What these rich stinkers are really saying is "we want the world for ourselves and we don't want to share anything with the plebs". They forget one thing. There is few of them and lots of plebs, even if they murder lots of them

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As long as they have the guns and they take them from us....the few can imprison the many.

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If the ratio is something like one of them for every million of us, which it is, then we millions don't need guns, we only need to get together, and the few of their minions with guns, who are between them and us, will join us.

One can't imprison a million, no matter how many guns that one has.

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Guns may be a nonissue if they institute a CBDC and prohibit the purchase of ammunition...

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I suspect that becomes a hill too far. Many of us have put up with the government buying an excess of ammunition. But that excess is stocked somewhere; hopefully, very well guarded. Meanwhile, I suspect when the time arrives manufacturers will asses their customer base.

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Dane Wigington of geoengineeringwatch.org reported a few years back that Dept. of Homeland Security bought 7 hollow point bullets for every man, woman and child in the U.S. How do you suppose they intend to use them, and when?

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I'm not sure they were ever intended for use. I think they were purchased to reduce the availability of ammo to discourage gun owners. I suspect at some point they will show up as surplus. I can recall buying 45ACP ball ammo of WWII vintage, still quite serviceable stuff.

As I recall this stockpiling started with the Obama admin. And it was done for many agencies. Have no idea how much it cost to buy nor the ongoing storage costs.

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Hah hah-- sounds about right, someone gonna sell 'em to the gangstas.

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Who started DHS, who runs it?

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I'm glad that you're including those who've been connecting the dots for decades now. Global Research is a great source and I quote Engdahl in my book, How to Dismantle an Empire. Matt Ehret just posted on the Club of Rome also, which I found very enlightening. The history is so important. Here's the link: https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/the-club-of-rome-and-the-rise-of.

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Global Research is where I read early on that Dr. Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize winner, said that all the animals died in the mRNA trials. After that I avoided the jabs for me and my son. Michel Chossudovsky is a hero in my book.

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I'm so glad you brought up these eminent names! I first read about Dr. Luc Montagnier in The Real Anthony Fauci. What a brave person! and Michel Chossudovsky is definitely a hero for his own writing and what he's published. I think GR also publishes Michael Hudson, the geopolitical economist I most admire and quote in my book, How to Dismantle an Empire. His concept of the FIRE economy (finance, insurance, real estate) really made clear what predatory capitalism does.

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I've read essays by Michael Hudson on GlobalResearch and read there about his book "Killing the Host" although I haven't read it. He has researched ancient societies and their economies, and as I understand it he says that they all tend towards consolidation if debts are not forgiven in periodic debt "jubilees", which used to be common. The other way to discharge debt is with a war. That is what the perpetrators are doing now, no debt jubilees for them. I've never seen Hudson call whats going on a scamdemic or medical tyranny though, or call the mRNA shots toxic or intended for population reduction. So far I've been disappointed in him about that.

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Where I've found Hudson particularly useful lately is in explaining the geoeconomics around Russia and Ukraine and, most interestingly, Germany. He sees the neocon-NATO aggression and sabotage of Nordstream (by the US of course) as aimed at punishing Germany for its increasing trade and energy reliance on China-Russia. Lots of evidence, that I won't go into here.

I personally think that debt jubilees were used by the Hebrew kings to keep the game going and make sure ownership of the land always reverted to the original owner--making everyone else renters. Money's just a device to organize labor. Debt, when it's too large, would cause people to just walk away. That's what we're going through now when housing debt has been inflated as high as it can go. The gig is up so they need to take back the houses directly and make us all renters.

Thank you for subscribing, Tommy! I love your byline, "Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none." I'd amend to "trust yourself" and no one can disappoint you. They have their role and yours is to think for yourself--a role you seem to be doing well ;-)

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Yes, there were a RAND report about this: the Russian-Ukraine war was instigated just for the sake to lay down economy of Germany.

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"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none." from Shakespeare, All's Well That Ends Well 😀


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Thank you for posting this article. William Engdahl is incredible. Everyone should be reading his writings or watching his videos. You're the first person I've seen of influence that has mentioned him. He's been following the rockefellers since the early 70s when he first learned of how evil they are. He's written about how they started the GMOs, too, and how they helped create the Vietnam War so they could find oil in the region. It's hard to read this stuff because it's so evil. He's written about inclusive capitalism (which isn't so inclusive). It involves the pope and the catholic church, the rothschilds, the lovely (being facetious) hillary clinton (talk about evil), and many major corporations (including mastercard) that we all have very little choice but to use. The rabbit hole is so deep. It's unbelievable.

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Many of us have known this history for decades. What use is knowing it? We could not stop it, we were insulted for even mentioning it - "Oh shut up about your conspiracy theories, BORING!" was all I ever heard in reply to my efforts on Facebook and Twitter. Over and over I tried to warn everyone but T-U-M-B-L-E-W-E-E-D.

F. William Engldahl will generate similar disinterest and rejection. People don't want to know this stuff. They want to watch the effin Kardashians and celebrities being forced to eat bugs in the jungle.

Please excuse my rant.... but honestly, what do you think will happen as a result of this article?

It is an old story that NOBODY gives two hoots about.

The fact that it is absolutely true is irrelevant.

What matters now is figuring out how the fuck we are going to survive this ship of fools......

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I want to know this stuff. I am learning more of the background every day. I have been in the autism treatment/cause activism movement for over 15 yrs. the covid debacle has really catapulted my activism and awakened a lot of people who may have only had their toes in the water. but yes, I was already open-minded since the red-pill of accepting govt and corporate corruption (tip of the iceburg, I know); many are not. many will never have their mind cracked open. but there HAS been progress.

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Frances- many still in the dark ARE having their eyes opened. You are way ahead of the pack! Your frustration comes honestly- given the depth of your research, of course you're raging. I don't blame you one bit. I only learned about the 'The Black Nobility' and the City of London a month or so ago...thanks to you. I mean there is a great deal to learn/know. You have to admit we are being bludgeoned by information/misinformation/disinformation and bedazzled by the idiocy of pop culture. Unfortunately for people like you and so many others- redundancy is your burden!

I felt, as you now do, so beaten down during my activism in the 60's and 70's...how do we fix this? There were no answers, no solutions. We did not grab the levers, as Mario Savio suggested at Berkeley during the Free Speech movement.

Maybe we are, as Santayana suggested, 'doomed to repeat' until we get it right!

Keep at it, keep exposing, keep teaching- that is your calling and you are DAMNED good at it!

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Thanks so much for the encouragement Bonnie! Lone Skum is granting an 'amnesty' for those of us who were unjustly slung off all social media for writing about these matters and more. Will that cause a rush of truth? I will go back to Twitter because I had 12,000 followers there before I was axed but I expect to be distracted by 77th Brigade as before. Genuine people might be interested to read my Substack articles..... maybe.

We have got to try, whatever it costs. Can't stop now.

The only reason we are doomed to repeat history is because we have been lied to about it since Caxton started up his printing press.

I do not expect any sudden explosion of awareness even after all the obvious deception of the recent couple of years. Mainly because the vast majority really don't want to know. It has no relevance to them in their day to day existence - or so they think.

Maybe a supermarket devoid of food or the lights going out will whack them into reality?

Sadly it is too late for all those who have been killed or crippled by the hateful predator class who chose to deceive them.

Solutions? For me there are plenty, I write about them all the time. The most important being honesty.... let's have a tsunami of that.....

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Oooh look.....

Someone else calling for a tsunami of honesty! Well, what d'ya know?


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_Would you like to discuss potential solutions with me and others?

_If so, do you have ideas where to discuss? Comment sections don't seem to be ideal places for that.

_What about in a chatroom, or an etherpad, or a Google Doc? I think those would be good places to start, but the gist of the discussions there would need to be copied onto a website or something.

_We need to find local collaborators and organize locally, but online we can share ideas and encouragement for each other on ways to do that.

_I wrote a post along these lines a couple weeks ago at https://ilki.substack.com/p/censorship-and-sycophancy-solutions

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I do discuss solutions on my Substack articles but I am talking to the converted. I have been deplatformed since December 2020 from Twitter, Facebook and Discord.

Rejected for my truth and denied the opportunity to influence anyone because (according to someone unknown) I deal in misinformation and dangerous ideas!

I will read your article and comment there, thank you! xx

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I benefited much from it, Frances. I guess I must be catching up on reading, and education that I didn't get enough of.

No offense, but I and others who are unaware of these connections do give a hoot or three. If for no other reason than context , historical, factual context that helps bolster our resolve to find solutions to the present oppression.

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I am happy that you have found a succinct analysis but I am sure you appreciate that I was speaking as someone who has been trying to raise these issues in great alarm for decades. You may be catching the drift but millions don't even know there is a drift to catch.

My fault may be impatience perhaps..... the transition to sanity for humanity appears to require many lifetimes and I will have to continue with my wait in the next life because I am in the twilight of this one.

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Don't quit just yet, there is much to do. There are many to teach/de-program, and we need people like You , Dr Nass, and several others in this comment section who have the ability to do that.

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No worries, I have no intention of throwing in the towel... I am just getting old and this is the 55th year of activism, since 1967 (Vietnam War). It has been a slog and I have always been in the small minority of people who try to raise awareness. I get tired.... that is all. Thanks for your understanding and you will be most welcome to join the comments section on my articles. I look forward to seeing you there.

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Thank you for showing patience with me if I seemed argumentive or gruff.

If it's ok with you I would like to read your writings as well.

I'll try to pipe down if I have nothing worthwhile to add.

It appears that there is much to learn from you and others in this comment section, and I am appreciative of that.

In a very limited way I can relate to your frustration over trying to tell people the truth about factual information that they could benefit from if they paid attention.

There are so many in this society who have been propagandised, and as someone said earlier, disinformed and blinded by popular culture.

Thank you Frances.

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Support local economies and small local banks/credit unions. Start barter banks and local currencies, use cash. Meet privately in one another's garages, homes, in parks, out walking, etc. Avoid organizing electronically and duck the thought police, google, etc.

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Support small local banking and economies. Meet in like-minded people's homes. Start barter banks and local currencies. Use cash. Stay away from organizing on social media and online where you can be harmed by tptb. There are many thought leaders on this subject.

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In "The First Global Revolution,"[1991] published by The Council of the Club of Rome, an international elitist organization, the authors note that:

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine, and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention ...The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."


This current PLANdemic evil is part of their plan for a One World Death and Slavery System for All.

Please stand for truth now in whatever way you can.


Therefore take unto you the armour of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and to stand in all things perfect.

Ephesians 6:13

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thanks for this. was not aware of the MIT modelling behind Limits to Growth. Wonder if Neil Ferguson studied under those clowns.

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hi, nymusicdaily. The link I posted above (?) goes into a lot of depth on Niall Ferguson and his ties to all this. I'd been suspicious of him a decade ago, when he wrote the forward to a book called Dead Aid. I read it because I'm very critical of foreign aid but his alternative was a development investment model. He's a fishy scoundrel, imo.

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Hi Tereza i don't see your link but you're right, Ferguson is evil. He was the useful idiot who said that half the world was going to die of SARS. He was part of the mad cow scam and the swine flu scam https://brownstone.org/articles/the-deification-of-mathematical-modeling/

Appreciate your work!

:edited to include this one: https://www.aier.org/article/the-failure-of-imperial-college-modeling-is-far-worse-than-we-knew

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Here's the link again that I think you'll like: https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/the-club-of-rome-and-the-rise-of. It has a subheading on Neil Ferguson's Sleight of Hand (and you had the spelling of his name right, my mistake) which lists all the horrible predictions he made and talks about the Imperial College mathematic modeling and why it's so diabolical.

Thank you for the compliment! It's funny how once you start thinking about something, it seems like the universe responds. I'd just mentioned Matt's work in the YT video I made yesterday on Cogni-Covid Dissonance: https://youtu.be/dY43ztEAU68. I'm writing the text for the Substack version now, so I'll include the links for Meryl's article and to your informative links. Thanks so much!

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thanks for the link, great find, I had lost it!

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'Fishy scoundrel'!! Love it.

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The establishment NGOs mentioned in the article are not at all the environmental movement, they are a combo of philanthropism and co-optation and hubris. The zero carbon fanatics are indeed brainwashed by the astroturf orgs mentioned in the article, being used by profiteers and control freaks/fascists to further their agendas.

Real enviros and some aboriginal people have long understood you cannot simply address one aspect (e.g. greenhouse gas or population) and expect to fix more problems than you create, especially if you move quickly and without consultation. There are many real problems, as anyone who goes outdoors or observes the world can see including: loss of habitat and diversity, rising toxic load, regulatory capture, lower diet quality.

Social problems such as loss of freedom, disconnection from reality and community, loss of skills (including critical thinking), wars, are another issue. Where to start?

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Someone coined the term "philanthropaths" (Malone?)

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Another great piece of important information Meryl!

We suspected the WEF (NWO) farce had much earlier origins and knew Rockafella was a supposed founder of theories that are behind Adolf Schwab's lunacy.

This world take-over that intends us minions to become submissive Slaves will become unravelled because there are too many of us that know their sinister Plan.

To start - LIABILITY MUST BE REINTRODUCED for Pfizer et al and their POISONOUS depopulating Injections (amusingly called 'vaccines'), then the ridiculous LICENCE to KILL arrangement would allow Covid to become just another minor annual ailment (albeit Fauci enhanced) no more troublesome than Flu (UNTIL you manipulate the stats and add 'DIED WITH COVID' into the scare tactics!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Don't forget it's not just pfizer. There are many others - moderna, astra zeneca, johnson and johnson, etc. Also, kissinger worked for the rockefellers (as did many others - nixon, the bushes were also involved - William Engdahl wrote about that, too). kissinger enlisted schwab. They're all tied together. The same names keep repeating including gates.

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Tying loose ends, making connections... on several topics Glenn Beck does an amazing job, a natural teacher especially of things American.

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Incredibly informative! Thanks Dr. Nass!

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I had the experience of being spoken down to by Maurice Strong. I was at a joint government/industry discussion on moving forward gasification technology in Canada, it was being held in Ottawa and my recall is that it was either the late 1980's or Early 90s.

At lunch time on the second day of the conference the then lead bureaucrat of the Canadian Natural Resources Contingent announced that M Strong was in town and would like to address the assembled body of fossil fuel industry representatives.

I was sitting close to the stage and Strong who so obviously had a huge Napoleonic complex, (he could barely see over the top of the lectern), strutted on to the stage, preened himself and then proceeded to tell everyone present that they should walk away from fossil fuels.

It was not an address it was a dictatorial harangue complete with madly swivelling eyeballs and spittle being sprayed everywhere.

He was a bombastic little pillock, clearly technically ignorant, I'm sure that just like me the rest of the captive audience had to bite their tongues over the utter emotive garbage he was spouting. He left the room to a stoney silence.

A nasty, nasty manipulative little creep whom I hope is rotting in hell for eternity. I cannot see or hear his name without remembering his gross display of bullying, he so reminded me of the newsreel shots of Hitler addressing a crowd.

It was Strong's behaviour and the statement by the climate change cadre that "The science is settled" that opened my eyes.

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Thanks for the lovely vignette! Perhaps reincarnation is real after all?

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Thank you for this wonderfully illuminating memory!

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Thank you so much for sharing this, Dr Nass. I have subscribed to Global Research for some years now and, as a platform for some of the world's most solid researchers, experts, writers and thinkers (including yourself)- I have always been able to locate amazing background history and the mechanisms that brought us to where we are now; the personalities who play a role in exposing the truth and the names of those that must be exposed.

That these past two plus years and the actions by governments and corporations have been (to put it mild) brutal on humanity AND our natural environment (war and the preparations for war kill all living things, not just humans).

Offering your readers the broadest view of our current predicament is wise and helps us stitch the pieces of fascism, private theft of public belongings and depopulation into what it is- a human-made blanket of lies and deception.

Thank you for the work you do and the risks you've been willing to take!

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Cheers Deb! I'm up with many of the connections and how the evil Elite have colluded to rule the planet.

Did you hear, Gates is now investing (monopolising) drinking water?

He's already got his sticky little fingers into plastic meat replacing our steaks. Also the edible insect industry, as well as monopolising farmland around the USA!

He's got evil intentions and believes the world is vastly overpopulated. Joining the dots can be quite daunting so we have to change their agenda by extreme actions!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots!

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the thing about Gates that I cannot fathom is that he makes no secret about his views on over population yet he's all over the 'vaccines to save lives' nonsense. and all things fake & artificially fabricated will 'save the world'. he is in no way, shape or form any kind of 'expert' on health/medical issues yet he's the media darling (almost daily in the past two years) advice go-to on covid?? while REAL qualified scientists & medical experts are censored and vilified. the sheeple hang on his every word yet any actual doctor who questions the narrative is a bad, even dangerous person who should not practice medicine. boggles the mind.

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Club of rome is bad now? So is not let say strange that robert kennedy jr, Mercola, Russell Edward Brand (all "fighters" for the truth in the public eyes) are supporting and advertising vandana shiva, a member of it and her delusional activism? Asking for a friend, never received an answer from any mentioned above.

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I forgot...club of rome is not alone, it has some branches: club of budapest (with bunch of organizations all over the world and club of madrid. All for 'educating' the people for their own 'well being'.



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Thanks for these!

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It's amazing to me that RFK Jr. recognizes the corruption behind the COVID Plandemic but is blind to the same issues with Climate Change...

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I don't think he's blind exactly. What I do understand is he is a lifetime Democrat from a long line of prominent Democrats who is having to face some pretty crappy truths about his party AND the charade of 'climate change' .

He risks far more than most of us, considering his family history. Nobody shows up with all the answers. People in his age group (I include myself) have lived incredible lies unknowingly. And many of us are trying very hard to unpack them.

Mark Twain said something like 'people would rather be lied to than told they are being lied to".

Cognitive dissonance is a bitch! 😉

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"Cognitive dissonance is a bitch!"

Well said ~ 🎯

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For many of us- there is some discomfort regarding the players who are front and center currently- you mention a couple very prominent ones. RFKjr is, first and foremost, an environmentalist who got into the pandemic 'game' via his work on thimerasol (mercury) in water sources which led him to mercury in childhood vaccines and then to today's fight against these deadly killer shots. He may have to shake off this duality naturally, maybe even publicly. Who of us didn't think at one time human activities were destroying the environment? It may be that many of us are on a giant learning curve- I admit I am and I consider myself aware!

Don't know enough about Mercola or Shiva but can assure that, albeit 'entertaining' Russell Brand is a fanboy of Yuval HarirI- Heinz Schawb's pygmy Zionist henchman. I'll dig deeper on the other two but do force myself to understand that time does not stand still and we all have a great deal yet to learn. While some of these folks may have front row seats, they too are probably not on the 'big stage'- after all, they are all heavily censored.

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The thing with the environment was correct till a point and had the full agrement and understanding of the people. Now look where this is going, not against the producers of the chemicals, poisons, crimes, wars and damages all over the world, but against the ordinary people, the entire population of the world, because they need to freeze, to stay in dark, to not have money, to not have food, jobs, money, actualy to die in order to "save the planet". The non profit organizations are running the governments, they dictate what, where and how to do it. Why they didn' t do it against the corporations? Because they are not real, they are simply paid to feed the people with what they like and as propaganda while they do what they have to do for their shitty long dreamed nwo. They need our trust to stay still, not our fightings, so they have bunch of methods to gain it.

Did anyone see in these last years any of these "organizations" tied in chains, hand in hand or protesting against what is happening, about enslavement, tirrany and the control of the humanity?

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couldn't agree more! we've had decades to phase-out fossil fuels (or at least invest more in renewable) yet it was blocked by the uber-powerful oil/coal/chem industries. same with big ag & the clear-cutting of forests. those of us talking about environmental damage were labeled 'tree huggers' and anti-progress or anti-Capitalism. fast forward about 30 - 40 yrs and now the corporate oligarchs are swooping in to 'save the planet'?? sadly many cannot see beyond all the flowery words exalting 'greater good' and miss the whole 'YOU will eat bugs and not travel; WE will still have private jet and eat fillet because WE have all the answers and know what's best for everyone.' all along, the REAL culprit is industrial agriculture and concentration of wealth. you will NOT 'save the planet' by making MORE fake stuff and shoving humanity into increasingly smaller corners. seems so obvious to me but many do not take the time to look beyond the propaganda.

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I'm hanging onto the 'hope' that those people will get 'theirs'.

My motto these days: Sic semper tyrannis!

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I've read that the Club of Rome is bad. I don't know much about it but you've brought up an interesting point. What is going on here? Russell Brand has also interviewed Jeffrey Sachs as if he's a good guy, too and we know from reading Meryl's previous post that Jeffrey Sachs is basically a double agent (or controlled opposition) so to speak. I had thought that Vandana Shiva was for good but how is that possible if she is a member of the club of rome? So much of this doesn't make sense. Who is legitimately on the side of good, who is not doing valid, in depth research to learn the background of people they interview, and who is controlled opposition?

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Russell and harari yuval also enjoyed together speeches in front of young students, I've seen them some time ago, they are like budies.

I don't know what is happening, but some things are not quite right. I found out about vandana shiva 12 years ago, I have seen some of her videos and that's it, I remembered her because she was anti corporations, yeah, what a good thing to be one more. But 2 years ago, checking the stuff about club of rome, I sow her on the list of members and I was pretty shocked, I showed to my husband, showed him that dalai lama was there also and more many others. Than I started to ask questions on all the sites I could, that it came also after the country of sri lanka desaster, the people wii are promițînd ger are not talking about this at all, madame shiva being in the top of the list of the responsabiles. She hand on youtube a video where deh was so happy of ger achievement. In the meantime, club of rome changed their website interface and guess what, not so many members as before, not mentioning that vandana was through them. If you dig on internet, hardly you can find now something bad about her or connection with names involved in all is happening now, except UN. So i have seen these things and changes and nobody can make me belive that all of these front people are not used for keeping the public busy with ilusions or sleeping.

So...no answers for my questions. Was it so hard if everyone was honest?

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I support you and anyone else who QUESTIONS EVERYTHING! Being tricked/boondoggled/hoodwinked, etc. is part of the human condition.

Let's not forget who really owns the narrative today...here's my #1 question...who is censored and who is not? #2 Why?

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My question would be how we know for sure that someone is really really censored. Besides ordinary people who are captured in this game which is leading to control, fear, eradication of the rights and ministery of truth. Is an informational war going on.

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No it wasn't.

But you can save some time too, by just trusting your own moral compass. It seems to me it works perfectly fine. And yes I know from just this comment above I read.

Listen. ;-))

Being bad is not a parttime hobby. You are or you are not. It very sometimes is possible a bad person was actually good all the time. I leave this matter alone for now.

If someone or something cannot say anything out loud, or 'in the open'? It is not okay. Not know and not ever. Even if it acts really good most of the time. In my believe that makes them even worse than bad. In this category I made lots of misstakes during my life. But not long ago the last one I gave the benefit of the doubt to, has enourmously painfully showed me, and strangly It still suprises me like it should be impossible. He didn't show just a bit of evilness but the devil itself, and not just to me nor directly unfortunately, but to my young children.

In case of doubt next excercise will guide you away directly from bad people and do so very solidly.

Just imagine you ARE the person you want to know about if he of she is good or bad.

Ask yourself the question what you would do or would have done to prevent people thinking about you, the way you think of 'your' person: you don't know if he or she is good or bad.

By far most of the times you doubt someones moral, there is a strong reason for it, when true indeed tells you the person should not be trusted by you no more. Accept that consequence and act like it is painfull, not acting like it is is hell.

I cannot make the existence of harmfull people to you (and me too!) any better, but I really hope immensly that I reducted their time badly and harmfully influencing you, or just take your trust and time

By the way: is your name 'Pappilon' (frech for 'butterfly') the nickname of a brave headpersonage of the 30 year old (?)book with the same name? I think that is really cool actually!!!

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One thing I've learned is that the 'bad guys' love to own both sides of a narrative. The 'we had to burn down the village to save it' ditty from the American War (as the Vietnamese rightly call it) applies here.

The latest mind-scramble is the rampant accusations of 'controlled opposition'. Casting doubt is part of the program.

Each of us must practice due diligence, taking nothing for granted!

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Interesting that you say that Bonnie. Musk is exactly one that you're speaking of. It seems like many think he's a hero for opening up Twitter (for now - never trust him) yet he has Tesla working with a company that makes RNA technology company and Neurolink which is working with the WEF and quite creepy. He has asperger's syndrome and I wonder if that plays into his wanting to be a hero yet he's also an evil villain.

Under this link (I have not read the article) is a caption from the image on the top of the page:


"Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk presents a vaccine production device during a meeting September 2, 2020, in Berlin, Germany. Musk met with vaccine-maker CureVac, with which Tesla has a cooperation to build devices for producing RNA vaccines."

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Good questions all. I suspect the answers are than MOST people have woken up about some issues, but not about other issues.

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''BOMBSHELL: 'Veritas Documents Reveal DC Bureaucrats Had Evidence ''Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine'' Were Effective in Treating COVID'' — BUT HID THIS FROM PUBLIC''


1.) "Documents stored on a ''TOP SECRET'' folder on the computers of the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) prove that the medicines ''Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and Interferon were PROVEN “Curative” of COVID-19 in April, 2020'' – 'the cures were buried' as “Top Secret.”

and concluded:

"The revelation of these documents, sneakily stored in a TOP SECRET folder on government computers prove that the federal government of the United States KNEW in April, 2020, the entire “COVID-19 Pandemic” was completely curable through the use of these common medications..."

The proof is in provided in the January 10, 2022, Project Veritas video at


At time = 0:32, is displayed an unclassified DARPA document which states:

A.) SARS-CoV-2 is an American-created recombinant bat vaccine, or its precursor virus. It was created by an EcoHealth Alliance program at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), as suggested by the reporting surrounding the lab leak hypothesis. The details of this program have been concealed since the pandemic began. These details can be found in the EcoHealth Alliance proposal response to the DARPA(i) PREEMPT(ii) program Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) HR00118S0017, dated March 2018(iii) - a document not yet publicly disclosed.

And at time = 0:39:

B). SARS-CoV-2, hereafter referred to as SARSr-CoV-WIV, is a synthetic spike protein chimera engineered to attach to human ACE2 receptors and inserted into a recombinant bat SARSr-CoV backbone. It is likely a live vaccine not yet engineered to a more attenuated state that the program sought to create with its final version. It leaked and spread rapidly because it was aerosolized so it could effciently infect bats in caves, but it was not ready to infect bats yet, which is why it does not appear to infect bats. The reason the disease is so confusing is because it is less a virus than it is engineered spike proteins hitch-hiking a ride on a SARSr-CoV quasispecies swarm. The closer it is to the final live attenuated vaccine form, the more likely that it has been deattentuating since initial escape in August 2019.

''Ivermectin (identified as curative in April 2020) works throughout all phases of illness because it both inhibits viral replication and modulates the immune response. Of note, chloroquine phosphate (Hydroxychloriquine, identified April 2020 as curative) is identified in the proposal as a SARSr-CoV inhibitor, as is interferon (identified May 2020 as curative).''

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I have checked the following:

“Strong was also a director of the Temple of Understanding of the Lucifer Trust (aka Lucis Trust) housed at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York”

The Temple of Understanding has nothing to do with the Lucis Trust.

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Where did you find this info? I want to learn more.

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Me too!!!!!!

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having one's work published by an organisation that on november 27th 2022 publishes an article that states that births have gone down in australia in december 2021 by 63 %, is not that great a recommendation...

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Wow! Can you expand on this?

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that 63% turned out to be incorrect because the registration of birth has a lot of delay.

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So, what is the actual figure?

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i haven't seen it yet, but my guess would be a little higher for every month that passes, so around 20%

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Would love to see a graph or something more than your guess. No disrespect but these things are kind of important, don't you think?

Can you link me to the article you reference on Australia? Thank you!

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jessica rose wrote about it i believe

on edit ; searched jessica's substack could not find it there

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