and destructive these board members are. What's happening to you and other doctors makes my blood boil. I despise all medical boards anywhere in the world that have taken similar actions against good doctors with integrity.
I think maybe corruption takes a back seat to ego in scenarios like these. Doctors who see themselves as smarter than everyone else are not going to look at evidence that doesn’t support their view of themselves.
This goes beyond ego. It might have started out that way, but can't be rationalized as just ego any longer. Medical boards in the US and Canada are doubling and tripling down on their efforts to silence doctors like Dr. Nass, AFTER it has been proven conclusively these doctors are right. There's corruption in play. And people can be corrupted by something other than money - position, status, political power, reputation.
I completely agree that the corruption is deep. But I think each situation is different and that there are unique factors driving different actions by different people. I’m just looking at this particular person and perceiving an arrogance that surpasses all reason or logic.
I personally know several people who work in the medical field who are most definitely not intentionally acting in a corrupt manner but they are so full of their own intellect and superiority that they can’t see what is obvious to so many. They have been brainwashed into trusting a corrupt and psychopathic industry.
But I agree that some (many) people are acting from a knowledgeable place because of corruption. It’s hard to know on a case by case basis.
I think there are A LOT of useful idiots out there.
Yep, fired my AMA doc of 20 years in June 2021. Decent enough man and actually smart....but...I told him he has nothing to offer me of any interest whatsoever. Adios pharma controlled AMA.
Very similar experience in Sept. 2021! After I had covid Delta, he tried to vax me! Not going to happen! Also 20 years!
Integrity- that's the crime right there. That and contradicting "experts" like Fauci.
The vaunted elected representatives ( representing who and what?) jockeying for the spotlight bloviating about the threat posed by Tik Tok and China harvesting data, harming our children is laughable. China has nothing on our government. Spying, manipulating, censoring and collecting data on ordinary American citizens and weaponizing the surveillance to target any dissent.Essentially, banning Tik Tok consolidates the power of our Police State, furthering the China model.
Laura Ingraham is exhibiting her superior intellect, replete with the patronizing fake staccato snarky laughter, completely missing the message.
The battling duopoly of the MSM and Fox corporate media.Each taking jabs at the other while simultaneously running Pfizer, BlackRock and Vanguard ads.
Great insight!
Also, they want us to think China is an enemy, however, China is actually an ally to them. They worship the Chinese model of totalitarianism and seek to implement it soon enough in the West. All one has to do is study Fidel Castro Jr., (Justin Turd-eau) for a little while to see that he is quickly implementing Chinese style traits into the Canadian government. He has even publicly stated that he adores their methods of leadership.
Scathing satire is our friend!
This is country wide also Joseph. The WHO indeed is all powerful. For now!
Take heart, Dr Nass. Dr Scott Jensen was brought before the Minnesota Medical Board for the fifth (!) time recently and was cleared of all charges. You know, for treating patients as individuals and showing skepticism of the party line on Covid. Things like that. If it can happen in Minnefornia, it can happen anywhere.
I dunno, Maine? A wee bit different from Minnesota.
How so? Minnesota is fully socialist
Good to know (I did not.)
Yes, this was a great relief to me. I was hoping he would become governor, but since that didn’t work, I wonder what he is up to now?
I think he can now practice medicine
Amazing, "Dr Faust" is almost right out of a movie. What a great name for the DEVIL himself!
Just two days ago, I made a very innoculous comment that questioned vaccine safety at an article at MedpageToday.com....and the next day I discovered that I was BLOCKED from ever making a comment at that website! What a clever way to give people an impression that "everyone agrees that vaccines are completely safe" than to simply censore ANYONE and EVERYONE who simply asks quesitons about vaccine safety.
And yet, when scientific debate is stifled ir censored, this is no longer SCIENCE!
Interestingly, he evaded saying he was the Editor in Chief of Med Page Today when asked about his jobs. Instead he claimed he worked for the owner of the rag. He is a slippery character but is about to slip up as well as fail up.
Don’t get cocky yourself. We appreciate you too much. Stay humble and smile at them. It’ll make them cringe.
Most of the people against Meryl are cocks and they're not cringe worthy.
Meryl, my dear, you can eat asshats like that for breakfast! when people like that tell us who they are (on social media, etc), we need to believe them. the Maine board choose the wrong person to make an example of. I can't believe this kangaroo court is still dragging out.
p.s. does the gal who's obviously dozing off even know that many thousands of YOUR supporters are watching?? it would be comical if it wasn't so infuriating.
Namaste, Dr Nass!
Here's the totally innocous comment that I made at MedPageToday's article entitled, "Hospital's Board Meetings Still Barraged With COVID Accusations." The author claimed that people who were questioning the mainstream Covid narrative are "right-wing extremists." I disagreed.
"It is NOT just "right-wing" group who are concerned about the influence that Big Pharma has had on the mainstream narrative...it is many of us who are on the progressive Left too. The bottomline is that Big Pharma concentrates a lot of its advertising dollars on TV news as a clever way to influence how news is reported. There has been a lot of good research recently that has shown that much of the "misinformation" that people have received have come from mainstream sources. The MSM are not reporting good research unless it supports the narrative.
I hope this website doesn't censor this comment. I am not an extremist...and my training in public health was from good ole UC Berkeley."
Believe it or not, I was BLOCKED from the MedPageToday for the above comment!
They HAD to block it; that was a GREAT comment with too many uncomfortably solid points reasonably made that spoiled their kindergarten name-calling strategy. What else do they really have?
They don’t need facts when they have the media and their censorship tools. Sadly we are very much in the minority, without the ability to communicate collectively.
Unfortunately true, but whenever facts do slip in, the propaganda can't hold up, and the odd fact does appear, here and there. Enough to make some think - and maybe look a little more into things.
I don't think that we can assume that we are in the minority. After all, why do they cheat in the 2020 and 2022 elections unless they fear that they cannot win honestly?
I think any intellectually honest person who engages in a little research realizes that the 2020 election was "fortified" (their words for corruption of the vote)
I think that people with a least a LITTLE bit of common sense are in the MAJORITY of voters, but like Stalin said, he didn't care about voters, but about people who COUNTED the vote.
I saw - and loved - that! '... I made a very innoculous comment that questioned vaccine safety...' Beautiful!
When you can so cleverly mock that panicky level of frantic censorship, even while pointing to their anti-scientific response to instantly cover their fraud from any daylight shining in - that's impressive!
Hopefully, more and more people will continue to learn that such sites are not worth the data-dots used for their propaganda.
That must have been an excellently reasoned comment, one that they couldn't otherwise deal with without looking very silly indeed.
How entirely Faustian.
This stuff writes itself.
One wonders if his choice was deliberate?
That this “expert” supports useless and harmful masking can be a basis for your lawyer to impugn his credibility on cross examination.
So sorry you are going through this.
And his support for injecting pregnant women
Right! with extra doses, not just one
Thanks Dr. Nass. Wow - connections to Rick Bright! I recall Dr. Zelenko calling him out for stopping HCQ. Faust appears to be a complete idiot who will say anything if you pay him enough. The stuff about masks is amazing. In April 2020, I had read Dr. Denis Rancourt's paper "Masks Don't Work" - the only paper one needs to read to understand that they are mind control and have nothing to do with health. I was living in Hawaii at the time - I flew from Kauai to Boston on my way to Maine. The flight was overnight. There were people on that plane with masks, shields and real respirators. The flight attendants just staying in the back - no services were provided. Me? I read all night long with no mask. Covid is a DOD run depopulation program. Peace. :-)
and the cochrane mask review, in which none of them worked
what I remember, around EMMC were many retired nurses, whom I worked OR with, began sewing pretty little masks. I was shocked that they would actually believe this would protect them from anything. I often heard, something is better than nothing. I laughed as I asked how long do you think this will be worn and better yet how often cleaned, yuccckkkky. I still today, see cars with them as well as 'surgical' masks hanging off their mirrors or laying on dashes as if the sun would cleanse them. When will they finally awake to being lied to? Anyway, Dr. Nass, I know it has been a difficult 18 months for you, but I am so proud of you and your strength and commitment to us.
Today, 3/28/23, in my local library, I was assisted by a young man wearing a shield over goggles over his glasses, and doubled masked, one of which was an N195. I wanted to ask about his health and honestly hoped it was not some form of anxiety. There was another person working today double masked. I declined going to a public event that required vax card + neg C test within 48 hours of in-person...I could have bought an on-line ticket.
They are certifiably crazy. Seriously, that’s just looney tunes. These people must be afraid of their own shadows.
Wow. Very sad. That mask will hurt their health in a big way. Judy Mikovits wrote a great book early on, " The Case Against Masks" - excellent read. I don't think there is a way to change a person's mind that is deep in the mass formation - it's basically hypnosis. ( Matias Desmet, PhD ) Peace. :-)
How in the world can you even stomach interacting with someone (in the library) like that?
At any place of business I refuse to interact with a person who is masked. If attempting to purchase some thing, and there’s no unmasked option, I just put the items down and walk out.
Option? ...I wait to check out with someone not masked, saying how much I appreciate seeing their face and speaking with them.
when my local library opened back up (after 18 months!!) they had installed a self-check out kiosk. fine by me as I too am avoiding masked (shielded, behind a plastic wall...) workers, (mostly because I am hard of hearing and CANNOT understand a word they may need to say!) but then a few months later, they closed AGAIN, to do a deep cleaning because they suspected a patron with an infection was in the building. took them 2 weeks to do THAT. what was/is up with the libraries?
mine has been closed yet again, for the past 3 months, because of a supposed sprinkler system leak. curious...
Praying for you Dr Nass. I sincerely mean that. Not just a flippant comment. I don’t know what you believe about God but it’s time to cling tooth and nail to Him. Grab hold. We lose otherwise. At least short term. Certainly we lose our collective and individual souls. Evil is on the loose. That one Dr Faust? Name fits right?
As Dr Toby Rogers writes it’s a Spiritual War.
Dr. Faust, is he in the same opera as that other Faust TikTok singer and minister of truth Jankovich? Both voices responsible for so many suffering tinnitus.
Prolly a closet romance. Their union deserves nothing better.
LOL. Thanks. It gets too serious sometimes. Yes I know, it IS serious but we all need to help one another laugh. Nina and this dude, match made in (opposite of) heaven.
Where do they find these mthr pfuckers?
In the bottom of the proverbial barrel
Clif High calls them the mother WEFers! And that about covers it! :-)
This is unbelievable stuff for some one in India, where IVM was prescribed to millions of COVID patients with almost all fully recovering.
I myself , despite being an interventional cardiologist, managed to successfully treat more than 350 patients of C19 using IVM, with not a single one going to hospital.
I wonder what would Franz Kafka have written about present America, which certainly has degenerated into a Gestapo “Geheime Staatspolizei” land.
I know this will rankle American readers but the truth is that ,currently, there is more persecution in the US than any other nation on the planet; you treat your own well-meaning physicians in this manner.
This Faust chap is a monstrosity by any standards. He can be bought for less than one piece of silver, forget 30 pieces.
The more I write, the more incensed I become, so I should stop at this point. I hope and pray such a sordid trial never takes place in my country.
God, Dr Meryl, is on your side. Definitely.
those of us who are aware of this travesty will not be rankled by your comment, because we see it as the truth. the sad, sad truth. the honest doctors, like Dr Nass, are persecuted. the greedy freaks and liars are held in high esteem.
we cannot trust the mainstream medical establishment and literally the ONLY upside is that many who previously didn't realize that, now do.
He comes off as arrogant and condescending. That the Maine Board is even questioning that you should be able to practice medicine is outrageous!
I don't think they actually want ANYONE practising medicine - just selling Official Stories and jabs. And let's face it - threatening and harassing a respected pro like Dr. Nass makes them look really bad. (Not that they seem to need help in doing that all by themselves.) An outrage, indeed!
(Odd, this posted very slowly, with two repeats which I deleted, but which eliminated all 3, so I'm repeating this post... not sure if it's my end or the site, so, just mentioning, in case it's the latter.)
Its a small world at the bottom.
Oh how I love you, Dr. Nass! The diminutive demonic demigod of death is indeed Faust incarnate. I’ve referred to him as Faustus dating back to the eighties. He is the elfin embodiment of evil. Malthusian, Mengelian, Moreauvian, Mephistphelesian, Machiavellian… his pursuit is life eternal. With his morbid band of megalomaniacal psychopaths- Schwab, Soros, Gates, Fink,Bloomberg, Buffett, Kissinger, Collins, Bright, Xi, Harari, Bezos, Kerry, Gutierrez, Bancel, Bourla, Haines, Kadlec, Farrar, Hotez, Band,Steyer,Prince Charles,… Biden is their guinea pig, decomposing in plain sight, kept alive by experimental gene therapy and technology. AR contact lenses. Deus ex machina.
Humans are useless eaters, but transhumans are necessary. Slaves.For my life, no pun intended, I cannot wrap my head around the silence. We’re a literal underground army of former contradictory propagandized “ enemies”. Manipulated to take positions assuring hatred and carefully crafted divide. I’ve had a forty plus year Huxley fixation. “ Brave New World” was required reading in the high school curriculum and I lucked out .The teacher was a retired literature professor.He hated retirement and agreed to teaching a high school course pro-bono. I was madly in lust with the ghost of Jim Morrison. Obviously he was a Huxley enthusiast. The Doors.
Huxley’s “ Brave New World” was a work of fiction. Until it wasn’t. He became frantic. Terrified of what he saw coming down the pike. He was eerily prophetic. If anybody is so inclined, search “ Mike Wallace - Aldous Huxley Interview 1958” Bone chilling prescience. Mike Wallace obviously thought he was nuts. Anybody of that era would have. But better still is a short video of Huxley explaining the symbolism of the Hindu deity “ Dancing Shiva”. Mind blowing. Shiva appears to be dancing within a Covid Corona, the arms moving in relative positions with one foot on the back of the evil dwarf ( I wonder who comes to mind)?) restraining him
From unleashing evil. It’s too fabulous. Huxley is so engrossed in thought, he appears unaware of the camera. He’s shaking his head in awe and describes his fascination, talking to himself, eventually asking ,” Why don’t we( presuming he’s referencing Christianity) have anything like this?”😂Huxley was his Malthusian brother’s nemesis.
no one was ready to hear him, but if we had---Mike Wallace - Aldous Huxley Interview 1958
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alasBxZsb40. ' Half hour worth listening to. Thank you, Gail
I have watched this at least 15 x and have sent it to countless people during the past 3 years. Very few seem to realize the gravity of Huxley’s bizarrely prophetic warning. This was just the beginning. He became increasingly obsessed and all he got in return was either Wallace’s condescension , acorn or bemusement . Just like Drs Nass, Malone, Risch, Kory, Battacharaya,McCollough, Ladapo,Montagnier, Atlas, Kuldorff, Hatfill , Cole, Oswui,Smith,Yeadon,Zelenko,Mikovits,Mullis,Gold,Makary, Shiva, Ruby,Jackson,Levitt, Ionnides,Wolf. Mercola… activists Charles Ortleb, RFK Jr., Bret Weinstein, Steve Kirsch, Brave personalities Glenn Beck, Mark Steyn, Joe Rogan, Mike Flynn,Russell Brand, Kim Iversen, Jimmy Dore, Neil Oliver, Alex Berenson, Nicholas Wade, Kevin Shipp, Mehmet, HeatherHeyer,,Bill Maher, Elon Musk, Matt Taibbi, Robert Epstein, Shellenberger, Ian Miles Cheong, Tucker,Binney, PoSo,Margaret Anna Alice, Tessa Lena, Binney, Pollock, O’Keefe, Lara Logan, DeSantis, Phil Haney, Peter Pry, David Horowitz, Hoft, Greenwald, Jeffrey Tucker, Lee Smith, Stu Sheller, Sharyl Atkisson, Chris Farrell, John Solomon, Ron Johnson, Tim Canova,Steve Wozniak, David Horowitz,Dan Greenfield,Tulsi Gabbard, Eric Clapton,Ben Shapiro, Jim Kallstrom, the founder of Greenpeace, Raheem Kassam, Maajid Nawaz, Igor , Energy activist Epstein, Nigel Farage… others… Hardly a panoply of Trumpists or “ fringe conspiracy theorists”. They have either been smeared, ostracized, ruined, banned, threatened, physically injured , disappeared or met with oddly timed deaths.
Huxley, Orwell, Bradbury , Mathieson , Rand,Asimov ,Burgess,Conrad,Pasternak, Pavlov,Bonhoeffer, Hesse, Vonnegut, The Rise and Fall Of The Third Reich, Styron, Robin Cook, Marshal McLuhan,Jung, The Diary of Anne Frank, Dean Koontz,Robert Crichton removed from school libraries and many bookstores. Oh yeah! When was the last time you were able to watch reruns of The Twilight Zone, X-Files,60 Minutes episodes interviewing Soros, covering vaccine and Pharma exposé’s, Benghazi,Ukrainian Nazis,Fast and Furious, Iran Contra, Hostage Crisis, or movies- Marathon Man, The Third Man, AI, Minority Report, Network, Wag The Dog, Raid On Entebbe, Coma, Omega Man,Soylent Green, Boys From Brazil, 1984, Ship Of Fools, Gentleman’s Agreement,Jurassic Park,V Is For Vendetta,A Clockwork Orange ,Patriot Games, Stepford Wives, Manchurian Candidate, Judgement At Nuremberg, Cabaret, The Last King Of Scotland, Brave New World, Sound Of Thunder, The Time Of Our Lives, Stepford Wives, 2001 Space Odyssey, Dr Strangelove, Island Of Dr Moreau, Robocop, Waterworld , Sophie’s Choice, Outbreak, Patriot Games, Limitless, The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged… Nothing unusual, right?
Just like
Extraordinary, isn’t it?
GOD lives in the TRUTH - I pray you will be guided & protected from the evil cabal. Thank you for your dedication & commitment to speaking TRUTH to Medical tyranny ...
Agree with Susan in prayer. We pray in Jesus mighty name that He would protect Dr Nass in the midst of evil. Shield her and guide her words and those of her attorney. Amen.
The beautiful thing is, words flow effortlessly and perfectly from Dr. Nass with nary a hesitation. Gifted. Blessed.
I keep asking God to help us because it seems these people murder and destroy with no consequences - my daughter was one of the ones needing to fill an HCQ prescription given to her by a renowned NYC neurologist - somehow we got it filled in Pa when the physician literally got on the phone to the pharmacist - when she picked it up the pharmacist warned her it could kill her - Bright was responsible for thousands of deaths by defying President Trump's order to send supplies of HCQ to NY since we had the highest death rate in the world - what they did was make it only legal when you were hospitalized which was TOO LATE. Why aren't these creeps held responsible for horrific deaths? BTW. Trump fired him for that but cockroaches always find another place to live.
Firing him did not get the FDA to delete his proscription.
THAT would have been appropriate.
Well. It’s seems like he’s sold his soul to the devil, just like his namesake. What utter scum.
Doctor Faustus, in full The Tragicall History of D. Faustus, tragedy in five acts by Christopher Marlowe, published in 1604 but first performed a decade or so earlier. Marlowe’s play followed by only a few years the first translation into English of the medieval legend on which the play is based. In Doctor Faustus Marlowe retells the story of Faust, the doctor-turned-necromancer, who makes a pact with the devil in order to obtain knowledge and power. Both Doctor Faustus and Mephistopheles, who is the devil’s intermediary in the play, are subtly and powerfully portrayed. Marlowe examines Faustus’s grandiose intellectual ambitions, revealing them as futile, self-destructive, and absurd.