Good and encouraging note. She and Sasha have been doing excellent work getting to the root of these DoD led prototypes.

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We know who was accessing the records. Hunter and James Biden as they continue with the Money laundering enterprise

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Telling people elected to represent the people in places the vaccines were mandated that they've been local, state, and national accomplices to crimes against humanity and a silent genocide? Lead balloons and all that. If they're making lists and taking names, there's no better way to get yours on it.

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Agreed on that too. 99% of the accomplices had bad information, Mass Formation, or were still suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Some were incentivized by money, which is quite immoral, but our game is played that way in latter stage capitalism America. People believe it is fine to do what is necessary to feed their families, even if it is wrong otherwise. Most people compartmentalize and make lesser evil decisions. Some people believed the greater good justified the harms. A doctor in a healthcare system knows his diagnosis and treatment decisions are feeding a lot of families so he goes along. He is not a Luciferian for doing so. Enablers need to face their accountability but they are not as culpable as the drunks themselves.

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Jan 17, 2023·edited Jan 18, 2023

Sadly we seem to be completely surrounded by evil doers, and finding people whom we can trust ni that sea of evil will be difficult, and we still may be overwhelmed by them as we get closer to holding them up for what they are and holding them accountable for what they've done to us (and stopping what they plan to do to us). Still, we have to try. It's like the famous quote from a U.S. general whose troops were completely surrounded who, when asked about his situation, said something like, "I''ve got [the enemy] exactly where I want them."

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Jan 18, 2023·edited Jan 18, 2023

I think you mean they had the "enemy" exactly where they wanted them.

Unless he really wanted to file his nails.

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Oops! Thanks. Edited.

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trump had a brilliant strategy too ... operation warp speed.

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Oh, I think the "public officials" are mostly well out in front as they have been "educated" by big pharma in numerous ways. Who to even trust? There will be no justice served in prosecutions unless there are long, long prison terms and even a few well deserved deaths. Otherwise, the charade will march on and the only resistance will be to not participate.

I am not depending on trials to get much accomplished as they can go on and on and on and on. And those on the stand can just lie and lie and lie and lie. For an example, see fauci's last deposition. It amounts to a full 8 hours of "I Know Nothing and I Can't remember"...

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Thanks Meryl!

I'll try to find similar British 'pillars of society' over here, but imagine most will have already been bought or frightened to admit our crazy theories could be true! Vanity kicks in when humans are proven wrong!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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If you visit a normie official and tell her/him this is a Luciferian, Freemason, Kelergi, satanic depopulation plan they will call security. Try to lead them just past the Overton Window. Good educators expand minds by taking their students just a bit past their current awareness.

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So, What's your point? He was obviously misled by the likes of Fauci & Birx. Can you point a finger (if you must) at the responsible parties & join the group in 2023 trying to dig our country out of the massive grave already dug for us?

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His point is that Trump is complicit all this. He used his power to give us ventilators that killed and Warp Speed that killed and maimed millions. Some people were telling him it could take 5-12 years for the MRNA technologies to be ready. Why didn't he listen to them?

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