On small farms: The mantra in our industry is "get big or get out." There is just no way to run a small farm anymore without having another job and you might still go bankrupt. To nonfarmers who protest higher food bills, please realize that most of that cost is in labor and overhead - it is certainly not going to the farmer, who continues to get pricing for his crops that he got 40 years ago. That would not be acceptable to an office worker so nobody should expect it of a farmer, but they do.
On obesity: I kept a comment made by Mary Jane Minkin at Yale School of Medicine that said "the most important medical breakthrough we could make is to control our obesity epidemic. Until we do, we have no chance of NOT bankrupting the health care system because everything is caused by obesity." She said this in April 2011. The powers in control shrugged. And so here we are, 14 years later, at the brink.
On citizenship responsibility: It is time to require those in power to do their jobs to the satisfaction of the public or be fired. And the public needs to be more aware of what is going on, for their future and that of their children.
I wonder how the viability of small farms will improve with the mass production of Teslabots, apparently in the $10k price range and are supposed to be easy to program repetitive tasks by visually demonstrating the procedure.
Elimination of "fat cat intermediary" re transportation, health, infrastructure, energy (vital issues) would improve the ability to compete for small (ecologically sound) farmers (and other small scale producers). Those "fat cat intermediaries" don't add any value so that would benefit everyone.
During the 1970s the soil depletion issue (trace elements) already was known in China so humanure was used in the fields. Results were disastrous: crops developed tumors due to "medicines" in humanure. Yet it could be part of the solution, depending on MAHA success and investment in a dual sewer system.
All trace elements are contained in the ocean, so in theory it would be possible to engineer a type of mangrove forest that accumulates them, to be harvested as supplement for standard fertilizer. Such forests would have other advantages as well (coastal protection, climate etc.).
It was Nixon/Kissinger's Ag. Secretary Earl Butz, who said "get big or get out" to farmers, putting farmers across the world out of business by driving American farm prices so low, and driving American grain production so high.
The cost of that "get big" policy couldn't be clearer. Monocultures are magnets for nonhuman consumers which in turn forces pesticide producers to get big, followed by "big pharma" to suppress the side affects on humans of "safe for use" pesticides.
As long as it's sustainable, "small is beautiful".
It is a cost born by farmers and food-insecure nations around the world, isn't it? It is born by ecosystems and living beings, certainly including humans, but it provides the strategic power of controlling global food to the imperium...
We might serve all of life on our planet better without neoliberal colonialism to extract tribute through coercion, might we not?
Distributed "small" and local would clearly be "better" in the broadest sense of ecosystem health and resilience.
Colonialism has been a cause of misery indeed. One only has to think "which peoples remain lactose-tolerant after babyhood?" Yet the habit of cow milk consumption plus the animals have been exported to all corners of the world. Wheat, ditto.
The existence of studies on fall back diets already indicates that humans can thrive on many diets which implies that major crops can be local, minimizing external resources. Nowadays the studies can include factors like dental health, muscle strength, blood vessel flexibility etc. which is reflected in low cost of healthcare, productivity, creativity etc.
Healthy, independent people, are bad-for-business.
I am actually hopeful that the longstanding Atlanticist ploy of keeping Germany and Russia at war with each other, and keeping the "special relationship" between London and Washington & NYC, may finally be thwarted by the joining of the common interests of Russia and the US, in an egalitarian framework of "multipolarity".
I don't usually allow myself hopeful feelings, but this is progressing rapidly against global financial interests, particularly European old-money.
For ages, business has been dependent on "obtaining more but without ever being contented", an affliction for the victim but psychic defect for some observers. This discontentment is increased by targeted advertising ("social" media, Google etc.) so people keep buying without environmentalists even suggesting the influence of that behavior on for instance depletion of nonrenewable resources, wars for them, or pollution.
From that perspective, a cooperative model between large powers would be beneficial and eliminating the usury system of (mostly) the West would benefit all. Few realize that their "companion beyond the grave" is conscience but when so, it's too late already and communication no longer is possible.
Maryl, have you thought about recording every your appearance, so you don't depend on incompetents and protect yourself from evil people? These days, with smart phones, it's quite easy.
The bottom line is THE LAND. They want the land and farming takes up too much land. The goal of UN Agenda 21/The Global Biodiversity Assessment/The Wildlands Project spells it out very clearly. They want to destroy all farms and seal off 75% of all land to human presence. LA said they will ban cars by 2030 and the roads will become parks......those parks are not for the people. Those parks will be for the planned rewilding of the land. This is why a push for 15 Minute Cities that are really 15 Minute Prisons. People need to do some reasearch and reading. They plan to control what people eat and believe me it won't be providing nutrition because another aspect of the plan is to reduce the population to no more than 1-2 billion people globally. AGAIN all of this is DOCUMENTED.
They're a bunch of hypocrites and liars. It's them who is responsible for the waste & destruction of vast amounts of productive land used for idiotic agrofuels, ethanol & biodiesel, which use more fossil inputs than they replace as an output. A total waste, zero value. 40% of US corn crop goes to ethanol production. An extraordinarily low efficiency way to convert biomass into liquid fuels. Converting biomass directly into methanol is 10X more efficient than ethanol via fermentation. And can be done with wildfire causing forest overgrowth, no agricultural resources needed.
And its them who are pushing nutty wind & solar scam energy. Vast land areas destroyed for a useless form of unreliable intermittent energy that has such a low EROI (Energy Return On Invested) that it is an impossible replacement for fossil fuel. But they are the same bunch who blockaded Nuclear power which can actually replace fossil on <1/300th the land area. With the highest EROI of any form of energy and the lowest emissions. So they oppose Nuclear Power. The World Bank refuses to even discuss it, while forcing Developing Nations into impoverishment by demanding they use wind & solar.
And real solutions, they avoid like they were the plague, like using floating Nuclear Power plants to pump up nutrient rich sediment from the sea floor in the vast "ocean desert" regions, causing an explosion in sea life, vast amounts of CO2 sequestered and a rich abundance of seafood for human consumption.
The simple and inescapable truth is that after ~$10 trillion in their pet "green" investments, the atmospheric GHG emissions and growth in fossil consumption has actually accelerated. A total complete failure which proves that their Green Agenda is a scam. Just throwing money away on useless "feel good" projects that achieve virtually nothing.
Meanwhile the greening of the Earth's biosphere continues, not due to their pathetic efforts, but due to increased CO2 causing increased plant growth.
On small farms: The mantra in our industry is "get big or get out." There is just no way to run a small farm anymore without having another job and you might still go bankrupt. To nonfarmers who protest higher food bills, please realize that most of that cost is in labor and overhead - it is certainly not going to the farmer, who continues to get pricing for his crops that he got 40 years ago. That would not be acceptable to an office worker so nobody should expect it of a farmer, but they do.
On obesity: I kept a comment made by Mary Jane Minkin at Yale School of Medicine that said "the most important medical breakthrough we could make is to control our obesity epidemic. Until we do, we have no chance of NOT bankrupting the health care system because everything is caused by obesity." She said this in April 2011. The powers in control shrugged. And so here we are, 14 years later, at the brink.
On citizenship responsibility: It is time to require those in power to do their jobs to the satisfaction of the public or be fired. And the public needs to be more aware of what is going on, for their future and that of their children.
Right-on, Sister. Real food with nutrients satisfies.
Junk food "empty calories" leave one craving... something more.
I wonder how the viability of small farms will improve with the mass production of Teslabots, apparently in the $10k price range and are supposed to be easy to program repetitive tasks by visually demonstrating the procedure.
Elimination of "fat cat intermediary" re transportation, health, infrastructure, energy (vital issues) would improve the ability to compete for small (ecologically sound) farmers (and other small scale producers). Those "fat cat intermediaries" don't add any value so that would benefit everyone.
During the 1970s the soil depletion issue (trace elements) already was known in China so humanure was used in the fields. Results were disastrous: crops developed tumors due to "medicines" in humanure. Yet it could be part of the solution, depending on MAHA success and investment in a dual sewer system.
All trace elements are contained in the ocean, so in theory it would be possible to engineer a type of mangrove forest that accumulates them, to be harvested as supplement for standard fertilizer. Such forests would have other advantages as well (coastal protection, climate etc.).
It was Nixon/Kissinger's Ag. Secretary Earl Butz, who said "get big or get out" to farmers, putting farmers across the world out of business by driving American farm prices so low, and driving American grain production so high.
It was/is the global-grain-weapon.
It is like having nuclear subs with ICBMs.
The cost of that "get big" policy couldn't be clearer. Monocultures are magnets for nonhuman consumers which in turn forces pesticide producers to get big, followed by "big pharma" to suppress the side affects on humans of "safe for use" pesticides.
As long as it's sustainable, "small is beautiful".
It is a cost born by farmers and food-insecure nations around the world, isn't it? It is born by ecosystems and living beings, certainly including humans, but it provides the strategic power of controlling global food to the imperium...
We might serve all of life on our planet better without neoliberal colonialism to extract tribute through coercion, might we not?
Distributed "small" and local would clearly be "better" in the broadest sense of ecosystem health and resilience.
Nice to meet you, Jan.
Colonialism has been a cause of misery indeed. One only has to think "which peoples remain lactose-tolerant after babyhood?" Yet the habit of cow milk consumption plus the animals have been exported to all corners of the world. Wheat, ditto.
The existence of studies on fall back diets already indicates that humans can thrive on many diets which implies that major crops can be local, minimizing external resources. Nowadays the studies can include factors like dental health, muscle strength, blood vessel flexibility etc. which is reflected in low cost of healthcare, productivity, creativity etc.
In centralized empires that's impossible.
Healthy, independent people, are bad-for-business.
I am actually hopeful that the longstanding Atlanticist ploy of keeping Germany and Russia at war with each other, and keeping the "special relationship" between London and Washington & NYC, may finally be thwarted by the joining of the common interests of Russia and the US, in an egalitarian framework of "multipolarity".
I don't usually allow myself hopeful feelings, but this is progressing rapidly against global financial interests, particularly European old-money.
For ages, business has been dependent on "obtaining more but without ever being contented", an affliction for the victim but psychic defect for some observers. This discontentment is increased by targeted advertising ("social" media, Google etc.) so people keep buying without environmentalists even suggesting the influence of that behavior on for instance depletion of nonrenewable resources, wars for them, or pollution.
From that perspective, a cooperative model between large powers would be beneficial and eliminating the usury system of (mostly) the West would benefit all. Few realize that their "companion beyond the grave" is conscience but when so, it's too late already and communication no longer is possible.
You might like Ugo Bardi's group, Jan. I see you just commented on his blog.
He has included me in that group, though I do email, not Facebook.
Maryl, have you thought about recording every your appearance, so you don't depend on incompetents and protect yourself from evil people? These days, with smart phones, it's quite easy.
Thank you for your contribution to freedom.
The bottom line is THE LAND. They want the land and farming takes up too much land. The goal of UN Agenda 21/The Global Biodiversity Assessment/The Wildlands Project spells it out very clearly. They want to destroy all farms and seal off 75% of all land to human presence. LA said they will ban cars by 2030 and the roads will become parks......those parks are not for the people. Those parks will be for the planned rewilding of the land. This is why a push for 15 Minute Cities that are really 15 Minute Prisons. People need to do some reasearch and reading. They plan to control what people eat and believe me it won't be providing nutrition because another aspect of the plan is to reduce the population to no more than 1-2 billion people globally. AGAIN all of this is DOCUMENTED.
They're a bunch of hypocrites and liars. It's them who is responsible for the waste & destruction of vast amounts of productive land used for idiotic agrofuels, ethanol & biodiesel, which use more fossil inputs than they replace as an output. A total waste, zero value. 40% of US corn crop goes to ethanol production. An extraordinarily low efficiency way to convert biomass into liquid fuels. Converting biomass directly into methanol is 10X more efficient than ethanol via fermentation. And can be done with wildfire causing forest overgrowth, no agricultural resources needed.
And its them who are pushing nutty wind & solar scam energy. Vast land areas destroyed for a useless form of unreliable intermittent energy that has such a low EROI (Energy Return On Invested) that it is an impossible replacement for fossil fuel. But they are the same bunch who blockaded Nuclear power which can actually replace fossil on <1/300th the land area. With the highest EROI of any form of energy and the lowest emissions. So they oppose Nuclear Power. The World Bank refuses to even discuss it, while forcing Developing Nations into impoverishment by demanding they use wind & solar.
And real solutions, they avoid like they were the plague, like using floating Nuclear Power plants to pump up nutrient rich sediment from the sea floor in the vast "ocean desert" regions, causing an explosion in sea life, vast amounts of CO2 sequestered and a rich abundance of seafood for human consumption.
The simple and inescapable truth is that after ~$10 trillion in their pet "green" investments, the atmospheric GHG emissions and growth in fossil consumption has actually accelerated. A total complete failure which proves that their Green Agenda is a scam. Just throwing money away on useless "feel good" projects that achieve virtually nothing.
Meanwhile the greening of the Earth's biosphere continues, not due to their pathetic efforts, but due to increased CO2 causing increased plant growth.
Thank you, Dr Nass! Support local farmers!!