We must thank BMGF for laying out the wily ways our governments avoid truly regulating emergency vaccines. Bill Gates wanted this information, and so do we.
Thanks for this. Excellent reporting. So what this all really boils down to is that if you stick poison in a person's arm and it goes red then the drug must be "working", that is, preventing you from getting seriously sick in a future that never comes. And if you get sick or die from the vaccine then correlation in not causation and you are imagining it. All of this without liability, of course. Well... if that is not a license to print money whilst injuring and killing random people with impunity, I cannot say what is. From now on - and for some time past - all of use have to tell everybody we know, weather they want to hear it or not, and regardless of their attitude to us for doing so, that they must NEVER TAKE ANOTHER VACCINE. That is what I am doing. Medical barbarism has to stop. Thanks for all your hard work on this.
And sadly today, I was discussing something with a remote friend who then told me that her entire family perished during covid -- her dad, mom and brother.
The Jacobson decision, which stated that society has a compelling interest in mandating vaccination, has to be overturned.
It has to be overturned in the first place because the caution in that decision against arbitrary and oppressive measures has been ignored, as evidence in the Buck v Bell decision that blessed forced sterilization and was based on Jacobson.
In the second place, we're facing a world of massive nano-scale technological advancement and the potential and real abuse of this and other technologies for commercial gain, and conflicts of interest too intertwined, subtle, and hidden for any assessments of potential harms by entities (such as the FDA) that may themselves be conflicted. It's a hopeless situation to determine which public health procedures can be legitimately mandated.
It serves the public interest that there must be no public health mandates by public or private entities. This is necessary to shield the public from abuses of medicines, to preserve individual sovereignty and the right to informed consent, as freedom means nothing if not freedom from state or other agents dictating personal health.
There's huge commercial gain to be had if new technologies can be used to surveil, monitor and manage individuals and groups. This commercial gain and the science used to justify it are in direct conflict with individual freedom, whose restriction no science or commercial gain can ever justify.
The PREP Act is a total sham & protects our corrupt gov't from any accountability or consequences . GOD's blessings to you Dr. Nass - our Creator is shining His/Her Light on you - protecting & guiding you to assist in helping mankind ...
As a stage 3 melanoma patient who has done a lot of reading about bad pharma, I have come to t he realization that most drug research is based solely upon what they can measure. Then they look for a compound that can move the needle and redefine the terms so that they can sell a drug while showing that it has some positive action. Meanwhile, they do not have a real clue about the thousands (tens, hundreds?) of factors that all interact in the human body and its immune system.
This might be a silly thing to say, but, it seems rather interesting, that they, Bill Gates and the FDA, and the rest of them, manipulate people to think just like them: "a pandemic is coming; a pandemic is coming". That way few people questions their health, nor do they question the cure, they just wait. The racket works because nobody is in the present, they are all in the future. This scheme is so clever. They have already made billions before any "potential virus".
The WEF's New World order are getting so brazen, they are likely to overstep the mark in experimenting with Human Health and the maximisation of illnesses that they play with in their attempts to increase wealth, influence and control of humanity! They will soon destroy humanity - taking the entire population with them!
Medicines, particularly mRNA invasive, uncontrolled, experimental injections must be subject to LIABILITY! it's common sense, and the only way we can control the insane 'Elite' sponsors of INSANITY!
Unjabbed Mick (Fighting to re-introduce LIABILITY into the insanely corrupt pharmaceutical world!)
I stopped getting flu shots many years ago, when I finally thought to ask why it was necessary to get a new shot every year. I was told, apparently without irony, that the vaccine Powers That Be basically just guessed what flavour of flu might be around in the Southern Hemisphere this winter, based on what flavour had been around in the Northern Hemisphere last winter and what that might or might not mutate into !! So the whole thing was a complete scam -- the shots were obviously untested for efficacy, because they were designed to protect against a virus that basically didn't exist yet -- or possibly ever. OK, so that was just something to laugh at, but nothing to get really upset about.
But NOW, the annual flu scam-shots are apparently going to be replaced by annual mRNA scam-shots, which makes the whole thing considerably more serious. Now the annual flu shot that so many people will still take is very likely to be not only ineffective but actually UNSAFE. And oh yes, it's all go in NZ -- the very University I used to be a part of (until I was chucked out for publishing this https://bit.ly/ElectrosmogPockett ) is apparently going to participate in local MANUFACTURE of mRNA shots -- for all sorts of things. The government we replaced Jacinda with turns out to be even worse than other AUKUS govts, in still touting COVID shots -- to children. And the long-term corruption of the bureaucracy, in terms of permitting the utterly unregulated expansion of EMF & pesticide pollution, among other things, appears to be expanding exponentially.
No matter how hard it is, we have to educate others in order to stop this mess. we also found politicians who would listen in the US. I know it is harder in NZ.
Do your best to explain why this is NOT a partisan issue.
But it IS a partisan issue, Meryl. That's the problem. MOST of the politicians currently in Parliament were there when the covid debacle happened and are still resistant to acknowledging -- even to themselves -- that it's bad and they're complicit. I thought I had the current Minister of Health for a while, but he turns out to be utterly useless. A complete coward, like most medics. Which is why I hoped that squashing the FSMB might help -- he has the power to appoint most of our Medical Council so knows about stuff like that. But like most of the ordinary people I know, he appears to be still completely resistant to the idea that the 'vaccines' were harmful -- or at least cowed into submission by his masters. My friends & neighbors all listened but ignored me when I told them not to do it beforehand. They actively banned me when they did and I didn't. And they still get mildly annoyed if I even bring the issue up. I THINK that's getting a bit better. But it's still the case that, like Donald Trump, they can't admit error, (let alone apologise). All right, enough whining. Kia kaha, e hoa.
They MADE it a partisan issue but it isn't a partisan issue. Regular people need to hear this. It is a saving humankind issue. Their job is to protect us from military attack and these darn things are foundationally military weapons. I know how hard it is. Talk to those who will listen. That is how we fought the WHO.
As difficult as Trump is, Karen Kingston credits Trump for breaking Pfizer's liability shield in documents that allows Kansas and 4 other states to file suit against Pfizer.
How disturbed do people have to be to not see that their policies are murdering people?
Follow the money: get the well-paid job, keep the well-paid job and/or don't lose that well-paid job. I think much of it, including the partisanship, is as banal and pathetic as that.
Yes Gogs, I think yr right. And the entire bureaucracy (which was significantly added to during covid) is mostly still in those well-paid jobs & surrounded by a woke culture. My question is what can I do about that? I keep telling the few good politicians now in Parliament that they need to restart our manufacturing industries (which were all off-shored in the 80s thanks to "free trade") so that all these useless bureaucratic eaters will have real jobs to go to when they're evicted from the "civil service". But nobody listens. So the too few bureaucrats they HAVE fired are all buggering off to someplace where they can get city jobs, while we continue to import far too many unskilled immigrants, who often don't even speak English, let alone live by the same ethics as Kiwis alway have done). Frustrated grunts, Gogs!
To be fair, anyone of note who goes off-message gets pilloried and could lose what they "need" to maintain their lifestyle etc. The MSM seem to be geared to pile on if anyone has a modicum of morality and makes a meaningful move. At the same time the powers that be and their media lackeys lose credibility by the day. I'm not generally a fan of Nigel Farage, but he's spoken truth about Russia, Ukraine and Nato and he's being roasted in the Sundays. I do believe immigration is being used very cynically for political purposes, with no intent to find an acceptable way forward. I know very little about NZ politics, but I do know that the Democrats in the US have repeatedly kicked the working and now middle classes in the teeth with NAFTA and insane immigration policies. Modern "centre-left" parties don't seem to like ordinary people!
We're probably getting too far off-topic for Meryl's substack, but (1) yes I strongly think you should vote for Farage -- Sunac is toast and Starmer is on record as preferring Davos to Westminster -- and (2) Modern "centre-left" parties are now openly Marxist, which means they literally want to destroy all of Western society (including a significant number of actual people), nominally as a precursor to "building back better" -- ie bringing in a totalitarian global government, run by them. The MSM all over the world are well paid lackeys of these globalists, and are trained to deploy a series of psy-ops developed by the US & UK "intelligence" agencies over the years to control and demoralise us-the-plebs. We literally ARE in the middle of WWIII, Gogs. More people have already been killed by mRNA shots than by bullets and gas in WWI. This war just looks slightly different. The only answer I have at the moment is to avoid the MSM altogether and get all my news from Twitter, now called X. Since Elon Musk bought it, X still quietly does a bit of censoring, but is basically the only source of intel about what's really happening.
I so agree. Many others are seeing this also. What once was a slow approach to a conversation of truth is now instant agreement on the nefariousness they are seeing and the dots they are connecting.
I have not had a flu shot for ages. I had to get a medical exemption and had to wear a mask during flu season. (they had to make me pay for not being compliant) The reason that the medical establishment started requiring the flu shot at work in the hospital system is because the administrators had to have 95% of the employees comply with flu vaccinations in order to be eligible for complete medicare/medicaid reimbursement. It was another one of those payola schemes.
Yes. I looked into this about 8 years ago. After Medicare forced the hospitals to require staff and patients to get vaxxed to maximize reimbursements, medicare dropped the requirements but the demands persisted. I have not looked into it lately.
It's such a grift/scam! Monsters like Bill Gates pay demons to stir their magic caldron to figure out which "disease" is next, then hire companies to make a "vaccine" for said "disease". Then, they twist the arms of governments world wide to contract with "vaccine" manufacturers to buy these "vaccines". A product that cannot be challenged in court because of the liability shield. Imagine if this was done with any other "product" on the planet. I know we point fingers at the governments a lot regarding this subject (and we should). But one can only imagine the false narrative that is sold to these governments to get them to buy up all of these "vaccines" and then, once that contract is signed, even if a government changes their mind and decides it wasn't a good choice, said government feels obligated to make sure all of these "vaccines" are shot into people's arms and not wasted. After all, they "bought" them without the consent of their populations with tax dollars that were stolen. I get physically ill when I think about this huge scam. Meanwhile, people like "Doktor" Bill Gates are laughing maniacally, smirking, licking their lips, and rubbing their hands together all the way to the bank.
Why is it that every "emergency" these medical monsters declare turns into nothingness? It's an excuse to poison the most people with gates's provided vaccines that are at best worth nothing and at worst very deadly.
Thanks for this. Excellent reporting. So what this all really boils down to is that if you stick poison in a person's arm and it goes red then the drug must be "working", that is, preventing you from getting seriously sick in a future that never comes. And if you get sick or die from the vaccine then correlation in not causation and you are imagining it. All of this without liability, of course. Well... if that is not a license to print money whilst injuring and killing random people with impunity, I cannot say what is. From now on - and for some time past - all of use have to tell everybody we know, weather they want to hear it or not, and regardless of their attitude to us for doing so, that they must NEVER TAKE ANOTHER VACCINE. That is what I am doing. Medical barbarism has to stop. Thanks for all your hard work on this.
Yes, Thanks for all your work.
And sadly today, I was discussing something with a remote friend who then told me that her entire family perished during covid -- her dad, mom and brother.
The Jacobson decision, which stated that society has a compelling interest in mandating vaccination, has to be overturned.
It has to be overturned in the first place because the caution in that decision against arbitrary and oppressive measures has been ignored, as evidence in the Buck v Bell decision that blessed forced sterilization and was based on Jacobson.
In the second place, we're facing a world of massive nano-scale technological advancement and the potential and real abuse of this and other technologies for commercial gain, and conflicts of interest too intertwined, subtle, and hidden for any assessments of potential harms by entities (such as the FDA) that may themselves be conflicted. It's a hopeless situation to determine which public health procedures can be legitimately mandated.
It serves the public interest that there must be no public health mandates by public or private entities. This is necessary to shield the public from abuses of medicines, to preserve individual sovereignty and the right to informed consent, as freedom means nothing if not freedom from state or other agents dictating personal health.
There's huge commercial gain to be had if new technologies can be used to surveil, monitor and manage individuals and groups. This commercial gain and the science used to justify it are in direct conflict with individual freedom, whose restriction no science or commercial gain can ever justify.
Excellent insight! Thank you.
Yes, excellent, thank you! Sharing it!
The PREP Act is a total sham & protects our corrupt gov't from any accountability or consequences . GOD's blessings to you Dr. Nass - our Creator is shining His/Her Light on you - protecting & guiding you to assist in helping mankind ...
As a stage 3 melanoma patient who has done a lot of reading about bad pharma, I have come to t he realization that most drug research is based solely upon what they can measure. Then they look for a compound that can move the needle and redefine the terms so that they can sell a drug while showing that it has some positive action. Meanwhile, they do not have a real clue about the thousands (tens, hundreds?) of factors that all interact in the human body and its immune system.
Thank you!
This might be a silly thing to say, but, it seems rather interesting, that they, Bill Gates and the FDA, and the rest of them, manipulate people to think just like them: "a pandemic is coming; a pandemic is coming". That way few people questions their health, nor do they question the cure, they just wait. The racket works because nobody is in the present, they are all in the future. This scheme is so clever. They have already made billions before any "potential virus".
The WEF's New World order are getting so brazen, they are likely to overstep the mark in experimenting with Human Health and the maximisation of illnesses that they play with in their attempts to increase wealth, influence and control of humanity! They will soon destroy humanity - taking the entire population with them!
Medicines, particularly mRNA invasive, uncontrolled, experimental injections must be subject to LIABILITY! it's common sense, and the only way we can control the insane 'Elite' sponsors of INSANITY!
Unjabbed Mick (Fighting to re-introduce LIABILITY into the insanely corrupt pharmaceutical world!)
Once again the plandemic marketeers use weasel words to obscure their evil intentions.
I stopped getting flu shots many years ago, when I finally thought to ask why it was necessary to get a new shot every year. I was told, apparently without irony, that the vaccine Powers That Be basically just guessed what flavour of flu might be around in the Southern Hemisphere this winter, based on what flavour had been around in the Northern Hemisphere last winter and what that might or might not mutate into !! So the whole thing was a complete scam -- the shots were obviously untested for efficacy, because they were designed to protect against a virus that basically didn't exist yet -- or possibly ever. OK, so that was just something to laugh at, but nothing to get really upset about.
But NOW, the annual flu scam-shots are apparently going to be replaced by annual mRNA scam-shots, which makes the whole thing considerably more serious. Now the annual flu shot that so many people will still take is very likely to be not only ineffective but actually UNSAFE. And oh yes, it's all go in NZ -- the very University I used to be a part of (until I was chucked out for publishing this https://bit.ly/ElectrosmogPockett ) is apparently going to participate in local MANUFACTURE of mRNA shots -- for all sorts of things. The government we replaced Jacinda with turns out to be even worse than other AUKUS govts, in still touting COVID shots -- to children. And the long-term corruption of the bureaucracy, in terms of permitting the utterly unregulated expansion of EMF & pesticide pollution, among other things, appears to be expanding exponentially.
No matter how hard it is, we have to educate others in order to stop this mess. we also found politicians who would listen in the US. I know it is harder in NZ.
Do your best to explain why this is NOT a partisan issue.
But it IS a partisan issue, Meryl. That's the problem. MOST of the politicians currently in Parliament were there when the covid debacle happened and are still resistant to acknowledging -- even to themselves -- that it's bad and they're complicit. I thought I had the current Minister of Health for a while, but he turns out to be utterly useless. A complete coward, like most medics. Which is why I hoped that squashing the FSMB might help -- he has the power to appoint most of our Medical Council so knows about stuff like that. But like most of the ordinary people I know, he appears to be still completely resistant to the idea that the 'vaccines' were harmful -- or at least cowed into submission by his masters. My friends & neighbors all listened but ignored me when I told them not to do it beforehand. They actively banned me when they did and I didn't. And they still get mildly annoyed if I even bring the issue up. I THINK that's getting a bit better. But it's still the case that, like Donald Trump, they can't admit error, (let alone apologise). All right, enough whining. Kia kaha, e hoa.
They MADE it a partisan issue but it isn't a partisan issue. Regular people need to hear this. It is a saving humankind issue. Their job is to protect us from military attack and these darn things are foundationally military weapons. I know how hard it is. Talk to those who will listen. That is how we fought the WHO.
As difficult as Trump is, Karen Kingston credits Trump for breaking Pfizer's liability shield in documents that allows Kansas and 4 other states to file suit against Pfizer.
How disturbed do people have to be to not see that their policies are murdering people?
Follow the money: get the well-paid job, keep the well-paid job and/or don't lose that well-paid job. I think much of it, including the partisanship, is as banal and pathetic as that.
Yes Gogs, I think yr right. And the entire bureaucracy (which was significantly added to during covid) is mostly still in those well-paid jobs & surrounded by a woke culture. My question is what can I do about that? I keep telling the few good politicians now in Parliament that they need to restart our manufacturing industries (which were all off-shored in the 80s thanks to "free trade") so that all these useless bureaucratic eaters will have real jobs to go to when they're evicted from the "civil service". But nobody listens. So the too few bureaucrats they HAVE fired are all buggering off to someplace where they can get city jobs, while we continue to import far too many unskilled immigrants, who often don't even speak English, let alone live by the same ethics as Kiwis alway have done). Frustrated grunts, Gogs!
The way to bring industry back is to impose tariffs--then the govt gets more money. Phrase it like that.
I don't understand. What do you mean?
To be fair, anyone of note who goes off-message gets pilloried and could lose what they "need" to maintain their lifestyle etc. The MSM seem to be geared to pile on if anyone has a modicum of morality and makes a meaningful move. At the same time the powers that be and their media lackeys lose credibility by the day. I'm not generally a fan of Nigel Farage, but he's spoken truth about Russia, Ukraine and Nato and he's being roasted in the Sundays. I do believe immigration is being used very cynically for political purposes, with no intent to find an acceptable way forward. I know very little about NZ politics, but I do know that the Democrats in the US have repeatedly kicked the working and now middle classes in the teeth with NAFTA and insane immigration policies. Modern "centre-left" parties don't seem to like ordinary people!
We're probably getting too far off-topic for Meryl's substack, but (1) yes I strongly think you should vote for Farage -- Sunac is toast and Starmer is on record as preferring Davos to Westminster -- and (2) Modern "centre-left" parties are now openly Marxist, which means they literally want to destroy all of Western society (including a significant number of actual people), nominally as a precursor to "building back better" -- ie bringing in a totalitarian global government, run by them. The MSM all over the world are well paid lackeys of these globalists, and are trained to deploy a series of psy-ops developed by the US & UK "intelligence" agencies over the years to control and demoralise us-the-plebs. We literally ARE in the middle of WWIII, Gogs. More people have already been killed by mRNA shots than by bullets and gas in WWI. This war just looks slightly different. The only answer I have at the moment is to avoid the MSM altogether and get all my news from Twitter, now called X. Since Elon Musk bought it, X still quietly does a bit of censoring, but is basically the only source of intel about what's really happening.
I so agree. Many others are seeing this also. What once was a slow approach to a conversation of truth is now instant agreement on the nefariousness they are seeing and the dots they are connecting.
Smile. Hope you're right Gayle. But no end in sight yet .... Keep speaking out. It's important.
I have not had a flu shot for ages. I had to get a medical exemption and had to wear a mask during flu season. (they had to make me pay for not being compliant) The reason that the medical establishment started requiring the flu shot at work in the hospital system is because the administrators had to have 95% of the employees comply with flu vaccinations in order to be eligible for complete medicare/medicaid reimbursement. It was another one of those payola schemes.
Yes. I looked into this about 8 years ago. After Medicare forced the hospitals to require staff and patients to get vaxxed to maximize reimbursements, medicare dropped the requirements but the demands persisted. I have not looked into it lately.
It's such a grift/scam! Monsters like Bill Gates pay demons to stir their magic caldron to figure out which "disease" is next, then hire companies to make a "vaccine" for said "disease". Then, they twist the arms of governments world wide to contract with "vaccine" manufacturers to buy these "vaccines". A product that cannot be challenged in court because of the liability shield. Imagine if this was done with any other "product" on the planet. I know we point fingers at the governments a lot regarding this subject (and we should). But one can only imagine the false narrative that is sold to these governments to get them to buy up all of these "vaccines" and then, once that contract is signed, even if a government changes their mind and decides it wasn't a good choice, said government feels obligated to make sure all of these "vaccines" are shot into people's arms and not wasted. After all, they "bought" them without the consent of their populations with tax dollars that were stolen. I get physically ill when I think about this huge scam. Meanwhile, people like "Doktor" Bill Gates are laughing maniacally, smirking, licking their lips, and rubbing their hands together all the way to the bank.
Thanks for reporting on these technical and regulatory developments (deceptions). Few people understand or bother to look.
Antibodies produced by vaccines = those directed against hypothetical antigens.
Hypothetical antigens ≠ real antigens.
∴ Antibodies produced by vaccines ≠ antibodies actually needed.
In immunology, it is currently believed that there are approximately 100 billion types of B cells = approximately 100 billion types of antibodies.
Even a layman can predict that antibody titer, which is the FDA's effectiveness marker ≠ actually effective antibody titer.
There's a special place for these people. 🔥
Yes, but that place is not here on this planet.
Contain a strain of Bird Flue Virus that could potentially cause a Pandemic.
You get it?
The Vaccines contain something that can cause a Pandemic.
They are saying the Vaccines can cause a Pandemic.
Great job. Thanks.
Sneaky motherf**kers...
Trust at this point is long dead & buried, now they're just shitting on the grave.
Why is it that every "emergency" these medical monsters declare turns into nothingness? It's an excuse to poison the most people with gates's provided vaccines that are at best worth nothing and at worst very deadly.