Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Meryl Nass

That's the America I live in! We buy our beef by the hindquarter from a neighbour. We can see the herd from our windows. We were in New Hampshire two weeks ago for a horse show, just a few miles from the Maine border. I was so impressed by the immediate orderliness of the State once we crossed the border from Vermont, and the people were friendly and independent and so clearly had their acts together.

It felt like the America I remember in the 1960s.

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Jun 26Liked by Meryl Nass

And no billboards in Maine!

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Jun 26Liked by Meryl Nass

Thank you from New Hampshire!

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Jun 26Liked by Meryl Nass

Meryl, that is a mental hold your breath moment between the puppy and the peacock contrasted against increased security at city hall. Like a shadow forecast of what may come. And at the same time, I do not believe there would not be another person just going out for pizza who would have noticed the divergence in the headlines, let alone make an insightful and numerous post about it. Thanks, this made my evening (along with RFK Jr’s decision to live stream with the debate)

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Cognitive dissonance is all around--especially here in Hancock County, Maine. Meryl isn't alone in noticing it. (In my town, we have a food sovereignty ordinance FFS, but yet people were extra-enthusiastic about lining up for the jabs when our Democrat-led state government said so. Weird!) So many older people who were hippies and supposedly all about freedom have ossified into dull-brained followers of authority. We have the biggest audience for CNN in the country up here.*sigh*

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I have noticed the same phenomenon among that age group. They still wear masks in stores, and when I remark that I haven't seen them in awhile they reply that they just stay on their property. Strange to me.

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Ooops- that was supposed to be humorous, not numerous 😚

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Jun 26Liked by Meryl Nass

I guess I have a better understanding of why the pilot for "CSI: Ellsworth" never got picked up by the network.

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The peacocks wouldn't take a salary cut?

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They never were big on humility. Plus, they strut around as if they own the place.

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There's a reason it's called "peacocking!"

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farmmatch.com - guys, this is where you can get grassfed raw milk and meat. Support local and regenerative agriculture

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We get Butcherbox, all grass fed, independent, free range. We used to get White Oak Pastures, which has a slaughter process designed by Temple Grandin to be utterly humane, but it is expensive. All meat has to say "grass fed grass finished" as they try to get away with throwing the cows a handful of grass, some regulatory loophole, and "free range", all they have to do is open the barn door twice a day or something. It costs more, but if you pair it with intermittent fasting (except for the kids and elderly), you can bring the costs down. Those necrofascists from BlackRock are advocating eating sugary cereals instead of proteins for dinner. [expletive deleted] Regenerative is great!

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necrofascists = perfect nomer!

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Indeed. Peace and love to you!

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I work with US Wellness - you guys must try them! Check out the Cooking Videos we make - Peace to you! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuEb2wmRrut1hpnRtTgOLWkUSqNhMhu6K&si=wjVylVUT8qJ3D-I9

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I was hoping you were giving a girl a good dating site! lol!

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lmao! Haven't found one yet.

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Jun 26Liked by Meryl Nass

I'm glad you can actually get home once in a while!

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Meryl Nass

I buy grass-fed beef from a California rancher who has not raised his prices since I started buying from him a couple of years ago.

Yes, there is less beef being produced, but people are still buying (mostly grain-fed) beef despite the prices. Demand is such that there is less beef being exported.



It appears that there are a number of cattle people don't trust the USDA (which is a good thing):


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Jun 26Liked by Meryl Nass

There’s a panic button at City Hall? For arguments? Seriously? There was an argument….someone panicked….and pushed a panic button…to call the cops. For an argument. Did I get that right?

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We have had some mass deaths of cattle the last 4 years, most recently the suspicious origin 'wildfire' in the TX panhandle. Given that Gates doesn't want us to eat beef (and they plan on using MRNA vax on them), it is little wonder the cattle stocks are low. Keeping the prices high is the best way to discourage consumption. Eat more wild caught fish.

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O Biden just gave the okay to sell Fukushima Japan seafood. ☢️

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I have been sourcing Atlantic caught fish only for quite some time; but that is a word to the wise.

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100% a crme.

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Jun 26Liked by Meryl Nass

With Maine sharing a more than 600-mile border with the Canadian Provinces of Quebec & New Brunswick, this information about our northern border is also newsworthy...https://amgreatness.com/2024/06/25/illegal-crossings-over-northern-border-have-surged-by-over-1000-under-biden/

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Jun 26Liked by Meryl Nass

Here is another recent interesting piece of news about Maine....https://needtoknow.news/2024/06/democrats-shut-down-investigation-into-maines-surging-excess-deaths/

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Jun 26Liked by Meryl Nass

Dr. Nass, in the print news biz, the "lower half" of Sect. A is called "below the fold".

The most important headlines are always "above the fold" b/c thats what shows in newsprint display boxes / newsstands, etc.

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Jun 26Liked by Meryl Nass

The small towns must survive or be renewed. I love those papers. The Russian River paper used to have long editorials about large weeds that half obscured traffic signs, with many letters arguing the issue. Glad you are out eating pizza and reading hometown papers.

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Jun 26Liked by Meryl Nass

Whether electronic eartags can be required is still up for grabs! This can be stopped! The Weston A. Price Foundation, WAPF.org, sent out an urgent take action email about this, asking people to contact reps to oppose it.

Here's the link to see what you can still do: Link to share: https://www.westonaprice.org/help-stop-forced-electronic-animal-id/#gsc.tab=0

Plus Good news – a Congressional Resolution of Disapproval has been filed in the House to stop the USDA’s senseless, damaging rule mandating electronic ID for cattle and bison!

Yes, there's good news. But there’s a long road from being filed to being passed … and the rule will go into effect in November if it’s not stopped. We need you to call your U.S. Representative to urge them to support the CRA resolution to overturn the USDA’s new rule!

Mandatory electronic Animal ID is a solution in search of a problem, and one that will harm thousands of small farmers and ranchers across the country.

The solution is simple: Keep the 2013 Animal Disease Traceability Rule unchanged, allowing farmers and ranchers to identify their animal with traditional, low-tech forms of ID or electronic ID, depending on which works best for their operations.

We urge you to take immediate action and voice your opposition to electronic animal ID mandates!

Love horses? They, too, are at risk from new electronic requirements! Why are all those racehorses dropping dead at Churchill Downs? Because, since April 29, they've all been wearing powerful WIRELESS monitors (called "STRIDESafe") See https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/why-are-all-those-racehorses-dropping

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Jun 26Liked by Meryl Nass

Dunno... those peacocks are serious business! We had a male hang around our farm in North P. for a couple weeks last year. It ate rather heartily and then moved on. I'm surprised they survive the gauntlet of coyotes around here....

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I wish all headlines were like this, lol! I feel like getting on a soapbox and shouting, "Be like the peeping peacocks! Evade capture! But don't steal cat food."

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American authorities now want me to tag my dog with some sort of digital ID now too, so I can no longer go across the border from Canada with him!!! I will not do it. If he can be traced, then so can I as he accompanies us. And who knows if they'll be able to LISTEN???? Oh good Lord, please get this government out and put things back where they were. (eh?)

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