I lost a job teaching business ethics in a Canadian University in 2013, and my course began with the Powell memorandum of 1971. It went on to examine loss of sovereignty from the trans-pacific partnership that was then at issue. My PhD was about medical whistleblowing being essential to combat the Hostile takeover bid by the billionaires using medical personnel as Frontline agents. Ahead of the curve, and unemployed as a result!
Sadly that's the new reality, forcing self-censorship on most of the population. That's why one of the objectives of their plandemic was to destroy SME's forcing everyone to work for big multi-nationals or the government, all of which they control.
Decades? Try hundreds, more likely thousands, of years, starting with the very first grain billionaires back at the beginning of what author Daniel Quinn referred to as "Totalitarian Agriculture" somewhere around 10000 B.C. David Icke calls it the Babylonian Brotherhood and other names. Bucky Fuller referred to them as the Great Pirates. For as long as great wealth has existed, its holders have had controlling power.
This is An analogy of the situation in less than half a page.
We must do it ourselves. If I do not show up and do my job. There is a hole as no one can do it for me. We cannot do it alone. Are you getting the message? Sheriffs and Deputies! Cops and Councils! There is no quit!!! This is it life and death, now.
“They” are killing us and incarcerating us and the ones doing it to us are “us.” The vax rate includes a Grandson in the Oregon National Guard. He was vaxxed over his objections. My oldest daughter got Vaxxed, then surgery for blood clots destroyed her leg. Then she died of a heart attack
All the data seems to indicate the vaxx will kill everyone in 3 to five years. That is a lot of dead family and friends. Our de jure medicos are working for our peace, safety and happiness opposing Big Pharma. Eric Dover M.D. has provided tranches of information suitable as evidence https://drdovervsomb.weebly.com find COVID, easy.
The water is topping the dam; the spillway for the reservoir is over the top. There is no floodgate or emergency spillway for relief. The reservoir is huge, a giant shore line, coves, bays, inlets from creeks and rivers. Not that deep. At this level a small increase can put things over the top. A ripple will move water into the spillway.
When it goes over the top will it be with a sufficient number of men and women to overcome the 4th Reich on America? With their entrance that was provided to the Nazis, via Paperclip, courtesy of the United States Inc. of Washington District of Columbia post WWII, CIA with MK Ultra.
There really is an active conspiracy, the industrial/military/judicial/legislative/executive/banker/ BAR/royalist/Nazi/communist/jihadist/catholic /Khazarian/UN/[Georgia Guide stoneless] complex.
A solution is to obtain remedy thru Article III Amendment VII. It is guaranteed in written form.
The last meeting of the Confederation and perpetual Union was attended by one man. There has never been a quorum since. However, every time the Congress assembled for the several States the Members present from the several States of the United States and The United States of America met. Until South Carolina left the perpetual Union 1860 and ended when the United States closed sine die. March 1861.
So the closure date by abandonment/neglect/ignorance/intent was after Oregon’s statehood 1859 and the before the departure of South Carolina 1860. That was the last lawful United States government. Therefore and thereby the people in a Jural Assembly from those 33 States will return the United States to all of us lawfully to a Constitutional Republican form of government.
ARTICLE I Section 1; Ex parte Milligan; Civilian court; Grand Jury, Article III Amendment VII verdict = remedy on Oregon. www.orsja.org
Interesting and it could be true or close or not.
This is “the diversion that kept us from returning to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2023.This was lawfully done on Oregon last year 2022... One step at a time for the last 5 years. 1st Amendment Assembly, ARTICLE I Section 1 of Oregon's Constitution circa 1859 aka Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly the provisional government on Oregon, thru 6 (six) Grand Juries, 5 (five) Civilian Courts of record aka Article III Amendment VII of The United States of America's Constitution circa 1859, Oregon's well regulated 2nd amendment militia. We have notified the FEDS DOJ, FBI, USMS, USMC; notified-tried-convicted the de facto, color of law, incorporated, State of Oregon aka STATE OF OREGON, Salem oligarchy of judiciary, executive, legislative, 36 Sheriffs, 38 Prosecutors. We have proof of service of all our documents, they have all been acquiesced to multiple times. 6 Grand Juries with Presentments and True Bills, 5 Article III Amendment VII jury trials with verdicts. One governor, 2 US Senators, one House Rep. 89 Oregon Legislators convicted, the entire Judiciary and 36 Sheriffs without oath or honor and unfit for a position of trust. All signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service published at www,orsja.org We are at www.orsja.org and ready to help.
We are not affiliated with Anna, David Straight, T-ROH, and any current assembly groups not on Oregon. We are doing Oregon. You folks must do your other 32 states and 17 territories for yourselves, no one can do it for you, and you cannot do it alone.
What took us 5 years can be done lawfully with paper work completed in 21 days with 3 common law defaults and 30 days in the de facto. Then comes the hard part a Jury pool. Ours is several hundred people now. We called our first Grand Jury when we had 45.
Each state must do the work before we can Assemble in Congress as the several states and return to The United States of America's Constitutional republic and establish with the United States as a government service company that is not in color of law. As has been the case since March 1861 federally and November 8, 1910 on Oregon.
One of the key elements of the Billionaires Revolution is a massive program of world population reduction first clearly articulated by the Club of Rome and now being driven by Bill Gates, the WEF, the Rockefeller Foundation, etc. Their cockpit is Big Pharma, and they have fully captured the US military through gain-of-function bioweapons research, with the next big project the WHO pandemic treaty. Never forget that the goal of the US military is worldwide Full-Spectrum-Dominance. This is a license to attack anyone on the globe who in any way resists or interferes with the agenda of the Money Masters who control the US with Gates at the top of the heap. https://www.claritypress.com/product/our-country-then-and-now/
Mostly true, but Gates isn't at the top of the heap. He's 2nd level like Bloomberg, Steyer, Soros etc. Those guys are the front men, and if they screwed up bad they would be thrown under the bus as patsy's. The real leaders keep their names out of the media, they run things in secret. You won't see their names at the top of the Fortune 500, that isn't allowed. They are the Big Banking families, Rockefeller, Rothschild, etc. Old wealth whose power stems from their control of the money supply and their ability to create $trillions out of thin air.
This subject which many posit opinions toward, is quite "all encompassing." It concerns the world at large, correct? That's a given. Now, if we are "awake," we'll examine the theories of origin (who it is that is behind this genocide). Someone wrote in on one of these Substacks that listed the complicit, corrupt, conspiring agencies and their harmonized collaborative lies. It was a gem of a masterpiece! Astounding and true to the bone. It screamed out for a possible common denominator, which it MUST have, yet, how could so many previously "separate" entities all come together in such a fat hurry into such an orderly, military-style machine? It seemed to be paradoxical for that reason; almost impossible.
But reality is reality. We witnessed this, and so it is undeniable. And there seem to be no explanation for it. Money? Well, that's always motivational, but does it favor EVERY listed entity involved? Not by a long shot. How about population control so as to "save the planet"? I'm all for saving the planet myself, but by those means they've employed? God forbid! So what's left in our playbook? If only we could obtain THEIR playbook, we'd know the score. In the huddles known as the Bilderbergers, where the "elite" assemble to draft up stuff like this latest genocide campaign, we imagine how the "billionaires" imagine how they are the only ones to "save the planet" and commence attending to it.
But let's use common sense here. They might all agree, some more reluctantly than others, to such a Nazi-scheme as that, but that's just a small group of influential individuals putting forth their ideas toward achieving a "sustainable future." It's NOT the millions of business owners and otherwise influential people around the entire world, who have somehow choreographed this amazing dance they were induced to perform in the public theatre. It was a well propagandized campaign having in place already the movers and shakers they needed to direct and threaten. Now HOW IN THE WORLD can something like that be accomplished? That's the battleship question that has been floating inconspicuously in our midst for these four years; fully armored, battle-ready, and quite daunting to be faced without divine assistance.
So that's the backdrop. Now the focusing lens: If anyone suspects Satanic intervention, they've somehow missed the point here, yet are still on the correct path. Satan has a church here called Roman Catholicism, formerly the Roman Empire, now known as the Papacy. In that organization, a secret society exists. It is called by the benevolent name, "The Society of Jesus." But that's just a name. It is as far from Jesus Christ, as the East is from the West. The members of this brutal, society have all signed an oath in their own physical blood, to uphold the "mother church" at all costs and to any extreme, including murder, of course. It is called "The Extreme Oath of Induction to the Society of Jesuits," or something close to that. There, if you continue on with your own "inquisition" of the facts of historical and present happenings, you will most certainly find that this secret society is in total control of every country and every agency and institution in the world today! How can this be, one would ask. That's the difficult question at hand, but it does not negate the Truth that it is what it is! I'll probably be taken out of the way for saying these things, but I cannot keep silent when the masses are in the dark. My life is inconsequential. I'm worthless, and only in God's eyes is there any weight appropriated to my life.
Yours Truly will be elaborating on this ever-so-important "light" to shine in dark places, for the intention of getting folks to realize they've been duped, herded, and dumbed-down by a WEL-established, well-oiled Satanic machine hell-bent on their destruction, all in the guise of having concern for the sustain-a-bullness of the planet. God is NOT happy about it, and has dealt with it since the 16th century. The time is coming soon when His "Cup" will run over and the end will follow in much destruction.
God bless all who ponder this ever so important subject.
Agreed. Of course naming Gates makes the cabal more visible. And it was Gates who, according to WSJ, formed the "Good Club" to focus on population reduction. Other members were David Rockefeller, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner, and Oprah Winfrey! It was also Gates, with the WEF, who funded the meetings with the US military to game the COVID lockdowns as well as the lockdowns for the next "plandemic" that the WHO Treaty is getting ready for. Gates has also been a prime funder of vaccine development in Africa and who owns billions in Big Pharma stock.
I lost a job teaching business ethics in a Canadian University in 2013, and my course began with the Powell memorandum of 1971. It went on to examine loss of sovereignty from the trans-pacific partnership that was then at issue. My PhD was about medical whistleblowing being essential to combat the Hostile takeover bid by the billionaires using medical personnel as Frontline agents. Ahead of the curve, and unemployed as a result!
Sadly that's the new reality, forcing self-censorship on most of the population. That's why one of the objectives of their plandemic was to destroy SME's forcing everyone to work for big multi-nationals or the government, all of which they control.
Thats why most people never see the changes over time until it’s to late.
The frog in the pot of boiling water analogy we all have heard before.
We better jump out now before we get cooked.
Decades? Try hundreds, more likely thousands, of years, starting with the very first grain billionaires back at the beginning of what author Daniel Quinn referred to as "Totalitarian Agriculture" somewhere around 10000 B.C. David Icke calls it the Babylonian Brotherhood and other names. Bucky Fuller referred to them as the Great Pirates. For as long as great wealth has existed, its holders have had controlling power.
Breaking History Ep. 24: Assad and Putin Spill the Beans on Ugly Truths of Nazism
[Movie review] The Zone of Interest
This is An analogy of the situation in less than half a page.
We must do it ourselves. If I do not show up and do my job. There is a hole as no one can do it for me. We cannot do it alone. Are you getting the message? Sheriffs and Deputies! Cops and Councils! There is no quit!!! This is it life and death, now.
“They” are killing us and incarcerating us and the ones doing it to us are “us.” The vax rate includes a Grandson in the Oregon National Guard. He was vaxxed over his objections. My oldest daughter got Vaxxed, then surgery for blood clots destroyed her leg. Then she died of a heart attack
All the data seems to indicate the vaxx will kill everyone in 3 to five years. That is a lot of dead family and friends. Our de jure medicos are working for our peace, safety and happiness opposing Big Pharma. Eric Dover M.D. has provided tranches of information suitable as evidence https://drdovervsomb.weebly.com find COVID, easy.
The water is topping the dam; the spillway for the reservoir is over the top. There is no floodgate or emergency spillway for relief. The reservoir is huge, a giant shore line, coves, bays, inlets from creeks and rivers. Not that deep. At this level a small increase can put things over the top. A ripple will move water into the spillway.
When it goes over the top will it be with a sufficient number of men and women to overcome the 4th Reich on America? With their entrance that was provided to the Nazis, via Paperclip, courtesy of the United States Inc. of Washington District of Columbia post WWII, CIA with MK Ultra.
There really is an active conspiracy, the industrial/military/judicial/legislative/executive/banker/ BAR/royalist/Nazi/communist/jihadist/catholic /Khazarian/UN/[Georgia Guide stoneless] complex.
A solution is to obtain remedy thru Article III Amendment VII. It is guaranteed in written form.
The last meeting of the Confederation and perpetual Union was attended by one man. There has never been a quorum since. However, every time the Congress assembled for the several States the Members present from the several States of the United States and The United States of America met. Until South Carolina left the perpetual Union 1860 and ended when the United States closed sine die. March 1861.
So the closure date by abandonment/neglect/ignorance/intent was after Oregon’s statehood 1859 and the before the departure of South Carolina 1860. That was the last lawful United States government. Therefore and thereby the people in a Jural Assembly from those 33 States will return the United States to all of us lawfully to a Constitutional Republican form of government.
ARTICLE I Section 1; Ex parte Milligan; Civilian court; Grand Jury, Article III Amendment VII verdict = remedy on Oregon. www.orsja.org
Interesting and it could be true or close or not.
This is “the diversion that kept us from returning to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2023.This was lawfully done on Oregon last year 2022... One step at a time for the last 5 years. 1st Amendment Assembly, ARTICLE I Section 1 of Oregon's Constitution circa 1859 aka Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly the provisional government on Oregon, thru 6 (six) Grand Juries, 5 (five) Civilian Courts of record aka Article III Amendment VII of The United States of America's Constitution circa 1859, Oregon's well regulated 2nd amendment militia. We have notified the FEDS DOJ, FBI, USMS, USMC; notified-tried-convicted the de facto, color of law, incorporated, State of Oregon aka STATE OF OREGON, Salem oligarchy of judiciary, executive, legislative, 36 Sheriffs, 38 Prosecutors. We have proof of service of all our documents, they have all been acquiesced to multiple times. 6 Grand Juries with Presentments and True Bills, 5 Article III Amendment VII jury trials with verdicts. One governor, 2 US Senators, one House Rep. 89 Oregon Legislators convicted, the entire Judiciary and 36 Sheriffs without oath or honor and unfit for a position of trust. All signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service published at www,orsja.org We are at www.orsja.org and ready to help.
We are not affiliated with Anna, David Straight, T-ROH, and any current assembly groups not on Oregon. We are doing Oregon. You folks must do your other 32 states and 17 territories for yourselves, no one can do it for you, and you cannot do it alone.
What took us 5 years can be done lawfully with paper work completed in 21 days with 3 common law defaults and 30 days in the de facto. Then comes the hard part a Jury pool. Ours is several hundred people now. We called our first Grand Jury when we had 45.
Each state must do the work before we can Assemble in Congress as the several states and return to The United States of America's Constitutional republic and establish with the United States as a government service company that is not in color of law. As has been the case since March 1861 federally and November 8, 1910 on Oregon.
One of the key elements of the Billionaires Revolution is a massive program of world population reduction first clearly articulated by the Club of Rome and now being driven by Bill Gates, the WEF, the Rockefeller Foundation, etc. Their cockpit is Big Pharma, and they have fully captured the US military through gain-of-function bioweapons research, with the next big project the WHO pandemic treaty. Never forget that the goal of the US military is worldwide Full-Spectrum-Dominance. This is a license to attack anyone on the globe who in any way resists or interferes with the agenda of the Money Masters who control the US with Gates at the top of the heap. https://www.claritypress.com/product/our-country-then-and-now/
Mostly true, but Gates isn't at the top of the heap. He's 2nd level like Bloomberg, Steyer, Soros etc. Those guys are the front men, and if they screwed up bad they would be thrown under the bus as patsy's. The real leaders keep their names out of the media, they run things in secret. You won't see their names at the top of the Fortune 500, that isn't allowed. They are the Big Banking families, Rockefeller, Rothschild, etc. Old wealth whose power stems from their control of the money supply and their ability to create $trillions out of thin air.
Just what I was looking for. Many thanks!
This subject which many posit opinions toward, is quite "all encompassing." It concerns the world at large, correct? That's a given. Now, if we are "awake," we'll examine the theories of origin (who it is that is behind this genocide). Someone wrote in on one of these Substacks that listed the complicit, corrupt, conspiring agencies and their harmonized collaborative lies. It was a gem of a masterpiece! Astounding and true to the bone. It screamed out for a possible common denominator, which it MUST have, yet, how could so many previously "separate" entities all come together in such a fat hurry into such an orderly, military-style machine? It seemed to be paradoxical for that reason; almost impossible.
But reality is reality. We witnessed this, and so it is undeniable. And there seem to be no explanation for it. Money? Well, that's always motivational, but does it favor EVERY listed entity involved? Not by a long shot. How about population control so as to "save the planet"? I'm all for saving the planet myself, but by those means they've employed? God forbid! So what's left in our playbook? If only we could obtain THEIR playbook, we'd know the score. In the huddles known as the Bilderbergers, where the "elite" assemble to draft up stuff like this latest genocide campaign, we imagine how the "billionaires" imagine how they are the only ones to "save the planet" and commence attending to it.
But let's use common sense here. They might all agree, some more reluctantly than others, to such a Nazi-scheme as that, but that's just a small group of influential individuals putting forth their ideas toward achieving a "sustainable future." It's NOT the millions of business owners and otherwise influential people around the entire world, who have somehow choreographed this amazing dance they were induced to perform in the public theatre. It was a well propagandized campaign having in place already the movers and shakers they needed to direct and threaten. Now HOW IN THE WORLD can something like that be accomplished? That's the battleship question that has been floating inconspicuously in our midst for these four years; fully armored, battle-ready, and quite daunting to be faced without divine assistance.
So that's the backdrop. Now the focusing lens: If anyone suspects Satanic intervention, they've somehow missed the point here, yet are still on the correct path. Satan has a church here called Roman Catholicism, formerly the Roman Empire, now known as the Papacy. In that organization, a secret society exists. It is called by the benevolent name, "The Society of Jesus." But that's just a name. It is as far from Jesus Christ, as the East is from the West. The members of this brutal, society have all signed an oath in their own physical blood, to uphold the "mother church" at all costs and to any extreme, including murder, of course. It is called "The Extreme Oath of Induction to the Society of Jesuits," or something close to that. There, if you continue on with your own "inquisition" of the facts of historical and present happenings, you will most certainly find that this secret society is in total control of every country and every agency and institution in the world today! How can this be, one would ask. That's the difficult question at hand, but it does not negate the Truth that it is what it is! I'll probably be taken out of the way for saying these things, but I cannot keep silent when the masses are in the dark. My life is inconsequential. I'm worthless, and only in God's eyes is there any weight appropriated to my life.
Yours Truly will be elaborating on this ever-so-important "light" to shine in dark places, for the intention of getting folks to realize they've been duped, herded, and dumbed-down by a WEL-established, well-oiled Satanic machine hell-bent on their destruction, all in the guise of having concern for the sustain-a-bullness of the planet. God is NOT happy about it, and has dealt with it since the 16th century. The time is coming soon when His "Cup" will run over and the end will follow in much destruction.
God bless all who ponder this ever so important subject.
It's pretty straightforward, isn't it?
Agreed. Of course naming Gates makes the cabal more visible. And it was Gates who, according to WSJ, formed the "Good Club" to focus on population reduction. Other members were David Rockefeller, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner, and Oprah Winfrey! It was also Gates, with the WEF, who funded the meetings with the US military to game the COVID lockdowns as well as the lockdowns for the next "plandemic" that the WHO Treaty is getting ready for. Gates has also been a prime funder of vaccine development in Africa and who owns billions in Big Pharma stock.
On the Good Club, see my book. https://www.claritypress.com/product/our-country-then-and-now/
Looks like Shahid born and raised in Colorado, did murder a German citizen. That's not a good reference.
Is it true that Bolsen confessed to killing a German engineer?
Sounds factual. Wish for extensive footnotes for his sources, citing to eye witness verification or verbatim confessions.